Akon Lied About Criminal Past: The Smoking Gun

I don't care to judge people who just want to go to work and make a living.

Yeah. Just to buy groceries and put food on the table and whatnot. Akon is the same thing as an illegal immigrant worker; I was wrong to say he did something stupid :(.

All I am saying is that what AKON did is not new in the industry

No. You also said we can't blame him for that, implying that lying being the norm makes it okay, or the ends always justify the means; or that it was any less of an unintelligent move, even though disproving him would be and was easier than destroying your weak apologetic nonsense.
To be honest. If Akon lied about his criminal record cause the industry wanted him to, I would not blame him. I really don't see what the fuss is about anyway. So what if Akon exaggerate his criminal record. I hear our govt lie every single day and nobody is jumping off a cliff over it. The media lie, everybody lies. And if anybody comes into this thread and say they never lie then they must be an angel walking this earth. Why are you tripping over akons little white lie?
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To be honest. If Akon lied avout his criminal record cause the industry wanted him to, I would not blame him.

Why do you feel that way, Datsmay? Is it because other people lie too?

No, no. I don't want to stereotype you. I'm sure you wouldn't use something that lame to back up your argument.

I really don't see what the fuss is avbout anyway.

Apparently Akon disagrees and thought it was important :(.

But anyway, I'm just relieved that you're not going to pull the "_____ lies too; everybody lies" stuff again.

So what if Akon exaggerate his criminal record.

Oh, no. Are we about to get to it? I think I feel it coming on...


I hear our govt lie every single day and nobody is jumping off a cliff over it. The media lie, everybody lies.


And if anybody comes into this thread and say they never lie then they must be an angel walking this earth. Why are you tripping over akons little white lie?

Anyway, I am finished with this discussion cause I don't see the point of it. Akon exaggerated his criminal record and the moralists are on the rampage. End of story.
Nuh uh. I think it's kinda funny. Stupid, but funny. You can't blame me for that, right? ;)

i could. lol...

this moralist rampage would be ok if it weren't based on whether or not a person likes the artist or not. you say you don't care, but you keep going on about it.:D

this moralist rampage would be ok if it weren't based on whether or not a person likes the artist or not

The hell does that even mean? Are you just assuming now that I dislike Akon as an artist? 'Cause that'd make you look like a presumptous fool.
The music indiusrty usually take in people who are innocently looking for an opportunity to showcase their art. Only once they are in they find that they have to abide by certain rules. There is pr stuff to contend with.
When Joseph took his 5 kids to Motown, all he wanted them to do was to show the world what they were capable of. What they had to do was to reduce their age and lie about the person who introduced them to Motown. Who knows how many other lies they told. They did as they were told, cause it was PR.
It is how the industry has always run itself. It is a pr machine. They have an mage to sell and money to make. Akon had a criminal record and they told him to exaggerate it and he did. No different from what the jacksons did in the 70's.
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I still stick that Akon was a fool if he thought we'd believe his shtick. He still lied his way to the top so it won't affect him but to lie about being convicted for three years for some supposed car theft when you really didn't do it is just low.

But oh well, y'all just focus on his single with Mike. ;)
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I still stick that Akon was a fool if he thought we'd believe his schtick. He still lied his way to the top so it won't affect him but to lie about being convicted of a car theft sting when you really didn't do it is just low.

But oh well, y'all just focus on his single with Mike. ;)
I am reading that he did do the car theft but only spent months instead of years.
I am reading that he did do the car theft but only spent months instead of years.

Ok, correcting myself there, but it was actually because cops thought he had stolen a car but it was proven to be his but he still had to serve time, I forgot for what though, until cops agreed to drop the charges. And he WAS convicted once of gun possession but he only got probation.

And during the time he supposedly served in jail, he got some college student pregnant.
But this is prevalent in hip-hop cases, people worry that they won't be taken seriously as an artist if they don't talk about a rough upbringing that they probably never experienced. So Akon's case isn't really that unique, but he had brought in this sense that what he was saying had in fact happened.
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The hell does that even mean? Are you just assuming now that I dislike Akon as an artist? 'Cause that'd make you look like a presumptous fool.

well..do you? nevermind...i know that's a derogatory question. lighten up, dude....can't you tell i'm havin fun?:lol:
well..do you?

Neither like or dislike. I have two of his songs on my iPod. Three if you count the WBSS cover.

lighten up, dude....can't you tell i'm havin fun?:lol:

Your statement about me calling Akon's actions dumb because I dislike him as an artist wouldn't really come off as just having fun to most people, but rather a serious opinion. And an incorrect one ;).
What an idiot. Why claim that you served time that you didn't actually serve at all? Dumbass. :no:
What an idiot. Why claim that you served time that you didn't actually serve at all? Dumbass. :no:
It isn't dump if that was the only way he could get a record deal. In fact it was very wise cause he got to make his name in the industry., Much better than selling drugs to young people in street corners or shooting out corner shops.
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It isn't dump if that was the only way he could get a record deal. In fact it was very wise cause he got to make his name in the industry., Much better than selling drugs to young people in street corners or shooting out corner shops.

A crime is a crime, he lied about being a ringleader of a car theft sting plus he lied about how many years he spent, when it wasn't even years. It's sad you build your career saying you survive a three-year bid in jail when it was only months and it's proven you're an habitual probationer.
So he wanted to be a criminal? I'm sorry, but I don't understand that, why would someone want to be put in jail? :unsure:

Ask Eazy E, lol. In gangsta rap being "hard" or having a "rep" is considered being "real". That's what happened to Tupac and many others. Puff Daddy, 50 Cent and many others started out as drug dealers. That's why people like the Fresh Prince (Will Smith) isn't taken seriously in the hip hop field and considered "pop". I've personally seen people bragging about being in jail. It's a odd mindset to me.
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Ask Eazy E, lol. In gangsta rap being "hard" or having a "rep" is considered being "real". That's what happened to Tupac and many others. Puff Daddy, 50 Cent and many others started out as drug dealers. That's why people like the Fresh Prince (Will Smith) isn't taken seriously in the hip hop field and considered "pop".

That's completely mental. :ph34r: :wacko: :wacko:
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That's completely mental. :ph34r: :wacko: :wacko:

That's the way it goes. Also a lot of people in the "hood" think that if you like school and don't drop out or talk proper english, then you're not "real" and you're a "sellout." As far as being in jail, it depends on what you did, not just getting arrested in itself. That's why I said to Datsy that MJ's arrest doesn't give him "street cred", just like Paris Hilton doesn't get any for being arrested.
It's sad you build your career saying you survive a three-year bid in jail when it was only months and it's proven you're an habitual probationer.
it's even sadder (for whatever reason) that the hip-hop community/industry/audience still feel that jail time = official marketing plus.

those overwhelmingly pretentious listeners need a good slap and a switch of channels and all the fake gangsta contributing artists need to have their arses farrakhanised for this dumb sh!t. it's not even art or poetry.

people preach for troubled youths to escape the ghetto and yet they're the same folk perpetuating criminal elements for them to keep listening to. dumb.
it's even sadder (for whatever reason) that the hip-hop community/industry/audience still feel that jail time = official marketing plus.

those overwhelmingly pretentious listeners need a good slap and a switch of channels and all the fake gangsta contributing artists need to have their arses farrakhanised for this dumb sh!t. it's not even art or poetry.

people preach for troubled youths to escape the ghetto and yet they're the same folk perpetuating criminal elements for them to keep listening to. dumb.
It's not just a marketing gimmick though, a lot of people were shot, got jail sentences, or killed during that East Coast/West Coast thing in the 1990s. Some were really in gangs, although many are what they call "studio gangstas". But it's not that new. The Rat Pack were mafia run, actually a lot of old Hollywood movie business and music business were run by the mob. In country music you had the "Outlaws" like Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, and Willie Nelson. Or look at James Brown.
It isn't dump if that was the only way he could get a record deal. In fact it was very wise cause he got to make his name in the industry., Much better than selling drugs to young people in street corners or shooting out corner shops.

indeed. many of us can seperate fiction and reality, i hope. the beat goes on..and this argument is as senseless as trying to browbeat people who like marilyn manson for tearing up Bibles. money is being made....and, if anybody tries to cross over the line based on all this showboating..well, it's definitely their problem.
It's not just a marketing gimmick though, a lot of people were shot, got jail sentences, or killed during that East Coast/West Coast thing in the 1990s. Some were really in gangs, although many are what they call "studio gangstas". But it's not that new. The Rat Pack were mafia run, actually a lot of old Hollywood movie business and music business were run by the mob. In country music you had the "Outlaws" like Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, and Willie Nelson. Or look at James Brown.
This is what I am trying to say in these posts that the music and entertainment business has never been clean. Drugs, sex and blackmail theft and fraud are all part and parcel of the entertainment industry. The Jackson children were protected because they had their father to protect them and many of them feared Joseph. Also, Michael was into religion, but we have seen and heard the effect of the industry on many young innocent lives. It has always been like that.
It's not just a marketing gimmick though, a lot of people were shot, got jail sentences, or killed during that East Coast/West Coast thing in the 1990s. Some were really in gangs, although many are what they call "studio gangstas".
i didn't say it was a gimmick and of course there are those who lived the 'thug life' - they started this art of Hip-Hop through poetry and story-telling of struggles and lessons in ghetto life.

i said it's seen as a marketing plus. the overwhelming majority of the mainstream Hip-Hop audience are not gangsters nor have they been in jail. the fact that artists needs to boast about a non-existent criminal record proves my point.

and by the way, there are very respectable and respected Hip-Hop artists who do not need to bring in gangsta life into their craft. whether it's purely socially-aware MCs (ATCQ, De La Soul, Common) or a mixture of both (a la Tupac and Biggie - who are great artists in every sense of the word), Hip-Hop still has a strong backbone of decent material. but it's this pretentious crap that needs to be erased.