ABC reports: MJ fans protest new MJ album

On Thursday 16th December 2010, @wingheart said:

I find the "concept" that this album (created without his final approval) needs to make
it to number one for his legacy, very disturbing, immature and selfish

if you have a logic like this it will mean that you approve nothing to be released after a person's death as they are not here to oversee it.

To me this tweet was more interesting

Karen Faye
@Magsy117 I appreciate Michael's fans who actually stand up and take action, not the ones who sit on the fence and complain on twitter.

Doesn't this "sit on the fence and complain on twitter" applies to Jackson's as well, at least in regards for the album?
Ah Karen bless her heart but she sometimes doesn't really think through before she speaks.
I've been a loyal Michael Jackson fan/defender all my life and its always been a roller coaster ride, but this situation is just so sad and heart-breaking..I've been hoping that NO ONE would touch any of the KING's unfinished songs, that Sony/Estate would release ONLY that material Michael finished himself and was about to release, but..
Now that the album has been released, the best we as fans can do is hope that it will do good for Michael's legacy... I am watching things quitely, praying very, very hard that everything turns out well for our beloved and for his reputation as the King of Pop, however if I must take a side between a 'Protest' and a 'Support' campaign, I'd very, very sadly and with a broken, crying heart join the protesters. No one, absolutely NO ONE has the right to work on Mike's unfinished stuff and present it as "his" creation! It is neither fair to him, nor to the spirit of music or the fans!
Please guide us to the right path Michael, this all is turning out so you and miss you every moment...
There's one thing I can't really understand. Some fans say they won't buy anything the Estate is promoting because the administrators are making money from it. But when Michael was still here Bain or Tohme or any other manager was taking 15% of his earnings and it's more than Branca and McClain combined. And in my opinion B&M are doing much better job than Bain or Tohme. So where's the logic?

appereantly the will is fake and family and makeup artists, instead of longtime producers, knows whats up.


it's sad that there are people who really believe this. Especially the make up artist became a guru for some fans
Now that the album has been released, the best we as fans can do is hope that it will do good for Michael's legacy... I am watching things quitely, praying very, very hard that everything turns out well for our beloved and for his reputation as the King of Pop, however if I must take a side between a 'Protest' and a 'Support' campaign, I'd very, very sadly and with a broken, crying heart join the protesters. No one, absolutely NO ONE has the right to work on Mike's unfinished stuff and present it as "his" creation! It is neither fair to him, nor to the spirit of music or the fans!
Please guide us to the right path Michael, this all is turning out so you and miss you every moment...

Thank you for this post. Your heartfelt comments made me for the first time really think about this issue. Before I was basically indifferent to the controversy. I like what I like. Don't like BN because of the song itself and content, not whether or not it was Michael "completely" or not. But your "his" creation put it all better in focus for me. And yet, my conclusion on what side I would join is different from yours. Because Michael's final creations were never "exclusively" his creation. It was his voice, his versatality, writing abilities, and his magic that made his work uniquely superior, but the final song product was always a result of collaborators, producers, musicians, background singers, a team.

When you hear MJ sing alcapello, beatboxing, adding instruments vocally, being all parts of a song he is in the midst of composing, you are reminded of his extraordinary gifts. But to become a commercially viable song, it needed the added skills of actual music, producers, etc.

I side with infuriated fans if it is not MJ at ALL singing the questionable tracks and that Sony is pulling a fast one. But then, I'd have to believe that the Cascios are complete liars, and while it is difficult to believe in the complete veracity of any of the people in MJ's orbit, I don't believe the Cascios are lying here. They've had more than ample opportunity to cash in on their relationship with MJ in the past. Can't see why they'd choose to do so now.

I like this album, and am glad I have it as part of my collection.
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I wish they would have never ever included any of the Cascio tracks if there were so many people with doubts among them. If they have any "scientific prove", they don't show it and if they say it's MJ, then why are there still at least half the fan base so divided? :no:

They could have used other wonderful songs, such as BG, DYKWYCA?, STTR, Xcape, etc. But no. In fact, they could have at least stared with other track of the album, but no, they went for BN :no:

Really... all this mess could have been avoid quite easily. I am sure die hard fans would have been more than happy to buy the Cascio tracks in some deluxe edition as extras, explaining they were really not very good, or unfinished, or really demos created by Michael but sang by any other person, with a few vocals of Michael.... and the Cascios will still receive the money they want for those tracks.

I really don't get it :no: I wish he had only his real demos, just as he left them. In my opinion, the final version of AD is quite slow and not as powerful as the one that leaked early this year, for instance. Yet, I would have rather them to use that song instead of BN. What's the use in that??
They should totally boycott Sony like Michael asked us to do in 2002," said De Gosson. Sony says "Michael" is the first release of Michael Jackson material in nine years, an album these fans hope doesn't become a big money-maker.
Who needs fans when you peeps like them.
Michael had moved on and so should she. This is not 2002. The Sony without Motolla is the one Michael got back in the fold with.
Thriller 25 didn't come out of nowhere.
To say they want the album to fail is travesty to supporting the artiste they professed to love. They're just short saying they want Michael's estate to lose the ATV/Sony catalog. Their fandom is suspect.
When the album sells, Sony is not the only money maker in this equation. Micheal's estate, his kids and his administration would also stand to gain.
Why are people tripping off the MJ fans protesting the album? If I could do something about it I would protest to. Its wrong what the Estate and the producers have done in making the album as well as presenting it. The fans are within good reason. Some of the tracks on the album are not Michael. So why should they not protest? They feel strongly about the legacy of Michael and truth. Its not about embrassing Michael its about standing up for what is right. But most of yall are to brainwashed by and easily accept any little thing given to you instead of digging down for the truth, sad... poor Michael.
I don't know why people come to a FORUM and reply to stuff without reading what is actually going on. It astounds me.
I respect all kind of protects, but my personal protest against Sony is not buying the album.
I don't know why people come to a FORUM and reply to stuff without reading what is actually going on. It astounds me.

umm U mean Karen Faye's herd !

they are like sheep they just follow what she tells them !

Support they drugged family memebers they do ,,,,sell MJ tomb pictures, they do,,,,Hate Diana Ross , they do ,,,,, believe LMP they do,,,, do not watch TII, they do ,,,Go out against the album they do , do not buy the album , they do ,,,, believe that MJ is a drug addict ,they do ,make bolgs against the Estate, they do,,,what a lovely bunch of sheep they are !

they worship her ! One day when someone gives her some $$$ to shut up , she will leave them and they will start to fight each other ! SMH