ABC reports: MJ fans protest new MJ album

With the Estate unable to put albums out there because of the sabotaging and distributors not wanting to relate to MJ anymore... in few years the estate might dissolute and others will pick up what's left.

Mike kids might lose the Estate... all Mike struggled all those hard years will vanish....

Because egos are huge and inflated, and people do not see in the long run, they look in short run and they are angry.... That's all that matters.

Not to mention the trial and Murray... is as if folks are forgetting the REAL issue here..... The real thing and justice we need to conserve energy and fight for. :no:

This album is doomed and it's now too late to stop it...

But at least to try to be quiet for a while about this and let this die down.... Maybe the next one will have more chances....
But if we continue, every MJ new music getting out will be doomed no matter what. The only word that would stick to every project is 'fake' and this will get imprinted in the subconscious of the public, even without any scandal many would think that maybe this is fake too...
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Here's the way I look at it. This is not for argumentative purposes, just to tell my side of the story.

Michael Jackson was living at the Cascio's house for 4 months. He obviously played a huge role in the writing of these songs (MJ's writing style is so easy to tell). I don't think anyone debates that Michael mostly wrote these songs. So if Cascio and him wrote these songs together...then it is logical to assume that some/all of the songs were recorded to some degree. It's non-logical to think "MJ spent 4 months in a house with a music producer and a recording studio around a time when he was known to be making new music, and did not sing one note into the microphone. It's simply ridiculous to think that they hired Jason Malachi or some other impersonator to come and sing 12 songs. That goes against all logic.

On the other hand... it makes much more sense to think that Michael recorded these songs to a limited degree and failed to finish them. Different parts of the songs were not complete and needed major tweaking. Teddy Riley has said he had to change the vibrato of MJ's voice to match up with some of the new compositions. The studio was in a basement with conditions that were not normal for regular studios that we are used to hearing MJ record in. And finally, Cascio is not a regular producer and would likely be considered B class opposed to the A style producers MJ has always worked with.

Logic would tell anyone that MJ is singing in these songs. Until substantial evidence is presented to the contrary, it will remain my belief that Keep Your Head Up, Monster, and Breaking News are Michael Jackson singing...Just in very different circumstances then we are used to. If I'm proved wrong in the future then so be it. But until then, this is my opinion.

Very well put. My beliefs, exactly.

And to beat a dead horse by adding to this....It is also ILLOGICAL to think that so many people would conspire to sell fake MJ song when so many other real songs exist.

These are really good songs that T.Riley salvaged from probably weak, first-team vocals and instead of letting the rot, he made them usable and created good music from MJ for us to enjoy.

I really, truly have a difficult time believing so many people conspired to sell fake songs of the late Michael Jackson. It doesn't add up.
Here's the way I look at it. This is not for argumentative purposes, just to tell my side of the story.

Michael Jackson was living at the Cascio's house for 4 months. He obviously played a huge role in the writing of these songs (MJ's writing style is so easy to tell). I don't think anyone debates that Michael mostly wrote these songs. So if Cascio and him wrote these songs together...then it is logical to assume that some/all of the songs were recorded to some degree. It's non-logical to think "MJ spent 4 months in a house with a music producer and a recording studio around a time when he was known to be making new music, and did not sing one note into the microphone. It's simply ridiculous to think that they hired Jason Malachi or some other impersonator to come and sing 12 songs. That goes against all logic.

On the other hand... it makes much more sense to think that Michael recorded these songs to a limited degree and failed to finish them. Different parts of the songs were not complete and needed major tweaking. Teddy Riley has said he had to change the vibrato of MJ's voice to match up with some of the new compositions. The studio was in a basement with conditions that were not normal for regular studios that we are used to hearing MJ record in. And finally, Cascio is not a regular producer and would likely be considered B class opposed to the A style producers MJ has always worked with.

Logic would tell anyone that MJ is singing in these songs. Until substantial evidence is presented to the contrary, it will remain my belief that Keep Your Head Up, Monster, and Breaking News are Michael Jackson singing...Just in very different circumstances then we are used to. If I'm proved wrong in the future then so be it. But until then, this is my opinion.

Great post and agree 100%
This saddens me to no end. The hurt of him being gone has multiplied like never before. I can't believe this is happening. This record is doomed, doomed because some crazy fans who have ruined its chances for any success. I doubt there will be any more singles or anything else.

I hope you people are very proud of yourselves. You have ruined Michael's name. Ruined it!

Don't be crying when the estate is forced to sell Michael's Sony catalogue to Sony. Because that is what is going to happen.

You disgust me. You are not Michael Jackson fans. You call yourselves passionate about Michael when you have no proof! none! zero, zilch.

And because of this and judging these songs without any proof, Michael is doomed, he will be forgotten period. We won't be getting anything anymore.

Michael was judged all his life and ppl never had any proof - they didn't know him at all yet they "just knew" he was weird, and villified to no end.

Well, you people are doing the same thing to these songs. You have absolutely no proof, except "I believe, I think, down deep in my heart, I am passionate", etc, etc. What is that? Is that emperical evidence, is that real proof, NO! it is rubbish, that's what it is. RUBBISH! You are judging these songs like all the media and all those haters judged Michael!

I am sure those haters are sooooo happy at this moment. They love what is happening and they have you to thank for this album failure. They are thanking you right now. Because nothing can give them more pleasure than seeing Michael fail.

AND LET ME BE THE FIRST TO THANK YOU- ALL of YOU "passionate" fans (and they include the ones that think the 3 songs are fake) for ruining Michael's name and legacy. I hope you are proud of yourselves.

Michael doesn't deserve this- he just doesn't, MY GOD!
Just wait for Cirque du Soleil, fans will protest that too.

From now on, there is no more new MJ stuff, all fans, just go back to what you already have, lets close down all MJ forums, what's the point really when there will never be anything new to talk about? Stick to buy the anniversery albums for Off The Wall, Bad and Dangerous every ten years, watch out for any tracks that are touched after june 09 that is, oh wait, you can always download them...

How depressing, and in a month we have Murray on his high horse. Wonderful, and way to go everyone involved who are destroying this album!
I am very passionate about this as well but you don't see me making protests on this Album. Yes, I do NOT agree with "questionable" tracks ending up on the album however who was in charge of the track listing and you can go from there. I say blame the "Person" or "People" on the track listing and then wait for Damage Control.

Honestly, I as a fan like the songs on the album. "Do I support the album"? YES! Do I support the Cascio tracks "Not at this time" so "NO". I am sure some of us can go on and on about the album and what they "Should" have done but it's too late for that now, It's already out and in stores and consumers hands. It's very simple, Buy it or DON'T buy the album. If you "THINK" it's not Mike and want to protect his legacy then you have every right not to buy it and voice your opinion but this is getting out of hand I think.

These Fans are NOT protesting Sony over the 3 Tracks
they were boycotting SONY long before those tracks were even mentioned
Its Just just more ammunition for them now. They are Boycotting becuase
according to them .... conspiracy abounds

Sony and AEG set MJ up for murder
Dr Murray is their Hit Man
John Branca is in on it to steal the catolog
Michael hated Sony
Prroof is from his PAST 2002 beef with Tommy Matolla
Michael said he would never work with Sony again (even though he was)
Sony is only in it to make money (LOL and Duh!)
Michael wouldnt want any new songs released without his approval
The estate has no business releasing Michael songs (LOL again)
Michael music is defiled if anyone else produces the songs
except only if PPB HIRES someone else to produce them (then they are magically delicious)
Karen Faye and Sandra DeGossin of TINI Leaders of the pack_ are feeding them BS

It has nothign to do with the New songs
They just using this for thier ammunition
becuase they cant publically state all the other
BS nonsense or they wont be taken serious
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People just needs to STOP! It's a matter of time before CNN and HLN picks it up and you know how there 'GUEST PANELS" are going to talk about the album, then rip on Michael and bring up past events of things that are NOT relevant to the Album and slander the man yet again.

Becareful what you do and say in this day and age because others will feel the raft of it and I hate to say poor Mike is going to get the brunt of it and hes not here to defend himself.

That's what will piss me right off. Yeah some of us are against those three tracks, maybe others the whole record - for the record I don't mind the six tracks minus The Way You Love Me - but Michael is dead and he wasn't likely going to put these tracks out as they stand.

So, blame it on the people who messed this up. Not at Michael and any show or media outlet that does blame it on him, ought to be ashamed.
The media will always blame Michael no matter what. That's what they like to do. His family's negativity has not helped either. They should have stopped the album if they really felt something was wrong. Instead they go on twitter and discuss it. There is no proof either way. This is based only on opinions.
They should have sued their asses if some songs are fake. They could have stopped the album. Instead they go on twitter and say all these things right before the premiere was gonna come on

All of this is a complete sad mess. Devestating.
They should have sued their asses if some songs are fake. They could have stopped the album. Instead they go on twitter and say all these things right before the premiere was gonna come on

All of this is a complete sad mess. Devestating.

They should have sued their asses if some songs are fake. They could have stopped the album. Instead they go on twitter and say all these things right before the premiere was gonna come on

All of this is a complete sad mess. Devestating.
Exactly...makes you wonder...where is the outrage and concern (in the form of tweets) for MJ's legacy in regards to this disgusting documentary about to come out??? priorities. priorities...
I have so many things to say, but at the same time don't feel like commenting cuz its so rediculous.. IDK!!
More propoganda from the Ring leader Karen Faye she is calling
supporters of The Michael Album and legacy immature and selfish
and then in the next sentence she will say she doesnt use her
infuence to tell HER fans what to do, but HER followers will gladly
throw MJ under the bus to please HER and thats a FACT

On Thursday 16th December 2010, @wingheart said:

I find the "concept" that this album (created without his final approval) needs to make
it to number one for his legacy, very disturbing, immature and selfish
What I find disturbing is how people treat Michael like he was stupid or something. Why did he create an estate and will? Why did he pick people to run his business affairs if he died? I didn't know Michael but if anyone understood how the music business works it was Michael.
Tell me this is not happening:doh:

More propoganda from the Ring leader Karen Faye she is calling
supporters of The Michael Album and legacy immature and selfish
and then in the next sentence she will say she doesnt use her
infuence to tell HER fans what to do, but HER followers will gladly
throw MJ under the bus to please HER and thats a FACT


This is the most disturbing part to me.
If ppl don't want to purchase the album, that's their choice.There's no need to attack others.
I know some fans on other forums keep spreading the message"Fans who buy the album is selfish because they only want what they want, instead of thinking of what sony did to michael" I find the whole situation very devastating.
I never dream of buying mj's album would become a reason of attack *sigh*
what i find disturbing is how people treat michael like he was stupid or something. Why did he create an estate and will? Why did he pick people to run his business affairs if he died? I didn't know michael but if anyone understood how the music business works it was michael.

thank you!!!!!!
I hope Sony is taking a good look at what is going on and is taking notes for when they decide what tracks to put on the next album.
I hope Sony is taking a good look at what is going on and is taking notes for when they decide what tracks to put on the next album.

What you fail to understand is there may not be another album why would Sony bother with making albums when freaks and geeks around causing them trouble. Why not just stick to with what works off the wall thriller and such why put out new music and go through this crap? And if I were the person in charge at Sony I would not bother. Someone said bad promotion well like you said it is hard to promote an album like this without Michael here in such situations the family does the promotion however since there was nothing in it for them why should they bother. I am sorry if I get into trouble for this but I have to say it. The Jacksons are the most fucked up family I have ever laid eyes on. I have never ever seen a group of people go out of there way to screw up things for someone they say the love. Randy complains about a will that left everything to Michael's children. Latoya talking to anyone who would pay her from Marlon and Tito talking to and taken money from the London rags the same rags that treated there brother like shit. Rebbie performing for a man who called her brother a pedophile. Janet painting her brother as drug addict and person she said could not look at. Kathrine insulting his parenting skills and saying he was addicted to plastic surgery. To his nephews bitching and whining because there songs did not make the album. You can't blame the press for this because generally this album has gotten good reviews the fault for this lies at the feet of Michael's family what a bunch of greedy, selfish, do nothings they are. I still wonder how could Michael come from that family? And don't even get me started on Joe or Katherine selling Michael's kids to a porn producer. The biggest mistake made concerning this album was letting the near it that was the biggest mistake ever. Everything they touch turns to crap
who cares?the album is great and anyone that appreciate good music will enjoy it!
This is getting ridiculous and very embarassing for MJ. ABC is one of the top news stations and this got to them. This is probably the first time in music history fans of a music artist embarassed the artist and ruined sales. Name a artist where this has happened?

that argument will never hold water, as long as those fans are buying MJ's back catalogue, which they are doing. in order for that argument to hold water, the fans would have to cease from buying anything MJ ever did, in his entire life.

also, MJ is the first artist to reach this much of the world on a global scale. thirdly, you forgot to mention the general public, which is always oblivious to MJ fans, as far as people on this site say....except, of this case.:scratch:

and finally, no other artist, in history was ever a victim of this act, by it's record label. they did nothing but rerelease old material by all those other artists, that was already put together.

and why do people keep picking and choosing when the media has power, and when they don't?

and why is it, that it's at these times, when Michael is suddenly a dim wit with no power, and wisdom to have established himself to be impervious to media, because of the everlasting quality of his backcatalogue?

last time i checked, he always had that power, which is why, in the end, the media always gravitated back to him as the standard bearer(in backhanded fashion), no matter what they said, in the beginning.
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What I find disturbing is how people treat Michael like he was stupid or something. Why did he create an estate and will? Why did he pick people to run his business affairs if he died? I didn't know Michael but if anyone understood how the music business works it was Michael.

appereantly the will is fake and family and makeup artists, instead of longtime producers, knows whats up.

who cares?the album is great and anyone that appreciate good music will enjoy it!

I know right!
BN is destroyed for me as a song, and I know who to blame, but the other songs are great. I fell in love hearing KYHP and Monster have grown on me the last few days.

But hey, be careful what songs you like, it might be one of the fake songs! smh

So sad.