ABC reports: MJ fans protest new MJ album

Good thing. The information about the Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up scams must be continue.
They are only hurting Michael, not Sony or anyone else. It looks like the album won't be number one in US and UK. I guess these fans and the Jacksons are proud.
This wasn't ABC News. It was a local affiliate in a small city. Not a national story.

Don't give them ideas lol.
Well, from some people (here and elsewhere) we got a look behind the mask I guess.
They are only hurting Michael, not Sony or anyone else. It looks like the album won't be number one in US and UK. I guess these fans and the Jacksons are proud.

exactly. the media must be laughing their heads off preparing the headlines of a flop and the fans did all the work for them.
OH please it wasn't the fans that dont like the albums fault if it all goes pear shape it's cause the album hasn't drawn peoples attention, Please realise fans too can have opinions that dont agree with yours, I dont criticize people who like the album just cause i couldnt care less about it
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I really sometimes wish I could reach through the internet and slap people.

Why? Wouldn't it be much easier just to buy one or more copies more his album and just shut up?
And btw who cares if its a flop
i care because it means more ammunition for the media to attack mj with. regardless of the wrongs or rights of this album
I wish I was a furret, then i'd have the power to stop this mess.
@ Nirvana...the album being a "flop" doesn't mean "the next one will be better casue they'll have to work harder”, YOU (and all those that think like you) need to stop believing that your "teaching Sony a lesson" cause you’re not. They said their peace about the whole thing and have MOVED ON...all this means to them is "Hmmm, maybe we should stick to the classics cause that’s what sells"... the estate already said they had enough material for just ONE other "all new" album from MJ, and obviously, this release was not just to please (some) fans but to also "test the waters". Now they know that new MJ doesn't sell well....please, I hope nobody complains when we start getting re-masters and greatest hits....whatever man, I’m over this ish…Bring on OFF THE WALL baby!
i havnt even stated my opinions on the albums. the album has gone per shaped cause of the feck up over those 3 songs and all the bad publicty it has brought. of course we can talk about the promo etc but thats a seperate issue. but if u have read through alot of the board u will see that many of the reviews just go on about those 3 songs reviews from all over the world. of course that will put a dampner on the gen public buying the record even more so when u have fans stating they will boycot etc

when have i stated that fans cant have an opinion? and if they dont have an opinion that goes a certain way they arent a fan. thats one reason ive stayed away from threads like this because of the immature fans who post such dont be accusing me of doing suhc a thing. i dont post in these threads much because theres so many fans on here who are to immature to discuss this without resorting to im more of a fan than u cause i know its mjs voice or i know it fake. your immature comments have just added to this list.its a shame we cant have an adult discussion about how the media are gonna use this whole issue to attack mj. but i guess that isnt important to some. so be it.

personally i think if fans suhc as yourself cant discuss this properly and like adults without acting like kids in the play ground by saying im a real fan and your not blah blah blah then some serious growing up needs to be done. arent ppl mature enough to accept other ppls opinions without acting like childish brats?. yet again the "community" starts to implode over issues. ppl need to get a grip and quicky b4 jan 4th comes along. you know something that really matters
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Few fans and already in news? God Lord :doh:
:doh: Too bad, Karen didn't use her connections to make Invincible visible or sth.
We can discuss the matter, we can disagree but how far will we go? What's next? Even the family is not against this album (they said it loud what they think about Cascios songs, but still "the album is great" - Taryll as well as Jackie). No, this is not the way it all should be dealt with. You take legal steps if you're sure you've this record is fraud. You fight against label, but for God sake you don't go on the street - the media here already were covering this story "Fans doesn't want Michael Jackson".
Totally agree with Gaz about Samantha. Just wondering, those photos outside Great Mausoleum she posted last night were taken before or after she was protesting to boycott Michael. smdh
The funny thing about this whole thing is that Critics and the majority of the general public have actually given this album decent to really good reviews (of course some just can't help talking ish about MJ the man while doing it but what can you do about that) IT IS the fans that is turnig this thing into a disatster lol so please stop trying to point the finger at Sony/the Estate. Yes, you have a right to feel that if they didn't put (in YOUR opinion) "Questionable" track on the album then this would not have gotten as far as it has..but when the estate released that statement a few weeks back, that should have been the END of it (unless someone on the opposite side had PROOF that they were lying). It is the die-hards (who just can't keep their opinon to themselves, i.e. going all over MJ's youtube page, Offical site, Facebook etc... writing just straight up BS) that has carried this thing to where it looks like it is now.

By the way, they still havent taken it to court lol...but then again, neither have the Jackson's so....
You can have your opinion about the tracks being fake, or whether you like the album or not, for gods sake no one is saying you can't, but to negativity campaign against a Michael Jackson album, bottom line that is hurting Michael the artist, no one else, especially not Sony.
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this is rediculous, guys its Mj ok obviously a lot of the songs were demos with some heavy auto tuning understandably ( its not like he can resing them)

im so angry and appalled with fans reactions, there is no benefit to a fake album for sony, something like that put them into the ground and ultimatey destroy their business.

wake up its upsetting to fans . i know the moderators say everyone has aright to an opinion but i think they need to step in.

i hate this forum now because of all this, it just upsets me and its ashame that no one has taken action to stop this.

i dont think ill be visiting again, its like an mj haters paradise.

and before anyone begins, do not justify it because this is my view so respect it.
I just can't believe that last line. That is beyond rude.
and thats the reason why i havnt been posting much in these threads.because of the immaturiy of alot of the posters on this board. ppl who cant state their opinion whatever it maybe and discuss like adults. im probably one of the few fans who doesnt have much of an opinion on this either way. tbh i dont care that much. but i do care about the damage it has done to mjs name and how he will be attacked by the media.i just cant wait for the headlines come monday about how the album has flopped and how no one cares about mj me stupid but i thought every fan would care about mj the person and him being attacked yet again by the media.
The negative publicity over the Cascio tracks has obviously dented sales. But that is not the only reason why it has suffered. Bad promotion for one. A few posters is not adequate promotion especially for someone who is not here to promote it. I don't know, maybe I'm being too harsh as I've come to expect huge extravagant campaigns when it comes to Michael but still, when talking to non fans who simply had not heard of it its bad promotion. TV adverts needed to be in advance not a couple days before, billboards up, internet and radio campaigns etc. It simply has not been done. And they were released in bad weeks in the UK and US. The US has a number of strong releases this week from artists here to promote their albums. Diddy has been bigging up his release through Twitter for weeks for example. The UK the album got released the day after the X Factor final. That gets 20 million people watching it and whoever goes on it usually has stuff to promote. Rhianna went on it and has a new album out and sales shot right up after her appearance. Its only Wednesday and if it goes number 1 in both markets then brilliant. But for it not to go number one in the two biggest markets is not great really.

That saying every single thread here lately has turned into an argument and it always boils down to someone deliberatly making a comment just to cause trouble. A thread about the chart for example turned into chaos when one member came in with 'well its fake so good' then caused a massive argument. Some members on every side of the debate are acting like children. The fake vs real debate is fine as long as it remains a debate. People coming in with their disrespectful comments and name calling just isn't acceptable. Its time that everyone started acting like adults.

Remember we have a preliminary hearing starting next month. That is the time where we need to be united for each other and need to stand strong for Michael. It's going to be an awful time for everyone and we need the sense of comunity back that kept us going last summer. We had each other to lean on when the very worse thing that we could have imagined happened. We had each other that understood how we were feeling and we there for each other when we needed to talk. We need that community back.
The negative publicity over the Cascio tracks has obviously dented sales. But that is not the only reason why it has suffered. Bad promotion for one. A few posters is not adequate promotion especially for someone who is not here to promote it. I don't know, maybe I'm being too harsh as I've come to expect huge extravagant campaigns when it comes to Michael but still, when talking to non fans who simply had not heard of it its bad promotion. TV adverts needed to be in advance not a couple days before, billboards up, internet and radio campaigns etc. It simply has not been done. And they were released in bad weeks in the UK and US. The US has a number of strong releases this week from artists here to promote their albums. Diddy has been bigging up his release through Twitter for weeks for example. The UK the album got released the day after the X Factor final. That gets 20 million people watching it and whoever goes on it usually has stuff to promote. Rhianna went on it and has a new album out and sales shot right up after her appearance. Its only Wednesday and if it goes number 1 in both markets then brilliant. But for it not to go number one in the two biggest markets is not great really.

That saying every single thread here lately has turned into an argument and it always boils down to someone deliberatly making a comment just to cause trouble. A thread about the chart for example turned into chaos when one member came in with 'well its fake so good' then caused a massive argument. Some members on every side of the debate are acting like children. The fake vs real debate is fine as long as it remains a debate. People coming in with their disrespectful comments and name calling just isn't acceptable. Its time that everyone started acting like adults.

Remember we have a preliminary hearing starting next month. That is the time where we need to be united for each other and need to stand strong for Michael. It's going to be an awful time for everyone and we need the sense of comunity back that kept us going last summer. We had each other to lean on when the very worse thing that we could have imagined happened. We had each other that understood how we were feeling and we there for each other when we needed to talk. We need that community back.
:clapping:well said. alot of ppl seriously need to get a grip
Mamacita sounds nothing like Michael!

As for the ABC report this was bound to happen.

Then they might as well include Mamacita on the bonus tracks of the upcoming Off The Wall re-release.

Monster isn't Michael singing.
Expressing opinions on discussion forums about this album is okay, swallowing everything without chewing it can't be. Being mindless sheep. Forcing opinions down one's throat, insolently, however, is another thing. Starting campaigns against it is...... no words. Madness has this album/Sony provoked, segregation, and it brought out the worst in people. You can tell Michael's not here...

I, for one, don't even have the energy to even focus on the trial. I'll blank it out, just like I did with "This Is It"... No energy for such a thing. I'm done.
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I hope many of you know that these nutcases doesnt demonstrate against the album because there are supposedly fake vocals.. hell no.. they are against the estate/executors and SONY.

This whole fake vocals debate has just fueled their agenda a bit more.. they would be out there whether there were supposedly fake vocals or not.. I hope everone gets that.. they are AGAINST the estate/executors and SONY. Thats the reason they are doing this and not cus of any supposedaly fake vocals..


1. What are they doing at Sony Plaza Pictures? There is no Sony Music in L.A?

2. Bunch of cowards hiding behind ugly masks and sunglasses.

3. Learn from the MAN! When Michael had issues with SONY, he never hide behind a mask or glasses. He was brave and courageous.. these loons are sad sad.. How can anyone take them serious if they are gonna hide behind a mask? Stand for what you believe in! This is not like a G8 demonstrations where demonstrators understandably wanna hide their faces... '

4. That girl in the video said that Michael told us to boycott 'Vince in 2002!! Utter lies.. Michael NEVER told us to boycott the album or other products despite having issues with SONY. Lies Lies

5. What has happened with This is Not It? It surely cant be only 10 people from LA in that campaign? Lol.

One of the women in that demonstratin is a complete nutcase. I dont know why but she has a huge following and is very ill-informed about EVERYTHING!! She spews out lies all the time and just pure crap...

For instance.. A girl on her facebook challenged her to say who Michaels lawyer were if Branca was fired in 2003 and supposedly never came back? She couldnt answer it. After a while the nutcase said that LeGrand was in charge. The girl who had challenged her then told her LeGrand was fired 2 months after he was hired... and then the nutcase said.. hold your horses.. that Brett Ratner was Michaels entertainment lawyer when Branca (and LeGrand) got fired!! HAAHAHHA ROTFL!! Brett Ratner...!!!!

And then the nutcase also said that in the termination letter to Branca, it never said that LeGrand was fired. HAHA.. I mean, the termination letter to Branca in 2003 was to inform him that LeGrand was gonna replace him.. so WHYY would it say there that LeGrand was fired when it was to inform Branca that Michael had hired LeGrand instead?? She is complete LOON!!

I hope you all get an insight of the people who are doing this crap. Ill-informed loons.


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i havnt even stated my opinions on the albums. the album has gone per shaped cause of the feck up over those 3 songs and all the bad publicty it has brought. of course we can talk about the promo etc but thats a seperate issue. but if u have read through alot of the board u will see that many of the reviews just go on about those 3 songs reviews from all over the world. of course that will put a dampner on the gen public buying the record even more so when u have fans stating they will boycot etc

when have i stated that fans cant have an opinion? and if they dont have an opinion that goes a certain way they arent a fan. thats one reason ive stayed away from threads like this because of the immature fans who post such dont be accusing me of doing suhc a thing. i dont post in these threads much because theres so many fans on here who are to immature to discuss this without resorting to im more of a fan than u cause i know its mjs voice or i know it fake. your immature comments have just added to this list.its a shame we cant have an adult discussion about how the media are gonna use this whole issue to attack mj. but i guess that isnt important to some. so be it.

personally i think if fans suhc as yourself cant discuss this properly and like adults without acting like kids in the play ground by saying im a real fan and your not blah blah blah then some serious growing up needs to be done. arent ppl mature enough to accept other ppls opinions without acting like childish brats?. yet again the "community" starts to implode over issues. ppl need to get a grip and quicky b4 jan 4th comes along. you know something that really matters

Never directed anything towards you......Yes alot of fans have bashed me for having a opinion that differs from theirs, Check out those who have love intrest thread. AND No its the other people saying im not a fan don't get it twisted, And yeah i agree with you basically but think you got the wrong end of the stick and think im the bad guy
There just a bunch of losers with nothing better to do... For godssake its just a music album folks chill would Michael want people to be getting up in arms over it? No he would just want you to have a good time and enjoy it
@Nirvana Has any body in this thread said that about you? Nope didn't think so. Take your rant where it belongs and stick to the topic here. And don't take what someone says about some people's protest personally, unless you were there. Otherwise, no has mentioned you at all.

Why? Wouldn't it be much easier just to buy one or more copies more his album and just shut up?

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was at a forum where we discuss how we feel. I was unaware you did not know what that word meant. I might suggest you to invest in a dictionary and look the word up and then you might have a better idea of why I choose to write what I felt. If you the meaning is lost on you, then it is not my problem.
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@Nirvana Has any body in this thread said that about you? Nope didn't think so. Take your rant where it belongs and stick to the topic here. And don't take what someone says about some people's protest persoanlly, unless you were there. Otherwise, no has mentioned you at all.

Duno what you're reading but i took personally what was directed at me, In other threads people have bashed me for no reason except i had an opinion
Then please go to those threads and express your displeasure at this. But no one in THIS thread has singled you out at all. It is about some protesters at Sony MOVIE studios. If you were there, then yes, we are talking about you. If you were not there, then don't be so narcissistic and think these comments are directed at you when they are not. That is all I am saying.
Here's the way I look at it. This is not for argumentative purposes, just to tell my side of the story.

Michael Jackson was living at the Cascio's house for 4 months. He obviously played a huge role in the writing of these songs (MJ's writing style is so easy to tell). I don't think anyone debates that Michael mostly wrote these songs. So if Cascio and him wrote these songs together...then it is logical to assume that some/all of the songs were recorded to some degree. It's non-logical to think MJ spent 4 months in a house with a music producer and a recording studio around a time when he was known to be making new music, and did not sing one note into the microphone. It's simply ridiculous to think that they hired Jason Malachi or some other impersonator to come and sing 12 songs. That goes against all logic.

On the other hand... it makes much more sense to think that Michael recorded these songs to a limited degree and failed to finish them. Different parts of the songs were not complete and needed major tweaking. Teddy Riley has said he had to change the vibrato of MJ's voice to match up with some of the new compositions. The studio was in a basement with conditions that were not normal for regular studios that we are used to hearing MJ record in. And finally, Cascio is not a regular producer and would likely be considered B class opposed to the A style producers MJ has always worked with.

Logic would tell anyone that MJ is singing in these songs. Until substantial evidence is presented to the contrary, it will remain my belief that Keep Your Head Up, Monster, and Breaking News are Michael Jackson singing...Just in very different circumstances then we are used to. If I'm proved wrong in the future then so be it. But until then, this is my opinion.
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I just feel the doubters on here have more of a problem with SONY / Estate than the album, if it wasn't the fake allegations they would have found something else to protest about.
The doubters on where? I hope you mean the people who were out there in front of Sony and not all who think the album contains fake vocals?