59 Unreleased Songs coming soon

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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See what I mean, they/we can't win. There will always be arguements about it because Michael isn't around no more.

So true.
But I want them just the way Michael left them. I didn't like this excercise of "finishing" his songs at all, to be very honest :(
I dont know guys... "due to be released soon" and "due to leak soon" are two very different things. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see 59 tracks leak but I just cant foresee that happening.

What seems more likely is these are the songs Sony has prepped and ready for release over the next couple of albums.

But I guess only time will tell. Maybe TAK stole a whole harddrive's worth?

I dont know about you but i'd pay $60 for a big ass pack like this if sony were to actually get off their ass and release shit. They're sitting on a gold mine and if they were smart they'd release stuff when there's still interest.

the fact that they waited over a year for another day is mind boggling.
Michael Durham was Michael's engineer on HIStory and Invincible albums.

His name is Michael Durham Prince.

Hmmmm.... don't we have Michael Durham Prince daughter in our community on the forum? Maybe she could tell us are these songs were make or not by her father? Or maybe he can't say anything.
Hmmmm.... don't we have Michael Durham Prince daughter in our community on the forum? Maybe she could tell us are these songs were make or not by her father? Or maybe he can't say anything.
We do :D
I swear I am going to get angry.

As people said Michael's best writing was during the HIStory sessions... where are all the HIStory session songs? We lack in them and I really do mean LACK. I don't even think Michael created many during this era because.. where are they? It's like they go from Dangerous straight to Invincible.

Below I have collected the still unreleased song names that I know of, as well added some new titles. These songs can be expected to release soon.

There is some confusion. These are the ones she think will most likely be released in the up coming albums. Doesn't mean they are. I think we need to change the title. It's not definite this is her opinion I think.
As people said Michael's best writing was during the HIStory sessions... where are all the HIStory session songs? We lack in them and I really do mean LACK. I don't even think Michael created many during this era because.. where are they? It's like they go from Dangerous straight to Invincible.
On the gearslutz forums, one of the engineers on HIStory mentioned that there really isn't much else from those sessions apart from around two or three very unfinished instrumentals (I forget the exact quote). Hence the reason for the jump.
Guys and Gals

I truely want Michaels masterpieces released, and i agree i would love to hear them the way he made them.
However, may be there needing finishing, polishing them up, what would be a fantastic idea is give the fans new material, by all means polish and finish them if required but!! and this is where the *learning curve kicks in after Michael project* release also the unfinished demos or whatever Michael had, even if its just music, so that fans can decide if they want to listen to raw unfinished Michael material or ! polished finished product! Which could goto radio! That is what i think Sony/Estate should do with future releases and that keeps everyone happy.

I would also say that in no way should these tracks just be leaked or we are as bad as pirates, i mean ok little leaks of demo's are one thing but full finished tracks! thats just wrong and i hope that the estate would take action against anyone doing that.
If say the tracks where released for say charity and we could donate and Michaels kids would benefit from it as well, then i would be happy about that.

Please dont anyone condone the release of Michaels work as free for all, he would never ever be happy about that, this is what he left so his loved ones where to benefit from him after he was gone. Also so his fans would know he would never ever die. I hope lots of you feel the same and believe me as much as i would love to hear and recieve new material, i want it done correct and legally.
I miss you so much my Idol! It still hurts!

Some were not satisfied with Invincible and Michael was here then.
No one said the songs would leak...

They were all registered by the estate months ago. This is not the first time these have appeared here...only difference is we know who worked on them with MJ.

But the songs titles leaked over 4 months ago.

Guys and Gals

I truely want Michaels masterpieces released, and i agree i would love to hear them the way he made them.
However, may be there needing finishing, polishing them up, what would be a fantastic idea is give the fans new material, by all means polish and finish them if required but!! and this is where the *learning curve kicks in after Michael project* release also the unfinished demos or whatever Michael had, even if its just music, so that fans can decide if they want to listen to raw unfinished Michael material or ! polished finished product! Which could goto radio! That is what i think Sony/Estate should do with future releases and that keeps everyone happy.

I would also say that in no way should these tracks just be leaked or we are as bad as pirates, i mean ok little leaks of demo's are one thing but full finished tracks! thats just wrong and i hope that the estate would take action against anyone doing that.
If say the tracks where released for say charity and we could donate and Michaels kids would benefit from it as well, then i would be happy about that.

Please dont anyone condone the release of Michaels work as free for all, he would never ever be happy about that, this is what he left so his loved ones where to benefit from him after he was gone. Also so his fans would know he would never ever die. I hope lots of you feel the same and believe me as much as i would love to hear and recieve new material, i want it done correct and legally.
I miss you so much my Idol! It still hurts!


I totally agree with tyou, Terry. Very well said :clapping:
No one said the songs would leak...

They were all registered by the estate months ago. This is not the first time these have appeared here...only difference is we know who worked on them with MJ.

But the songs titles leaked over 4 months ago.


Mmm.... I might be totally wrong on this, but I think what we got months ago was that info about the new material the Estate had registered. And if so, this would be some kind of "improvement" in the ammount of info available. Anyway, I like it :)
AndreyZidane™;3270853 said:
Because at this point I don't give a rats ass about anybody except Michael's kids. The Jackson's can just beat it and Sony, The Estate and all the leechers from that area can fallow them. Michael's kids and Michael's music is all we have left...

Hm good point!

Would be nice to see them not spoiled though... if they continue Michael's message & work for charity that would be amazing.
:wild: I can't wait. 'hope this will be true. :clapping:Thank you for posting.
Yeah, in my opinion a mass leak of songs is just highly just unlikely to happen... I hope I'm wrong though but I just don't see that happening. I don't belive that of of these days I'll wake up, go to my PC and BOOM! 59 Michael Jackson song are there for me to enjoy! Too good to be true!
Remember, we were told we were only gonna get one more album with all unreleased material on it. I do believe that. TI don't think these songs are gonna be shown all together within the next 4 years. Probably not even the next 10 years. They will slowly be shown through greatest hits collections, anniversary collections, and Anthology collections. I bet you. Remember when those Beatles Anthology collections came out, with the 2 discs in it and all those cool rehearsal versions of the songs we all know and love? I loved those things, and would simply die if something was released like that for Michael decades on down the road. I say decades because we didn't get the Beatles ones til near 30 years after they broke up. I will assume the same for Mike's music too since it would seem to be the more "money making" thing to do.
I really just want them left alone like Michael left them.

Same here, if a song is completed, then why tamper with Michael's musical vision? I don't care about some random producer's vision of what Michael's own music should be. If the song is highly uncompleted it might a different story, but I just don't wanna see an incredible song like they did with 'Another Day' be ruined again.
lol. Imagine if all of these actually did leak.

Sir, we've just recived word that 59 Michael Jackson songs have just been posted all over the internet

If this news is true, I'm over the moon. I will still support any future releases though.
I would love to hear all of these tracks, but will they release this OFFICIAL? or will this be leaked by someone? Both is fine for me actually lol. As long we can hear the tracks + Sony made enough money with mj's death !!
actually on the blog Leslie replied that these songs have been registered, so my guess is these will probably be released throughout the years to come, and not all at once.
I am familiar with some of the titles...I heard about them before....
I want to hear them now !!!!!!!
I can"t wait !!!
If you guys could please remain respectful and on topic that would be great. Thankyou. :flowers: