4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

u don't really need that much to be an emt....not in certain states. u do do an er rotation in az. and have to know how to resuscitate and all but u just have to keep them alive long enough to take them to a 'real ' dr.

and there's no oath. it's purely moral.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

then that's some sad emt's.

This EMT needs his head beat in for tellin tales. i cant believe some of the stuff thats spillin from this dudes lips. Blamin it all on Michael who was no where around when this "accident" happened. ok i better stop before i get over heated again.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

u don't really need that much to be an emt....not in certain states. u do do an er rotation in az. and have to know how to resuscitate and all but u just have to keep them alive long enough to take them to a 'real ' dr.

and there's no oath. it's purely moral.

purely moral has great value to some..even in this day..especially if u have my mother's life in your hands. i couldn't do the job. i've seen people in action. u better have something in the left side of ur chest if ur gonna do that. so u gotta have a LOT to be an emt. i don't wanna continue with this cus i'm gettin real fired up just thinking about it. maybe some don't see something nasty and evil when they look at the guy in that video...but i do. it all connects. u gotta have it all to be in any stretch of that profession. that's what i think..i'm stayin with it..
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

:lol: :lol:

Actually I'm kind of hoping this fool would file a lawsuit so that he could then be sued for libel, false claims and insurance fraud! :kickass: That would make my day! :clapping::rofl: I mean, can you see this thing in court?

EMT guy: "Yeah, so Mr. Jackson's car came out of no where, crashed into my ambulance so that I hit my head and got a stiff neck and got seriously injured, and then I ran out of the ambulance to take pictures for insurance and I tried to yell to Mr. Jackson's driver who totally ignored me. I guess he thought he was above us or something. You can see in the pictures I took (with my head injury and stiff neck) how Michael Jackson is going into his car. And here you see a picture of our ambulance parked in the (narrow) alley (next to a dumpster...the narrowest part in the alley...where intelligent people normally park a big car to have a lunch break to block half of the way, especially next to a hospital)."

MJ's lawyer: Okay.....and the reason why Mr. Jacksons car can be seen parked for a long while before your ambulance appears on the scene on this video we will see in a minute, is....?

EMT: Uhm...*cough*...they edited that video. *poker face*

MJ's lawyer: They edited the video?

EMT: Yes. The accident can't be seen on the video, it happened just before Mr. Jackson got into the car.

MJ's lawyer: Oh...I see.....I see....That would make sense. So...let's fast forward then to when Mr. Jackson is going into his car and you see the ambulance in the background and you in front of it taking pictures...for insurance purpouses you said?

EMT: Yes. I had to take pictures of the "crime scene".

MJ's lawyer: Yes, of course. So....the accident had alreay happened when you took pictures of Mr. Jackson going into his car? Is that correct?

EMT: That is correct.

MJ's lawyer: I'm sorry...just so that it is clear...Mr. Jackson's car had already crashed into your ambulance and ripped away the driver's side mirror, when you can be seen taking pictures of Mr. Jackson, I'm sorry, the "crime scene" in this video...is that correct?

EMT: Yes, that is correct.

MJ's lawyer: ANd the ambulance in teh background is your ambulance, is that correct?

EMT: Yes, that is correct.

MJ's lawyer: Your Honor, I'd like to stop this video at 1:48.

MJ's lawyer: So at this point, Mr. Jackson's car has already hit your ambulance, injuring you and your partner, and has already ripped your mirror. How can you then explain both of the mirrors of the ambulance being in tact in the footage?

EMT: Uhm...eh...uh...eeerrr....

MJ's lawyer: Also, in the picture you took yourself of your own ambulance after the accident...both mirrors appear to be in tact? How do you explain that?

EMT: Eerrrr...nooo....the mirror was damaged.

MJ's lawyer: The pictures show other wise.

EMT: Uhm.....

MJ's lawyer: I'd like to remind you that you are under oath. :lol:


MJ's lawyers will eat this guy for breakfast! :lol: :lol: This guy has no case and he is a REAL FOOL if he tries to sue MJ. All the EVIDENCE speaks AGAINST him. :doh: So if this fool sues and wants money from MJ, he's gonna get eaten alive in court by MJ's lawyers! :lol: How stupid can people get? :doh:

:lol: Summer i so can see this happening in court!!!!!
U got a great thinking there girl!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run


Paramedic Continues Distorting the Truth; Threatens Lawsuit

Paramedic Jamin Mauro continues speaking to the media whilst distorting the circumstances and facts surrounding the alleged hit-and-run between his ambulance and Michael Jackson's SUV. Today, Radar Online (of Nadya Suleman fame) published a video interview of Mauro, which compliments his interviews with paparazzi site TMZ and an NBC affiliate. Citing whiplash including head, neck, shoulder, and elbow trauma, Mauro said he and his partner would be going to the hospital to get evaluated.

It should come as no surprise that Mauro is also planning on filing a civil lawsuit against Michael Jackson and company for this alleged incident, which the police have labeled a "minor accident" and which the police report indicated that "there were no injuries reported." Mauro tells Radar Online: "I have contacted a lawyer and me and my partner will now report to a doctor to record our injuries." Also, according to Radar Online, the driver spoke with police today on his own accord and commented that he was "unaware" of the accident. The site also quotes a representative from the police department as saying: "The traffic investigators are now trying to locate the driver of the Escalade and interview all parties involve to ascertain if it was in fact a hit and run."

Of course, the more Jamin Mauro speaks to the media, the more his story contradicts video evidence. Mauro claims they were eating lunch while waiting for a patient in the alley for at least 10 minutes before Michael Jackson's SUV drove by at excessive speed and struck the driver's side door and mirror. According to Mauro, the impact of the vehicle striking the side mirror of the ambulance was so intense that it caused both he and his partner to strike their heads into the windows, while also causing shoulder, elbow, and neck trauma from whiplash (again, however, no injuries were reported to police following the accident). Mauro allegedly photographed the damage done to his vehicle as the SUV sat parked in front while waiting for Michael Jackson to exit the building. However, Mauro seemingly failed to photograph any of the damage done to the SUV to collaborate his claims--there remains no solid link between the ambulance’s damage and Michael Jackson’s SUV.

Video footage exists which shows Mauro photographing Michael Jackson from several feet away as Michael Jackson enters his vehicle. Despite Mauro's claims that he tried his best to get the driver's attention, the video confirms that he neither said nor did anything while photographing Michael Jackson in attempts of getting their attention. More damningly, the video shows Mauro taking the pictures of Michael Jackson after the accident allegedly occurred, but fully visible in the background is the ambulance with the driver's side mirror still perfectly in tact. In the pictures Mauro subsequently released to the media, the side mirror is broken and hanging down at a near 180' angle from its original position. Some noteworthy screen captures, with summary information, are included below, followed by video.








Raw Paparazzi Footage (the source of the various frames above)

Jamin Mauro Interview with KNBC (Two Parts)

Jamin Mauro Interview with Radar Online

Click Here

Source: MJJR.net
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

:angry: :angry: THIS GUY MAKES ME SICK!!!!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

keep on talkin sir..mr. 'emt'...let's see if ur own mind is faithful to you, as time passes, and a whole world full of fans/ witnesses observes. keep lengthening the rope..and..how did it feel injuring yourself, during the interim(if you are injured)? i'm sure you would injure yourself for the money...i would not be surprised. let's see if the evidence is your friend.

*man..them ears look so pointed, right now*
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

He properly has injured himself...ON PURPOSE!!!
it wouldnt surprise me one bit!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

They are just trying to steal Michael's O2 thunder. Rubbish.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Many of the holes of this guys story has been pointed out, and he is clearly lying.

Just one thing...

This guy was on duty? YEA?
Sitting in an ambulance waiting for a patient? yea?
What possible reason would he need for a camera in an ambulance? Unless of course he had heard in advance (since he probably works at or with the hospital) that Mr Jackson would be there, made sure he was in the right place and came prepared to put his plan into action!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Many of the holes of this guys story has been pointed out, and he is clearly lying.

Just one thing...

This guy was on duty? YEA?
Sitting in an ambulance waiting for a patient? yea?
What possible reason would he need for a camera in an ambulance? Unless of course he had heard in advance (since he probably works at or with the hospital) that Mr Jackson would be there, made sure he was in the right place and came prepared to put his plan into action!

yep....ur right.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

OMG this story just keeps getting worse and worse. If this Jamin Mauro is going to file a lawsuit against Michael, then do it, I don't care, in fact, I hope he does because Michael's lawyer will make a fool out of him, but I don't see the point of talking to media about it instead of taking action. It is obvious this EMT guy is looking for his 15 minutes of fame. I can't believe the media is buying his BS when there is EVIDENCE avaliable to the public that shows that this story is completely fabricated! I wish they would do their research before they come out and tell the whole world about how Michael Jackson is so inconsiderate because he did a hit and run after speeding through the alley way at the back of a medical building, and totally destroying this poor guy's car and just left the scene even though people were injured in this "accident". I hope this guy sues, because I can't wait until he's exposed as a liar and fraud, and it will show the world how far people will go for money and fame. It would make the media look like liars as well. I don't want Michael to sweep this one under the rug, he needs to fight it because enough is enough. I don't want to see Michael becoming the target of anymore leeches out to get money at his expense. Some people just don't have a heart. I guess money really is the root of all evil :no:
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Its friggin stupid!! what is the world coming to? is this shit news worthy? damn!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

vnc moral fiber is lacking and we all know that. we're mj fans, loyalty and morality don't do well in this man's life w/ regards to those around him.

a snake is a snake regardless of what their job title is. he saw an opportunity and jumped on it. problem is, things like this are easy to get caught at. u have whiplash and are inpain but u need water from wal-mart....ur obviously faking so ur gonna go and get ur water but when cameras catch u lifting, ur claim is screwed and so r u.

insurance don't play w/ stuff like this. if they pay out and then think someone is faking, they'll send their own investigators on the case and have them follow the person claiming to be injured and they'll film them doing things their not supposed tobe doing cuz of 'injury'

plenty of papps were there so if somethinghappened it'dbe reported before this guy had a chance to say 'boo'
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run


Michael Jackson's driver has turned himself into authorities and said he had absolutely no idea he was involved in an accident with an ambulance parked outside Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on Wednesday, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.
The driver turned himself into authorites Thursday night after hearing media reports that he was a wanted man.
Police questioned *****'s driver who told authorities he was "unaware" of the accident and did not realize he had clipped the side rear view mirror of the ambulance.
Police are calling this a "minor accident."
So far, no charges have been filed against Jackson's driver and he is free while police continue their investigation.
Jackson was not in the SUV at the time of the incident, but did enter the vehicle shortly thereafter. The SUV then took off from the scene.
The driver of the ambulance has said that he suffered whiplash in the accident, and may file a lawsuit.

Someone should send the above pictures/prove to the cops...
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run



It's really stupid to accuse MJ when there are SO many pictures that show that nothing happend!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Michael's insurance company lawyers will take care of this liar. The photo's and video show that nothing happened.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

This is why Michael Jackson does not tour in the USA and I do not blame him.

There were 100 times the numbers(crowds) in UK and no one ever tried to run a low down $$$cam like this. Why America, why?
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Haha, more signs the economy is quite bad. Now people are in need of cash so bad they're suing associates of MJ. What's next, you can't afford tickets to an MJ concert so you go see the guy who met Michael Jackson in concert?

This is why Michael Jackson does not tour in the USA and I do not blame him.

There were 100 times the numbers(crowds) in UK and no one ever tried to run a low down $$$cam like this. Why America, why?

Please don't blame America. Idiots are a global phenomena. I believe he will tour the US and will be met with open arms, his fans are all over here, it's just that the mania has died down since we've only had one MJ concert in like, twenty years or so.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

the mania hasn't died down in america. those beverly hills outings prove that. MJ has just started coming out again.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

So far, no charges have been filed against Jackson's driver and he is free while police continue their investigation.
Do they expect him to be arrested over a broken mirror? Please
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

so he broke a side rear view mirror. big deal *yawn* let him pay $50 for it and case is closed.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Do they expect him to be arrested over a broken mirror? Please

sadly because the guy works for MJ he'll be charged with hit and run im sure and have to plead out that's where the expenses will come from.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I hope MJ fans aren't the only ones who see this obvious sham. There is proof that this didnt happen as the guy said. Why isn't Michael's car mirror damaged? If this guy was telling the truth, the mirror on Michael's car would be messed up too. This is so ridiculous, it makes me sick.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

yep, there's only one Cadillac Escalade Black SUV in production, today.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Post of the day!!!! :lol:

God bless Michael and his driver :)
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I'm SICK and TIRED of the media. Michael was not even in the vehicle when it happened, they don't even know if it was Michael's driver or even his car. Also, whoever was driving was being chased by the paparazzi so its the effing pap who should be blamed. Instead of putting 'Real' news like Michael selling out concerts, we get to read this kind of disgusting stuff in big, bold letters. The media is a bunch of ba*&#!ds!!! I'm just so disgusted! I just hope these clowns soon realize what a sin they are committing by being so unfair to Mike. I hope and pray someday soon that day will dawn when the world media will start being responsible, respecting Michael and be fair to him!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

The media's DAY is upon us. It is sooner than you think. And the INTERNET is gonna be greatly responsible for their downfall. It is already happening. What we thought would never happen is actually happening.

I just finished watching this piece on the internet where Ashton Kucher challenged one of the top media outlets and won. He got more than a million people to go onto his blog sight or something like that. And the media outlet he challenged couldn't even do that. Now other celebs are challenging the mainstream media. The idea is that celebs can better tell the truth about themselves to the public by going online. And it is working. The media as we know it is on its way out. A new era is upon us. IMO, the internet is the best thing that could have happened for Michael.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

plead out? hit and run....yes i remember brit spears having a 'trial' for her doing that and it was 'deadlocked ' CDFU

he didn't do it. he won't have to pay anything and if this cad gets caught he'llfoot the bill. the insurance company will come after him.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

The media's DAY is upon us. It is sooner than you think. And the INTERNET is gonna be greatly responsible for their downfall. It is already happening. What we thought would never happen is actually happening.

I just finished watching this piece on the internet where Ashton Kucher challenged one of the top media outlets and won. He got more than a million people to go onto his blog sight or something like that. And the media outlet he challenged couldn't even do that. Now other celebs are challenging the mainstream media. The idea is that celebs can better tell the truth about themselves to the public by going online. And it is working. The media as we know it is on its way out. A new era is upon us. IMO, the internet is the best thing that could have happened for Michael.

although this would be nice, its not gonna happen because the government relies and pays the media to report stupid stuff.