4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I agree with u on that steph!

It makes me so angry too :angry:
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

This report just shows how desperate the media is to try and tear Michael down with negativity right before he goes on tour. They have nothing so they resort to flat out lying and fabrication. Nothing new for them.

But nothing is gonna stop this tour. It is already a success before it even gets started.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Yep they are desperate and pathetic!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

this is the intelligence measure of Nancy ODell, Access Hollywood. she says that the gossip is fact, and that the emt man CLAIMED what he claimed, and she said it was alleged, all at the same time.

u wanna guess her i.q. , anyone?

hint: breathylizer test.

they run roughshod, in an attempt to defame Michael Jackson.

for those who didn't see access hollywood on tv, here's the video. listen to how she words all of this. it comes after the Beyonce stuff.

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Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

The only way he could have knocked the mirror off that guy's ambulance is if it was sideswiped. Think about this he is saying the van backed into his ambulance so why isn't the front of the ambulance damaged? And, why isn't the back Michael's SUV damaged. And if Michael's SUV did sideswipe his ambulance then how come Michael's car still has both mirrors.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

What I thought was stupid is, if the ambulance driver is claiming that MJ's SUV damaged the mirror of the ambulance, then what was the purpose of walking up to only take a picture of MJ instead of taking a picture of his SUV? Wasn't that nonproductive?
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

What should make the cops suspicious is that the guy filed a police report saying one thing and he's been telling the media something completely different. If the cops let him get away with that without asking serious questions, then they should have to explain what they're up to with this crap IMO.
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Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

omg stop w/ the friggin conspiracies...lawd he's a celeb. it could happen to anyone. it's called motive and opportunity.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

And it is also called stupid
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

omg stop w/ the friggin conspiracies...lawd he's a celeb. it could happen to anyone. it's called motive and opportunity.
I agree. I do not think the average person even care about this story. I think most people know this is common and no big deal (if it true). I am hear to tell you that just because news is reported does not mean everyone buys it. Look, Michael sold out 50 shows (and it is in demand even many people in the United States want to see Michael) an cd sales were up I think that proves what alot of people think about Michael, not some tabloid show or so called hit or run (heck most people know Michael was NOT the driver). Sorry but the sky is not falling because to this story.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Seriously, this 'story' has so many errors it's not even worth getting into...
Just another quite unnewsworthy attempt to get those desired 15 minutes of fame :smilerolleyes:
Dude should walk away before he get's his behind sued :scratch:
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

omg stop w/ the friggin conspiracies...lawd he's a celeb. it could happen to anyone. it's called motive and opportunity.
Yeah, soso, I have to agree with you.

I mean, nobody is even paying any attention to this NON-story. It may have sounded good in the beginning because it was MJ's SUV, but it quickly lost steam, when folks started to realize what actually "did not" happen.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

this was an emt man who took an oath to preserve life. and he set out to take someone's livelyhood. and the media endorsed it.(they had to look at the videos before they aired them). that's the state of affairs today.
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Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Guys the paparazzi's own behavior is contradicting that person's story.

There is no way the paparazzi would have been acting that calm while waiting for MJ to exit the building if something like what that person is saying had actually happened. Not only were the paparazzi acting totally calm while waiting for MJ, but they were also calmly saying hi to him as he was getting into the SUV.

Think about what the paparazzi would have been acting like if there had actually been such an incident with them being right where it had happened.

You guys know they would have taken numerous pictures of the SUV, numerous pictures of the damaged ambulance, numerous pictures of the so-called injured ambulance personnel, numerous pictures of the person that drives MJ's SUV and a totally insane number of pictures of MJ the second he came out of the building.

They would have been all over MJ like a swarm of bees just to stress him out about it and then they would have been trying to capture him on film with the look of distress so they could put all of it together and milk the story for everything they felt it was worth.

It would have been all over the place like crazy just like the time that Britney drove with her baby on her lap.

Y'all know something like this would have been completely sensationalized. But, since the only thing we're seeing are a bunch of conflicting writeups that don't even make sense it is clearly fabricated.

This is a whole bunch of nothing. lol
I agree with that.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

So... IF this is true, the only thing Michael has to do with it is the fact that he just happens to own the car? I hope they write a story about Michael when he FIRES this butthead... Again, IF it's even true... LOL.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run


EXCLUSIVE: Jackson Driver Turns Self In; Claims "Unaware" Of Accident

Michael Jackson's driver claims he had absolutely no idea he was involved in an accident with an ambulance parked outside Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on Wednesday, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.

The driver turned himself into authorites Thursday night after hearing media reports that he was a wanted man.

Police questioned Jackson's driver who told authorities he was "unaware" of the accident and did not realize he had clipped the side rear view mirror of the ambulance.

Police are calling this a "minor accident."

So far, charges have not been filed against Jackson's driver.

Jackson was not in the SUV at the time of the incident, but did enter the vehicle shortly thereafter. The SUV then took off from the scene.

The driver of the ambulance has said that he suffered whiplash in the accident, and may file a lawsuit.


Perhaps he HAD NO IDEA HE WAS IN AN ACCIDENT because... he wasn't?
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

awwwwwwwwh the famous whiplash lawsuit!! You'll be surprised how many people fake whiplash, because its hard to prove the actual injury!!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Police are calling this a "minor accident."

Well the police certainly don't seem to be very concerned.

I mean, if they really wanted to talk to MJ's driver, I'm sure they would have had no problem finding him.

I believe it's very OBVIOUS to most, when a person uses the word whiplash.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

This is beyond stupit, I can't believe how they make a huge story out of nothing.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

The driver of the ambulance has said that he suffered whiplash in the accident, and may file a lawsuit.

of course...:smilerolleyes:
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

must be the first time someone gets whiplash for having their wing mirror hit.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

i sincerely hope Mike's driver (or his people) can see the video that shows no damage
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

must be the first time someone gets whiplash for having their wing mirror hit.

:lol: :lol:

Actually I'm kind of hoping this fool would file a lawsuit so that he could then be sued for libel, false claims and insurance fraud! :kickass: That would make my day! :clapping::rofl: I mean, can you see this thing in court?

EMT guy: "Yeah, so Mr. Jackson's car came out of no where, crashed into my ambulance so that I hit my head and got a stiff neck and got seriously injured, and then I ran out of the ambulance to take pictures for insurance and I tried to yell to Mr. Jackson's driver who totally ignored me. I guess he thought he was above us or something. You can see in the pictures I took (with my head injury and stiff neck) how Michael Jackson is going into his car. And here you see a picture of our ambulance parked in the (narrow) alley (next to a dumpster...the narrowest part in the alley...where intelligent people normally park a big car to have a lunch break to block half of the way, especially next to a hospital)."

MJ's lawyer: Okay.....and the reason why Mr. Jacksons car can be seen parked for a long while before your ambulance appears on the scene on this video we will see in a minute, is....?

EMT: Uhm...*cough*...they edited that video. *poker face*

MJ's lawyer: They edited the video?

EMT: Yes. The accident can't be seen on the video, it happened just before Mr. Jackson got into the car.

MJ's lawyer: Oh...I see.....I see....That would make sense. So...let's fast forward then to when Mr. Jackson is going into his car and you see the ambulance in the background and you in front of it taking pictures...for insurance purpouses you said?

EMT: Yes. I had to take pictures of the "crime scene".

MJ's lawyer: Yes, of course. So....the accident had alreay happened when you took pictures of Mr. Jackson going into his car? Is that correct?

EMT: That is correct.

MJ's lawyer: I'm sorry...just so that it is clear...Mr. Jackson's car had already crashed into your ambulance and ripped away the driver's side mirror, when you can be seen taking pictures of Mr. Jackson, I'm sorry, the "crime scene" in this video...is that correct?

EMT: Yes, that is correct.

MJ's lawyer: ANd the ambulance in teh background is your ambulance, is that correct?

EMT: Yes, that is correct.

MJ's lawyer: Your Honor, I'd like to stop this video at 1:48.

MJ's lawyer: So at this point, Mr. Jackson's car has already hit your ambulance, injuring you and your partner, and has already ripped your mirror. How can you then explain both of the mirrors of the ambulance being in tact in the footage?

EMT: Uhm...eh...uh...eeerrr....

MJ's lawyer: Also, in the picture you took yourself of your own ambulance after the accident...both mirrors appear to be in tact? How do you explain that?

EMT: Eerrrr...nooo....the mirror was damaged.

MJ's lawyer: The pictures show other wise.

EMT: Uhm.....

MJ's lawyer: I'd like to remind you that you are under oath. :lol:


MJ's lawyers will eat this guy for breakfast! :lol: :lol: This guy has no case and he is a REAL FOOL if he tries to sue MJ. All the EVIDENCE speaks AGAINST him. :doh: So if this fool sues and wants money from MJ, he's gonna get eaten alive in court by MJ's lawyers! :lol: How stupid can people get? :doh:
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Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I've been busy walking my Golden.:)

Will check but I am already sure everything is fine.

God bless.

Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

i sincerely hope Mike's driver (or his people) can see the video that shows no damage

Also, the picture that the fool took HIMSELF of his ambulance after the "accident" shows both mirrors are in tact! :doh: You can see it is in the exact same level as the passenger's side mirror. If the mirror was damaged and hanging like in the close-up pic the guy took of the mirror, you would not be able to see it from this angle. So this picture alone proves that story is BS! :doh:

Here, check this out:

Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

By the way...one more thing I just thought of. I wonder how that EMT guy's partner feels about all this? We haven't seen him anywhere....If he is a good, honest person and knows the truth, he will not go with all this. If the EMT dude sues MJ, they will no doubt ask his partner to come in as a witness....so I wonder if he is willing to lie under oath too and risk getting caught...If he has some morals and integrity he will tell the truth and say there was no accident and that the whole thing is BS.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

haha an emt doesn't take an oath. it's a job, them ain't doctors!

they can be just as shady as the next dude. mj wouldn't have to pay a damn thing. the man wasn't in the car at the time, if his drive had no idea of this, mj wouldn't be liable cuz he didn't tell him to 'take off and leave'

it's called insurance for a reason. anything will be handled by the insurance companies.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

haha an emt doesn't take an oath. it's a job, them ain't doctors!

they can be just as shady as the next dude. mj wouldn't have to pay a damn thing. the man wasn't in the car at the time, if his drive had no idea of this, mj wouldn't be liable cuz he didn't tell him to 'take off and leave'

it's called insurance for a reason. anything will be handled by the insurance companies.

i would think you'd have to have pretty much an education close to that of a doctor to operate in that field. lives are on the line. even if they don't take the oath, the irony is still in place. you really have to care about people to be in that field. at least you are supposed to. if you don't, i wouldn't want you near a relative of mine, if they were sick. if it's in your blood to be like that...something is definitely wrong. i know it's hard to believe, but there are people in the world who don't like living in that kind of darkness. this guy isn't one of em.