4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

if i weren't suspect about the media, i would hope it would air on an episode of america's dumbest criminals. that so called emt looks like a dumb criminal.
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Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Here is your proof. The ambulance guy said that before Michael had come out of the building, the accident had already occured. He said his side mirror was completley ripped off. Well... here's the proof this guy is just flat-out lying.


There's Michael getting into the car, and there is the ambulance, both mirrors are intacked and they aren't damaged. I think we would notice if the mirror was as damaged as they say it was. Check out the following:


They are lying, and are obviously trying to get money out of it. Well if they sue - we have the proof.
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Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

someone might like to save those screen shots
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I wrote this for my site (regarding the alleged accident):

Alleged Vehicle Accident

...In addition, a new scandal is brewing in which ambulance technician Jamin Mauro alleges that the vehicle transporting Michael Jackson on Wednesday struck his ambulance and then fled the scene. In fact, Mauro's story has changed quite significantly over the past day as he continues to speak to the media, and what he alleges tends to contradict video evidence of the alleged incident.

Initially, Mauro and his partner filed a police report about the accident whereby the police confirmed that "There were no injuries reported." However, when speaking to paparazzi site TMZ today, Mauro charged that he actually smashed his head on the windshield and his partner suffered head and elbow injuries, along with stiff necks. They reported that they'd be going to the hospital today to get checked out. Curious as to why they reported no such injuries in the official police report.

According to the complaint, the ambulance was idling near a medical center that Michael Jackson was in at the time when they were struck by Michael's driver, and "about 30 seconds" later Michael Jackson got into the vehicle and they left the scene. Interestingly enough, at least one video exists which shows that there was no ambulance idling behind Michael Jackson's SUV when it arrived to pick him up, and the ambulance did not actually pull up behind Jackson's vehicle for at least a minute from the time the SUV first parked. The Escalade was idle, waiting for Michael Jackson, for more than two minutes in the video rather than the "30 seconds" alleged by the ambulance technician.

In addition, the duo released photographs of the alleged accident (and of Michael Jackson getting into his SUV) to the media in which the driver's side mirror is broken and hanging by a wire and scrapes are seen on the side of the vehicle. However, in the video that shows Michael Jackson entering his SUV and leaving the scene (with the ambulance sitting behind them), both mirrors appear to be in tact and undamaged. Surprisingly, despite there being many paparazzi agents in the area (as was cited in the police report) none of them caught any such accident on video. Likewise, no photographs were taken to confirm that there was any damage to Michael Jackson's vehicle as a result of the alleged crash. There are pictures of a damaged ambulance, and pictures of Michael Jackson getting into an SUV, but seemingly no definitive proof that there exists a link between the two.


Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

WHY CAN't they leave him alone!
everyone can have a car accident, Most ppl hit and Run, why do they make all this fuss about Michael, when it wasnt Michael driving the car...
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Excellent blog TSCM.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

WHY CAN't they leave him alone!
everyone can have a car accident, Most ppl hit and Run, why do they make all this fuss about Michael, when it wasnt Michael driving the car...

The accident never happened, chalamj7. It is wrong to hit and run, HOWEVER, the ambulance officers aren't telling us the truth. There is recorded proof that the ambulance officers are flat-out LYING when they said Michael Jackson's car had hit their side view mirror. As you can see in TSCM's post, both mirrors are in tact and they aren't damaged. That picture was taken AFTER the alleged accident was supposed to have happened. These ambulance officers want money - pure and simple. It's times like this when I'm glad the paparazzi were there snapping pictures.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

The videos shows that they did NOT hit the ambulance - so maybe the title should be changed so it's no negative!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

That ambulance driver probably damaged the mirror at a fast food drive through or something.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Kfc ^^ ?
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Since this is a false claim and it has been even filed with the police while targetting Michael, MJ's team needs to be pro-active. Otherwise, if they just let it go, people will feel they can take chances to see if their fabrications against him become successful, and it give professional fraudsters ideas to become more creative in targetting his vehicle.

MJ's team needs to also file a formal request to the police asking them to take action against the man who filed the false claim. And they can even launch a lawsuit against him as it constitutes attempted fraud. This may appear a waste of time and money, but a stitch in time saves nine.

We saw with the Arvizos, it began with Bashir, the Arvizos copied the lie to take advantage, then Kapone copied Arvizos, then Bartucci, each trying to see how far they could get with their false claims.

But if MJ takes action, atleast asking police to take action, then people will think twice before they try these scams.
However, if his team slack as they usually do and let this pass, some other guy will borrow this guy's idea and try to make up something else, even deliberately knocking MJ's car with cameras absent, then filing a multi-million lawsuit.

And the police have a responsibility to do so, just as someone commented on this site

Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Guys the paparazzi's own behavior is contradicting that person's story.

There is no way the paparazzi would have been acting that calm while waiting for MJ to exit the building if something like what that person is saying had actually happened. Not only were the paparazzi acting totally calm while waiting for MJ, but they were also calmly saying hi to him as he was getting into the SUV.

Think about what the paparazzi would have been acting like if there had actually been such an incident with them being right where it had happened.

You guys know they would have taken numerous pictures of the SUV, numerous pictures of the damaged ambulance, numerous pictures of the so-called injured ambulance personnel, numerous pictures of the person that drives MJ's SUV and a totally insane number of pictures of MJ the second he came out of the building.

They would have been all over MJ like a swarm of bees just to stress him out about it and then they would have been trying to capture him on film with the look of distress so they could put all of it together and milk the story for everything they felt it was worth.

It would have been all over the place like crazy just like the time that Britney drove with her baby on her lap.

Y'all know something like this would have been completely sensationalized. But, since the only thing we're seeing are a bunch of conflicting writeups that don't even make sense it is clearly fabricated.

This is a whole bunch of nothing. lol

You said it all, AllForMJ. Totally agree!

I think this will all die down in a couple of days, too. And I hope the police go after him for filing a false police report. If he goes to his insurance company or MJ's for a claim on this alleged "stiff neck", I hope the insurance company goes after him for insurance fraud. Pathetic!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Since this is a false claim and it has been even filed with the police while targetting Michael, MJ's team needs to be pro-active. Otherwise, if they just let it go, people will feel they can take chances to see if their fabrications against him become successful, and it give professional fraudsters ideas to become more creative in targetting his vehicle.

MJ's team needs to also file a formal request to the police asking them to take action against the man who filed the false claim. And they can even launch a lawsuit against him as it constitutes attempted fraud. This may appear a waste of time and money, but a stitch in time saves nine.

We saw with the Arvizos, it began with Bashir, the Arvizos copied the lie to take advantage, then Kapone copied Arvizos, then Bartucci, each trying to see how far they could get with their false claims.

But if MJ takes action, atleast asking police to take action, then people will think twice before they try these scams.
However, if his team slack as they usually do and let this pass, some other guy will borrow this guy's idea and try to make up something else, even deliberately knocking MJ's car with cameras absent, then filing a multi-million lawsuit.

And the police have a responsibility to do so, just as someone commented on this site


I agree...MJ really sould sue that guy. Show that guy and all the other leeches he will not let anyone mess with him. He could sue that guy for libel and easily win. Please take action against that guy, Michael! PLEASE! I am SICK and tired of people trying to use every opportunity to get money out of MJ or trying to drag his name into dirt!! I'm SICK OF IT!!! Where do all these leeches COME FROM???? SHEESH!!! :angry: It PISSES ME OFF to see all these people trying to hurt Michael. Can't they just LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! JESUS!!!! :rant:
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I hope Michael's team are aware of all this. And I hope they won't just let the whole thing slide while he is slandered again. The time for people constantly embroiling Michael in BS has passed. Enough is enough. Sorry to sound preachy. But that's how I feel.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

AH reported on this story with nancy o'dell sadly reffering to him as "j.acko".
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Oh just great, now i bet there will be another lawsuit along the way for mj
:angry:....This is total bs! :angry:
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

AH reported on this story with nancy o'dell sadly reffering to him as "j.acko".

that's cus the bitter bitch knows the 'emt' has no case.
and so does rupert murd*ck.

hey...u a ryan seacrest fan? :scratch: :lol:
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

that's cus the bitter bitch knows the 'emt' has no case. :scratch: :lol:

Yep ur right there!
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

The media and their perps once again trying to start another scandal just in time for his return to the spot light. It is obviously false but look at how fast this is being "reported" on.

Yes I believe there is (alive and well) conspiracy/ war still being waged against Michael Jackson.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I am telling you all right now if this guy tries to sue Michael he is going to be charged with filing a false police report. Filing a false insurance claim
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

Yes I believe there is (alive and well) conspiracy/ war still being waged against Michael Jackson.

Yes hemlock devil, ur right bout that
The conspiracy against michael is still on going and IMO it always will be...unfortnately :(
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

The media and their perps once again trying to start another scandal just in time for his return to the spot light. It is obviously false but look at how fast this is being "reported" on.

Yes I believe there is (alive and well) conspiracy/ war still being waged against Michael Jackson.

yeah i believe that too, but it just spurs another war against them, due to einstein's theory and raw nerve MJ fans.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

That's cus the bitter bitch knows the 'emt' has no case.
and so does rupert murd*ck.

hey...u a ryan seacrest fan? :scratch: :lol:
I guess about the whole thing with nancy and as for ryan I put that pic cus it's funny when joel mchale makes fun of ryan's height (cus he's short) and so ryan is standing on something to look taller than joel which I thought was a funny pic.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I guess about the whole thing with nancy and as for ryan why ya ask?

idk it just seemed like u were not. guess it's my imagination...maybe it wasn't u, but i thought someone had a problem with the seacrest attitude..
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

idk it just seemed like u were not. guess it's my imagination...maybe it wasn't u, but i thought someone had a problem with the seacrest attitude..
I see you responded before I edited my post so you might wanna respond again to that previous post.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I see you responded before I edited my post so you might wanna respond again to that previous post.

naa..this is way too confusing. lol. but i got ur answer.
Re: 4/23/09 News & Mentionings: Mike's Driver "MAY" have been involved in a hit and run

I really hope that MJ fights this, because I am so tired of people getting away with making fraudulent claims at MJ's expense. AND I'm tired of the media reporting things about Michael Jackson without even having the decency to check the facts first. :perrin:
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