I am looking very much forward to the coming video.

Thanks for the news.
Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

Yeppers! :yes: He even lived with Schaffel who we know was a piece of work even after the trial in his lawsuit against MJ. :ermm: *makes the sign of the cross on all them folks* May they stay gone and farrrr away. MJ seems to be back on track now without them. Onward, I'd say! No going back!:fortuneteller:
Well heck, you are like, WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY nicer than me. Beck is a peck of wood. And he can crawl right back in the hole that he just emerged from.:mat::mat:
Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

"It's a worldwide smash. It's gonna be huge," Akon promised. "The concept is to bring all the people together as one person linking as one world. At the state of where the world is now, with all these wars and conflict all over the place, I think a record like that is needed. That's the best time when a voice needs to be heard. I felt like, 'What better voice between me and Mike to be able to say something like that at the time we in?' Outside of trying to do a club record or a record we expect to get thousand of [spins], it was more so, 'Let's do a record that fits all formats but also has some meaning to it.' But, of course, for the future, we'll be finishing up the rest of the record."
If there is one thing the world agrees on it is Michael Jackson is very talented and he puts out some excellent music.

Looking forward to "Hold My Hand" being dropped. As far as Backerman is concerned, he was hired...he was fired, he's out and ain't comin' back!...End of story. Ms. Harris and the Neverland address notice sounds a bit off... wouldn't trust it.
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It's really nice to know that they were pulling this song off of YouTube in an effort to move forward.

A leak, sneak peek, whatever it was, it sure was a lot of fun when it hit. I'm really looking forward to the official release too. It's going to be nice hearing it on the radio and seeing the video on screen.

It feels like there's a lot going on behind the scene.
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Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

- he looks like Salieri



That's because he is, in spirit anyway.
Seems like Backerman is desparately seeking employment.:(

i don't the bloke but the thought crossed my mind - except he isn't brilliant, which was Sal's only pro lol.
:lol: He does, except that that's not really Salieri, that's F. Murray Abraham, who played Salieri in the film Amadeus. Salieri, like MJ, is a victim of false perception by many people. The screenwriters deemed it necessary to have an evil protagonist to make the film more exciting. There is no proof to support the situation put forth in the film.

Go Salieri! :D

(Btw, I realize you were just kidding, ArX; I just couldn't let the opportunity to clear Salieri's good name go by. I do the same for MJ. :) Glad you recognize Sal's talent.)

On topic, YAY! Great news! :clapping::wild:
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Akon signs Michael Jackson?

R&B singer Akon is set to oversee Michael Jackson's comeback album, after hinting he has signed the King Of Pop to his own record label.

Jackson enlisted the talents of the Smack That hitmaker to produce his forthcoming comeback album, and now Akon has suggested the project is to be released under his own imprint, Konvict Music.

He tells MTV.com, "When (Jackson's) record comes out, read the label."

Meanwhile, Jackson has repaid the favor by lending his vocals to Akon's new track, entitled Hold My Hand, which will be featured on the star's forthcoming album Acquitted.

Copyright World Entertainment News Network
World Entertainment News Network

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Dude said THE record...i think he was talking about HMH, not Jackson's whole album. LOL

But i could be wrong lol
Well, something is gunna happen soon for sure..

Yaay. Not long now. :cheeky:
Countdown has started. I think we are starting to see the beginning of a new era. But guess what Stuart Backerman... you are not part of it. That man is a two faced self important prick. He stabbed Michael in the back, and you can read that in the interview from 2004. He thought he could score with a tell-all in that time, because Michael was over... NOT. So now he wants back in. But does he really think his association with Schaffel is forgotten if he just changes his tone? Get a job Backerman, and get out of Jackson-land. Shame on the fanclub(s) that give him a stage after what he has done.

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The Akon bit is interesting....so we will have a NEW AKON album in OCT with MJ on it for HMH......no hints if HMH will go onto MJs album....seems to me..it is a no :(((
Well now that we got this info from yesterday, things look to be exciting frm here on now. But I wonder... since the song is gonna be released soon, does it mean something about Mike's own situation? You know... like with that Bahrain lawsuit? Some people here believe that MJ may not be able to move on musically with the lawsuit going on; I mean it's just my opinion, but who knows... it may be close to gettin' settled, or maybe it's already over and done with :unsure: ...
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so that adress i saw in here do i send his b-day cards and gifts to him at that adress you give us? just asking :yes:
R&B singer Akon is set to oversee Michael Jackson's comeback album, after hinting he has signed the King Of Pop to his own record label.

LOL. Yeah right. I am just curious, after the hits that Akon made like "Smack That", "I Wanna Eff You", "Locked Up" etc. what did MJ saw in this guy to get him to do a song with him? I just wanna know. They are two different artists with different views of the world in a sense. MJ makes songs with substance, and Akon makes songs that lack a lot of substance.

He tells MTV.com, "When (Jackson's) record comes out, read the label."

That was in reference to the question MTV News asked if MJ was going to wear the "Konvict" chain like Akon does. Let's hope not.
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Bee, i agree with you im intrigued to! However i do believe michael MAKES an average artist/producer into a different person and as he said in Access Hollywood he goes inside the sound to get the best from it! This is what expects from those that work with him, as i have said a lot of times!!


The new era is truelly here and i cannot wait to see my idol showing the music world how to do music and videos once again!


Countdown has started. I think we are starting to see the beginning of a new era. But guess what Stuart Backerman... you are not part of it. That man is a two faced self important prick. He stabbed Michael in the back, and you can read that in the interview from 2004. He thought he could score with a tell-all in that time, because Michael was over... NOT. So now he wants back in. But does he really think his association with Schaffel is forgotten if he just changes his tone? Get a job Backerman, and get out of Jackson-land. Shame on the fanclub(s) that give him a stage after what he has done.


why do all the piece of sh*t always like to rear their heads when Michael is on his feet to get $$$$$$$$ off of him...

I remember the fan clubs that campaigned to have him rehired by Mijac in
2004 with all kind of names being hauled Mike's way for firing him..
bunch of Charlatants........

the other night while channel changing I saw Diane Dimmond substituting for Nancy Grace....that means Cnn allowed by b*otch...to anchor that program...

I got news for all of them... the Michael Jackson you pissed on and abused back in 2004/2005 is not the same one today..............

This time around.. he ain't laying down...

Backerman and all of them are something of the past.. and should be left right there.........!!!!!!
I guess so, troubleman.

Oh and about this Backerman dude... I'm guessin' he can basically

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I'm glad to hear that Hold My Hand will be on Akon's album and not on Mike's. The song is not good enough to be on such an important comeback album. I'm sure the songs on Michael's new album will be cutting edge.

I'm glad to hear that Hold My Hand will be on Akon's album and not on Mike's. The song is not good enough to be on such an important comeback album. I'm sure the songs on Michael's new album will be cutting edge.


*reads article again* I didn't see that anywhere in the article. Akon was speaking about his own album, not Michael's. We'll have to wait and see when Michael's album is ready what exactly is or isn't on it, I think. And I think it's a nice song to have as a bonus, if nothing else...especially if it's a massive hit as I expect it would be AND MJ's own record is near ready. If MJ's album isn't near completion, then yeah, I could see the song being left off. At this point, the door is still open it seems as no definitive word or decision from Michael's side or Akon has come about...yet. ;D
Akon, and always Akon.. Im tired of heard of him everytime I go in a MICHAEL JACKSON's forum....

Don't you realize HOW BORING is this ? Michael can't do nothing without akon now?
Im sick and tired !
I want Michael Jackson again!
Instead of pic of Mike I always find pics of AKON!!! Im tireddddd!!!!!!!!!

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