Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

Akon also said Jackson would be appearing in the video for "Hold My Hand," which is the lead cut from 'Kon's next LP, Acquitted. "He's fully committed," Akon said about MJ being in the video. "We're gonna set up a whole tour around it. It's a big play."

thats awesome :wild::wub: :D

i am so so so excitedddddddddddddddddddd i caaaaaaaaaaant waaaaaaaaaait

but when?
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According to my recollection and according to some of the reports on the internet, Backerman was terminated by Mark Geragos and/or Michael himself (if you take Brian Oxman's statements to the press at the time for what they are).

I also remember him saying some things to the fan club(s) at the time which were objectionable in my opinion.

Now, he suddenly resurfaces and wants to write an "open letter" to Mike?

Also, wasn't he involved in some book with Bob Jones at the time?

Uh...... I hope we're not getting for another round of DEJA-VU. What in the world is a MJ fan club doing by giving this man a chance to get back in "good" with Mike?
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I don't even want to comment on that Backerman letter, I hope Michael will never hire him again.
He is not to be trusted, I'll say that much.

Ma lawd, if they're going to release the video in september it'll be the best month of my life, lol.
I really really hope buggers like Backerman don't come out swinging when MJ decides to make his move. Yeesh.
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It should be noted that in big scale, in international sense, in long running sense Akon's collaboration with Jackson is probably much more important for Akon than for Michael, who already re-activated millions of his potential buyers through his recent success story. But yes, in short-time perspective marketing wise collaboration is meaningful for Jackson, too.
It should be noted that in big scale, in international sense, in long running sense Akon's collaboration with Jackson is probably much more important for Akon than for Michael,
i believe Akon himself is in full agreement here:

"I was saying, 'Well, if ever I get to Mike, then that'll be the sign I can retire.'"
I also remember him saying some things to the fan club(s) at the time which were objectionable in my opinion.
from what i remember he went around to several of the main fanclubs and asked them to shut down in protest at his sacking. he also had a fanclub of his own of fans who were able to get close (closer) to mj because they were pally with backerman. these fans helped backerman spread the NOI rumour that first started out.i guess they were more concerned about losing their contact to mj than the damage it might do mj.they claimed ignorance aftewards saying they were taken in yada yada

Uh...... I hope we're not getting for another round of DEJA-VU. What in the world is a MJ fan club doing by giving this man a chance to get back in "good" with Mike?
they are probably one of the groups of fans that lost their contact when he was sacked so still like to favour him. thers no way they dont know about the things he got up to at the time and afterwards with schaffel etc. shame on them.

Just maybe they are campaigning to bring him back.:)
nothing would surprise me theres a reason for this.as i said above theres no way they dont know what went on
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I hope MJ doesn't let Backerman anywhere near him. Backerman is a shady character that did not have MJ's back at all.

Trying to trust someone like Backerman is like going into the desert to play with a scorpion or a rattle snake. Just hearing Backerman speak pisses me off.
So when Akon says:

"We're gonna set up a whole tour around it..."

Is he referring to 'Hold My Hand' and the theme of it.. Or there collaboration together in general??

Cuz if its surrounding HMH and themes around it, it makes it out to be an AKON things with Mike on board.. I'm not OK with that.. Even though I would still go.. lol!!

I have came to terms with the fact that they could tour together, and possibly have Akon open for Mike or whatever.. But most importantly when/if Mike tours I want it to be in support of HIS OWN new album.. The others stuff can ride that same wave, which is fine.. But nothing less..
I'm ecstatic about the news from Akon!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! :D

Backerman needs go get a life!
I think I have an idea, after reading it..

I could see a 'Hold My Hand' tour..

As in some music artists uniting and touring together for a good cause... Kinda like MJ and Friends style..

So if I were to think of this route, and have it still be acceptable.. have a couple opening acts, then Michael does his set..

Maybe that is what Mike wants you know?? Not do a whole 2 hour show himself.. Have like everyone get 20-30 minutes.. Mike does 5-7 performances or something....

IDK wut do u think Akon ment by his comment?
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^ well I don't recall one time before that he lied about MJ..

Starting with the superbowl commercial and that MJ's 'presence will be felt'..

Michael being on his album....

Akon was the one that announced it to us.. He and Mike are working together, even outside of music.. I think he probably knows more out of anyone that we know of right now.. Being Akon, Will.i.am and Neyo..

And he's the only artist that we actually heard a RESULT from there collaboration... HMH
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Awsome news on the HMH Single and Video i hope MJ gets alot of screentime in it :D
call me synical but i believe most things when i actually see it lol. and a tour is a major thing that just doesnt sound believable to me in this format.just like his hinting at mj signing to his lable thats now been picked up and reported. nothing but hype imo
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Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

thats awesome :wild::wub: :D

i am so so so excitedddddddddddddddddddd i caaaaaaaaaaant waaaaaaaaaait

but when?

The whole interview is in the top post
the album comes out in Oct HMH will prob be a single
and video should be released near the same time to promote it
great news..... Now I wanna hear something from MIKES ALBUM!!!!!
Sign me up!
Also, it'll be sooo good to see MJ doing his thang again!

I really really hope buggers like Backerman don't come out swinging when MJ decides to make his move. Yeesh.
Aint that the way goes it seems?
Whenever Michael is on the verge of releasing something or appearing somewhere,
here comes the negative BS. I can recall a couple not so long ago. :ermm:

personally i think hes B.Sing

Thank you everyone! :)
Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

Great news! :D That made my day. No wait, more like my week!^^

Akon's Acquitted comes out in October.
I really hope this means something for Mike's album as well. If this collaboration gets released in october, then Michael can release his own single - and album - in early november. Just in time for the christmas sale:clapping::fortuneteller:
Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

Rockstar, did ya watch the whole interview? :)

some of it cause she was making me mad the way she was talking about him i didn't like that
i get very upset with alot of things
or maybe i understood
Looks like today was a good day for news. It will be good to see what happens with HMH etc. & yep that's the Romonica Harris I remember in the You Tube video. It was interesting seeing her name come up again. Thanks for the news. :)
Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

some of it cause she was making me mad the way she was talking about him i didn't like that
i get very upset with alot of things
or maybe i understood

ohhh ok.. The news lady, if thats what you mean??? Because Romonica said good things about MJ. :):yes::flowers:
there is a small clip of it on:

Re: yaw yaw yaaww yaw yaw


true indeeDah

That's the power of a Jackson, ya didn't know? ;)
I think we'll see some movement by the end of next month, ya know. All those thinking something big will happen on August 29, to my all "call me now for a free readin'" folks. :fortuneteller:
Re: 31 July08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentionings

The love the name "The Michael Jackson Company." It's really sharp!! Love it!