3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about him...

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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

lol, I can't believe how gullible some fans are. This "statement" sounds as if some really desperate fanatic wrote it. If you think this is official then anyone can come here and fool you. Just because the admin posted it doesn't make it real. If MJ wanted to release a statement he would've done it to all the media through his team, not through some suspect fansite.

Unless they work for MJ they have no right to make "statements" on behalf of him or his company. Period.

:clap: :clap:
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

lol, I can't believe how gullible some fans are. This "statement" sounds as if some really desperate fanatic wrote it. If you think this is official then anyone can come here and fool you. Just because the admin posted it doesn't make it real. If MJ wanted to release a statement he would've done it to all the media through his team, not through some suspect fansite.

Unless they work for MJ they have no right to make "statements" on behalf of him or his company. Period.
the whole thing would be some embarrassing doo doo if it actually came from Mike. but as far as i'm concerned, it's pitiful throwaway doo doo for now.

Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Well I don't believe it myself. I already said that. I just posted that because I was asked to.

Like others said, if Michael were going to make a statement on this, it would be through the media, I'm sure. But Michael probably wouldn't make a statement on something like this either way, whether true or not.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Oh k folks it was said to not discuss this rumor about Anderson and Michael and now we are fussing over weather Michael drinks or not. Regardless if he drinks or not is up to him as it's his buisness and he is a big boy. For the statement that was released I can't say if it's a true or not as I only trust releases from a reliable source. On that note this thread is closed so we can cool off and forget all this mess for right now. :no:
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

even if Michael does not take part in the show, MTV would make a few points, at least with me ... if on their 25th anniversary, they acknowledged the 25th anniversary of the album that put them on the map. I am speaking of THRILLER, obviously :)

That would be a gracious and greatful gesture on their part. However, I am not holding my breath on that notion.

EDIT: **que music - enter Britney**
"oops I, did it again"

realized after replying that the thread is closed not much sense in adding to the discussion when the ish is shut :lol:
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