3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about him...

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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

If anybody whatsoever needs reminding how an awesome songwriter of quality *feel god songs* MJ and the Jacksons produced they should really revisit *DESTINY AND TRIUMPH* i got triumph on now and it sounds so fresh still its hard to believe its from 1980 and also that destiny was from 1978! yes 1978!

Also if you need any reminder why The Jacksons should at least do some material again together with or without Michael then listen to the arrangement on these albums PURE CLASS and when i finished with these to some of my faves from 2300 Jackson st going on.

Looking forward to the may rumours going to surface tomorrow, but i really wish we get some new Jacksons material next year. Maybe earlier?


Some opf my favourite albums are then Jackson albums, I just love then to bits; Yes, them albums are still fresh and I hope sony will start to give them fresh ears, and let them live again.:D
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

i apologise for even mentioning that trash tabloid story about anderson, it was clearly not true, not even worth discussing.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

i apologise for even mentioning that trash tabloid story about anderson, it was clearly not true, not even worth discussing.
Who said it wasn't true?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

That statement comes from this site: http://www.mjinnocencebracelets.com/truenews.htm

Does it look like an official one? No, because it isn't.
Therefore i do not believe that statement and i do not believe that MJ has ever talked to them in regards to the Pamela Anderson rumour or if he drinks or not.

that website isn't official.. I don't think Mike spoke to them at all
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

i apologise for even mentioning that trash tabloid story about anderson, it was clearly not true, not even worth discussing.

the clearest thing that can be said about this whole thing is...we...don't...know. that isn't the same as true or false.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

i apologise for even mentioning that trash tabloid story about anderson, it was clearly not true, not even worth discussing.

why?? X17 mentioned Pam meeting Mike over a week ago. It just has recently picked up steam. Please explain to us how you know it 'clearly isn't true' ?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

If anybody whatsoever needs reminding how an awesome songwriter of quality *feel god songs* MJ and the Jackson's produced they should really revisit *DESTINY AND TRIUMPH* i got triumph on now and it sounds so fresh still its hard to believe its from 1980 and also that destiny was from 1978! yes 1978!

Also if you need any reminder why The Jackson's should at least do some material again together with or without Michael then listen to the arrangement on these albums PURE CLASS and when i finished with these to some of my faves from 2300 Jackson st going on.

Looking forward to the may rumours going to surface tomorrow, but i really wish we get some new Jackson's material next year. Maybe earlier?



Awesome that you too are listening to the Jackson's. Right now I am playing "Think happy". There would be so much greatness if they would release something. They have to. Just a little something. New songs. A little bit of the 70's and 80's style. That would rock.

I have so many demands! Michael's new album and the Jackson's. Man, Mike never get some rest, poor guy, lol.

Now looking through the window came on.

Looking though the window
Looking though the window
Looking though the window
look look look ooohhhhhh
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

People, lets just let it go. If some people want to be in denial, let them. If some people want to focus on the truth, all power to you. Let's just focus on the news, alright? I really do not want this thread to be closed. Also, Shannon posted the denial, not MrG.

Thanks to Rasta Pasta for posting the news. Good work, buddy!
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

People, lets just let it go. If some people want to be in denial, let them. If some people want to focus on the truth, all power to you. Let's just focus on the news, alright? I really do not want this thread to be closed. Also, Shannon posted the denial, not MrG.

Thanks to Rasta Pasta for posting the news. Good work, buddy!

where did Shannon get it from? is that website credible at all?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

oooooohhhhhhhhh someone at the age of 50 drinks alcohol... heaven forbid... firstly who cares and secondly he can drink what he bloody well likes.. whether it be soft drinks or beer
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

The denial was posted by Mr G Yesterday and the thread was closed. Unless I am seeing things.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

oooooohhhhhhhhh someone at the age of 50 drinks alcohol... heaven forbid... firstly who cares and secondly he can drink what he bloody well likes.. whether it be soft drinks or beer

heaven forbid, for the umpteenth time..that wasn't the subject of the convo. and i'm not going to repeat any more of my posts to prove that. those posts are already up there.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

oooooohhhhhhhhh someone at the age of 50 drinks alcohol... heaven forbid...
this heaven doseth forbideth, apparently.

firstly who cares and secondly he can drink what he bloody well likes.. whether it be soft drinks or beer
you know wot i mean!? that was a massive community blunder yesterday
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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

The denial was posted by Mr G Yesterday and the thread was closed. Unless I am seeing things

It was posted by Shannon. I saw it this morning on yesterday's news thread.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

I can't believe that MJJC is posting this obviously made-up by a desperate fan "denial" as something official from MJ!! Considering how strict you are about sources and stuff it is beyond ridiculous that you'd post this here as official.

It's the second time these people are spreading an obviously fake "press releases" and I wonder what other ish are they going to make up tomorrow pretending to be official. This needs to be stopped.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

It's the second time these people are spreading an obviously fake "press releases"

What was the first time?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

I cannot say that the press release is fake at all, since it has been made clear that MJ is actually communicating with certain fan community, like the ones who know his home address.
The denial was posted first by Mjjc admin, and then withdrawn and later reposted. It is also posted on the sister european fansite by admin. I figure there must be some ligit to it if admin are posting it.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

you keep putting words in my mouth. i didn't illustrate a fantasy. and you are still off about what this trial was about. it was about child molestation...not his drinking, or lack thereof, but what offences he was supposed to have commited against a child.(and i don't really want to get into a row with you about that trial.)

you have really lost me here. im still off about what the trial was about? sorry we werent discussing the trial and what he was accussed of we were talking about the trial in releation to the fact that mj likes a drink or two like most other adults.as that was shown in the trial by the defence team because one of the charges releated to giving alcohol to a minor. drinking was mentioned in that "statement" thats why the trial was referenced.the statement did not refer to child abuse so thats why im not talking about the core of the case. so why you think i should be discussing the 14 counts is beyond me. i spent a year and half reading every bit of transcript and motion i dont intend to discuss it again especially when the subject that is being discussed is about mj liking a drink and nothing more

it seems to me like you are going off on a tangent (sp) trying to take away from what is actually being discussed because you dont like the facts.
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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

It really does not matter if the press release is true or not. I really don't care. What we should be focusing on is the news of the thread. This is not about MJ being a mystery or what is third person or whatever. If people do not believe the statement, fine If people believe the statement, fine. The story of MJ and Pam is apparently not true and we should just let it go. Tommorow, the Jackson brothers are gonna be honored for their work at the BMI Urban awards. Let's focus on that.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

i knew that anderson story was bullsh*t
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

thank you for the news , I hope that Michael will come to the awards we wanna see you Michael..please..
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

who knows. its a bit of fun best story ive heard in ages lol
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

you have really lost me here. im still off about what the trial was about? sorry we werent discussing the trial and what he was accussed we were talking about trial in releation to the fact that mj likes a drink or two like most other adults.as that was shown in the trial by the defence team. drinking was mentioned in that "statement" thats why the trial was referenced.the statement did not refer to child abuse so thats why im not talking about the core of the case.

it seems to me like you are going off on a tangent (sp) trying to take away from what is actually being discussed because you dont like the facts.

facts? so you say. you believe i am going off on a tangeant, and i believe you are going off on a tangeant. truce?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

It started with myself making the news thread and saw all the articles about Pam and Mike. I only mentioned it slightly in in the beginning of the thread as a funny joke. Then someone posted the Mirror story, And then people started gossiping. THEN I made the headline in the thread "Pam and Mike out and about" just because I personally thought people wouldn't analyze it to death. More gossiping. Then the gossip got kinda out of hand. Then came the press release from MJIB denying the alcohol and the date with Pam. Then we started arguing if the story was true or not. Then it got out of hand, again. Then the thread were closed.

And that's basically all that happened.

It ain't nothing to it really =)
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Not that it matters to any of you, but I stopped drinking alcohol in 2004. So for someone to say today that I drink would be a false statement. No matter what I got up to in the past, the FACT is I don't drink.

I'm not commenting on whether the statement is legitimate or not. Quite frankly I don't care. I'm too busy having orgy fantasies with Jackson, myself, Pamela Anderson and this guy and girl I know. :devil:

I'm only saying this to show that it really isn't too far-fetched to believe that--despite what he got up to in the past as revealed by his ex-wife and his lawyer--today as we speak, Jackson does not drink.

And now that I have given you way more information about myself than you needed to read, back to news we at least know can be confirmed....
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

facts? so you say. you believe i am going off on a tangeant, and i believe you are going off on a tangeant. truce?

where did i go off on a tangent. i mentioned defence court testimony and factual court statements by T mez. in relation to mj liking a drink in releation to one of the charges.

facts? so you say.
well if you want to call thomas mez a lair then go for it. because thats what you are accusing him off. plus all the defence witnesses from air hostess to ranch staff.
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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

who knows. its a bit of fun best story ive heard in ages lol

Same here.

facts? so you say

Facts are the facts. Like the facts of life. :)

I'm too busy having orgy fantasies with Jackson, myself, Pamela Anderson and this guy and girl I know.

LOL. Oh my goodness. No comment. However, you made a good point that it is possible that MJ said that he drank but doesn't drink these days. He has a right to kick off his habits. Drinking isn't really a bad thing if it is casual and it is not excessive. But whatever.
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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Not that it matters to any of you, but I stopped drinking alcohol in 2004. So for someone to say today that I drink would be a false statement. No matter what I got up to in the past, the FACT is I don't drink.

I'm not commenting on whether the statement is legitimate or not. Quite frankly I don't care. I'm too busy having orgy fantasies with Jackson, myself, Pamela Anderson and this guy and girl I know. :devil:

I'm only saying this to show that it really isn't too far-fetched to believe that--despite what he got up to in the past as revealed by his ex-wife and his lawyer--today as we speak, Jackson does not drink.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Not that it matters to any of you, but I stopped drinking alcohol in 2004. So for someone to say today that I drink would be a false statement. No matter what I got up to in the past, the FACT is I don't drink

yeah of course thats a fair point. but it only really matters if you believe the statement. who said he was drinking alcohol anyway u can go into a bar and drink coke.just seems that who ever relased the statement kinda protests to much and that something so horrible as being around a woman has to be denied.when its a fun story thats spread around and is doing mj no harm.its doesnt matter,

I'm too busy having orgy fantasies with Jackson, myself, Pamela Anderson and this guy and girl I know

LOL you dirty little thing lol
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