3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about him...

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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

yeah of course thats a fair point. but it only really matters if you believe the statement. who said he was drinking alcohol anyway u can go into a bar and drink coke.just seems that who ever relased the statement kinda protests to much and that something so horrible as being around a woman has to be denied.when its a fun story thats spread around and is doing mj no harm.its doesnt matter,

I agree. The story itself offers so few details. (which makes it open for interpretation and fantasy)
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

it's getting hot in here
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Where did that statement come from and how do we know it's even legit?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

where did i go off on a tangent. i mentioned defence court testimony and factual court statements by T mez. in relation to mj liking a drink in releation to one of the charges.

well if you want to call thomas mez a lair then go for it. because thats what you are accusing him off. plus all the defence witnesses from air hostess to ranch staff.

not that u would or i would know how tmez operates, but as far as what MJ was accused of, t mez can't be held as perjured.

you are going to take my statements wherever you want for your agenda. it's human nature. i understand that. and you are going to believe about yourself (tangeant wise) what benefits you. we all do. i understand that, too. the bottom line is, all my statements agree with each other, when they say that i don't know what MJ's habits are, and what they are not. you are going off as if you know beyond the shadow of a doubt what MJ does and does not do. and how do i say you are going off on a tangeant? by you interpreting my statements into believeing i have a fantasy one way or the other about what side of the moral compass MJ is on. and, taking this subject from Pam Anderson, to everything around the world BUT Pam Anderson, and the floating rumour. accusing me of calling people liars in court and such has nothing to do with the Pam Anderson subject at hand.
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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Some of y'all are funny. LOL. Dang, Irish Farey. LOL. You opened a can of worms.

just seems that who ever relased the statement kinda protests to much and that something so horrible as being around a woman has to be denied

Ain't that some stuff? Where was a press release when there were fake MJs in the east and west coast? You know what I mean? Goodness. A harmless rumors turns into some kind of war.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

NEW YORK (AP) — It's Britney, baby, one more time. Despite her train-wreck performance at the MTV Video Music Awards last year, the network confirms Spears will kick off the show once again.

But it won't be a performance. Instead, MTV Networks Music Group President Van Toffler said Wednesday, it'll be something "fun and unexpected" on Sunday night's show.

Unexpected is probably the kindest way to describe Spears' performance at last year's VMAs. In what was heavily promoted as the troubled singer's comeback, she instead gave an unfocused, almost unwatchable performance of "Gimme More," one of the many lowpoints in her year of debacles.

So what made Spears and MTV reunite one more time?

"MTV has long played an important role in my career. How can I not be there to kick off their 25th VMAs? I'm excited to open the entire show, to say hi to my fans and to be nominated," Spears said in a statement.

"I think for Britney, people are rooting for her, and she's really on the road to recovery," Toffler said, noting that MTV had nominated her for three VMAs, including video of the year, for her clip "Piece of Me."

"It feels like it's her year," he added. "It's our 25th anniversary of the VMAs, and she's been such a critical piece of MTV's history."

Spears also equals ratings gold: Last year's VMAs were up 23 percent over the 2006 show.

In recent months, Spears, who's working on a new album, has appeared to have cleaned up her act. Her father James has been in control of her personal and professional matters as her legal conservator, and she drew high ratings and positive reviews when she made guest appearances on CBS' "How I Met Your Mother" earlier this year.

So far, the confirmed performers for Sunday's show include the Jonas Brothers, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, T.I. and Kid Rock.

Toffler also raised the possibility of another troubled pop icon appearing: Michael Jackson.

"We've been talking to him as well, I don't know if that's going to happen," he said. "People fall in and fall out up until the day of the show."

*excuse me if this was already posted, but I don't feel like reading through all these other pages*
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Some of y'all are funny. LOL. Dang, Irish Farey. LOL. You opened a can of worms.

Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

not that u would or i would know how tmez operates, but as far as what MJ was accused of, t mez can't be held as perjured.

well considering every motion he wrote ended with a signature that said under penalty of perjury then yes i think he can

im sorry if you think t. mes and the defence witnesses all lied under oath for no reason. if you want to refuse to beleive the testimony of the above because of your agenda then that is you loss. i have no agenda other that stating what t. mez and other defence witnesses said. if thats an agenda to you i beleive you need to read up on the definition of it. just for you we will all say that mj doesnt drink doest eat KFC and didnt have porn in his house. and maybe he doesnt go to the toliet cause after all mj couldnt do something like that now could he.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Toffler also raised the possibility of another troubled pop icon appearing: Michael Jackson.

"We've been talking to him as well, I don't know if that's going to happen," he said. "People fall in and fall out up until the day of the show."

*excuse me if this was already posted, but I don't feel like reading through all these other pages*

*yawn* anything to get some ratings.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

well considering every motion he wrote ended with a signature that said under penalty of perjury then yes i think he can

im sorry if you think t. mes and the defence witnesses all lied under oath for no reason. if you want to refuse to beleive the testimony of the above because of your agenda then that is you loss. i have no agenda other that stating what t. mez and other defence witnesses said. if thats an agenda to you i beleive you need to read up on the definition of it. just for you we will all say that mj doesnt drink doest eat KFC and didnt have porn in his house. and maybe he doesnt go to the toliet cause after all mj couldnt do something like that now could he.

and that is how you are going off on a tangeant.

you and i are two ships passing in the night. your statements have nothing to do with what i am saying..and i don't care to clear it up for you, any more. keep taking your leaps.

what glares the most is you think i am determining what side of the moral compass MJ is on. and that is way off the subject. i don't care to discuss it with you anymore. i'm done. i don't care to clear it up for you, anymore than i have. i am done. you see what you want to see, and believe what you want to believe. you believe i have a fantasy about MJ, i believe you have a fantasy about MJ. you are going to see what you want to see out of my statements, no matter what. if i say A you will think B, if it will help you. there is nothing i can do about it.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Toffler also raised the possibility of another troubled pop icon appearing: Michael Jackson.

"We've been talking to him as well, I don't know if that's going to happen," he said. "People fall in and fall out up until the day of the show."

*excuse me if this was already posted, but I don't feel like reading through all these other pages*

Nope, it was not posted. Thanks.

I do not see how MJ is troubled. However, this is the media so anyone that has issues is considered "troubled". What is troubled is the media itself. It was confirmed by Access Hollywood that MJ is not coming. I mean, what he gonna do on there? Please. MTV needs to figure out why their award show still is on the pits. LOL.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

you and i are two ships passing in the night. your statements have nothing to do with what i am saying.

Errrr... OK, whatever you say. The last time I checked, MJ is grown and grown people have a choice to either drink or not to drink. MJ chose to drink. Maybe for a while, maybe off and on, maybe casually. Does it really matter? It matters when people have issues with what MJ is to them and how he relates to them instead on focusing on their own insecurities and not putting them on Michael. I say, let the man be.
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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

your statements have nothing to do with what i am saying.

funny cause the subject was about mj being a drinker or not.

and that is how you are going off on a tangeant.

yeah stating court testimony is going off on one. funny i call it using documentation to back up the discussion about mj being a drinker. its seems that you are the one who keeps trying to move away from the actual discussion because you refuse to believe that mj drank/drinks. so you throw accusations about ppl having fantasies (sp) when all im doing is quoting the T.MEZ and his court motions. yet you call him a lair and the defence witnesses lairs because you dont want to beleive what they stated under direction of the defence team under the direction of their client because it goes against the dreamy little fantasey that you have interms of what mj is like.. thats a sad thing because it just makes the fans look delauded and just takes away credibilty from anything else they might have to say
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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Michael obviously drinks or used to drink, that's not even up for discussion, and frankly, who cares. With the life he's had, if he didn't drink I would be surprised. What I want to know is where that statement came from and why its posted here. It doesn't seem legit to me.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

the statement came from that mj innocent bracelets website. u know the ones who did the bracelets during the case. maybe the fan who runs the site is upset and thinks mjs is theirs and not pams lol to desperate to denie something that is so not needed to be denied. maybe its grace in disguise and shes jealous lol
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

yet you call him a lair and the defence witnesses lairs because you dont want to beleive what they stated under direction of the defence team under the direction of their client

Right. If they lied on the stand, they commited perjury with is a crime.

maybe the fan who runs the site is upset and thinks mjs is theirs and not pams lol to desperate to denie something that is so not needed to be denied. maybe its grace in disguise and shes jealous lol

LOL. I wonder why they didn't release a statement about the fake MJs from last week.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

^it's not legit and it's coming from that MJ Innocent Bracelets website. In fact they have a bunch of statements on there pretending to be official.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

the statement came from that mj innocent bracelets website. u know the ones who did the bracelets during the case. maybe the fan who runs the site is upset and thinks mjs is theirs and not pams lol to desperate to denie something that is so not needed to be denied. maybe its grace in disguise and shes jealous lol

lol, okay. Thanks. It seems totally absurd. Why would Michael talk to that specific site anyway? Pam is a good person for Michael to hang out with anyway, if the rumor is true, one because obviously there's nothing wrong with that kind of rumor going around and two Pam is actually a smart lady.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

he just better not take her to KFC or there will be trouble lol if mj goes veggie we know its serious lol
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

^it's not legit and it's coming from that MJ Innocent Bracelets website. In fact they have a bunch of statements on there pretending to be official.

Tell me other statements that they created or made that made you question their legitimacy.

BTW, I do not think MJ contacted them, I think they contacted MJ or his people.

I mean, the rumor is harmless and it never stated that they were dating or drinking any kind of alcoholic drink. Just two people supposedly hanging out.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

you would have thought they have done a sex tape or something they way some are so quick to denie it lol now that would sell lol
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Well, I just spoke to another fan, who doesn't want to be revealed, but they wanted me to share that they've spoken with the admin. of MJIB before and that they find her reliable, and that she has supposedly actually spoken to Michael more then once in the past, and that there used to be a messege from Michael up on her site, greeting visitors. Now that's just what I've been told, and I'm not arguing for or against the legitimacy of the statement, just passing along some information.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

thanks for the info wannabe. i'm positive the statement is real.

also u guys really need to quit fussing over that drinking bit. dang. michael is an adult, hes real smart, he has a great life experience and knows whats right and whats wrong. hes not a dumb kid that doesnt know what hes doing. i'm sure he handles everything pretty damn good and i'm sure he wouldnt do anything that would damage his health at the slightest. so quit talking about that. its really private after all.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

why isn't a real press release statement made if this is so legit?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Well, MJJC admin posted the message here first., I doubt they would do that if it wasn't real. MJ has children of impressionalble age, He probably doesn't enjoy his name being used as an object of fun anymore. Maybe it irks him to see his name all over the media being linked to someone that he may or may not be interested in, seeing how private he really is. We barely see him with Grace after the media reported that they were married. Maybe he doesn't like that type of fun.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

lol, I can't believe how gullible some fans are. This "statement" sounds as if some really desperate fanatic wrote it. If you think this is official then anyone can come here and fool you. Just because the admin posted it doesn't make it real. If MJ wanted to release a statement he would've done it to all the media through his team, not through some suspect fansite.

Unless they work for MJ they have no right to make "statements" on behalf of him or his company. Period.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

lol, I can't believe how gullible some fans are. This "statement" sounds as if some really desperate fanatic wrote it. If you think this is official then anyone can come here and fool you. Just because the admin posted it doesn't make it real. If MJ wanted to release a statement he would've done it to all the media through his team, not through some suspect fansite.

Unless they work for MJ they have no right to make "statements" on behalf of him or his company. Period.

THANK YOU!!!! that's what I find very suspicious. MJ has a pr team I suspect, so any press releases or statements denying something would go to all of the press not some suspect website
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

lol, I can't believe how gullible some fans are. This "statement" sounds as if some really desperate fanatic wrote it. If you think this is official then anyone can come here and fool you. Just because the admin posted it doesn't make it real. If MJ wanted to release a statement he would've done it to all the media through his team, not through some suspect fansite.

Unless they work for MJ they have no right to make "statements" on behalf of him or his company. Period.

HELLO! :chichi:
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