3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about him...

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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

what time does the BMI award show start on the west coast?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

what time does the BMI award show start on the west coast?

Does this even show on TV? If so, what time, channel and day? :lol:
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Does this even show on TV? If so, what time, channel and day? :lol:

not televised at all
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Does this even show on TV? If so, what time, channel and day? :lol:

This is so dejavu, Panda. I remember you when you posted at mjjf. You always kept asking about them times and which channel Michael was on when something was up :lol: :)

Does anyone know though? I must have missed that myself...
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

This is so dejavu, Panda. I remember you when you posted at mjjf. You always kept asking about them times and which channel Michael was on when something was up :lol: :)

Does anyone know though? I must have missed that myself...

:rofl: :lol: Yeah! LMAO
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

No it's not on TV and I reckon the event is held at night.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Does that mean that we can't talk about it because a website posted a "denial"?
Is that even an official website? I doubt so.
MJ talked to them and told them he "doesn't drink" (even though everybody knows he does)? I doubt so.

everybody doesn't know. nobody is stone cold sure of anything regarding MJ except he is a mystery. and that's no reflection on morality, or lack thereof. Justin Timberlake said, MJ is King of Pop, because he is a mystery. now that's an accurate statement. second and third person reports(Lisa Marie) don't prove anything. neither do pictures, because a lot can be left out of them.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

everybody doesn't know. nobody is stone cold sure of anything regarding MJ except he is a mystery. and that's no reflection on morality, or lack thereof. Justin Timberlake said, MJ is King of Pop, because he is a mystery. now that's an accurate statement.

Thats why so many people like him, and like to talk about him. He don't give it away easily. It's the way it should be. I love that about him.

That's probably one of the few things about him i know for sure; He's a mystery and a private person.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

everybody doesn't know. nobody is stone cold sure of anything regarding MJ except he is a mystery. and that's no reflection on morality, or lack thereof. Justin Timberlake said, MJ is King of Pop, because he is a mystery. now that's an accurate statement. second and third person reports(Lisa Marie) don't prove anything. neither do pictures, because a lot can be left out of them.

Read the trial's transcripts.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Read the trial's transcripts.

again..that's third person. i know it's easy to say seeing is believing. but u will find in life..not necessarily. in ten thousand percent of all these things, u rarely hear from MJ himself. rarely. so speculation is a tornado in the world of MJ.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Read the trial's transcripts.

exactly. anyway that statement is so false it makes Raymones look professional
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

again..that's third person. i know it's easy to say seeing is believing. but u will find in life..not necessarily.
His lawyer said that :smilerolleyes:
Again read the trial's transcripts.
But anyway, if you wanna believe that MJ is this pure innocent angel that does no wrong, you're free to do so.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

His lawyer said that :smilerolleyes:
Again read the trial's transcripts.
But anyway, if you wanna believe that MJ is this pure innocent angel that does no wrong, you're free to do so.

did i say anything about whether or not he is an angel? that has nothing to do with this convo.

this is about third person. that is all i said.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

again..that's third person. i know it's easy to say seeing is believing. but u will find in life..not necessarily. in ten thousand percent of all these things, u rarely hear from MJ himself. rarely. so speculation is a tornado in the world of MJ.

so mez lied in court did he when he said mj drinks. and the air hostesses etc. dam i hope no one tells you that mj had porn mags and pimps up hoes down in his house aswell lol mj aint peter pan lol
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

so mez lied in court did he when he said mj drinks. and the air hostesses etc. dam i hope no one tells you that mj had porn mags and pimps up hoes down in his house aswell lol mj aint peter pan lol
lol exactly.
It was third person cause it was HIS OWN lawyer talking.
Do you remember Mesereau? Yeah, HE said those things. So you don't believe him? Michael was right there when he said that btw.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

so mez lied in court did he when he said mj drinks. and the air hostesses etc. dam i hope no one tells you that mj had porn mags and pimps up hoes down in his house aswell lol mj aint peter pan lol

again, this is not about MJ's morality. this is about third person.

and what u r saying has nothing to do with the gist of the trial.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

mikes a veggie aswell just dont tell KFC lol

this is about third person.
what third person i really dont get what you are on about
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

mikes a veggie aswell just dont tell KFC lol

hey..we all believe what we wanna believe. the only real truth here is that MJ is a big conversation piece.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

by the way this is the mikki jay they talk about the mother that the article claimes has used about 8000 dollars to look lik mj

Last winter I went to the Thriller 25th album lauch party (or whatever it was) here in finland and Mikki Jay was there to perform. I'm not a big fan of impersonaters. I thought the impersonator was a teenage boy! I was like whatta....! It was a real creepy and a turn of to find out that she was a woman. :ph34r:Sorry, no offence but I didn't like it.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

Is it possible that MJ may have given up drinking and has changed his lifestyle in the last 3 years? if he doesn't drink anymore, does he still drink?
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

EM and LovingMJ, great comments. BTW, MJ told his lawyers about the drinks and the porn and other things. So, the "third person" was not the only ones who know about MJ's drinking habits. Not only did people see MJ drink, MJ admitted that to his lawyer. So, please, just accept the fact that MJ, at that time, used to drink. Maybe these days, he does not drink or still does. We do not know.

exactly. anyway that statement is so false it makes Raymones look professional

LOL. You are not right. I respect DM and we should just let the whole thing die down. Tommorrow should be a big day for the Jacksons brothers because they are going to be honored at the BMI Urban Awards tommorrow night in L.A. I believed the press release stated the time the event would star but I could wrong. Like troubleman84 stated, the event will not be televisied. So, it seems like we are just gonna get updates from blogs or news websites. The only way we will know if MJ will be there is if he shows up. The last time I checked, it was stated that the brothers have confirmed that they will be there but MJ hasn't.
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Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

It was a real creepy and a turn of to find out that she was a woman. :ph34r:Sorry, no offence but I didn't like it.

yeah i have to agree there especially when it was an event that mj was attending when i saw her. and she stood next to him if i remember right

Is it possible that MJ may have given up drinking and has changed his lifestyle in the last 3 years? if he doesn't drink anymore, does he still drink?

that press release is obviously false no need to pick it apart dats.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

yeah i have to agree there especially when it was an event that mj was attending when i saw her. and she stood next to him if i remember right

that press release is obviously false no need to pick it apart dats.
I thought the press release was posted by Mr G, the admin. I won't be picking it apart. I actually agree with it.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

anybody who speaks, other than MIchael Jackson.
well im sorry if you beleive mez wasnt speaking on behalf of his client and just said whatever he felt even if it ment he perjured himself. that all the defence witnesses who talked aobut it committed perjury aswell. i guess thats what they did in order for you keep your fantasy going about MJ i guess mj stoipping at KFC in 03 in gary was a figment of everyones imagination aswell.

im sorry but it really makes fans look crazy when they refuse to believe what has been shown to them because they want to keep this image of mj in their head cause it makes them feel better.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

If anybody whatsoever needs reminding how an awesome songwriter of quality *feel god songs* MJ and the Jacksons produced they should really revisit *DESTINY AND TRIUMPH* i got triumph on now and it sounds so fresh still its hard to believe its from 1980 and also that destiny was from 1978! yes 1978!

Also if you need any reminder why The Jacksons should at least do some material again together with or without Michael then listen to the arrangement on these albums PURE CLASS and when i finished with these to some of my faves from 2300 Jackson st going on.

Looking forward to the may rumours going to surface tomorrow, but i really wish we get some new Jacksons material next year. Maybe earlier?


Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

It needs to be dropped already! The other thread was closed already! And it was posted by a Mod regardless of what anyone thinks, I don't think a mod would post something like that unless it is authentic in some way. But that's besides the poin't the whole thing is just tabloid BS, so just let it go already! :flowers:
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

I thought the press release was posted by Mr G, the admin. I won't be picking it apart. I actually agree with it.
That statement comes from this site: http://www.mjinnocencebracelets.com/truenews.htm

Does it look like an official one? No, because it isn't.
Therefore i do not believe that statement and i do not believe that MJ has ever talked to them in regards to the Pamela Anderson rumour or if he drinks or not.
Re: 3 Sep08: .. Michael is so "in" they are making up stories just so they can keep talking about hi

well im sorry if you beleive mez wasnt speaking on behalf of his client and just said whatever he felt even if it ment he perjured himself. that all the defence witnesses who talked aobut it committed perjury aswell. i guess thats what they did in order for you keep your fantasy going about MJ i guess mj stoipping at KFC in 03 in gary was a figment of everyones imagination aswell.

im sorry but it really makes fans look crazy when they refuse to believe what has been shown to them because they want to keep this image of mj in their head cause it makes them feel better.

you keep putting words in my mouth. i didn't illustrate a fantasy. and you are still off about what this trial was about. it was about child molestation...not his drinking, or lack thereof, but what offences he was supposed to have commited against a child.(and i don't really want to get into a row with you about that trial.)

and as far as kfc goes...you believe what you want to believe just like everybody else. you have no idea whether i have a fantasy about MJ or not. i wish you would read my posts better. i was simply talking about third person. nothing else.
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