10 Activists Killed in Israeli Attack on Gaza-Bound Aid Ship

the only good thing to come out of this is its bringing attention to the suffering of the innocents in gaza and maybe something will come of all pressure.until it does then total admiration to those from ireland ect who are standing up and trying to get aid through.bless them for their desire to stand up for humanity. as was said a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

and shame on the persecuted (jews) for becoming the persecutors. that makes israel even worse considering the history of their ppl.and shame on those who try to defend such persecution of innocent ppl becasue of the actions of their elected goverment. especially of all ppl mj fans. who certainly should not lack some humanity in them. if so they didnt learn much.

Shame on you for being biased, and thinking Israeli civillians do not suffer from this fucked up situation as well. Shame on you for not understanding the kind of enemies Israel has been forced to deal with since the day it was established.
And since you mentioned MJ, may I remind you Michael loved Israel, visited an Israeli army base, and surprisingly didn't care to visit Gaza when Marcel Avram (a "persecutore" Jew) wanted to arrange that for him.

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the only good thing to come out of this is its bringing attention to the suffering of the innocents in gaza and maybe something will come of all pressure.until it does then total admiration to those from ireland ect who are standing up and trying to get aid through.bless them for their desire to stand up for humanity. as was said a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

and shame on the persecuted (jews) for becoming the persecutors. that makes israel even worse considering the history of their ppl.and shame on those who try to defend such persecution of innocent ppl becasue of the actions of their elected goverment. especially of all ppl mj fans. who certainly should not lack some humanity in them. if so they didnt learn much.


"I love MJ, he's my favorite singer!! But I dont understand the words to his songs" should be their moto!
the only good thing to come out of this is its bringing attention to the suffering of the innocents in gaza and maybe something will come of all pressure.until it does then total admiration to those from ireland ect who are standing up and trying to get aid through.bless them for their desire to stand up for humanity. as was said a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

and shame on the persecuted (jews) for becoming the persecutors. that makes israel even worse considering the history of their ppl.and shame on those who try to defend such persecution of innocent ppl becasue of the actions of their elected goverment. especially of all ppl mj fans. who certainly should not lack some humanity in them. if so they didnt learn much.

Wow your post makes me wanna throw up. Do you really think it was necessary to bring up Michael into this? Shame on you, not us! Don’t speak like you know exactly how Michael felt about the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Unlike you, I’m sure that Michael saw both sides. Yes, as it may sound weird to you, Michael indeed loved Israel..he even insisted to meet Ariel Sharon, a former PM.
Talking about lack of humanity when you clearly don’t give a damn that the Israeli people are suffering from terrorism. You only see the Palestinians as victims. Way before there were elections and they chose Hamas to rule them, Hamas took responsible for many terrorist attacks in Israel. You don’t know how its like to live in fear here..to be afraid to go on buses or to go to the mall because a terrorist can blow himself up like it happened many times where I live, I had luck but many others didn’t. but who give a damn about the Israelis? children in southern Israel have to live in fear because every minute a missile can land on where they are..but who gives a damn about the Israeli children? The majority of the Palestinian people knew exactly who hamas was before they elected them so that says a lot. But you know what? I feel sorry for those who didn’t chose hamas and they have to suffer UNLIKE you who see only one side. Like the Israelis don’t want to live in peace. Its easy for you to talk like that when you live far away from the war zone. Now excuse me while I’m going to puke.
Oh the audacity of some people here! Michael would be very disappointed to read all these comments here. how you are using his name and his songs makes me sick to my stomach.
elusive moonwalker is a good example of someone who is extremely brainwashed and doesnt have the mind to think for himself. we are stating only facts its too bad you cant accept the simple truth. go to live in gaza hamas will chop your head off.
if mj knew you suppprt terror he would be so ashamed you call yourself his 'fans'

Shame on you for being biased, and thinking Israeli civillians do not suffer from this fucked up situation as well. Shame on you for not understanding the kind of enemies Israel has been forced to deal with since the day it was established.
And since you mentioned MJ, may I remind you Michael loved Israel, visited an Israeli army base, and surprisingly didn't care to visit Gaza when Marcel Avram (a "persecutore" Jew) wanted to arrange that for him.

Wow your post makes me wanna throw up. Do you really think it was necessary to bring up Michael into this? Shame on you, not us! Don’t speak like you know exactly how Michael felt about the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Unlike you, I’m sure that Michael saw both sides. Yes, as it may sound weird to you, Michael indeed loved Israel..he even insisted to meet Ariel Sharon, a former PM.
Talking about lack of humanity when you clearly don’t give a damn that the Israeli people are suffering from terrorism. You only see the Palestinians as victims. Way before there were elections and they chose Hamas to rule them, Hamas took responsible for many terrorist attacks in Israel. You don’t know how its like to live in fear here..to be afraid to go on buses or to go to the mall because a terrorist can blow himself up like it happened many times where I live, I had luck but many others didn’t. but who give a damn about the Israelis? children in southern Israel have to live in fear because every minute a missile can land on where they are..but who gives a damn about the Israeli children? The majority of the Palestinian people knew exactly who hamas was before they elected them so that says a lot. But you know what? I feel sorry for those who didn’t chose hamas and they have to suffer UNLIKE you who see only one side. Like the Israelis don’t want to live in peace. Its easy for you to talk like that when you live far away from the war zone. Now excuse me while I’m going to puke.
Oh the audacity of some people here! Michael would be very disappointed to read all these comments here. how you are using his name and his songs makes me sick to my stomach.

And since you mentioned MJ, may I remind you Michael loved Israel, visited an Israeli army base,

god bless the king



god bless the king




Yup there he is doing what he does best! supporting victim children, suffering! that makes me love him even more.

He didnt care if you were black/white, Palestinian/Israeli

He saw only the heart. We could really learn from this man. But we will never see anything like him again. Ever.
MJ wearing uniform of the Israeli NAVY, the same navy who dealt with those "peace" activists. How ironic.
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Yup there he is doing what he does best! supporting victim children, suffering! that makes me love him even more.

He didnt care if you were black/white, Palestinian/Israeli

He saw only the heart. We could really learn from this man. But we will never see anything like him again. Ever.

Still makes you wonder why he wouldn't go to do the same in Gaza.
I'm sorry to tell you that but you are the ignorant one who choose to cover his eyes and don't see the truth when it so clear or you are just a typical israeli hater or a terrorist supporter...or maybe all together!:

Nah, my eyes are wide open i've been plugged out of the matrix unlike some others in here. I have friends who are jewish, I don't hate Israel at all i hate the people who are running it because the truth is they don't care about their own people if they did they wouldn't be doing what they have continuously been doing for years. and don't put words into my mouth i don't support any terrorist groups like "Hamas" however you fail to understand why they are there to begin with, like i said time and time again they are simply a reactionary organization that was created out of the violence commited in Palestine, they don't have all the money and corporate sponsors that Israel has to have a decent army to defend themselves.

you are right. al jazeera is much more balanced. :laugh:

i don't watch al jazeera, but thanks anyway lol

watch this excerpt from the Documentary "the corporation" about "Fox News" manipulation

A better understanding of the Occupation

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*WARNING: very graphic! hard to watch WARNING*


update to this video:gilad shalit was kidnapped 4 years ago
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Yup there he is doing what he does best! supporting victim children, suffering! that makes me love him even more.

He didnt care if you were black/white, Palestinian/Israeli

He saw only the heart. We could really learn from this man. But we will never see anything like him again. Ever.

MJ wearing uniform of the Israeli NAVY, the same navy who dealt with those "peace" activists. How ironic.

Still makes you wonder why he wouldn't go to do the same in Gaza.

Do you see the difference between my posts and yours? All you know to do is ATTACK. Ignorance can really blind you. You say "wow i love you MJ" because you see him wearing this uniform.. But a few years later you read the lyrics to TDCAU and say "MJ is antisemitic". Hypocrisy anyone? MJ always said that if he gave love to those who act violently, he felt like he could change them. Hell, he thought that if he had a chance to sit with Hitler himself, he could have changed him. You think the Israeli's would have let MJ go visit the people of Gaza? You think they would have shared such a beautiful visit from a wonderful man with the Palestinians? Ha!! I cant even go visit the people of Gaza. Clearly you dont know what happens in Palestine, you have to go there and see it from our perspective to understand. "Prejudice is Ignorance" :no:
Do you see the difference between my posts and yours? All you know to do is ATTACK. Ignorance can really blind you. You say "wow i love you MJ" because you see him wearing this uniform.. But a few years later you read the lyrics to TDCAU and say "MJ is antisemitic". Hypocrisy anyone? MJ always said that if he gave love to those who act violently, he felt like he could change them. Hell, he thought that if he had a chance to sit with Hitler himself, he could have changed him. You think the Israeli's would have let MJ go visit the people of Gaza? You think they would have shared such a beautiful visit from a wonderful man with the Palestinians? Ha!! I cant even go visit the people of Gaza. Clearly you dont know what happens in Palestine, you have to go there and see it from our perspective to understand. "Prejudice is Ignorance" :no:

Bla, bla, bla and more bla. The post you are referring to me was posted by another person. And when did you see me saying something about the TDCAU lyrics? are you sure i'm the blind one?! it seems that you are the one who can't see well.
Nice try by you to say MJ's lack of interest in visiting Gaza was because the Israelis won't let him... as if someone would put a gun to his head and hold him locked in his hotel room. No one stopped Paul McCartney or Roger Waters, for example, to go to the Palestinian authority when they performed in Israel. They were free to go wherever they wanted.

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Arghh I was hoping this thread will be gone.. its just upsetting too many people.

If ArabianGirl post was aimed to me then I will just let you know that my for love Michael has nothing to do with the fact that he wore IDF uniforms. I just mentioned it cuz I think it was cute seeing him with those uniforms. I love him for the person he is. I never believed for a second that he hated Jews, if people didnt understand the lyrics to his song TDCAU and twisted it its not my fault. I never doubt him for a single moment.. I know who he is and that’s the reason I love him so much. Damn this debate is meaningless, its not like we can change anything. At the end of the day I believe that we all want a better future for our children and the next generations..who doesn’t want? We are the ‘little people’.. we can agree or disagree with our governments, they don’t give a shit.. they do what they want. We can make a change between us, that’s what I believe.. at least it’s a start for something.

We can agree to disagree but I will not tolerate attacks just because I think differently. And no one can doubt my love for Michael. Shame on those who try!
Arghh I was hoping this thread will be gone.. its just upsetting too many people.

If ArabianGirl post was aimed to me then I will just let you know that my for love Michael has nothing to do with the fact that he wore IDF uniforms. I just mentioned it cuz I think it was cute seeing him with those uniforms. I love him for the person he is. I never believed for a second that he hated Jews, if people didnt understand the lyrics to his song TDCAU and twisted it its not my fault. I never doubt him for a single moment.. I know who he is and that’s the reason I love him so much. Damn this debate is meaningless, its not like we can change anything. At the end of the day I believe that we all want a better future for our children and the next generations..who doesn’t want? We are the ‘little people’.. we can agree or disagree with our governments, they don’t give a shit.. they do what they want. We can make a change between us, that’s what I believe.. at least it’s a start for something.

We can agree to disagree but I will not tolerate attacks just because I think differently. And no one can doubt my love for Michael. Shame on those who try!

Thank you. If everyone thought like you, then we would be able to get somewhere. And I do apologize for putting words in your mouth!! :better:
Bla, bla, bla and more bla. The post you are referring to me was posted by another person. And when did you see me saying something about the TDCAU lyrics? are you sure i'm the blind one?! it seems that you are the one who can't see well.
Nice try by you to say MJ's lack of interest in visiting Gaza was because the Israelis won't let him... as if someone would put a gun to his head and hold him locked in his hotel room. No one stopped Paul McCartney or Roger Waters, for example, to go to the Palestinian authority when they performed in Israel. They were free to go wherever they wanted

why are you posting videos of hamas? we know what they stand for and therefore we don't agree with their agenda, however if you saw the video i posted you would see that the IDF videos were mainly untrue, and manipulated by their government, the real videos that were taken by people on the boat on the mavi marmara clearly shows what happened and it was far from being violent like the government wanted you and the rest of the world to believe.
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