10 Activists Killed in Israeli Attack on Gaza-Bound Aid Ship

That is my point. Im not against any people as a whole. I will never be. I'm against stupid leaders who lead their people in the way of war and hatred. That's how something that could have probably been worked out and dealt with many decades ago grew into what we're in today. Because selfish leaders drove their people to become this way.

Are you also against the leaders of Hamas then?

Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy: "Go back to Auschwitz"

"We're Helping Arabs Go Against the US, Don't Forget 9/11 Guys"

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Yes as a matter of fact I do.

good to know.

But that's a whole other subject. I am talking only about my people, Palestinians. I am not Iraqi, that's a common misconception people have going on, the Arab countries are separate, they are not states. So anything Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia....etc

as much as the arabs and muslims are divided, they are united in their hatred towards israel. if you want to talk about the injustice of your people you also have to look at the other side, know your enemy. injustice comes on both sides.

I only put blame on leaders and their troops.

the troops get orders from the leaders

Are you also against the leaders of Hamas then?

I would like to know that too
Man I just love Glenn Beck! Fox news are the only fair news channel on earth!!!

You can't be serious?! As much as I agree with this report by Glenn Beck, many of Fox News reporters are complete assholes (O'Riley and Hannity the first names coming to my head).
You can't be serious?! As much as I agree with this report by Glenn Beck, many of Fox News reporters are complete assholes (O'Riley and Hannity the first names coming to my head).

They tend to bring you the stories from a different angle. They did the same with Michael. I remember during the 2005 trial O'Riley interviewed that Comedy store owner who was a fiend of the Arvizo's and testified against Michael.. O'Riley put him right on the spot.. I wish I could find that interview.. yes he is an asshole, but he is also a very fair reporter...
They tend to bring you the stories from a different angle. They did the same with Michael. I remember during the 2005 trial O'Riley interviewed that Comedy store owner who was a fiend of the Arvizo's and testified against Michael.. O'Riley put him right on the spot.. I wish I could find that interview.. yes he is an asshole, but he is also a very fair reporter...

you can't be serious?? f_ck FASCIST Fox News! they are the biggest liars and fear mongerers out of all these corporate media outlets, if you want real news it is best to go with independent media
shocking! and still people believe they were peaceful activists unbelievable

your ignorance is beyond ridiculous! i bet if this were the other way around, you'd be quick to say that the people on the boat were defending themselves...but that doesn't surprise me since many who "follow their leaders" are very easily manipulated into going with a common and certain belief.
wow I cant believe I have never seen this thread, thanks MJKING985 for bringing attention to this issue. You guys already know where I stand. I am Palestinian and have been dealing with this issue since the day I was born. Moving from country to country because the Israelis made it that difficult and impossible for my family and I to live at home, in our OWN country. I want to make it clear first, that I do not hate the Israeli people, I hate only the people in charge, the ones making decisions and the ones toting around missels. The soldiers that have no respect for life or human beings. LoveMJackson you're calling their actions "humane", tell me what is humane about killing thousands of children every year right infront of their father's and mother's eyes? What is humane about the same people having experienced the holocaust repeating it now by trying to demolish all Palestinian people? You have no argument and you never will. We had been living in this country of ours for generations until the Israelis came along remembering that they had history there, and didn't even try to share it peacefully. They were all about taking over from the beginning. I dont call that civilized or humane. My cousin lives there, and ten years ago he was picking his brother up from school, so innocently, and one of the cowardly Israeli soldiers put a bullet right through his eye. Is that humane? Did my cousin provoke him? No. He was simply picking up his brother from school. Not only did he lose his eye that day, but he also lost 7 years of freedom when he was put in jail. 7 years of his life were lost because the Israelis just felt like putting him in jail. I want to thank all of the members on here that have their eyes open and are aware of what is REALLY going on. And that is Genocide, nothing less. Dont tell me that media is brainwashing people to make them think that Israelis are at fault, when the Palestinians are really at fault. Thats bull and you know it. The media has always been on the Israeli side, because they are simply too afraid to call them out on their evil. When last year Gaza was so badly attacked that they didnt even have any houses left standing, the media focused on "two Israeli soldiers were injured today" while 100's of Gazans and children were being slaughtered by heartless cowards. Btw, my uncle is Imam at the Jerusalem mosque. Thats the big beautiful mosque all of you see with the golden temple. About 5 months ago, the Israelis kicked him out of Jerusalem and told him not to ever come back. They dragged him out of this holiest of Mosques and threw him, I kid you not, out on the curb right outside Jerusalem. Are you kidding me with that? How can you be so blinded to the fact that the Israeli soldiers are nothing but cowards? "What about the holy land? torn apart by creed?" Please listen to "We've Had Enough" I think it's a perfect song to describe what it is going on. MJ knew how to bring images to his fans' minds and every time I hear this song it reminds me of Palestine and all the awful things we've had to put up with. Let me just show you this picture that I found in an article. The left side is one from the holocaust with a Nazi pointing and laughing at one of the victims, and the right side is one of an Israeli pointing a laughing at one of his victims. I'll leave you to ponder that a bit.

You are welcome, I'm glad i could offer this thread of discussion, with that said i'm sorry to hear what you have gone through and i hope that things come out for the best in Gaza and the rest of Palestine. I will always stand in solidarity with the oppressed.
wow I cant believe I have never seen this thread, thanks MJKING985 for bringing attention to this issue. You guys already know where I stand. I am Palestinian and have been dealing with this issue since the day I was born. Moving from country to country because the Israelis made it that difficult and impossible for my family and I to live at home, in our OWN country. I want to make it clear first, that I do not hate the Israeli people, I hate only the people in charge, the ones making decisions and the ones toting around missels. The soldiers that have no respect for life or human beings. LoveMJackson you're calling their actions "humane", tell me what is humane about killing thousands of children every year right infront of their father's and mother's eyes? What is humane about the same people having experienced the holocaust repeating it now by trying to demolish all Palestinian people? You have no argument and you never will. We had been living in this country of ours for generations until the Israelis came along remembering that they had history there, and didn't even try to share it peacefully. They were all about taking over from the beginning. I dont call that civilized or humane. My cousin lives there, and ten years ago he was picking his brother up from school, so innocently, and one of the cowardly Israeli soldiers put a bullet right through his eye. Is that humane? Did my cousin provoke him? No. He was simply picking up his brother from school. Not only did he lose his eye that day, but he also lost 7 years of freedom when he was put in jail. 7 years of his life were lost because the Israelis just felt like putting him in jail. I want to thank all of the members on here that have their eyes open and are aware of what is REALLY going on. And that is Genocide, nothing less. Dont tell me that media is brainwashing people to make them think that Israelis are at fault, when the Palestinians are really at fault. Thats bull and you know it. The media has always been on the Israeli side, because they are simply too afraid to call them out on their evil. When last year Gaza was so badly attacked that they didnt even have any houses left standing, the media focused on "two Israeli soldiers were injured today" while 100's of Gazans and children were being slaughtered by heartless cowards. Btw, my uncle is Imam at the Jerusalem mosque. Thats the big beautiful mosque all of you see with the golden temple. About 5 months ago, the Israelis kicked him out of Jerusalem and told him not to ever come back. They dragged him out of this holiest of Mosques and threw him, I kid you not, out on the curb right outside Jerusalem. Are you kidding me with that? How can you be so blinded to the fact that the Israeli soldiers are nothing but cowards? "What about the holy land? torn apart by creed?" Please listen to "We've Had Enough" I think it's a perfect song to describe what it is going on. MJ knew how to bring images to his fans' minds and every time I hear this song it reminds me of Palestine and all the awful things we've had to put up with. Let me just show you this picture that I found in an article. The left side is one from the holocaust with a Nazi pointing and laughing at one of the victims, and the right side is one of an Israeli pointing a laughing at one of his victims. I'll leave you to ponder that a bit.

Very well said, you are correct about the media being on the Israeli side, even in this incident were nine civilians have been murdered many networks are still afraid to call it murder, or massacre or slaughter, i am glad to say that our own media in Ireland has not acted like this and have told us the facts with out any rubbish hearsay about terrorists on board the ship, they have not tried to build a picture of soldiers defending themselfes from attack, they gave us the facts and pictures, all which were carefully selected by the Israeli government but no amount of spin could hide the awful truth of what IDF comandos done on that ship.
Very well said, you are correct about the media being on the Israeli side, even in this incident were nine civilians have been murdered many networks are still afraid to call it murder, or massacre or slaughter, i am glad to say that our own media in Ireland has not acted like this and have told us the facts with out any rubbish hearsay about terrorists on board the ship, they have not tried to build a picture of soldiers defending themselfes from attack, they gave us the facts and pictures, all which were carefully selected by the Israeli government but no amount of spin could hide the awful truth of what IDF comandos done on that ship.

You are welcome, I'm glad i could offer this thread of discussion, with that said i'm sorry to hear what you have gone through and i hope that things come out for the best in Gaza and the rest of Palestine. I will always stand in solidarity with the oppressed.

Thank you guys again, I can tell you come from educated backgrounds! We need more people like you in this world, thats for sure!! :cheers:

good to know.

as much as the arabs and muslims are divided, they are united in their hatred towards israel. if you want to talk about the injustice of your people you also have to look at the other side, know your enemy. injustice comes on both sides.

the troops get orders from the leaders

Are you also against the leaders of Hamas then?

As for you two, Obviously you can't read and/or dont understand English. I said in my post that I have nothing against you guys, I blame ONLY the people in charge. I'm a U.S citizen far away from anything you're talking about. Therefore I do not have any control over what is happening. You are being totally disrespectful and attacking me when I'm talking to you in a civilized manner, shows you who the real cause of the problem is in Palestine doesnt it? Why should I tell you if I do or do not support Hamas? When you're obviously not taking credit for anything that is going on? Please, at least be realistic about this matter. I dont even know why I started this discussion, I know I'm just wasting my time trying to explain things. Peace! :doh:
As for you two, Obviously you can't read and/or dont understand English. I said in my post that I have nothing against you guys, I blame ONLY the people in charge. I'm a U.S citizen far away from anything you're talking about. Therefore I do not have any control over what is happening. You are being totally disrespectful and attacking me when I'm talking to you in a civilized manner, shows you who the real cause of the problem is in Palestine doesnt it? Why should I tell you if I do or do not support Hamas? When you're obviously not taking credit for anything that is going on? Please, at least be realistic about this matter. I dont even know why I started this discussion, I know I'm just wasting my time trying to explain things. Peace! :doh:

excuse me ma'am I didn't not attack you in any way..you obviously think that the palestinian people are the only victims, we are 'disrespectful' because we can see both sides? grow up! I'm sick of you people trying to play the only victims all the time, there are victims in both sides, both are suffering. shame on you!how dare you say that you don't blame the people huh? hypocrite! you don't have to answer, I think I already know the answer. have a nice life the u.s! peace? (don't make me laugh)
This makes me very sad. There will never be peace between israelis and palestinians as long as people think like you.
As for you two, Obviously you can't read and/or dont understand English. I said in my post that I have nothing against you guys, I blame ONLY the people in charge. I'm a U.S citizen far away from anything you're talking about. Therefore I do not have any control over what is happening. You are being totally disrespectful and attacking me when I'm talking to you in a civilized manner, shows you who the real cause of the problem is in Palestine doesnt it? Why should I tell you if I do or do not support Hamas? When you're obviously not taking credit for anything that is going on? Please, at least be realistic about this matter. I dont even know why I started this discussion, I know I'm just wasting my time trying to explain things. Peace! :doh:

Oh, WE can't read or understand English?! You said you blame the people in charge, so I ask whether you blame Hamas (who is in charge of the Palestinians) at least partly for the situation the Palestinians are in, or do you put the blame entirely on Israel? But hey, don't bother to answer, it's obvious where you stand.

And just because some people on this board don't pat your head and lick your a.ss telling you everything you say is right, does not mean they attack you. Geez. :doh:

I'm still waiting to hear comments from all of the supporters of those "peace" activists as to what exactly they meant when they were telling the Israeli soldiers to go back to Auschwitz, that they were helping the Arabs to go against the U.S, and to remember 9/11. Looking forward to see all your lame excuses on this.
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your ignorance is beyond ridiculous! i bet if this were the other way around, you'd be quick to say that the people on the boat were defending themselves...but that doesn't surprise me since many who "follow their leaders" are very easily manipulated into going with a common and certain belief.

I'm sorry to tell you that but you are the ignorant one who choose to cover his eyes and don't see the truth when it so clear or you are just a typical israeli hater or a terrorist supporter...or maybe all together!

you can't be serious?? f_ck FASCIST Fox News! they are the biggest liars and fear mongerers out of all these corporate media outlets, if you want real news it is best to go with independent media

you are right. al jazeera is much more balanced. :laugh:
Looks like a squeal is underway...



Looks like these so called "activists" are only interested in provocative actions..

This is an Irish ship and we are really proud of these people and they have the full support of our government to try and break the blockade and make it to Gaza. Our government has also warned the Israeli about there treatment of the people on this boat but then they are westerners so it unlikely the IDF would harm them.
Autopsy results showed the activists had been shot a total of 30 times, many at close range, Britain's Guardian newspaper reported today.

Five were killed by gunshots to the head, it said.

In addition to those killed, 48 others received gunshot wounds and six activists are still missing.
This is an Irish ship and we are really proud of these people and they have the full support of our government to try and break the blockade and make it to Gaza.

Well, they failed. The blockade was not broken, and the ship is now on its way to Israel's port. After an inspection, the stuff will be tranferred to Gaza. No one was harmed, and had the "peace" activists on the other boat did not attack the soldiers, they were all alive today.
But no, they were all for the provocation. One even mentioned how he wanted to become a Shaid.

Our government has also warned the Israeli about there treatment of the people on this boat but then they are westerners so it unlikely the IDF would harm them.

And the others "peace" activists were not westerners?!
Israel also made it very clear to these activists that if they attack, they will be treated no different than those who attacked on the "Marmra" ship.
they are westerners so it unlikely the IDF would harm them.

it's kinda ironic as these activists using a ship named after another westerner activist - Rachel Corrie who was accidentally squashed down by an IDF bulldozer while trying to demonstrate against tearing down a Palestinian terrorist's house in the west bank in 2003...

Zionists are not crazy nationalists you say? It makes me laugh.

Well the majority of the Palestinian people chose Hamas to rule them, a terrorist organization, a group who takes examples from the Nazis since they’re their heroes (and its ironic cuz they’re denying the holocaust as well).. sure they are not fanatics at all, right?. Like someone here mentioned, people tend to be one sided here. Its also ‘funny’ that all the pro Palestinians always love to criticize Israel when their own countries committed war crimes and occupied other lands and STILL do these things today but no one says a word. We are living in a sick world. A country that being attacked since the day it was born only wants to protect herself..but this is not acceptable. why? (don't answer because your answer will be meaningless). I'm not saying that Israel is prefect, actually its far from being prefect but take a good look around you, the whole world is not only this tiny piece of land in the Middle East.

yeah the Irish boat didn't use violence, everything went well..the aid can be delivered without unnecessary provocation. good!
^^^^ You know, the more you deny the obvious truth, the more you're contradicting yourself, therefore helping me prove my point.

What case? did you have a case to begin with? The link you posted just shows how stressed all those "peace" activists supporters became, when this video (and others) were relaesed, showing what REALLY happened on that boat.

^^ Cuz that makes sense....:scratch::doh:
the only good thing to come out of this is its bringing attention to the suffering of the innocents in gaza and maybe something will come of all pressure.until it does then total admiration to those from ireland ect who are standing up and trying to get aid through.bless them for their desire to stand up for humanity. as was said a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

and shame on the persecuted (jews) for becoming the persecutors. that makes israel even worse considering the history of their ppl.and shame on those who try to defend such persecution of innocent ppl becasue of the actions of their elected goverment. especially of all ppl mj fans. who certainly should not lack some humanity in them. if so they didnt learn much.