10 Activists Killed in Israeli Attack on Gaza-Bound Aid Ship

Anyway, since we all agree here that this incident happened at International waters, there was no right on behalf of Israel to do any territorial acts of investigation and that makes them the attackers not defendants. Consequently, killing people was murder (and yes the now dead had the absolute right to be disturbed by such an invasion)

Despite what you think, international law allows nations to board ships in international waters for inspection, if they announced in advance they would be entering a closed area.
If you are stopped for search in accordance with international law, and you start shooting at soldiers, then its your fault, not theirs.

Security camera on Marmara show the preparations to attack Israelis:

I actually agree with some of the things you said, elusive moonwalker. :)

About the land: Well, the way I see it is, the Israelis won the war, so the land is theirs! That's what happens in a war. It's not nice and it's not fair. But that's war. Just look how often European borders have changed throughout the centuries. And that was mostly because of war.

But yeah, I don't want to go too deep into that.
I don't want to offend anyone with my opinion, so I hope no one takes this personally. :flowers:

This whole "activists" story just seems like a politically motivated move to strengthen Islamic movements against Israel. This wasn't an attempt to break through the blockade and bring aid to the Palestinians. They knew how the Israelis would respond. I mean, who believes that those "activists" were "good Samaritans" who merely wanted to help? If they were just peaceful activists, they wouldn't have attacked first. The clip shows the Israeli soldiers being attacked with knives and iron bars as soon as they landed on the ship. What were the soldiers supposed to to? Just take the beating?

I am simply shocked about this whole media hype and bias. I just wonder what happened to the media neutrality.
About the land: Well, the way I see it is, the Israelis won the war, so the land is theirs! That's what happens in a war. It's not nice and it's not fair. But that's war. Just look how often European borders have changed throughout the centuries. And that was mostly because of war.
yeah in the basic sense yes but the problem is when u have international laws that stop that from happening.its not the 17,18th century when u had lands changing hands every 2 minutes in italy for example b4 those countries even excisted as we know them today.thats what you seem to be talking about so its kinda irrelvent in the 21st century. once countries came into being and were internationally acknowleded then boarders were set and laws were created .otherwise germany/japan etc wouldnt excist as countries.

This whole "activists" story just seems like a politically motivated move to strengthen Islamic movements against Israel. This wasn't an attempt to break through the blockade and bring aid to the Palestinians. They knew how the Israelis would respond. I mean, who believes that those "activists" were "good Samaritans" who merely wanted to help? If they were just peaceful activists, they wouldn't have attacked first. The clip shows the Israeli soldiers being attacked with knives and iron bars as soon as they landed on the ship. What were the soldiers supposed to to? Just take the beating?
as i said i think both sides did wrong. so yeah i agree with some of your points. they should have gone to dock like the other boats did. but of course it makes more of a point to carry on and try to get into gaza. they obviously wanted to highlight the block aide so in that sense it worked. yeah im sure there were some on there with agendas who were more extream in their views and given the chance to attack the IDF went for it and thats why ppl died.they shouldnt have done that. but its also been shown that there were many who werent. many white europeans who were part of peace/aid groups wo went out there.as can be seen from all the different nationalities that took part.like i said at the end of the day. this shouldnt have happened cause there should be no block aid in the first palce and hopefully if any good can come from it its make obama and co get off their asses and have the block aid ended.that would be the best tribute to those trying to help and the innocent that died

This wasn't an attempt to break through the blockade and bring aid to the Palestinians
not sure what it was then. after all they had aid on board and many of these ships have made alot of trips doing this.it wasnt something new
Despite what you think, international law allows nations to board ships in international waters for inspection, if they announced in advance they would be entering a closed area.
If you are stopped for search in accordance with international law, and you start shooting at soldiers, then its your fault, not theirs.

Security camera on Marmara show the preparations to attack Israelis:


thanks for that. good to know the facts when discussing this. although the IDF spokesman or i believe the officer who was incharge of the raid said on tv that there were no guns although some on the ship took the guns off the idf and used them.
I actually agree with some of the things you said, elusive moonwalker. :)

About the land: Well, the way I see it is, the Israelis won the war, so the land is theirs! That's what happens in a war. It's not nice and it's not fair. But that's war. Just look how often European borders have changed throughout the centuries. And that was mostly because of war.

But yeah, I don't want to go too deep into that.
I don't want to offend anyone with my opinion, so I hope no one takes this personally. :flowers:

This whole "activists" story just seems like a politically motivated move to strengthen Islamic movements against Israel. This wasn't an attempt to break through the blockade and bring aid to the Palestinians. They knew how the Israelis would respond. I mean, who believes that those "activists" were "good Samaritans" who merely wanted to help? If they were just peaceful activists, they wouldn't have attacked first. The clip shows the Israeli soldiers being attacked with knives and iron bars as soon as they landed on the ship. What were the soldiers supposed to to? Just take the beating?

I am simply shocked about this whole media hype and bias. I just wonder what happened to the media neutrality.

And I agree with what you wrote again. :lol: though the situation is really complicated.
You have the right to express your opinions, I don’t think you offended anyone.
I'm not interested as well to go deep into certain things cuz this debate will never end so I guess we can agree to disagree. I just wanted to make things clear about that incident and hopefully people will see the reality but maybe I'm too naive.
I'm pretty sure a few people already hate me for my opinions.. oh well. ; D

so elusive moonwalker, IF I was born in Israel so where do you want to put me? maybe throw me into the sea? not going to argue with you about historical facts. the bottom line is that Israel exists as a country if you like it or not and it has the right to defend its people. In war world II many European countries broke the international laws, including Britain. not that we can really compare but if you talking about Israel & the international law. war is always ugly. Israel is trying to be humane as much as it can. compare the IDF to other armies and see for yourself..
yeah in the basic sense yes but the problem is when u have international laws that stop that from happening.its not the 17,18th century when u had lands changing hands every 2 minutes in italy for example b4 those countries even excisted as we know them today.thats what you seem to be talking about so its kinda irrelvent in the 21st century. once countries came into being and were internationally acknowleded then boarders were set and laws were created .otherwise germany/japan etc wouldnt excist as countries.
I know what you mean, and you are right. But only because this is the 21st century, doesn't mean wars are all nice and fair. We don't have to go as far back as the 17th century. Since the war in the Middle East happened last century and you mentioned Germany, let's take them as an example. German borders have changed several times in the 20th century, and that was also because of wars and broken international treaties. What happened? Well, they simply lost the wars and Germany has had a lot of land taken away. It became smaller than it was before the Nazis took over. Now they could also claim that parts of Czech Republic, France and Poland belongs rightfully to them, but they lost the war and can't do anything about it (I am not saying that they would want to do that, it's just hypothetical *lol*)

How far back in history do we have to go in order to know whose land it is rightfully? Fact is, there is no such thing as "rightfully" owning land. All these treaties are meaningless. It's all about power, and those who have the power, will own the land. Look at the Russian invasion into Georgia. (no offense, dear Russian fans :flowers: ) What did the UN and the rest of the world do? They sat and watched.

I'm pretty sure a few people already hate me for my opinions.. oh well. ; D
Well, I certainly do not hate you! :) :flowers: Don't be afraid of saying your opinion.
Look at the Russian invasion into Georgia. (no offense, dear Russian fans :flowers: ) What did the UN and the rest of the world do? They sat and watched.

yeah no one will dare to mess with the Russians. :nono: but Israel is an easy target.
What about Turkey who is occupying northern part of Cyprus and other lands..mmm hypocrisy anyone?

Well, I certainly do not hate you! :) :flowers: Don't be afraid of saying your opinion.

:hug: awww thanks! I'm not afraid to express my opinions and I stand behind my words 100%. :)
but Israel is an easy target.
easy target for what? nothing ever happens to them.they have resolutions agaisnt them like other countries but america makes sure that nothing more happens due to vettoing (sp) at the UN. u talk as if they have sanctions and embargos against them. the same as russia. with chechnia. bottom line if the israelis followed international law then there would be nothing to say about them. why wont they follow international law? why are they above it? without justice you will never get peace. and still then u prob wont get it.
A self hating Jew.

selfhating ? highly doubt it! if you look at this interview he clearly states that he loves Israel but mentions that there are certain few in power, the zionists, who seek the destruction of Israel. The problem is that many jewish people follow into the trend of blind nationalism just like Americans do.
A self hating Jew.


so elusive moonwalker, IF I was born in Israel so where do you want to put me?
where u were born. never said any different. the problem is with this discussion is you cant have a proper discussion cause you get all defensive i want to talk about why israel doesnt follow international law and why it thinks its above the law? u never answer that.all i want is for them to follow the law and for countries to stop pandering to them cause of the jewish lobbiest.

the bottom line is that Israel exists as a country if you like it or not and it has the right to defend its people.
never said it didnt have that right.

How far back in history do we have to go in order to know whose land it is rightfully? Fact is, there is no such thing as "rightfully" owning land.
yes thats a good point. there is really no such things as booundaries like you say cuase things have changed so much. its not like the world was created and there was france and spain etc lol but as i said TODAY there are rules and laws based on agreements.anything that happened b4 is irrelvent interms of an argument becasue we can only go by what is the law now. yes ww2 was caused by the agreement in the train carriage and how germany was split up etc . but international law doesnt allow ppl to retain land through wars now and we can only go by what is the law now. and under the law now israel is illegally occuping land building settlements etc. why they cant follow the law as agreed i dont know. it all these crazy relgious zealots who prob have N.Y accents causing crap.and who need locking in a room with all the hamas idiots so everyone else can live in peace
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selfhating ? highly doubt it! if you look at this interview he clearly states that he loves Israel but mentions that there are certain few in power, the zionists, who seek the destruction of Israel. The problem is that many jewish people follow into the trend of blind nationalism just like Americans do.
yeah god forbid anyone goes against the expected. being a jew and holding the religious beliefs of one and and suporter of israels actions are 2 diferrrent things. guess he will get called a antisemite next *yawn*

elfhating ? highly doubt it! if you look at this interview he clearly states that he loves Israel but mentions that there are certain few in power, the zionists, who seek the destruction of Israel. The problem is that many jewish people follow into the trend of blind nationalism just like Americans do.
well said.
selfhating ? highly doubt it! if you look at this interview he clearly states that he loves Israel but mentions that there are certain few in power, the zionists, who seek the destruction of Israel. The problem is that many jewish people follow into the trend of blind nationalism just like Americans do.

haha he met the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah and support hezbollah..yeah he really loves Israel.


where u were born.

one guess...but is it really matters?
one guess...but is it really matters?
i think thats pretty obvious lol shalom or maybe new york lol joking

and unfortunalty hezbollah wouldnt excist if israel hadnt invaded lebbenon. so thats self creating
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See the thing about Michael....he brought all nations together..we here on this board are from all around the world...what other human being has the capability to do that? None that I know of. Michael's message was peace and love. I will not even comment on this because I will not offend anyone here..I refuse to. As a matter of fact I dont even think that we need to discuss this on a Mj forum...but that is just my opinion. I wonder what Michael would think about the topic of this thread. So to all of you who are posting in this thread I wish you all peace and love..because war sucks no matter who started it...if you really think about it....there are really never any winners. This is just my 2 cents worth.
selfhating ? highly doubt it! if you look at this interview he clearly states that he loves Israel but mentions that there are certain few in power, the zionists, who seek the destruction of Israel. The problem is that many jewish people follow into the trend of blind nationalism just like Americans do.

And I guess the people Mr Chomsky so happily hangs with (such as Nasralla and his gangs) are true supporters of Israel's right to exist, right?!

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You should all check this interview with Noam Chomsky:

Very interesting interview, i hate when words like terrorists are thrown into the arguements, the people who fought for Irish freedom were refered to as terrorists until we eventually won our freedom and they then became the official defence force of the state, if the word as it is being used here is refering to unprovoked attacks on innocent civilians then surely the Bush government has been the biggest terrorist organisation of the last decade.

There is a very interesting book by a woman called Eva Figes who escaped from germany in 1939, it is about the creation of isreal and America involvement in it's creation. "Journey to nowhere" is the name for anybody interested.
And I guess the people Mr Chomsky so happily hangs with (such as Nasralla and his gangs) are true supporters of Israel's right to exist, right?!


Maybe if you actually took time to look at the interview i posted you would understand why he met with them

I'm pretty sure he only met them for diplomatic matters and nothing else, to insunate that he supports Hezbollah's actions is very unlikely & untrue, however what you fail to mention is the fact that like elusive moonwalker and like i had said earlier about the Palestinian groups is that they only exist because that is there only alternatives, these places don't have modern military infrastructure like Israel has and so they have to respond to it one way or another, but that doesn't mean any of us here agree with the atrocities being caused during these actions.
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As a matter of fact I dont even think that we need to discuss this on a Mj forum...but that is just my opinion. I wonder what Michael would think about the topic of this thread. So to all of you who are posting in this thread I wish you all peace and love..because war sucks no matter who started it...if you really think about it....there are really never any winners. This is just my 2 cents worth.

Thanks for your opinion, however it would be naive to live in a place ignorant of what's going on outside of your own world. It is important to inform ourselves because through this we grow and learn as a people. I don't know if the MJ forums have a political section? but that wouldn't be a bad idea.
Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality

5.1.2(3) Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search, capture or diversion.

5.1.2(4) Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they:

(a) engage in belligerent acts on behalf of the enemy;
(c) are incorporated into or assist the enemy’s intelligence system;
(e) otherwise make an effective contribution to the enemy’s military action, e.g., by carrying military materials, and it is not feasible for the attacking forces to first place passengers and crew in a place of safety. Unless circumstances do not permit, they are to be given a warning, so that they can re-route, off-load, or take other precautions.

5.2.1 Visit and search

As an exception to Principle 5.1.2 paragraph 1 and in accordance with Principle 1.3 (2nd sentence), belligerent warships have a right to visit and search vis-à-vis neutral commercial ships in order to ascertain the character and destination of their cargo. If a ship tries to evade this control or offers resistance, measures of coercion necessary to exercise this right are permissible. This includes the right to divert a ship where visit and search at the place where the ship is encountered are not practical.

5.2.10 Blockade

Blockade, i.e. the interdiction of all or certain maritime traffic coming from or going to a port or coast of a belligerent, is a legitimate method of naval warfare. In order to be valid, the blockade must be declared, notified to belligerent and neutral States, effective and applied impartially to ships of all States. A blockade may not bar access to neutral ports or coasts. Neutral vessels believed on reasonable and probable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be stopped and captured. If they, after prior warning, clearly resist capture, they may be attacked.
elusive moonwalker, Shalom..didnt understand your joke with NY lol

Well the Gaza strip has been declared as a hostile entity, the real enemy of the Palestinian people is Hamas, they are the reason that the Gaza strip is in a bad state. Hamas is also stealing the money of the Palestinians and use it for their own purpose which is not in favor of their people. instead to build gaza again and make schools for the children to secure their future they buy weapons and brainwash their children against Israel. why do you think Israel have to suffer from rockets almost on a daily basis? Hamas is trying to kill soldiers & to kidnap again when aid is being delivered.

Lets talk about the international law.. does the name Gilad Shalit sound familiar to you? the Israeli soldier that has been kidnapped in 2006. Hamas has refused requests from the International Committee of the Red Cross to allow the ICRC to visit Shalit. Several human rights organizations have stated that the terms and conditions of Shalit's detention are contrary to international humanitarian law.
On 25 June 2007, the Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem (the Palestinians love this organization cuz they are against every move that Israel does) issued a statement saying "international humanitarian law absolutely prohibits taking and holding a person by force in order to compel the enemy to meet certain demands, while threatening to harm or kill the person if the demands are not met", and thus holding Shalit as a hostage to their demands is a war crime.

Israel didn’t invade Lebanon just for “fun”, though I’m glad that the IDF left they stayed there too long and it didn’t help that much. Well Hezbollah is a bigger problem for Lebanon since they just like Hamas don’t give a damn about their people, they are taking orders from Iran..who wants to set on fire the whole region and want to turn Lebanon to a Shiite entity.

See the thing about Michael....he brought all nations together..we here on this board are from all around the world...what other human being has the capability to do that? None that I know of. Michael's message was peace and love. I will not even comment on this because I will not offend anyone here..I refuse to. As a matter of fact I dont even think that we need to discuss this on a Mj forum...but that is just my opinion. I wonder what Michael would think about the topic of this thread. So to all of you who are posting in this thread I wish you all peace and love..because war sucks no matter who started it...if you really think about it....there are really never any winners. This is just my 2 cents worth.

xthunderx2, people here discuss the subject civilly, we don’t insult each other even though we disagree. Yeah war does sucks, I know from experience unfortunately. On one hand, ignorance is not a good but on the other hand there is nothing we, the simple people can do to change things.. but we’re just discussing. If the mods think this thread is unnecessary, they can close it fine by me. what would Michael think? Michael loves everyone from every country. Michael was here in Israel back in 1993, he met with Israeli figures through the years.. he loves everyone, Arabs, Jews, Muslims.. everyone was the same for him, no difference. He would hate to see people fighting, he would hate to see terror and children suffering (in all sides)...

Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality

5.1.2(3) Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search, capture or diversion.

5.1.2(4) Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they:

(a) engage in belligerent acts on behalf of the enemy;
(c) are incorporated into or assist the enemy’s intelligence system;
(e) otherwise make an effective contribution to the enemy’s military action, e.g., by carrying military materials, and it is not feasible for the attacking forces to first place passengers and crew in a place of safety. Unless circumstances do not permit, they are to be given a warning, so that they can re-route, off-load, or take other precautions.

5.2.1 Visit and search

As an exception to Principle 5.1.2 paragraph 1 and in accordance with Principle 1.3 (2nd sentence), belligerent warships have a right to visit and search vis-à-vis neutral commercial ships in order to ascertain the character and destination of their cargo. If a ship tries to evade this control or offers resistance, measures of coercion necessary to exercise this right are permissible. This includes the right to divert a ship where visit and search at the place where the ship is encountered are not practical.

5.2.10 Blockade

Blockade, i.e. the interdiction of all or certain maritime traffic coming from or going to a port or coast of a belligerent, is a legitimate method of naval warfare. In order to be valid, the blockade must be declared, notified to belligerent and neutral States, effective and applied impartially to ships of all States. A blockade may not bar access to neutral ports or coasts. Neutral vessels believed on reasonable and probable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be stopped and captured. If they, after prior warning, clearly resist capture, they may be attacked.

thanks for that.
yeah god forbid anyone goes against the expected. being a jew and holding the religious beliefs of one and and suporter of israels actions are 2 diferrrent things. guess he will get called a antisemite next *yawn*

Well Martin Luther King, Jr said once that Anti Zionism is antisemitism.. not sure I fully agree but Chomsky is certainly not a supporter of Israel, it doesn't matter if he says he is. why can he support a Jewish state and a Palestinian state? I'm sure Chomsky would meet ahmadinejad who is calling for the destruction of Israel if he could.
You cant deny that many of the anti Zionists hate Jews, they don't want to say it loud cuz it doesn't look good so they just saying 'we're against Zionism'. Most of them don't even know what Zionism means.
oh please Israel is hardly the innocent poor little helpless country you lot are making out to be, the only reason they get away with shit is because they got America behind them.
oh please Israel is hardly the innocent poor little helpless country you lot are making out to be, the only reason they get away with shit is because they got America behind them.

You are right, Israel indeed is not a helpless country just because it won't take any s.hit from terrorists and their supporters, and all these self-righteous, "bleeding hearts" hypocrites.
what the israeli soldiers did was justified, they had no choice. the hell with the biased media I'm disgusted how they are twisting things all the time
what the israeli soldiers did was justified, they had no choice. the hell with the biased media I'm disgusted how they are twisting things all the time

Boarding the ship wasn't justified in itself, how could you possible think the murder of nine civilians was justified, the american media is the most biased media in the world and they are mostly pro Israeli, i hardly think the irish media or indeed our foreign minister is biased and he just stopped short of expelling the Israeli ambassador from Ireland which he should have done and recalled our ambassador from Israel.
Boarding the ship wasn't justified in itself, how could you possible think the murder of nine civilians was justified, the american media is the most biased media in the world and they are mostly pro Israeli, i hardly think the irish media or indeed our foreign minister is biased and he just stopped short of expelling the Israeli ambassador from Ireland which he should have done and recalled our ambassador from Israel.

they should have thought about it before they attacked the soldiers..I saw the footages, it was all planned. the so called 'peace' activists are terrorist supporters and could possibly be terrorists themselves. another country would bombed the boat and no one will even say a word believe me
This story is a little more complicated as what the media is showing us.
I see the point of Israel, but also the point of many of the volunteers who were on the boats.

A girl i know from many years ago, she,s a huge michael jackson fan was on one of the boats.
Lucky she was, she survived.
One thing i know.
She,s doing these things out of l.o.v.e....
So don,t tell me those people on the boats were terrorists.
I know for 100% sure not all of them are/were having bad intentions to deliver the things to gaza.
The people there need help! Are 'we' blind?
There are many kindhearted people who feel sorry for those who are in need for help, in any kind of way, if that means they are from israel or gaza doesn,t matter.....
There were people and transprot for those who needed help, and by this terrible thing what happend it,s not possible to help the innocent people who didn,t asked for this war.

I think Israel had a point, but their reaction whas way out of proportion, way out of line....

And the girl i knew who was on the boat was in jail also for a few days....
I really hope and pray she will be fine and i,m so sure michael is very proud of her!
She understands the message of l.o.v.e.
Michael will be proud of you anne!!!!