10 Activists Killed in Israeli Attack on Gaza-Bound Aid Ship

A girl i know from many years ago, she,s a huge michael jackson fan was on one of the boats.
Lucky she was, she survived.
One thing i know.
She,s doing these things out of l.o.v.e....
So don,t tell me those people on the boats were terrorists.
I know for 100% sure not all of them are/were having bad intentions to deliver the things to gaza.

I didn't say all the people who were on the boat are terrorists but those who attacked the soldiers had planned it very well. I do believe it was a provocation, we all know it wasnt just to send 'aid'. if you support terrorist groups you are no way doing things for 'love'..this is a disgrace.
To all of you that think that there no terrorists, please take a moment to watch this short video of a living proof that there was in fact a group of Turkish militant related to global Jihad that came to this cruise with only one intention planned in mind:


By the way, all 10 casualties were confirmed to be members of that group. Yes there were hundreds of activists that did come to provide help and support, but there were also a group of trouble makers.. I'ts too bad that Israel surrender to the enormous pressure of the world, and let all the terrorist that were taken under custody go free.. They all should be in jail..

I think Israel is now in a very similar state that our beloved Michael was during 1993 and 2005.. Most people had biased opinion based on the media hunt, and not on actual facts.. Remember MJ's quote: "Lies tun sprints, but the truth runs marathons..."

they should have thought about it before they attacked the soldiers..I saw the footages, it was all planned. the so called 'peace' activists are terrorist supporters and could possibly be terrorists themselves. another country would bombed the boat and no one will even say a word believe me

this is the exact fear mongering that is being supported by the american and israeli media who claim to be "fair and balanced"To get back on topic though the truth of the matter is they were on international waters whether you like it or not, in which case Israel had no right to jump down onto the boats in the first place! people were armed and getting ready for the worse because they were being attacked,if your ship is being attacked it is only natural to defend it.

You don't think Israel had it "all planned" ?? they shot 9 people! their lies and deceit is beyond humane! but the truth of the matter is, Israel has always been able to pull the "victim card" by calling the rest of the world antisemites,or haters of Israel, or even terrorists, What you must realize is that this in itself is a tactic that has been widely used by criminals for example Hitler to spread fear among the people in order for them to rally with their leader but also to control them. The state itself needs to be questioned, Do you really think Israel has the best interest of the people at heart?? if this escalates you can bet things will get worse and why? because they always want more then what they already have and when that day comes many people will die at the hands of these war mongering zionists.Israel know's they can do what they want because America fully supports them and that was proven recently.
this is the exact fear mongering that is being supported by the american and israeli media who claim to be "fair and balanced"To get back on topic though the truth of the matter is they were on international waters whether you like it or not, in which case Israel had no right to jump down onto the boats in the first place! people were armed and getting ready for the worse because they were being attacked,if your ship is being attacked it is only natural to defend it.

You don't think Israel had it "all planned" ?? they shot 9 people! their lies and deceit is beyond humane! but the truth of the matter is, Israel has always been able to pull the "victim card" by calling the rest of the world antisemites,or haters of Israel, or even terrorists, What you must realize is that this in itself is a tactic that has been widely used by criminals for example Hitler to spread fear among the people in order for them to rally with their leader but also to control them. The state itself needs to be questioned, Do you really think Israel has the best interest of the people at heart?? if this escalates you can bet things will get worse and why? because they always want more then what they already have and when that day comes many people will die at the hands of these war mongering zionists.Israel know's they can do what they want because America fully supports them and that was proven recently.

Well said, Israel cinfiscated all the videos from that night and then decided to release the ones that would best suit their spin but you would have to be a fool to think this video in any way makes what happened justified. We see men getting ready to defend themselves from IDF soldiers which are approaching the boat. TheMan1998 tried to claim these men are some kind of terror group, a terror group that decided to take on the IDF with a couple of bars, a lump of wood and A SLINGSHOT, they must have been expecting the IDF to use attack pigeons. Surely if they were a terror group they would have been better prepared. If as many are claiming the murder wasn't sactioned by the state which i don't believe as the soldiers were highly trained commandos and not newly recruited privates but if this was the case then Israel should follow international law which is to hand the perpertrators over to the country which owned the boat where they would be tried under that countries laws, that country in this case being turkey.
This thread should be closed or locked or whatever it becomes hateful. we dont need this in an MJ forum
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Do you even know what Zionism means

On November 10, 1976, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a Resolution declaring that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."

"Zionist colonization must either be be terminated or carried out against the wishes of the native [Arab] population."

Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky, The Iron Wall: We and the Arabs.

A self hating Jew.

White people who criticized white racism were also called self-hating or "n*****lovers.":rolleyes:

See the thing about Michael....he brought all nations together

"What about the holy land (What about it) Torn apart by creed" -Michael Jackson, 'Earth Song'

Well Martin Luther King, Jr said once that Anti Zionism is antisemitism

That is because most of Dr. King's speeches were written by the Jew, Stanley Levinson. Black leaders such as Marcus Garvey, Langston Hughes, and Malcolm X were often resentful of Jewish self-interest in the Civil Rights movement. I forgot who said it but I remember the saying: "Many a stout black heart was silenced [by the charge of anti-semitism]." The NAACP, founded in 1909, had only one prominent black on its board of directors (the mulatto W.E.B. Dubois) which otherwise consisted of Jewish Marxist ideologues. There wasn't a black president (Benjamin Hooks) of the NAACP until the 1970s!

oh please Israel is hardly the innocent poor little helpless country you lot are making out to be, the only reason they get away with shit is because they got America behind them.

It's remarkable! I think the US has vetoed over 30 UN resolutions critical of Israel since 1972.


I can't think of another country that gets such one-sided uncritical support from a super-power.

You are right, Israel indeed is not a helpless country just because it won't take any s.hit from terrorists and their supporters, and all these self-righteous, "bleeding hearts" hypocrites.

They aren't terrorists, they are freedom fighters resisting a brutal occupation. Or if they are the former, then Israel itself was created by terror.

Zionist terrorists like Menachem Begin, Abraham Stern, Yitshak Shamir, David-Ben Gurion, and others began a campaign of bombings and assassination.Among their actions, they hanged and garroted British soldiers, blew up the King David hotel, and killed UN mediator Count Folke Bernadotte who had this to say in his final report:

"Zionist pillage on a grand scale and the destruction of villages without apparent military need."

"It would offend basic principles to prevent these innocent victims of the conflict from returning to their homes, while Jewish immigrants flood into Palestine . . . threatening to permanently replace the the dispossessed Arab refugees who have been here for centuries."

Then there was the horrible, almost unspeakable, Deir Yassin massacre, in which 252 were murdered. Even Haganah commander, Zvi Ankori, noted that Irgun and LEHI men cut off genitalia and crushed women's stomachs.

But in his book, The Revolt: The Story of the Irgun, Israeli "hero" Menachem Begin brags of the importance of the massacre: "The Haganah carried out a victorious attack . . . . In a state of terror, the Arabs fled, crying out 'Deir Yassin.'"

It always amazes me when either Israeli or Diaspora Jews, such as Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, support going after surviving low level (eg. prison guards) members of the Axis forces to prosecute them for "crimes" that occurred over 60 years ago but celebrate, as Bibi does, mass murderers like Begin, Stern, Shamir, Ben-Gurion, as respectable and honorable statesmen!

the bottom line is that Israel exists as a country

So what? So did the USSR, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, and where are they today? I doubt the United States will be around in its present form in 50 years given the rapid Hispancization of Texas and the Southwest, championed by both Jewish Marxists and Neo-Cons.

I also think support for Israel will wane as comparative victimology decreases the power of the Holocaust over the imagination. For instance instead of seeing Jews as exclusively victims, they are being seen as victimizers in the Holmodor as an example.

And while (US) money and might are at this time on the side of Israel, time and demography is not. A few years ago I remember reading a UN World Population Report that projected that by 2050 there would be 3 million Palestinians inside Israel, 12 million on the West Bank and Gaza, and 10 million in Jordan. 25 million younger Palestinians living alongside 7 million aging Jewish Israelis by mid-century.
This is sick, do you think that is funny.

Watch this video and tell my how fuuny the situation is.


There is an Irish aid ship on it's way to GAZA at this moment named after rachael corrie. Lets pray it gets to the people who need it.

Extremely humane, peaceful Palestinians:


Flotilla Passenger: "I Want to Be a Shahid (Martyr)":


Mavi Marmara Passengers Attack IDF Before Soldiers Board Ship:

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*cough * whoa so many haters here omg omg! :eek: its not even worth to respond to your propaganda...a waste of time and energy! :)

^^:lol: that video (We con the world), its the truth...funny!
Zionists are religious fanatics like any other religious fanatics in this world, just much more focused on their crazy ideas. Zionism is not just a political movement. It based on religious ideas of being "chosen" and “Holy Land”. F*k them.

hahaha what an ignorant comment! the religious fanatics are actually against Zionism and Israel as a state. You don't have to be religious to support Israel..oh the ignorance. you can be an atheist and a Zionist.
They brainwash and sacrifice their own ppl. This is why so many Russian Jews who moved to Israel are running away from this country to Canada or US.
I am originally from Russia, I know this subject pretty well from inside.

WTF?! If they "ran away" from Israel to other places it's because they couldn't find a job, or for a dozen other reasons, that make people move out from one country to another.
And you, why did YOU leave your homeland and move out?!
wow I cant believe I have never seen this thread, thanks MJKING985 for bringing attention to this issue. You guys already know where I stand. I am Palestinian and have been dealing with this issue since the day I was born. Moving from country to country because the Israelis made it that difficult and impossible for my family and I to live at home, in our OWN country. I want to make it clear first, that I do not hate the Israeli people, I hate only the people in charge, the ones making decisions and the ones toting around missels. The soldiers that have no respect for life or human beings. LoveMJackson you're calling their actions "humane", tell me what is humane about killing thousands of children every year right infront of their father's and mother's eyes? What is humane about the same people having experienced the holocaust repeating it now by trying to demolish all Palestinian people? You have no argument and you never will. We had been living in this country of ours for generations until the Israelis came along remembering that they had history there, and didn't even try to share it peacefully. They were all about taking over from the beginning. I dont call that civilized or humane. My cousin lives there, and ten years ago he was picking his brother up from school, so innocently, and one of the cowardly Israeli soldiers put a bullet right through his eye. Is that humane? Did my cousin provoke him? No. He was simply picking up his brother from school. Not only did he lose his eye that day, but he also lost 7 years of freedom when he was put in jail. 7 years of his life were lost because the Israelis just felt like putting him in jail. I want to thank all of the members on here that have their eyes open and are aware of what is REALLY going on. And that is Genocide, nothing less. Dont tell me that media is brainwashing people to make them think that Israelis are at fault, when the Palestinians are really at fault. Thats bull and you know it. The media has always been on the Israeli side, because they are simply too afraid to call them out on their evil. When last year Gaza was so badly attacked that they didnt even have any houses left standing, the media focused on "two Israeli soldiers were injured today" while 100's of Gazans and children were being slaughtered by heartless cowards. Btw, my uncle is Imam at the Jerusalem mosque. Thats the big beautiful mosque all of you see with the golden temple. About 5 months ago, the Israelis kicked him out of Jerusalem and told him not to ever come back. They dragged him out of this holiest of Mosques and threw him, I kid you not, out on the curb right outside Jerusalem. Are you kidding me with that? How can you be so blinded to the fact that the Israeli soldiers are nothing but cowards? "What about the holy land? torn apart by creed?" Please listen to "We've Had Enough" I think it's a perfect song to describe what it is going on. MJ knew how to bring images to his fans' minds and every time I hear this song it reminds me of Palestine and all the awful things we've had to put up with. Let me just show you this picture that I found in an article. The left side is one from the holocaust with a Nazi pointing and laughing at one of the victims, and the right side is one of an Israeli pointing a laughing at one of his victims. I'll leave you to ponder that a bit.
You are ignorant, not me. You have no clue what Zionism based on. They ARE religious fanatics just like others. It is big game for kids that Zionists are atheists. Go learn something before you make your comments. Read Torah as a first step and some Zionists documents in addition. Maybe it will help.

oh really? what do you say? I’m an Israeli, I believe this country should exist, my reasons are not religious at all, I’m actually a secular, I don’t think that the Jews are the chosen people.. no. I also support a state of the Palestinians but only when terrorism will stop…I don’t see that coming soon.
General Zionism, National-Religious Zionism, Labor Zionism, Revisionist Zionism, etc there are different kind of Zionists. Some are indeed religious, fanatics too but the real fanatics don’t believe in this current state as it is today, for them Zionism is secular, they reject nationalism as a doctrine and consider Judaism to be first and foremost a religion. Others reject any possibility of a Jewish state, since according to them a Jewish state is completely forbidden by Jewish law, and a Jewish state is considered an oxymoron. the majority are not fanatics..what you see on YouTube & on the TV, they always take the fanatics to speak. I read the Torah, I read the whole bible many times as an ex believer. Actually the people who helped Israel become a Jewish state are not even religious fanatics, many are even secular Jews. you should do some research before you speak. You don’t need to Torah to know that Israel exist thousands years, there many historical proofs for that.
mmm there are Arabs who support Israel (not many unfortunately), Druses, Christians and they even serve in the IDF..surprise surprise...they are zionists too, they are loyal to the state.
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Israeli MP on the Flotilla Raid


Haneen Zuabi, an Israeli Parliament member, recently gave an interview with Russia Today news. In the interview she recounted what she witnessed while on the Gaza-bound flotilla that was boarded by the Israeli military.

Zuabi stated that she was on the third floor of the ship with unarmed people such as photojournalists, organizers, and a nurse. She went on to say that the Israeli ships began to shoot at the flotilla before soldiers even landed on the ship.

She continued by stating that the Israeli commandos confiscated all of the cameras. Now the Israeli military has all of the documentation of what went on during the raid of the flotilla, but they have only released information convenient to the official Zionist line. Zuabi questioned why the military would do this if they were supposedly in the right, just defending themselves.

MP Haneen Zuabi was among those captured onboard of Gaza-bound ships. She’s since been released and has spoken to RT about what she had witnessed. She says Israeli marines started shooting before even boarding ship and Israel has confiscated all reporters film and true video evidence of what happened.

Gaza flotilla activist faces death threats

Haneen Zuabi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset, has been sworn at by parliamentary colleagues and received death threats since disembarking on Monday

Haneen Zuabi (right), who represents the Arab nationalist party Balad in the Israeli Knesset, is heckled by Anastassia Michaeli, of the ultra-nationalistic Yisrael Beteinu party (centre). Photograph: David Vaaknin/AP

While other activists from the Gaza aid flotilla have returned home, one is left facing death threats and abuse in Israel. Haneen Zuabi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset who was aboard the Mavi Marmara, is now under armed protection after nearly 500 people signed up to a Facebook page calling for her execution.

During a heated parliamentary session yesterday Zuabi was sworn at and then shoved out of the chamber amid shouts of "Go to Gaza, traitor".
The 41-year-old member of the Arab nationalist party Balad has also received death threats by phone and mail. "I am not scared," she said, speaking from her home town of Nazareth in northern Israel. "This is inherent here, it is not something that started yesterday. It is just harder and harsher now."

Zuabi faces growing hostility for taking part in the Gaza aid flotilla, amid a climate of rage at what has been portrayed in Israel as a premeditated attack upon its soldiers by armed activists aboard the boats.
"Israel wanted many deaths to terrorise us and to send a message that no future aid convoys should try to break the siege of Gaza," she told journalists this week.

Zuabi said that naval boats surrounded the Mavi Marmara and fired on it before soldiers abseiled aboard from a helicopter. She went below to the ship's hold and said that, within minutes, two dead passengers were brought inside, followed by two more who had been seriously wounded.
soldiers refused her requests for medical assistance for the injured passengers, who died shortly after.

Zuabi – known in Israel as an articulate Hebrew speaker – said that soldiers specifically asked her to translatetheir instructions. At first, she refused. "I shouted back, 'Why didn't you ask for my help before you murdered these people?'"

But she realised that such assistance could prevent further violence. "My fear was that miscommunication and panic could lead to more deaths," she said. "Everyone on the boat was terrified, screaming and crying and I felt a sense of responsibility towards them."

Zuabi spent the next few hours conveying the Israeli soldiers' instructions to the passengers as they were searched, while also relaying concern over injured passengers and requests for water, medicine or to pray.
Disembarking with the others at Ashdod port on Monday, Zuabi, who has parliamentary immunity, was interrogated three times before being freed The remaining four Palestinian citizens of Israel aboard the aid boats were released from Ashkelon prison this morning, but remain under house arrest until next week. They have not been charged.

Having survived a situation in which she'd factored a "50% chance to come out alive", Zuabi said she is now facing a different threat, "of racist, illegitimate ideas that have turned violent".

Zuabi was elected last year and, as the first female Knesset member on an Arab party list, views her support for the Free Gaza campaign as part of a wider fight for democracy, race and gender equality in Israel.
She said she cannot yet allow herself to process the violent events aboard the Mavi Marmarawhat happened. "I can't forget the images of the dead, but I haven't cried for them yet. I have to stay strong in this climate of threats against me."

Israeli MP tells of her terror on aid ship [ 66565 ] -

[/u]Jonathan Cook


June 1, 2010

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Nazareth // An Arab member of the Israeli parliament who was on board the international flotilla that was attacked on Monday as it tried to take humanitarian aid to Gaza accused Israel yesterday of intending to kill peace activists as a way to deter future convoys.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Haneen Zoubi said Israeli naval vessels had surrounded the flotilla’s flagship, the Mavi Marmara, and fired on it a few minutes before commandos abseiled from a helicopter directly above them.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Terrified passengers had been forced off the deck when water was sprayed at them. She said she was not aware of any provocation or resistance by the passengers, who were all unarmed.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]She added that within minutes of the raid beginning, three bodies had been brought to the main room on the upper deck in which she and most other passengers were confined. Two had gunshot wounds to the head, in what she suggested had been executions.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Two other passengers slowly bled to death in the room after Israeli soldiers ignored messages in Hebrew she had held up at the window calling for medical help to save them. She said she saw seven other passengers seriously wounded.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]"Israel had days to plan this military operation," she told a press conference in Nazareth. "They wanted many deaths to terrorise us and to send a message that no future aid convoys should try to break the siege of Gaza."[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Released early yesterday by police, apparently because of her parliamentary immunity, she said she was speaking out while most of the hundreds of other peace activists were either being held by Israel for deportation or were under arrest.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Three other leaders of Israel’s large Palestinian Arab minority, including Sheikh Raed Salah, a spiritual leader, were arrested as their ships docked in the southern port of Ashdod. Lawyers said that under Israeli law they could be held and questioned for up to 30 days without being charged.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Contradicting Israeli claims, Ms Zoubi said a search by the soldiers after they took control of the Marmara discovered no arms or other weapons.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]It was vital, she added, that the world demand an independent UN inquiry to find out what had happened on the ship rather than allow Israel to carry out a "whitewash" with its own military investigation.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Ms Zoubi spoke as Palestinians inside both Israel and the occupied territories observed a general strike called by their leaders.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]A statement from the High Follow-Up Committee, the main political body for Israel’s Palestinian citizens, described the raid on the flotilla as "state-sponsored terrorism".[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Demonstrations and marches in most of the main Palestinian towns and villages in Israel passed off quietly. Local analysts described the mood as angry but subdued, not least because of the openly hostile climate that has developed towards Palestinian citizens since crackdowns on their protests during the Israeli attack on Gaza 18 months ago.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]However, police were reported to have been put on high alert, with thousands of extra officers drafted into the north, where most Palestinian citizens live.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]On Monday, clashes between protesters and police broke out close to the al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City and in the northern town of Umm al Fahm after false rumours circulated that Sheikh Salah, the leader of Israel’s main Islamic Movement, had been killed in the Israeli naval operation.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Police were reported to have arrested 18 youths, mainly for throwing stones in various locations in the north.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Scores of Palestinians demonstrated outside the Turkish consulate in East Jerusalem yesterday to show their support for Ankara, which has harshly criticised Israeli actions. Two demonstrators were reported to have been arrested by police.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]In the West Bank, many Palestinians observed the first of three days of mourning decreed by Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, over the killings of international activists.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Even before the attack on the flotilla, the country’s Palestinian minority, a fifth of the population, had been braced for a backlash from the government and Jewish public for its leaders’ participation in the flotilla. As the ships set sail, Ynet, Israel’s most popular news website, had asked whether Ms Zoubi was an "MP in the service of Hamas".[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]But faced with the severe diplomatic fall-out from Israel’s killing of peace activists, Israel’s Palestinian leaders warned that they were likely to come under even fiercer criticism in coming days.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Yesterday right-wing parties launched their first attacks on Ms Zoubi, demanding the revocation of her immunity and her expulsion from the parliament. Danny Danon, a member of the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, called for her to be "tried for treason".[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]In her statement on the attack, Ms Zoubi said that at 4am on Monday she had seen at least 14 Israeli boats surround their ship 130km out at sea, in international waters.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]She said the passengers had been gripped with fear at the noise and confusion as the commandos abseiled on to the deck. "I did not believe we were going to survive more than five minutes," she said.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Taleb al Sana, another Arab MP, supported Ms Zoubi’s contention that Israeli claims that the commandos shot only at the passengers’ legs were false. "I have visited the wounded in hospital and they all have shot wounds to the head and body," he said.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Adalah, a legal centre for Israel’s Arab minority, said nine lawyers had been given limited access yesterday afternoon to the hundreds of activists detained in Beersheva and were trying to take testimonies "in very difficult circumstances".[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Its lawyers and human rights groups were also trying to track down who had been injured and where they being treated.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]"Our view is that Israel is intentionally trying to obstruct this work and is enforcing an information blackout," said Gaby Rubin, a spokeswoman for Adalah.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]- foreign.desk@thenational.ae [/FONT]



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This whole "activists" story just seems like a politically motivated move to strengthen Islamic movements against Israel. This wasn't an attempt to break through the blockade and bring aid to the Palestinians. They knew how the Israelis would respond. I mean, who believes that those "activists" were "good Samaritans" who merely wanted to help?

I'm not going to pretend to know everything about this incident because I don't, none of us do, but I do know that there was aid on the ship and activists and aid workers on board...

We know for a fact that there were 700 people from 40 countries, including journalists, MPs, nurses and charity volunteers. It is the terrorist story that is foggy.

There are families in a town near me in England, UK who are waiting for their family members to come home - men and women who went with charities..that isn't a made up 'story', it is FACT. I read there was a Turkish woman with a one year old baby who was so frightened she ran to hide in a cabin toilet. There was also apparently an 80 yr old guy. Does this sound like a boat full of terrorists.. ?

There were aid workers who were tending to injured soldiers. Whereas there were people badly injured by Israeli soliders who were refused medical attention and later died.

Question of Isreal defending themselves?......well they seized on a ship in international waters.. if anyone was defending themselves surely it's the people on board. I do not believe this was some planned attack by those on board the ship. I have not heard on the news that any terrorist weapons etc. were found on board this boat. If it was planned wouldn't they have their own weapons not have to use what was laying around on the ship - wood, metal bars etc. and taking guns from the soldiers... - this all sounds like self defense... and we're supposed to believe the Israeli soldiers thought/knew they were going to approach terrorists and armed themselves with paintball guns?

There is an Irish aid supply boat on its way for Gaza.. lets hope that nothing bad happens to them.

This Israeli MP was on board. She said the footage being shown does not show what happened before that, that it doesn't show the full story. She says Israeli soldiers started shooting at the floatilla before they landed on the ship.

Israeli MP on the Flotilla Raid

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wow I cant believe I have never seen this thread, thanks MJKING985 for bringing attention to this issue. You guys already know where I stand. I am Palestinian and have been dealing with this issue since the day I was born. Moving from country to country because the Israelis made it that difficult and impossible for my family and I to live at home, in our OWN country. I want to make it clear first, that I do not hate the Israeli people, I hate only the people in charge, the ones making decisions and the ones toting around missels. The soldiers that have no respect for life or human beings. LoveMJackson you're calling their actions "humane", tell me what is humane about killing thousands of children every year right infront of their father's and mother's eyes? What is humane about the same people having experienced the holocaust repeating it now by trying to demolish all Palestinian people? You have no argument and you never will. We had been living in this country of ours for generations until the Israelis came along remembering that they had history there, and didn't even try to share it peacefully. They were all about taking over from the beginning. I dont call that civilized or humane. My cousin lives there, and ten years ago he was picking his brother up from school, so innocently, and one of the cowardly Israeli soldiers put a bullet right through his eye. Is that humane? Did my cousin provoke him? No. He was simply picking up his brother from school. Not only did he lose his eye that day, but he also lost 7 years of freedom when he was put in jail. 7 years of his life were lost because the Israelis just felt like putting him in jail. I want to thank all of the members on here that have their eyes open and are aware of what is REALLY going on. And that is Genocide, nothing less. Dont tell me that media is brainwashing people to make them think that Israelis are at fault, when the Palestinians are really at fault. Thats bull and you know it. The media has always been on the Israeli side, because they are simply too afraid to call them out on their evil. When last year Gaza was so badly attacked that they didnt even have any houses left standing, the media focused on "two Israeli soldiers were injured today" while 100's of Gazans and children were being slaughtered by heartless cowards. Btw, my uncle is Imam at the Jerusalem mosque. Thats the big beautiful mosque all of you see with the golden temple. About 5 months ago, the Israelis kicked him out of Jerusalem and told him not to ever come back. They dragged him out of this holiest of Mosques and threw him, I kid you not, out on the curb right outside Jerusalem. Are you kidding me with that? How can you be so blinded to the fact that the Israeli soldiers are nothing but cowards? "What about the holy land? torn apart by creed?" Please listen to "We've Had Enough" I think it's a perfect song to describe what it is going on. MJ knew how to bring images to his fans' minds and every time I hear this song it reminds me of Palestine and all the awful things we've had to put up with. Let me just show you this picture that I found in an article. The left side is one from the holocaust with a Nazi pointing and laughing at one of the victims, and the right side is one of an Israeli pointing a laughing at one of his victims. I'll leave you to ponder that a bit.

Hey you :)

Wow, that is horrible.

I didn't know you were Palestinian

That picture.. :no: how can a human act like that, smiling and pointing, it's disgusting. There is no defending that.
Let me just show you this picture that I found in an article. The left side is one from the holocaust with a Nazi pointing and laughing at one of the victims, and the right side is one of an Israeli pointing a laughing at one of his victims. I'll leave you to ponder that a bit.

Hey you :)

Wow, that is horrible.

I didn't know you were Palestinian

That picture.. :no: how can a human act like that, smiling and pointing, it's disgusting. There is no defending that.

Yes ma'am I am. Thanks for your support. I know that picture is so horrible and hypocritical. It just shows you how disgusting people have become. I just hope someday it will all be over!
I know that picture is so horrible and hypocritical.

what about one million arab jews who were expelled from arab lands before israel was even established? their money and houses were stolen. many were killed and women got raped.. like the Farhud pogrom in iraq?
what about the collaboration between arab nationalists and the nazis? what about holocaust denying in many arab countries? do you find it horrible and hypocritical too?

That is my point. Im not against any people as a whole. I will never be. I'm against stupid leaders who lead their people in the way of war and hatred. That's how something that could have probably been worked out and dealt with many decades ago grew into what we're in today. Because selfish leaders drove their people to become this way.
what about one million arab jews who were expelled from arab lands before israel was even established? their money and houses were stolen. many were killed and women got raped.. like the Farhud pogrom in iraq?
what about the collaboration between arab nationalists and the nazis? what about holocaust denying in many arab countries? do you find it horrible and hypocritical too?

Yes as a matter of fact I do. But that's a whole other subject. I am talking only about my people, Palestinians. I am not Iraqi, that's a common misconception people have going on, the Arab countries are separate, they are not states. So anything Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia....etc do is none of my concern. That's why I said Im NOT against the Israeli people or Jewish people in general. I do not put blame on any civilians. I would never do that. I only put blame on leaders and their troops. I dont mean to make anyone here angry, thats not my objective. But it seems like my voice here is the lower one, just how it is to the world. No matter what, people will never see just how unjustly Palestine has been treated over the years. No, they choose to be blind to it, because it is the easy thing to do. But there will come a day!