10 Activists Killed in Israeli Attack on Gaza-Bound Aid Ship


Proud Member
Sep 23, 2011
New York, France
I'm surprised that people are not talking about what happened recently with the atrocious death of these activists, or maybe i didnt look in the right thread?anyway Here are the news, would like to hear your thoughts about this.

"It was early Monday morning as Israeli soldiers stormed the Gaza-bound international aid convoy called the Freedom Flotilla in international waters about forty miles off the coast of Gaza. The six ships had nearly 700 international activists on board and 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid. They were aiming to break the three-year-long siege of the Gaza Strip. Israeli commandos landed on the lead ship in the convoy, the Turkish Mavi Marmara, which had about 600 activists on board. At least ten and as many as nineteen civilians on board the ship have been reported to have died in the attack. Israeli troops proceeded to seize the Mavi Marmara and the five other ships and take them to the port of Ashdod. Hundreds of activists are being detained in an Israeli prison, and nearly fifty others have been deported. The United Nations Security Council has condemned the attack and called for the immediate release of the ships and the civilians held by Israel and called for an impartial investigation. All the permanent members of the Security Council except for the United States explicitly called for Israel’s three-year blockade of the Gaza Strip to be lifted. Turkey has compared Israel’s actions to state terrorism. We speak to Adam Shapiro, Amira Hass, Ali Abunimah and Richard Falk." http://www.democracynow.org/
I'm surprised that people are not talking about what happened recently with the atrocious death of these activists, or maybe i didnt look in the right thread?anyway Here are the news, would like to hear your thoughts about this.

"It was early Monday morning as Israeli soldiers stormed the Gaza-bound international aid convoy called the Freedom Flotilla in international waters about forty miles off the coast of Gaza. The six ships had nearly 700 international activists on board and 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid. They were aiming to break the three-year-long siege of the Gaza Strip. Israeli commandos landed on the lead ship in the convoy, the Turkish Mavi Marmara, which had about 600 activists on board. At least ten and as many as nineteen civilians on board the ship have been reported to have died in the attack. Israeli troops proceeded to seize the Mavi Marmara and the five other ships and take them to the port of Ashdod. Hundreds of activists are being detained in an Israeli prison, and nearly fifty others have been deported. The United Nations Security Council has condemned the attack and called for the immediate release of the ships and the civilians held by Israel and called for an impartial investigation. All the permanent members of the Security Council except for the United States explicitly called for Israel’s three-year blockade of the Gaza Strip to be lifted. Turkey has compared Israel’s actions to state terrorism. We speak to Adam Shapiro, Amira Hass, Ali Abunimah and Richard Falk." http://www.democracynow.org/

This thread doesn’t belong here..it supposed to be in the General Discussion section.
These “peace activists” had knives and other weapons and they lynched the soldiers. Any country has the right to defend itself. There were 6 boats in the Flotilla. In 5 of the boats, the soldiers landed without confrontation and no one got hurt. ..but the last one was there apparently to make provocation. The soldiers at the start came without weapons, they had paintball guns..they didn't expect to be attacked, they had to defend themselves.

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This thread doesn’t belong here..it supposed to be in the General Discussion section.
These “peace activists” had knives and other weapons and they lynched the soldiers. Any country has the right to defend itself. There were 6 boats in the Flotilla. In 5 of the boats, the soldiers landed without confrontation and no one got hurt. ..but the last one was there apparently to make provocation. The soldiers at the start came without weapons, they had paintball guns..they didn't expect to be attacked, they had to defend themselves.


i don't condone violence however they were on international waters.... the israeli army didn't defend itself they are the ones who clearly hijacked the boat with military professionals they shouldn't have jumped down on the boats to begin with! they came armed with weapons and didn't hesitate to kill, when they could have used other non lethal weapons to calm the situation, Israel is criminally responsible for these actions and they are criminally responsible for many other actions against the Palestinian people!
Still they have the right to check that boat to see if there are any weapons that being transported to hamas's (a terrorist organization) hands. The soldiers used their real weapons only when they were under attack. The activists attacked them for provocation only..they wanted headlines & they got. You can see clearly in the video that the soldiers were under attack, these activists stabbed them, beat and threw them out off the boat so they had no other choice but to protect themselves. Turkey accuses Israel for being a state of “terrorism” then how would you call them for butchering 1.5 million Armenians and for killing the Kurds? and I can go on and on and on… you can see the hypocrisy here? All the other countries can do what they feel like and no one will say a word but when a small country like Israel tries to defend itself everyone freaks out..

We can agree to disagree. I condemn violence but I support self defense.
Still they have the right to check that boat to see if there are any weapons that being transported to hamas's (a terrorist organization) hands. The soldiers used their real weapons only when they were under attack. The activists attacked them for provocation only..they wanted headlines & they got. You can see clearly in the video that the soldiers were under attack, these activists stabbed them, beat and threw them out off the boat so they had no other choice but to protect themselves. Turkey accuses Israel for being a state of “terrorism” then how would you call them for butchering 1.5 million Armenians and for killing the Kurds? and I can go on and on and on… you can see the hypocrisy here? All the other countries can do what they feel like and no one will say a word but when a small country like Israel tries to defend itself everyone freaks out..

We can agree to disagree. I condemn violence but I support self defense.

If they wanted to check they could have done it in a more professional manner then having to approach the activists aggressively, and as much as it might have been a provocation to bring headlines it is also a way to get attention back to the people that are dying on daily basis in Palestine.absolutely I agree with you about Turkey however The State of Israel is no different they have enslaved the palestinian people and deprived them of there human rights, they've embarrased, killed and stolen palestinian lands i would call this a genocide! but like you say we can agree to disagree
before they landed on the Marmara boat they warned them many times but they didn’t listen. As a matter of fact as we speak, the IDF spokesperson just released a video that proves they were using live ammunition on that boat.. and apparently these activists who attacked the soldiers have a direct or indirect connection to terrorist organizations so maybe it was planned by the Iranian regime which sponsor those terrorist organizations. but I could be wrong about that and it has a connection to another factor.
You know who is responsible for the Palestinian situation? HAMAS!

Again I strongly disagree with you..at least we agree about Turkey. This is a very complicated situation.. war sucks
What the IDF done was a massacre but sadly America refuses to accept it. Obama has been called out on this and sadly i think he has failed, ten people were murdered in international waters under the order of the isreali state, the talk about the soldiers being attacked is rubbish, sure there are videos of people fighting with them but who landed on who's ship. Of course people will put up a fight when in the dark of night soldiers land on their ship from a helicopter, these people were trying to bring aid to the people of gaza which is being strangled by isreal in an attemp to turn it into a thrid world country. If the ship had been american and iranian forces boarded it and shot dead 10 americans would we be debating weather the americans had sticks and knife, no, we would be bracing ourself for another war in the middleeast.
its a farce to think that the israeli's just popped out of the sky in the dark of the night to massacre innocent victims without any advance notice.
thankfully, the israeli i am sure records and documents their every move in any situations as this because they know they are always held at higher level of accountability by the international community.

i am sorry that people died.

what i am really sorry for is the victims that these ships intended to aid. because of stupidity their actions delayed the very people they sought to help. what did this violence really achieve.

HATE and HATE alone has caused parents, spouses, siblings and children to now grieve the loss of 10 souls.

its a shame so many people seek out provocations and violence as IF there wasn't enough in the world.
its a farce to think that the israeli's just popped out of the sky in the dark of the night to massacre innocent victims without any advance notice.
thankfully, the israeli i am sure records and documents their every move in any situations as this because they know they are always held at higher level of accountability by the international community.

i am sorry that people died.

what i am really sorry for is the victims that these ships intended to aid. because of stupidity their actions delayed the very people they sought to help. what did this violence really achieve.

HATE and HATE alone has caused parents, spouses, siblings and children to now grieve the loss of 10 souls.

its a shame so many people seek out provocations and violence as IF there wasn't enough in the world.

An Isreali investigation will be a farce, there is no other description for what happen only a massacre, knife, sticks, bars, self defence, none of these arguments stand up, the facts are IDF soldiers boarded an aid ship in international waters and murdered ten civilians. As sickening as this is it is also no surprise, they also slaughtered 13000 palestinians at the end of 2008, but more sickening then the whole incident is the American responce, i have been a supporter of Obama but his failure to condemn and punish Isreal is nothing short of a disgrace. He is a coward.
As the story unveils, it turns out that these so called 10 activists that were killed, were Turkish militants hired by Al qaida with one purpose in mind: killing Israeli solders. I do think Israel screwed up this time, not for murdering anyone, but for not planing this operation right.. With all the sympathy to the suffering of the Palestinian people, but the only one that should held responsible for this is the Hamas terrorist group. Eliminate Hamas, and you got a giant leap towards peace in the middle east. The main problem is that you first have to eliminate Iranian terror... By the way, the original plan was to board the ship, have it inspected for weapons, then make sure all the supplies were delivered to Gaza as planned. It is very sad that most of the people of Europe have blindly taken one side of this story...
An Isreali investigation will be a farce, there is no other description for what happen only a massacre, knife, sticks, bars, self defence, none of these arguments stand up, the facts are IDF soldiers boarded an aid ship in international waters and murdered ten civilians. As sickening as this is it is also no surprise, they also slaughtered 13000 palestinians at the end of 2008, but more sickening then the whole incident is the American responce, i have been a supporter of Obama but his failure to condemn and punish Isreal is nothing short of a disgrace. He is a coward.

I am sadden by the plight of the average palestinian who suffers and has suffered.
I am sadden as well for the Israeli's.
I WISH there would be peace for the future generations of both an israeli child and a palestinian child.

you mention the slaughter of 13000 palestinians, do you know any facts of the suffering on the israeli side? or only one side matters for you?

this situation isn't as simplistic as israeli hate mongers that are out to destroy palestinians.

hate begets hate, violence begets violence. its been decades of violence and death. i hope a sustainable peace will prevail so people can live in peace and not in fear.
As the story unveils, it turns out that these so called 10 activists that were killed, were Turkish militants hired by Al qaida with one purpose in mind: killing Israeli solders. I do think Israel screwed up this time, not for murdering anyone, but for not planing this operation right.. With all the sympathy to the suffering of the Palestinian people, but the only one that should held responsible for this is the Hamas terrorist group. Eliminate Hamas, and you got a giant leap towards peace in the middle east. The main problem is that you first have to eliminate Iranian terror... By the way, the original plan was to board the ship, have it inspected for weapons, then make sure all the supplies were delivered to Gaza as planned. It is very sad that most of the people of Europe have blindly taken one side of this story...

Where did you here such rubbish, there were Irish people on that ship were they working for Al queda too, come on stick to credible news sites and you will know the truth which is that the Isreali state murdered 10 civilians who were trying to bring aid to the people of gaza. Hamas is a democratically elected party, calling for them to be eliminated is as ignorant as calling for the state of Isreal to be eliminated. How many Isreali civilians have been killed by Hamas in the last two years? Answer this and then check and see how many palestinians have been killed by the IDF in the last two years.
before they landed on the Marmara boat they warned them many times but they didn’t listen. As a matter of fact as we speak, the IDF spokesperson just released a video that proves they were using live ammunition on that boat.. and apparently these activists who attacked the soldiers have a direct or indirect connection to terrorist organizations so maybe it was planned by the Iranian regime which sponsor those terrorist organizations. but I could be wrong about that and it has a connection to another factor.
You know who is responsible for the Palestinian situation? HAMAS!

Again I strongly disagree with you..at least we agree about Turkey. This is a very complicated situation.. war sucks

direct or indirect connections to terrorists?? highly doubt it, as it would be foolish for a humanitarian organization to do so but that is typical of the Israeli propaganda machine so quick to try and put names on certain groups or people as a way to deligitimize their actions. And no Hamas is not responsible for the palestinian situation, they are the answer to the angry people of Gaza, when Israel bombed many innocent civilians, they had to defend themselves,what would you have done if your brothers,sisters,parents were killed? the exact same thing they are doing. Its very easy to play the victim but the truth of the matter is the Israeli State needs to be brought to justice.
you mention the slaughter of 13000 palestinians, do you know any facts of the suffering on the israeli side? or only one side matters for you?

thats nice and all but lets be real here! who are the ones imprisoned and left impoverished?? is Israel empoverished? dont think so, Israel has one of the most powerful military in the world yes civilians die in Israel too, however they are not being tortured,killed, and controlled by people. Innocent people die but that doesn't take away from what's going on, and that is that the occupation of Palestine needs to end! America is in bed with Israel because they are the ones who make the decisions in congress, and they are the ones who have corporations that run the way things work in america.
Where did you here such rubbish, there were Irish people on that ship were they working for Al queda too, come on stick to credible news sites and you will know the truth which is that the Isreali state murdered 10 civilians who were trying to bring aid to the people of gaza. Hamas is a democratically elected party, calling for them to be eliminated is as ignorant as calling for the state of Isreal to be eliminated. How many Isreali civilians have been killed by Hamas in the last two years? Answer this and then check and see how many palestinians have been killed by the IDF in the last two years.

yea exactly
As the story unveils, it turns out that these so called 10 activists that were killed, were Turkish militants hired by Al qaida with one purpose in mind: killing Israeli solders. I do think Israel screwed up this time, not for murdering anyone, but for not planing this operation right.. With all the sympathy to the suffering of the Palestinian people, but the only one that should held responsible for this is the Hamas terrorist group. Eliminate Hamas, and you got a giant leap towards peace in the middle east. The main problem is that you first have to eliminate Iranian terror... By the way, the original plan was to board the ship, have it inspected for weapons, then make sure all the supplies were delivered to Gaza as planned. It is very sad that most of the people of Europe have blindly taken one side of this story...

Where did you here such rubbish, there were Irish people on that ship were they working for Al queda too, come on stick to credible news sites and you will know the truth which is that the Isreali state murdered 10 civilians who were trying to bring aid to the people of gaza. Hamas is a democratically elected party, calling for them to be eliminated is as ignorant as calling for the state of Isreal to be eliminated. How many Isreali civilians have been killed by Hamas in the last two years? Answer this and then check and see how many palestinians have been killed by the IDF in the last two years.

No, he's not talking rubbish at all, the so call activists that attacked the soldiers have a connection to the international Jihad. Lots of cold weapons were found on the boat + it turns out they stole guns from the soldiers and shot them. The Marmara boat was 60 miles from Israel's territory, the Israeli navy warned them many times but they didn't listen. in the other boats everything was fine, no confrontation at all but only on the Marmara boat it was the problem, everything was planned, they used violence and wanted provocation. The soldiers have no reason to attack people just like that, what they did is an act of self defence if you like it or not, sir.

here is one of the 'peace activist', looking very peaceful


you can find many footage & photos and see what exactly what happened and why the Israeli soldiers had to use their weapons.

Well Hamas is a terrorist organization, they killed many innocent civilians, they're lunching rockets on Israel non stop. Hamas is a problem for Egypt too since they causing them lots of problems as well.

I am sadden by the plight of the average palestinian who suffers and has suffered.
I am sadden as well for the Israeli's.
I WISH there would be peace for the future generations of both an israeli child and a palestinian child.

you mention the slaughter of 13000 palestinians, do you know any facts of the suffering on the israeli side? or only one side matters for you?

this situation isn't as simplistic as israeli hate mongers that are out to destroy palestinians.

hate begets hate, violence begets violence. its been decades of violence and death. i hope a sustainable peace will prevail so people can live in peace and not in fear.

Thank you!
I doubt that he cares about the Israeli side.
what makes me angry the most is Hamas dirty tactics, they're using innocent civilians as human shields! they hides in their houses, schools, mosques, hospitals and they are lunching rockets from there, they hide weapons and you can guess what happen when Israel turns back fire. Hamas killing its own people. This is what the media doesn't tell you, same tactics Hezbollah did in Lebanon...and who trained them? IRAN of course. I hate to see innocent people get killed and it hurts me to see that but why hamas is using innocent people as human shields? no, its not Israel's fault who only defend its people like every normal country does.

Innocent people die but that doesn't take away from what's going on, and that is that the occupation of Palestine needs to end!

so let me get this straight, are you justifying the killing of innocent civilians? I don't know what occupation are you talking about, what territories? regardless your answer is, first terrorism has to stop.
No, he's not talking rubbish at all, the so call activists that attacked the soldiers have a connection to the international Jihad. Lots of cold weapons were found on the boat + it turns out they stole guns from the soldiers and shot them. The Marmara boat was 60 miles from Israel's territory, the Israeli navy warned them many times but they didn't listen. in the other boats everything was fine, no confrontation at all but only on the Marmara boat it was the problem, everything was planned, they used violence and wanted provocation. The soldiers have no reason to attack people just like that, what they did is an act of self defence if you like it or not, sir.

here is one of the 'peace activist', looking very peaceful


you can find many footage & photos and see what exactly what happened and why the Israeli soldiers had to use their weapons.

Well Hamas is a terrorist organization, they killed many innocent civilians, they're lunching rockets on Israel non stop. Hamas is a problem for Egypt too since they causing them lots of problems as well.

Thank you!
I doubt that he cares about the Israeli side.
what makes me angry the most is Hamas dirty tactics, they're using innocent civilians as human shields! they hides in their houses, schools, mosques, hospitals and they are lunching rockets from there, they hide weapons and you can guess what happen when Israel turns back fire. Hamas killing its own people. This is what the media doesn't tell you, same tactics Hezbollah did in Lebanon...and who trained them? IRAN of course. I hate to see innocent people get killed and it hurts me to see that but why hamas is using innocent people as human shields? no, its not Israel's fault who only defend its people like every normal country does.

so let me get this straight, are you justifying the killing of innocent civilians? I don't know what occupation are you talking about, what territories? regardless your answer is, first terrorism has to stop.

You clearly are dellusional, this line about human sheilds and killing their own people has been used for a long time and has never been proven, the IDF said this when they bombed a hospital in Gaza but it was found there was no militants in the Hospital, Hamas is responsible for firing rockets into Isreal and innocent civilians have died because of this but they do not have the confort of precision missiles, they are not even allowed have the comfort of cement to build houses, they are fighting with the only means possible the same as when the iraqis use IEDs, when you are being attacked by one of the most sophisticated armies you use ever means possible to fight back.
You used word like international terrorism and jihad to justify your actions just like the bush regime did in 2003 before tearing apart Iraq, you forgot axis of evil and known unknowns and a possible link to Bin Laden, come out of the dark and see the reality of the situation, the ships will continue, there is an Irish one on the way today, until the Gaza is opened again to the world.
Hamas is a democratically elected party, calling for them to be eliminated is as ignorant as calling for the state of Isreal to be eliminated.

Now that's a good one.. What about the Third Reich and Hitler's Nazi party? They were all democratically elected.. :) Just like the US will never miss a chance to eliminate any member of al qaeda, Israel under the laws of Defensive democracy, will miss no change to eliminate any member of the Hamas "democratic" terror group.. Hamas is responsible for the murder of thousands of Israeli citizens. Hamas is also responsible for the murder of many Palestinians that were members of "Fatah"' which is the opposition Palestinian and more moderate terrorists party... Hamas don't even care about the poor Palestinian people.. they just use them as an excuse for their own benefits.. and on some occasions, such as the last Israel air strike on their bases, they use them mostly as human shield.. and of course, steal their humanitarian supplies... By the way, the US government has declared Hamas as a terror group long time ago...

You clearly are dellusional, this line about human sheilds and killing their own people has been used for a long time and has never been proven, the IDF said this when they bombed a hospital in Gaza but it was found there was no militants in the Hospital, Hamas is responsible for firing rockets into Isreal and innocent civilians have died because of this but they do not have the confort of precision missiles, they are not even allowed have the comfort of cement to build houses, they are fighting with the only means possible the same as when the iraqis use IEDs, when you are being attacked by one of the most sophisticated armies you use ever means possible to fight back.
You used word like international terrorism and jihad to justify your actions just like the bush regime did in 2003 before tearing apart Iraq, you forgot axis of evil and known unknowns and a possible link to Bin Laden, come out of the dark and see the reality of the situation, the ships will continue, there is an Irish one on the way today, until the Gaza is opened again to the world.

Are you sure I’m the ‘delusional’ here? I don’t think so. There are many footages of the Israeli army that proves Hamas & Hezbollah were using people as human shields, that’s why many innocent people got killed. These terrorist organizations don’t give a shit about their own people, they have only one purpose in mind, to destroy Israel. do you think they care about innocent civilians being killed? They are only using these pictures to show how “evil” Israel is. I don’t blame you for being brainwashed by the media. Tell me why Egypt blockade gaza too? You need to do some researches cuz you clearly don’t even know what you are talking about. Don’t compare the war in Iraq to what’s happening in Israel and don’t put words into my mouth please. And its Israel not Isreal.


Now that's a good one.. What about the Third Reich and Hitler's Nazi party? They were all democratically elected.. :) Just like the US will never miss a chance to eliminate any member of al qaeda, Israel under the laws of Defensive democracy, will miss no change to eliminate any member of the Hamas "democratic" terror group.. Hamas is responsible for the murder of thousands of Israeli citizens. Hamas is also responsible for the murder of many Palestinians that were members of "Fatah"' which is the opposition Palestinian and more moderate terrorists party... Hamas don't even care about the poor Palestinian people.. they just use them as an excuse for their own benefits.. and on some occasions, such as the last Israel air strike on their bases, they use them mostly as human shield.. and of course, steal their humanitarian supplies... By the way, the US government has declared Hamas as a terror group long time ago...


:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Thanks for speaking the truth man!
so let me get this straight, are you justifying the killing of innocent civilians? I don't know what occupation are you talking about, what territories? regardless your answer is, first terrorism has to stop.

absolutely not! i'm saying with the way its going it will only get worse and make more civilian casualties. I'm talking about the Israeli Occupation of Palestine in general, Israel needs to lift its ban on Gaza, The people in power of Israel don't have it's interest at heart because it is run by a bunch of Zionists!
Are you sure I’m the ‘delusional’ here? I don’t think so. There are many footages of the Israeli army that proves Hamas & Hezbollah were using people as human shields, that’s why many innocent people got killed. These terrorist organizations don’t give a shit about their own people, they have only one purpose in mind, to destroy Israel. do you think they care about innocent civilians being killed? They are only using these pictures to show how “evil” Israel is. I don’t blame you for being brainwashed by the media. Tell me why Egypt blockade gaza too? You need to do some researches cuz you clearly don’t even know what you are talking about. Don’t compare the war in Iraq to what’s happening in Israel and don’t put words into my mouth please. And its Israel not Isreal.


:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Thanks for speaking the truth man!

you can't be serious,you're using FAUX NEWS as a reliable source!!? lol and then you claim us to be brainwashed? people who are brainwashed are the ones listening to the corporate media (cnn,fox,msnbc,bbc,etc)
If those "activists" had done that in US waters, I bet the US would have just blown them up and everyone would have agreed that it would have been the right thing to do. (and I totally agree)Or are you just going to let anyone do what they want just because they call themselves "activists"? I find it quite disturbing how the media first called this "an attack" from the Israelis, whereas they were just defending themselves and it was an actual attack by those "activists".
There was a blockade and the activists knew it. They called it upon themselves with their actions. They knew what was going to happen and they knew how people would react. Why is everyone backing those "activists" and no one gives a damn how they beat up those Israelis? I guess when you are an "activist" you can use violence because people will back you. If you defend yourself successfully, you are the bad guy.
I am not Israeli, before anyone asks, I am just shocked how even the so-called "serious" reporters from BBC are being biased.
absolutely not! i'm saying with the way its going it will only get worse and make more civilian casualties. I'm talking about the Israeli Occupation of Palestine in general, Israel needs to lift its ban on Gaza, The people in power of Israel don't have it's interest at heart because it is run by a bunch of Zionists!

Israel gave lands to the Palestinians, Israel gave the Gaza strip to the Palestinians..did it help? Did it bring peace or helped somehow to the peace process? no, just more rockets on southern Israel, the terror continues.
;O do you even know what Zionism means?

you can't be serious,you're using FAUX NEWS as a reliable source!!? lol and then you claim us to be brainwashed? people who are brainwashed are the ones listening to the corporate media (cnn,fox,msnbc,bbc,etc)

Hmmm I didn’t say that it’s a reliable source, you can mute the video and just watch the footages its enough.. these footages were taken by the Israeli army and you can see exactly who attacked who!
If those "activists" had done that in US waters, I bet the US would have just blown them up and everyone would have agreed that it would have been the right thing to do. (and I totally agree)Or are you just going to let anyone do what they want just because they call themselves "activists"? I find it quite disturbing how the media first called this "an attack" from the Israelis, whereas they were just defending themselves and it was an actual attack by those "activists".
There was a blockade and the activists knew it. They called it upon themselves with their actions. They knew what was going to happen and they knew how people would react. Why is everyone backing those "activists" and no one gives a damn how they beat up those Israelis? I guess when you are an "activist" you can use violence because people will back you. If you defend yourself successfully, you are the bad guy.
I am not Israeli, before anyone asks, I am just shocked how even the so-called "serious" reporters from BBC are being biased.

Bravo! thanks for your post. I'm glad there are still people who can see the reality and are not being brainwashed by the media. :clapping:
for once im unsure of this. both sides are to blame as other ships docked and handed over the aid as requested.this boat didnt and as footage shows they were beating the soliders.so the crap was always gonna fly especailly with trigger happy soliders.

but the siege of gaza is illegal under international law as its collective punishment. and it happened in international waters which israel has no jurisdiction over.so this shuld have never happened in the first place because the boats should have never needed to have been going there in the first place. hopefully it will cause the international community to put pressure on israel to end the blockaid and follow international law for a change. as without justice there will never be peace.but considering there will be no independent enquiry and the UN is gutless and the american goverment panders to the jewsh lobby then i doubt nothing will change. just like after the passport fiasco with the killing of the hamas guy in dubai.unfortunaly israel are a power to themselves becasue no one dares to say anything cause the anti semitism card comes out.and becasue of the lobbiest

Israel gave lands to the Palestinians,
i guess they should be greatful for getting their own land back. lol unfortunalty israel is breaking internations al law by occupying land taken during the 6 war. why is it that isrealy doesnt have to abide but international law yet other countries in the middle east do. the hypocrasy is ridiculous, bottom line is the state of israle should have never been created. the british caused havoc and anyone could have seen it would have led to nothing but trouble. you cant throw ppl out of htier homes and replace then with others and think everything will be fine. the problem is there are to many extreamists on all sides that dont want peace as it doesnt suit their agenda.while the average israeli and palestian have to suffer the consequences.
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for once im unsure of this. both sides are to blame as other ships docked and handed over the aid as requested.this boat didnt and as footage shows they were beating the soliders.so the crap was always gonna fly especailly with trigger happy soliders.

but the siege of gaza is illegal under international law as its collective punishment. and it happened in international waters which israel has no jurisdiction over.so this shuld have never happened in the first place because the boats should have never needed to have been going there in the first place. hopefully it will cause the international community to put pressure on israel to end the blockaid and follow international law for a change. as without justice there will never be peace.but considering there will be no independent enquiry and the UN is gutless and the american goverment panders to the jewsh lobby then i doubt nothing will change. just like after the passport fiasco with the killing of the hamas guy in dubai.unfortunaly israel are a power to themselves becasue no one dares to say anything cause the anti semitism card comes out.and becasue of the lobbiest

i guess they should be greatful for getting their own land back. lol unfortunalty israel is breaking internations al law by occupying land taken during the 6 war. why is it that isrealy doesnt have to abide but international law yet other countries in the middle east do. the hypocrasy is ridiculous, bottom line is the state of israle should have never been created. the british caused havoc and anyone could have seen it would have led to nothing but trouble. you cant throw ppl out of htier homes and replace then with others and think everything will be fine. the problem is there are to many extreamists on all sides that dont want peace as it doesnt suit their agenda.while the average israeli and palestian have to suffer the consequences.

Humanitarian aid and basic supplies transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip all the time. Israel also supplies electricity, water, gasoline AND all that under attack by hamas on southern Israel.
Israel has its full right to check these boats to see if there are any weapons that are transferred to Hamas. they are trying to smuggle weapons in every way they can. Even Egypt had enough of them.

bla bla bla you are talking about hypocrisy ? so according to your logic, great Britain should give all the lands back to their native people, America should give back the land to the native Americans and so forth..talking about hypocrisy when Britain occupied half of the world including the land of Israel. I don't know if to laugh or cry! just because Israel is a tiny country you think you can control her like you want?
btw, back in 1948 there was supposed to be an Arab state & a Jewish state, the Arabs refused and chose war instead and that continues till this day.
And yes, Israel gave lands to the Palestinians (like with the oslo accords for example) but they used terror all the time. It doesn't matter if Israel wants peace or not cuz you don't have anyone that you can make it happen.
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Humanitarian aid and basic supplies transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip all the time
not enough according to the UN.the strip is in a terrbile state according to them who have to work there haelping ppl. and there shouldnt have to be any supplies being sent through as the block aid is illegal under international law and is classed as collective punishment which is illegal under all conventions.

Israel has its full right to check these boats to see if there are any weapons that are transferred to Hamas. they are trying to smuggle weapons in every way they can. Even Egypt had enough of them.
yes they do although they should have waited until the boats were in israelie waters

bla bla bla you are talking about hypocrisy ? so according to your logic, great Britain should give all the lands back to their native people, America should give back the land to the native Americans and so forth..talking about hypocrisy when Britain occupied half of the world including the land of Israel. I don't know if to laugh or cry! just because Israel is a tiny country you think you can control her like you want?
btw, back in 1948 there was supposed to be an Arab state & a Jewish state, the Arabs refused and chose war instead and that continues till this day.
And yes, Israel gave lands to the Palestinians (like with the oslo accords for example) but they used terror all the time. It doesn't matter if Israel wants peace or not cuz you don't have anyone that you can make it happen.
all i ask for is israel abide by international law as i expect any country to do. its really not that hard. why is israel above the law.ther are really no native ppl of the uk orignal habitants of the uk come from france germany/the celtics etc. but we are taking about thousands of years ago. so im not sure how that argument stands. to my knowledge no international law is relevent to that lol. international law does stand due to land taken during wars from the last 50 years or so.

if Israel wants peace or not cuz you don't have anyone that you can make it happen.
yes becasue theres ppl on both sides who dont want it. theres to much power to be lost and it doesnt help that the israelie parliment is so messed up interms of parties and the infighting. until israel can find peace with itself theres not much chance of it finding peace with anyone else.

ust because Israel is a tiny country you think you can control her like you want?
it is not about control but expecting a supposed civilised country to follow international law like every other civilised country does. and until that happens the legitisim of that country has to come into question. and becasue of IDF history of killing civilans and OTT reactions and cover ups during investigations. most ppl are inclined to beleive this was just another gun ho attack on civilans. while that may not be the case its not hard to understand why ppl believe that.