Your favorite Line from a Movie?

"My brother has the mind of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

Listen to me, clotpole, I don't care if you die. There are plenty of other princes. You're not the only pompous, supercilious...condescending, royal...imbecile I could work for. The world is full of them. But I'm gonna give you one more chance.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it." The Lion King
Pippin: "Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission.... quest... thing."
Merry: "That rules you out, Pip"
The Lord of the Rings
"Has anything you've done made your life better?"
American History X
Have you ever wondered how Nature gets its glow? Who gives it light and colour as the seasons come and go? Who helps all creatures great and small to walk, to swim, to fly? Who crafts such tiny details? You might see them if you try. For it's all the work of fairies, but they stay well out of sight. The first time that a baby laughs, a fairy's life takes flight.

A fairy's work is much more than at first it might appear! Suppose your broken clock ticks, though it hasn't in a year! Perchance you found a toy you lost or jingling bells you hear! It all means that one very special fairy might be near! ~ Tinker Bell
" Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."
Cloud Atlas

" The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect. And so am I. All humans are imperfect. And that we don't get to choose our warts. They are a part of us and we have to live with them. We can however, choose our friends. And I am glad I have chosen you. "
Mary and Max
"Hope can be found even in the darkest of places if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.