X Factor Semi Final - Michael Jackson Tribute

lol i think my brother walked out of my room. Oh yeah, the thing that annoyed me about Diana the most, was her weird hand movements, was like she was having spasms with her hands as soon as she started singing :mello:

I was sat there watching the program thinking Is This It?? Your doing a Tribute to the Legend of Music, the King of Pop and all you can come up with is a 30 sec montage that you could get from Youtube, (and even then there's better things on Youtube!) and 4 average singers singing Legendary songs :mello:

But oh well, at least they tried :lol:

LOL, I know. I completely agree. My post up above was very similar to yours! Great minds. :)
I'm so stealing that smiley for future use..Diana Vickers's Man In The Mirror makes me :mello:
LOL, I know. I completely agree. My post up above was very similar to yours! Great minds. :)
I'm so stealing that smiley for future use..Diana Vickers's Man In The Mirror makes me :mello:

LOL, yup, all Michael fans think alike (well majority). We just have fantastic minds...we realised what a genius Michael was so it only makes sense.

:lol: Go for it!. The whole tribute show made me go :mello:

It's 2:50 a.m., time to get me bum to bed. Night night :hug:
LOL, yup, all Michael fans think alike (well majority). We just have fantastic minds...we realised what a genius Michael was so it only makes sense.

:lol: Go for it!. The whole tribute show made me go :mello:

It's 2:50 a.m., time to get me bum to bed. Night night :hug:

:lol: Aww!
Aww you're right, we all ROCK!! :)
Night night :hug: x
I wonder if the group song is Michael tonight. I like you guys was disapointed that the montage was so short. A 30 sec montage is not fitting and whilst it was sweet I have seen far superior things made on YouTube. Simon's words were lovely but why did none of the other judges say anything? Remember we still have tonight's show though-more might be said on him there especially with Janet being there.
I quite like Danyl Johnsons version of Man in the Mirror.

Never as good as Michael of course but liked it in his own way :)

The others were awful!
I'm not sure of any of you spotted this?

On the Xtra Factor they showed the semi finalists visiting the O2 exibition...
They also had his glove in the studio....

Here's the Youtube link ..... and go to around 4:20!

Well, the montage was poor but Simon was nice.

I thought Joe sang well.. but I didn't like the others. Especially Stacy, that was bad.. they should not have chosen that song for her.

At least they did it though! :D

The whole polar bear thing was a bit funny.. Simon was trying to do it as a 'tribute to the song' he said, but that massive polar bear on the little bit of ice did seem odd during the song when it was on I said that to my mum.

Did anyone notice some of the words were wrong and some bits of songs were missed out?

does anyone have a live stream?
i would love to see janets performance!!!


I don't think there is a live stream sorry.. :(
joe was awesome...olly or danyl to go tonight i think. Cant wait for janet and gaga :D
Not long to god. Janet's going to be awesome and hopefully they do something a little bit more special for Michael that they did last night.
Omg they didn't talk to Janet :( anyway she was pretty good :)
I guess it's because her performance was longer and they had to take a break. Stupid adverts!! I saw her run off though, she looked a little confused. I hope she's on the Xtra factor..
Loved Loved Loved tonights show.

Shame they didn't chat to Janet but guess it was because of time..she sang basically two songs.

She was cute when she ran off though.
Amazing, I love her and she looked great :D glad she performed 2 songs aswell :)
I guess she had to run off to perform at the capital jingle bell ball thing?
I think it was to hide the fact she was lipsynching cuz she had a face mic so it woulda been a bit obvious!
Amazing, I love her and she looked great :D glad she performed 2 songs aswell :)
I guess she had to run off to perform at the capital jingle bell ball thing?
the jingle balls tonight.accordingto reports she filmed the x factor yesterday
I think it was to hide the fact she was lipsynching cuz she had a face mic so it woulda been a bit obvious!

Naa I don't think thats why she wasn't interviewed. She had her mic on, in the middle of the song she said 'come on x factor!! glad to be here' or something like that. Then carried on with the song. I think she definitely had a lot of playback and it was loud, I don't know how much of the songs she was actually singing vs. lipsyncing but her microphone was definitely on. At parts of All For You I definitely heard her singing a little but she also had lots of backing vocal. Thats not unusual when dancing though.

Anyway I LOVED her performance and her dancing! A lot better than MTV.

I think the reason she wasn't interviewed was time. She seemed like she thought she was going to be talked to though because she remained on the stage and then ran off when she realised..

Anyway I LOVED it!
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I guess it's because her performance was longer and they had to take a break. Stupid adverts!! I saw her run off though, she looked a little confused. I hope she's on the Xtra factor..

haha yeah that was funny
bless her
would have been good to see her interviewed though, probably would have been more interesting than when they spoke to lady gaga!
I did wonder if it had been pre-recorded?.. was totally expecting Dermot to chat to her though, what with it being MJ week!
Janet was great, shame Dermott didn't chat to her tho, n cute when she ran off when she realised. Glad the contestants did WBSS, shame they moshed it into Rihanna's tho.