Write to the Press Complaints Commission!

I understand that, but unless someone from MJ"s camp personally files a complaint, nothing will change. No matter how many fans write in. Michael has always taken this kind thing in stride and didn't want to put more attention on it, I think we should follow suit.

There's always going to be things like this happening.

And that is the very reason Michael was so misunderstood. These "journalists" were free to write and say whatever they wanted because they knew they could get away with it.

If the Jackson family or the estate become aware of the article, or any article that defame or portray Michael as something he was not, they should file their own complaint. A journalist isn't supposed to be writing about what they think. Their writings should be objective, this article is clearly her one-sided opinion. A journalist can't say someone is a paedophile without facts to support their claims. A journalist can not call someone mentally unstable unless they have medical records and their psychiatrist's reports to prove that, yes, that person is insane. If this writer is only writing her twisted opinion, if she's writing about someone she clearly has not researched, then she is no journalist. I am sickened (though not surprised) that articles such as these are cleared for publishing.
This article is of pure jealously!!!!!!

I've complained!
This might offend but I have to say it..........

Almost every time I hear someone insult Michael Jackson it is almost always a white person. Why is this? (don't answer)
This might offend but I have to say it..........

Almost every time I hear someone insult Michael Jackson it is almost always a white person. Why is this? (don't answer)

That's not true.

I've lost count of the amount of black people I've seen slag MJ off for "betraying his race", which I find highly offensive. I feel like screaming out "HE HAD A SKIN DISEASE YOU NARROW MINDED FUCK!"
What a disgusting woman.
ugh this has got me so angry! I shall be writing my complaint in the morning.
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We should have a whole website where we name and shame the media every time they say something wrong about MJ.

Like an archive of every single article where they say something inaccurate and have it on its own website so people all over the world can find it.

Good idea.

Don't read the Daily Mail article then. Its ten times worse.

Yes, I can't post it here because its tabloid BUT there is a thread about this in Enough is Enough PLEASE complain about that also. They slag off fans in it too so technically if they are writing about US we have even more right to complain.
Got a big long reply:

Further to our recent correspondence the Commission has now considered the complaints received about the article in The Guardian and decided that it was not possible, in the circumstances, to examine them further under the Code of Practice.

The Commission usually deals only with complaints from those directly involved. On this occasion, it did not consider that it could waive its rules and investigate your third party complaint further. Its decision on this matter is attached.

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your complaint has been handled you should write within one month to the independent Charter Commissioner, whose details can be found in our How to Complain leaflet or at http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaints/process.html

We are grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to consider what you have to say.

Yours sincerely

Rebecca Hales


cc Alan Rusbridger Esq
The Guardian

Commission’s decision in the case of

Various v The Guardian

The Commission acknowledged that the opinion column had raised strong feelings, and that ten complainants were genuinely concerned about the manner in which the columnist had portrayed Michael Jackson.

The complainants’ concerns could be summarised as follows: that the article inaccurately reported details of Michael Jackson’s trial for the alleged abuse of Jordan Chandler; that the piece presented a distorted view of Michael Jackson and his life (for example, it stated that Michael Jackson had paid a witch doctor to kill 42 cows and “was never happier than when lying in a pile of children”); that the article constituted the harassment of a cultural icon; that the piece named a child involved in a sex case; and that the article made discriminatory comments about Michael Jackson and his sexual preferences.

Generally speaking, the Commission does not consider complaints from third parties where there is a clear first party to the complaint, whose opinions would have to be considered and whose interests would have to be consulted. On this occasion, Michael’s immediate family were the relevant first parties to the complaint.

Many of the concerns raised rested on the impact of the coverage on the Jackson family and the singer’s memory. Two complainants were concerned Clause 4 (Harassment) had been breached and two individuals argued that the article was discriminatory. In this instance, the Commission felt that it must be for the Jackson family to gauge such issues as this, and to make clear whether they have found that there has been an incidence of harassment or discrimination, as alleged by complainants. They had not done so.

On that basis, the Commission concluded that it could not take forward the complaints under Clauses 4 and 12 of the Code. These clauses clearly relate to the personal experience of given individuals. It would not be possible to investigate them properly, or resolve them satisfactorily, without the strong input of those individuals themselves. The Commission had given the complainants’ concerns careful consideration but concluded that the matter could not be taken forward independently of the bereaved family.

Similarly, the Commission was not in a position to pursue the complaint received under Clause 7 (Children in sex cases) without the direct involvement of Jordan Chandler’s family.
The complaints under Clause 1 (Accuracy) raised a slightly different issue. Eight people had said that the article was misleading in its portrayal of Michael Jackson’s life and his trial for child abuse. The Commission had to consider the impact on the readers themselves, who may have been misinformed by the piece.

The Commission noted that the article was an opinion piece clearly identified as such in the “Comment is Free” section of the newspaper in line with the terms of Clause 1 (iii). The piece contained the journalist’s personal impression of Michael Jackson’s lifestyle and talents. There was no question, in the Commission’s view, of readers being misled into believing that there was no alternative view on the matter. In any case, the Commission would never be in a position to know the full details of Michael Jackson’s own account of what happened and it would be for his family to pursue complaints relating directly to accounts of his life. The Commission emphasised that it has been in contact with representatives of the Jacksons, but they had not submitted a complaint about the piece. The Commission did not consider that it was appropriate to pursue an investigation (the outcome of which would be likely to be public) without the consent of the singer’s family.
The Commission was grateful to the complainants for raising these issues and accepted that they felt strongly about what had taken place. It had given their opinions careful consideration. The decision that the matter could not be taken forward was taken with regard to the full circumstances of the matter.

Finally, many complainants were concerned that the article was highly offensive to Michael Jackson’s numerous fans. However, the Commission made clear that issues of taste and offensiveness fell outside its remit and, as such, it was unable to comment on that matter.

Reference Nos 094898 - 095018

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Rebecca Hales
Complaints Officer

Press Complaints Commission
Halton House
20/23 Holborn
London EC1N 2JD

Tel: 020 7831 0022
Website: www.pcc.org.uk

I don't know how they can say 'the family didn't complain so...'. The family aren't going to be reading the Guardian online. They say they informed representatives of the family though, whether this is true I don't know.

However, if like they say the investigation would be made public, ie. in the news everywhere, then maybe it is better not to give attention to it... on the other hand if this enabled the full story to come out regarding 93/94 it could have been a good thing.. I don't know..

At least they considered the complaint.
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I received the same answer this morning. NO. When it comes to Michael Jackson, NO. When it comes to MJ fans, NO.

I am very dissapointed the PCC gives such explanations which, ultimately suppor the wrong doer. Disgusting.

What on earth is SO wrong with Michael Jackson that the world accept and even seem to approve all the rubbish against him and his fans?

Whatever. We did our best. We did fight. We did try to make a change. We did and gave all we have to do and give, so I am proud, as a fan, that was our choice. We are responsible for our own actions and ours was trying to get some respect.

I am glad we did our best and we didn't just sat to cry and claim "I wish someone will do something some day".

MJ said: "IT'S US."

Love and respect to all of you.
Get on to them about the Mail article. I got an email back confirming that we are a third party in that case so it stands more chance of it getting through.
On yahoo there is a group called 'Vindication Better Than Tributes' I joined it months ago, but I don't use yahoo normally. I've just logged on to my yahoo and have 9000 emails! Lol. They work very hard for Michael. I'm just getting through some of their emails and came across this one:

I asked Charles Thomson wether the Press Complaints Commission would accept complaints from non UK residents. His responses was that if a UK newspaper writes something defamatory about someone in a different country, then that person still has the right to complain about it.

If you would like to complain, their website is

It is a form and you'll need the following information:

Paper/magazine: The Daily Mail Online

Publication date: Nov 20, 2009

Headline: Killed by the Curse of Michael Jackson: What drove the father of Jordy Chandler to put a gun to his head?

Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1229622/Killed-curse-Michael-Jackson-What-drove-father-Jordy-Chandler-gun-head.html

It then asks what part of code it is violating (there is a list like accuracy, etc)

I would point out in here that the Daily Mail promised to take the article down but it is still online.

Charles Thompson is the guy who wrote those good blogs about MJ and 93 & media bias.

What I put in bold is interesting..
This is the email I got about the DM article when I made my PCC complaint:

I should emphasise that the PCC will normally only consider complaints from people who are directly affected by the matters about which they are concerned. Indeed, only in exceptional circumstances will the Commission consider a complaint from someone not directly involved.

In this instance, an initial examination of your case suggests that you are a third party to the complaint. However, if you believe our normal rules should be waived to allow us to take your case further (or if you do not consider yourself to be a third party in this matter) we would be grateful to hear from you in the next ten days. We will then ask the Commission to make a further assessment of your case in order to decide whether to take your complaint forward. Additional information about third party complaints can be found on our website in the FAQs section. If you would like to discuss your case before replying please do contact us. If we hear no more from you we will close our files on your complaint.

It may be for the Jackson family to pursue complaints relating directly to accounts of his life. I can clarify that we have been in touch with representatives of the Jackson family, who can complain to us about this article if they wish.

If, at the end of the complaints-process, you are dissatisfied with the manner in which your case has been handled, you should write within one month to the independent Charter Commissioner who will investigate the matter and report any findings and recommendations to the Commission. Further details are included on our website.

A copy of the Code of Practice which all newspapers and magazines who subscribe adhere to, can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/cop/practice.html

Further information about the complaints process can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaints/process.html

Information about our service commitments to complainants can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaint/charter.html.

Further information about the PCC can be found on our website www.pcc.org.uk .

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further advice. When you write to us, please quote our reference number on this email.

Yours sincerely

Simon Yip


When did the DM say they would take it down?
PCC rules in favour of columnist who portrayed Jackson as a paedophile

The Press Complaints Commission last week responded to ten complaints made about a Guardian article in which writer Tanya Gold strongly insinuated that Michael Jackson was a paedophile.

Perplexingly, the PCC ruled in favour of the Guardian.

The PCC listed two main reasons as to why they had not ruled against the offending article. First, that Michael Jackson's family had not complained directly. The PCC said:

"Many of the concerns raised rested on the impact of the coverage on the Jackson family and the singer's memory. Two complainants were concerned that Clause 4 (Harrassment) had been breached and two individuals argued that the article was discriminatory. In this instance, the Commission felt that it must be for the Jackson family to guage such issues as this and to make clear whether they have found that there has been an incidence of harrassment or discrimination, as alleged by complainants. They had not done so."

So in other words, it is perfectly acceptable for a newspaper to strongly insinuate that an innocent man is a paedophile, unless his family complaints directly to the PCC.

How and why, exactly, would the Jackson family - who live in Los Angeles - be reading the Guardian? The newspaper is published on the other side of the planet.

This rule is absurd, placing the onus on the families of well known figures to scour thousands of newspapers on a daily basis in case a libelous comment has been printed about their loved one. It is ludicrous to expect the Jackson family to dissect the world's media on a daily basis in case somebody has called their son/brother/father a paedophile. What kind of rule is that? The onus should clearly be on the newspapers not to print the libelous comments in the first place.

The family is essentially left in a catch-22 situation; either spend their entire lives scrutinising national and international newspapers on a daily basis, or simply turn a blind eye to the systematic portrayal of their loved one as a predatory paedophile. The ruling is utter nonsense.

The second get-out clause that the PCC pointed to was that the article was an opinion piece, not a news article. The PCC ruling states:

"The Commission noted that the article was an opinion piece clearly identified as such in the 'Comment is Free' section of the newspaper in line with the erms of Clause 1 (iii). The piece contained the journalist's personal impression of Michael Jackson's lifestyle and talents."

This section of the ruling is totally irrelevant. Complaints relating to Tanya Gold's editorial did not pertain to her opinion. In my own blog on the subject I stated that Ms Gold clearly has the right to an opinion. But the article did not only contain Gold's opinion. It contained a number of factually inaccurate statements.

While a writer of course has the right to his or her opinion, they do not have the right to misstate crucial information or twist facts in order to suit their agenda. Gold used numerous inaccurate statements to support her opinion.

The publication of inaccurate information most certainly is within the PCC's remit. However, in a lazy attempt to dismiss the complaint as quickly and easily as possible, the Commission has skirted around the issue of factual inaccuracies entirely.

The PCC ruling in this matter is a joke. The Commission purports to protect the victims of inaccurate reporting but in this instance it has condoned the publication of a bigoted editorial which used inaccurate statements to support the notion that Michael Jackson was a paedophile.

The PCC has ruled and it isn't pretty. Let it be known; It is perfectly acceptable to use inaccurate information to portray an innocent black man as a paedophile. The onus is on his elderly mother, as trustee of his estate, to scour newspapers on a daily basis looking for allegations that her son molested children. That the article was printed on the other side of the planet is irrelevant; it's still her responsibility.


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^ *smh*

Clearly, the truth is not important in the media's eyes and the complaints commission doesn't give a crap. I just plain give up.
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