Write to the Press Complaints Commission!

sadly they werent............... most of them were backing her, and saying all kinds of horrendous things about MJ, with their tragic levels of poor knowledge of the facts
Maybe positive comments were deleted. Shoud we contact somebody like John Branca so they can deside if they want to sue this so called "newspaper" for printing it?
Any so called sad excuse for a "newspaper" that print any thing like that should never be allowed to be called "respected" again. Excuse me I am just really mad right now...but that is really how I feel even though nothing should surprise me anymore after all these years.
I posted a comment about this sick article on tuesday. I hate the fact she's taken advantage of libeling Michael now he's dead and can't sue, by saying the photo of Michael's genitals matched Jordan Chandlers discription, when the fact is it never matched his discription which is why Michael was never charged. That had nothing to do with the $22 million civil court case settlement. I point this fact out to her nasty lies !!!

I think all fans should write a comment attacking her inarticulate and badly researched article on Michael.
I got this email from the PCC

Thank you for your email

I should emphasise that the PCC will normally only consider complaints from people who are directly affected by the matters about which they are concerned. Indeed, only in exceptional circumstances will the Commission consider a complaint from someone not directly involved.

In this instance, an initial examination of your case suggests that you are a third party to the complaint. However, if you believe our normal rules should be waived to allow us to take your case further (or if you do not consider yourself to be a third party in this matter) we would be grateful to hear from you in the next ten days. We will then ask the Commission to make a further assessment of your case in order to decide whether to take your complaint forward. Additional information about third party complaints can be found on our website in the FAQs section. If you would like to discuss your case before replying please do contact us. If we hear no more from you we will close our files on your complaint.

It may be for the Jackson family to pursue complaints relating directly to accounts of his life. I can clarify that we have been in touch with representatives of the Jackson, who can complain to us about this article if they wish.

If, at the end of the complaints-process, you are dissatisfied with the manner in which your case has been handled, you should write within one month to the independent Charter Commissioner who will investigate the matter and report any findings and recommendations to the Commission. Further details are included on our website.

A copy of the Code of Practice which all newspapers and magazines who subscribe adhere to, can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/cop/practice.html

Further information about the complaints process can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaints/process.html

Information about our service commitments to complainants can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaint/charter.html.

Further information about the PCC can be found on our website www.pcc.org.uk .

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further advice. When you write to us, please quote our reference number on this email.

Yours sincerely

Simon Yip

Press Complaints Commission
Halton House
20/23 Holborn
London EC1N 2JD

Tel: 020 7831 0022
Website: www.pcc.org.uk

Do you think they really contacted the Jackson's representatives?

I'll reply with something...
you can't complain about somebody's opinion...as disgusting and untrue as the article is she's broken no laws that i am aware of.

she is a columnist and entirely allowed her opinion. just like the stephen gately column in one of the other papers a couple of weeks ago. people complained, but nothing can be done, because newspapers have the right to publish what they want, we live in a country of freedom of speech.

and we must respect her right to write her opinion...however much i totally and strongly disagree with what she's written and how much it disgusted me to read it, complaining won't do any good i'm afraid.
I know one topic on this subject has already been closed citing that Tabloids are banned from MJJC.

BUT The Guardian is NOT a tabloid, it is a respected broad sheet.

PLUS, if we don't stand up for Mike now that he is gone, who will? WE must stand up for him and not allow these ultra negative, biased and factually incorrect articles to be published!

Press Complaints Commission complaints:

The Guardian article:

Please comment on the Guardian website, write to the Guardian to complain and inform them that your are also contacting the press complaints commission.

God I am so sick of these disgusting people who have no clue. This person should be fired that was a dispicable article made me sick to read it. I am so angry that these people are allowed to write such garbage and are not held accoutable for their actions.

The trouble is here is that whilst the article is disgusting and abhorent legally she did nothing wrong like Jan Moir did nothing wrong when she wrote the Gately article. We have freedom of speech in the UK-she can write whatever she likes.
you can't complain about somebody's opinion...as disgusting and untrue as the article is she's broken no laws that i am aware of.

she is a columnist and entirely allowed her opinion. just like the stephen gately column in one of the other papers a couple of weeks ago. people complained, but nothing can be done, because newspapers have the right to publish what they want, we live in a country of freedom of speech.

and we must respect her right to write her opinion...however much i totally and strongly disagree with what she's written and how much it disgusted me to read it, complaining won't do any good i'm afraid.

:( but one of the PCCs codes states you can report for 'incorrect information'. Well.. she broke that code.

So journalists are completely allowed to publish their opinion however ridiculous, factually incorrect and disgusting it is... :no: thats horrible. People can sue though.. like Peter Andre did, and he won. Wish the Jacksons would sort these horrors out. Did nothing happen with the Stephen Gately thing then?
:( but one of the PCCs codes states you can report for 'incorrect information'. Well.. she broke that code.

So journalists are completely allowed to publish their opinion however ridiculous, factually incorrect and disgusting it is... :no: thats horrible. People can sue though.. like Peter Andre did, and he won. Wish the Jacksons would sort these horrors out. Did nothing happen with the Stephen Gately thing then?

i think when it comes to Michael Jackson, there's no such thing as correct or incorrect information...everyone in the world has their own opinion of him and no one really knows the truth.

and in relation to Stephen Gatley? i really don't know. i don't think anything did come of it, like someone posted earlier...here in the UK people have the right to write, publish and say what they wish (within legal boundaries obviously). For years people have slated MJ and written horrible things about him...but sadly, i don't believe there is anything that can be done about it :(
There are facts though, from court documents and transcripts.

Aaaand information about the accusing family that could make people think twice about their claims, that is left out to go along with the bias view of the author. Facts are presented which aren't true..she said the photos matched the description, they didn't 'match'. And I've seen the description.. it is nothing, I don't know how anything could 'match' that so called description. The $22 mil isn't accurate and she doesn't tell the full story of the settlement or subsequent continuing of the investigation which is available to read in public court documents.

Beginning to dislike this 'freedom of speech', this article is the worst thing I've seen. Do they realise they destroy people's wellbeing (understatement)? The Jackson's should sue.. MJ should have sued for defamation.

Ahh well, guess we have to live with it.
Should I click the link and what did a b-word wrote? I wish the news media would do it research these days, It makes them look stupid when they don't.

And that woman is probably jealous of all the attention that Michael is getting for his movie, and mad as hell that when she dies, no one will give a fuck who she is.
I don't think you want to read it :no:

Its horrid.
I would suggest fans try not to get too upset by the article - let's face it, it unfortunately isn't the first, and it certainly won't be the last.

The author herself is, in my estimation, a disturbed and troubled individual. She started drinking when she was 13, and only realised she was an alcoholic at age 27.

She claims to be "recovering", but she must have been out of it when she wrote that drivel.
Well in their statement they did say they have been in contact with the Jackson's over it which they would only do if the article generated a large amount of complaints so at least it shows that people can at least now see when Michael is being unfairly attacked in such a disgusting way.
Since the day this "article" appear some of us have been complaining. Yes, I agree about freedom of speech. But just because that freedom is to EVERY SINGLE PERSON, I think we, as fans, must rise our voice. The damage is already done, sure, but if we do send thousands of requests to PCC, at least they will know we really didn't approve this kind of things.

My anwer to PCC is that I DO consider myself an involved party, for the comments on that article do hurt and offend ME as a fan. I also mentioned that the timing of the article was intentionally chosen to hurt MJ fans on that particular day, THE day for MJ fans around the world (This is it premier). So the writer clearly wanted to HURT and UPSET MJ fans.

Their answer was they are going to consider again the complain.

Is it important complaining? YES, IT IS. And I think we must do it at least to show them we don't accept this. I mean, ok... if Boyzone fans were able to send more than 21,000 complaints and get the attention on THAT article...

What about MJ's fans?

We MUST COMPLAIN! At least to give them a headache :-D

I think Mr. Yip must be veeeryy busy these days :p
come on people
don't just say that in the uk you can publish whatever you want
there are means for complaining for a reason so i think it worth everyone having a shot at standing up for michael.
i sure hope somebody would do it for me
Please mods leave this here so everyone can see it. Please don't hide it in Enough is Enough. Please EVERYONE fill in the complaints form on the PCC website. The journalist can NOT get away with this. Complete lies and bias opinion to manipulate people's views.

Yes, please, keep this UP!!
This IS working, but we must keep sending our complains!!
I have just kept sending my complain as many other people are doing. I know there are several requests for action about MJ out there, but this is particularly important and it IS working. The more complains, the more chances we can get, at least, their attention. Here is what they answered to me today:

"Thank you for your email.

Your complaint, along with many other people who have also complained regarding this article is currently with the Commission. We will write back to you with a decision as soon as we can.

Kind regards

Simon Yip"

"ALONG WITH MANY OTHER PEOPLE". So we MUST keep this up! Yes, the damage is done, but still we have to rise our voice, flood them with complains and at least give them a headache. We can do it. Just imagine if each one of us MJ fans sent just ONE complain... those would be millions. So let's do it!!! We can do it!! We owe to MJ.
I think what we should do is write to The Guardian, the moron that wrote the hatchet job on Sephen Gately was attacked by the gay community who quite rightly stick up for their own, but as a result she gets free publicity, people know her name.

This vile excuse for a human being probably wants the same, we should be writting to The Guardian and tell them they are tabloid by printing this filth, they hate being regarded as such.

Michael can no longer be hurt, as ever it is the least talented attacking the most talented.
I have just kept sending my complain as many other people are doing. I know there are several requests for action about MJ out there, but this is particularly important and it IS working. The more complains, the more chances we can get, at least, their attention. Here is what they answered to me today:

"Thank you for your email.

Your complaint, along with many other people who have also complained regarding this article is currently with the Commission. We will write back to you with a decision as soon as we can.

Kind regards

Simon Yip"

"ALONG WITH MANY OTHER PEOPLE". So we MUST keep this up! Yes, the damage is done, but still we have to rise our voice, flood them with complains and at least give them a headache. We can do it. Just imagine if each one of us MJ fans sent just ONE complain... those would be millions. So let's do it!!! We can do it!! We owe to MJ.

that's great. glad you got past the bog standard reply that i got .we are getting somewhere i hope.
that's great. glad you got past the bog standard reply that i got .we are getting somewhere i hope.

Oh, yes, I am sure these are standard replays, all are receiving the same. But despite that, I think we loose really nothing if we keep this up. What coulde we loose? A couple of minutes completing a form? A couple of seconds forwarding our own standar requests? If that's all... well... I am more than happy to pay the price :)
It's not that high... and you never know what we can get ;-)
I replied to the email they sent... its 3 days after the 10 day period though, lets see if I get anything back.
Got another reply:

Thank you for your email.

Your complaint will now be assessed as to whether it requires investigation under the Code. If this appears to be the case we will ask the editor to deal with your complaint.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further advice. When you write to us, please quote our reference number on this email.

Yours sincerely

Simon Yip

She is so unprofessional. This is surely a case of "the wrath of a woman scorned." She is a burden to society.
This woman is an idiot! If I'd known about this I would have complained to the PCC myself.
Actually I think MJJC needs to have a team of excellent writers who can fight for MJ in words. When some articles like this appeared, MJJC should write a formal complaint letter to them.
I don't know if this has been told to you already, but the MJJC Legacy Project is setting up a system to respond to the media in the best way possible, were members can participate as well.

We're currently investigating the best way to establish an email alert sytem to respond to the media, and monitoring the several media etc. :)
We should have a whole website where we name and shame the media every time they say something wrong about MJ.

Like an archive of every single article where they say something inaccurate and have it on its own website so people all over the world can find it.