Write to the Press Complaints Commission!

we need MJJC behind us for this! we should silent this woman!! this is utterly sick, coming from guardian!!
As i said in my thread earlier (which was closed) the report is totally uncalled for, she is trying to get some attention, because she knows this is a big week for MJ.
I don't know why fans are ignoring this!! I mean it's guardian for pete's sake!! the most respectful newspaper in UK!! this is totally sick!
Can someone help us all when filling out the form, where it said what part of code of practise etc, will make it alot easier for people to join in and complain
Please don't just let this go. Complain to the PCC. The article is totally ridiculous. I haven't read anything like it. She states complete lies. I wish there was a way to contact the estate about this.
Haha, this lady is a loon. She is likely someone who knew little of Jackson. She's a "freelance journalist" because she writes comedy bits with good punctuation and sells them where she can.

I don't know what this paper is, or it's status as far as reputable source vs. tabloid is concerned, but its not worth the effort. The sad fact is that people who aren't Jackson fans or who haven't taken the time to read up on him probably feel similar to how she does, and people who are fans will find this article crap.

You know what they say about opinions....
People can have their own opinions but they can't have thier own facts.

The issue is the article violates a number of the PCC codes of conduct.

Oh and the Guardian is supposed to be a well respected newspaper.
Haha, this lady is a loon. She is likely someone who knew little of Jackson. She's a "freelance journalist" because she writes comedy bits with good punctuation and sells them where she can.

I don't know what this paper is, or it's status as far as reputable source vs. tabloid is concerned, but its not worth the effort. The sad fact is that people who aren't Jackson fans or who haven't taken the time to read up on him probably feel similar to how she does, and people who are fans will find this article crap.

You know what they say about opinions....

this is a very serious paper, along with the telegraph its taken very serious in the uk. its supposed to show no bias, and just deliver the facts, without any puns or whatever, the whole point of a broadsheet newspaper, this article is just a joke, especially to be published in a paper like this
We all know she bought the This Is It album. And shes going seeing This Is It tomorrow.

Golden Eggs full of dollar bills? Awww she watched the Private Home Movies where Michael did that egg hunt with friends and his cousins. I bet she has it on DVD.
By posting this it's getting way more attention than it would. Why post it? Let these things die off already.
By posting this it's getting way more attention than it would. Why post it? Let these things die off already.

Thats the easy thing to do. The fact is this sort of thing, with incorrect information should not be allowed to be published and its about time the estate bothered to stand against it.

Peter Andre sued a tabloid for defamation for printing a story saying he made "inappropriate advances toward a Jordan lookalike while still married" he won his case and was awarded damages, yet this kind of thing about Michael Jackson goes unchallenged?

A defamatory statement is one which tends to lower the claimant in the estimation of right-thinking members of society generally (Sim v Stretch [1936] 2 ALL ER 1237) and can be split into two areas: libel (this is recorded defamatory material) and slander (spoken). .
27 Oct 09, 12:11pm (about 5 hours ago)
This article gives hope to anyone considering a career in journalism

Funny how she compares the glove to Freddy Kruger as well. How does a person link them lmfao. Shes soo stupid.
I hope something does happen towards her. Losing her column on the Guardian would be ok or sueing her would be even better. I dunno, I just think this is to far.
Im gunna put in my complaint later.
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The moderator of the article is removing comments which post facts about the trials yet are leaving on offensive comments towards MJ and even towards the author.. hmm? Now they have made it necessary for comments to be moderated before they are posted and seem to be only letting comments which agree with the article. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
what can I say.......



as for her.......... insignificant! no one knows who she is and when she is gone, her words are gone, MICHAEL WILL STILL BE HERE!
I had just registered at the Guardian website to write my complaints when I saw that it is no longer possible to comment on this particular article. 422 Comments were posted, I suspect and hope many of those were complaining about the article and the author of that said article.
I will now write a complaint about this freelance journalist and the nature of this article to the press complaints commission!
I had just registered at the Guardian website to write my complaints when I saw that it is no longer possible to comment on this particular article. 422 Comments were posted, I suspect and hope many of those were complaining about the article and the author of that said article.
I will now write a complaint about this freelance journalist and the nature of this article to the press complaints commission!

sadly they werent............... most of them were backing her, and saying all kinds of horrendous things about MJ, with their tragic levels of poor knowledge of the facts
Thats the easy thing to do. The fact is this sort of thing, with incorrect information should not be allowed to be published and its about time the estate bothered to stand against it.

Peter Andre sued a tabloid for defamation for printing a story saying he made "inappropriate advances toward a Jordan lookalike while still married" he won his case and was awarded damages, yet this kind of thing about Michael Jackson goes unchallenged?

I understand that, but unless someone from MJ"s camp personally files a complaint, nothing will change. No matter how many fans write in. Michael has always taken this kind thing in stride and didn't want to put more attention on it, I think we should follow suit.

There's always going to be things like this happening.
I've had a look at her other articles. She holds a lot of anger, she even calls her mother satan.. clearly something went wrong in her life.
I have just now written to the Press Complaints Commission stating that I truly hope that she, Tanya Gold, author of this vile and callous article,
A) gets fired immediately
B) is forced to write a public apology

( I want her to crawl through the dust and eat sh-t)
Have complained to the press complaints under section 5-intrusion into grief or shock
and clause 1 - innaccurate information.

Can't believe what I've just seen on channel 4. There is a program on called 'Bleach, Nip and Tuck' about people wanting to change their race. The program opened with Michael Jackson as an example. I have made a thread in Enough is Enough. You can complain to Ofcom.
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and clause 1 - innaccurate information.

Can't believe what I've just seen on channel 4. There is a program on called 'Bleach, Nip and Tuck' about people wanting to change their race. The program opened with Michael Jackson as an example. I have made a thread in Enough is Enough. You can complain to Ofcom.
Can people really bleach their skin? I didn't think that was possible. :scratch:
Can people really bleach their skin? I didn't think that was possible. :scratch:

to a certian extent, but not to the point where you go from black to ghost white where your skin is basically see through. Only vitiligo can do that.
Email i had back fronm the pcc:

Dear Sir / Madam

Thank you for your email

I should emphasise that the PCC will normally only consider complaints from people who are directly affected by the matters about which they are concerned. Indeed, only in exceptional circumstances will the Commission consider a complaint from someone not directly involved.

In this instance, an initial examination of your case suggests that you are a third party to the complaint. However, if you believe our normal rules should be waived to allow us to take your case further (or if you do not consider yourself to be a third party in this matter) we would be grateful to hear from you in the next ten days. We will then ask the Commission to make a further assessment of your case in order to decide whether to take your complaint forward. Additional information about third party complaints can be found on our website in the FAQs section. If you would like to discuss your case before replying please do contact us. If we hear no more from you we will close our files on your complaint.

It may be for the Jackson family to pursue complaints relating directly to accounts of his life. I can clarify that we have been in touch with representatives of the Jackson, who can complain to us about this article if they wish.

If, at the end of the complaints-process, you are dissatisfied with the manner in which your case has been handled, you should write within one month to the independent Charter Commissioner who will investigate the matter and report any findings and recommendations to the Commission. Further details are included on our website.
i want to complain but could somebody please post the article for everybody to read so that we don't have to give them a load of hits on their site? thx
What an idiotic article. However, the PCC will do nothing about it. Its run by the newspaper media itself, not an official body.
Maybe it can be reported to somebody else? The estate maybe. John Branca and Mcain. She shouldn´t just get away with it. And I wish The Guardian would suffer in some way and get to really regret that they ever printed that.
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The moderator of the article is removing comments which post facts about the trials yet are leaving on offensive comments towards MJ and even towards the author.. hmm? Now they have made it necessary for comments to be moderated before they are posted and seem to be only letting comments which agree with the article. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
In that case it is seriously sick and twisted and not a serious newspaper at all. Somebody should sue them for printing such an article.