Write to the Press Complaints Commission!


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
I know one topic on this subject has already been closed citing that Tabloids are banned from MJJC.

BUT The Guardian is NOT a tabloid, it is a respected broad sheet.

PLUS, if we don't stand up for Mike now that he is gone, who will? WE must stand up for him and not allow these ultra negative, biased and factually incorrect articles to be published!

Press Complaints Commission complaints:

The Guardian article:

Please comment on the Guardian website, write to the Guardian to complain and inform them that your are also contacting the press complaints commission.
What do we put in the form?

For Please explain how you believe the Code of Practice has been breached.*


Which specific clause(s) of the Code are you complaining under?*
Stomach churning, it says more about the writer than it does about MIchael.
Please don't let this go without writing to complain.
This is one of the worst articles I have ever read. Totally disrespectful and full of utter rubbish, so we need to let them know that.

The 'journalist' is freelance, so hopefully The Guardian can be convinced to never employ her again, or at least to be much more careful with what they print.
Please don't let this go without writing to complain.
This is one of the worst articles I have ever read. Totally disrespectful and full of utter rubbish, so we need to let them know that.

The 'journalist' is freelance, so hopefully The Guardian can be convinced to never employ her again, or at least to be much more careful with what they print.

i read that, i have posted a comment, i joined the website, simply to post it, cause i was so furious with this woman, not only is she totally brainwashed and cluessless about the usual controversial issues. she took it too far by trying to demean his achievements. beat it is an ok song huh, she would probably say billie jean is, and any other song written by him, instead of some of the greatest songs ever written which they are. i went and listed all his achievements and then simply finished with, lets stick her on a stage in front of 100,000 people, play billie jean for her, and tell her to freestyle, she would probably start crying, pathetic C** what a B****
Please mods leave this here so everyone can see it. Please don't hide it in Enough is Enough. Please EVERYONE fill in the complaints form on the PCC website. The journalist can NOT get away with this. Complete lies and bias opinion to manipulate people's views.
What a sad, pathetic human being. We have to get her fired, this woman knows nothing about respect.. or music, for that matter.
OH MY GOD! I cant believe all the news reports and fuss about the article that was written about Stephen Gately (which was terrible), and yet someone can get away with writing such a disgraceful article about MJ.

"Does that mean I get to buy merchandise and view the corpse? (Sorry, I forgot the corpse is not coming. Just the glove.)" - Shame on you bitch!!
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OH MY GOD! I cant believe all the news reports and fuss about the article that was written about Stephen Gately (which was terrible), and yet someone can get away with writing such a disgraceful article about MJ.

the double standards piss me off no end.
ok, im actually in tears over this, the comments are even worse than the article, ive seen words such as "Second rate performer, who used other people to make him look good" i just have so much adrenilin building i could smash everything up. michaels best ever performance's, are the ones he does alone, he dances like no other in his billie jean performances, he would sing phemoninally in his live human nature performances. Words have not been invented to express my anger, this is the most furious i have been with the press regarding MJ in years
And PLEASE people, if you are going to write a complaint, check your spelling, capitalization, and general form for run-on sentences or sentence fragments (putting a period after half a thought) .

I just read two positive comments (a product description and an actual review) for a new Michael Jackson book. BOTH sounded like they were written by illiterate IDIOTS. That does NOT help Michael's cause! If you write a complaint about the article mentioned above, it will not be taken seriously if it sounds like it was written by someone who didn't even graduate the 8th grade. Sorry to say that, but such complaints WILL be dismissed, and if the point is to be heard, then please be careful with your spelling/grammar. I don't want people to think that MJ fans are in any way uneducated.
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What baffles me in regards to mj as a performer is this

How can ANYONE say he was ok , good or second rate etc..WHEN ALL OTHER GREATS COMMEND HIM?

Literally ever great dancer said michael jackson was something special..From Fred Astaire to gene kelly to the Nicholas brothers ..literally everyone...So are these people wrong too? I think, just THINK they are more qualified in their opinions of who is a good dancer..I might be wrong lol...And so do these people also think they were bad dancers too?...

Anyone who says mj is a ok dancer is just ignorant and has no idea about dancing clearly.
Same goes with singing...All great singers regard mj as unique..Come on!!!!!!!1 Listen to the voice at 7...Listen to the range develop through the years..I could go on but it is a waste of time...

These people are in a very very veryyyy small minority and to be honest, their opinion means nothing.
But the article was horrible...It is the same as stephen gately, even worse because this is a man who was foundnot guilty..Did more good than every person who said something negative put together..They are trying to make themselves feel better at the fact that he is and wll always be better than them..Sub consciously they have issues with mj's life..
I wrote this to the press complaints commission:

Michael Jackson did NOT pay $22m to his accuser to avoid going to court. Whilst a financial settlement was reached, the reason the case never went to court is because the accuser refused to testify. That is a fact and by Tanya Gold suggesting otherwise, she has blatantly mis-led her readers and breached the Codes of Practise.
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I will write. As for the comments, fans and people need to remember a Jack @SS is aways going to exist I do not care who you are. Even God have fools who talk about him and he is greater than all of us and made all of us. To know MIchael's love is just to look around and see the response. No one is going to know these fools at the end of the day. That is all the proof you need that Michael was the GREATEST and NOT some persons in hiding behind a computer. See them in person these will be some of the same idoits talking about how great MJ was in life.
I will write. As for the comments, fans and people need to remember a Jack @SS is aways going to exist I do not care who you are. Even God have fools who talk about him and he is greater than all of us and made all of us. To know MIchael's love is just to look around and see the response. No one is going to know these fools at the end of the day. That is all the proof you need that Michael was the GREATEST and NOT some persons in hiding behind a computer. See them in person these will be some of the same idoits talking about how great MJ was in life.

yes, but this wasnt the odd Jack @SS, this was like nearly 50% if not more, and that upset me deeply
I cant handle stuff like that, when i began reading my ears and face started to burn i was so upset, ppl need to get beyond this sort of stuff, that man died trying to make this concert a hit. and the jealousy she has is pouring out like some bile ooozing from her mouth. omg i think i need a paper bag. gotta go:bugeyed
they wont do anything .ve complained loads of times in the past. they only do anything in the person or now estate make a direct complaint.uk papers have always treated mj like crap regardless of it being a tabloid or broadsheet. a lesson to those who think these types of papers are different or try to defend them
i have complained. i am outraged at her sick and vindictive comments. this was'nt journalism this was putrid written by a sick twisted bitch using her profession as a so called writer to express her own opinion. this is the worst i have read, its just plain nasty, bloody horrible and its slander. :teary_eyed:
i despair of how nasty people can be. i saddens me too, so much hatred. how these people sleep at night i don't know. :angry:
they wont do anything .ve complained loads of times in the past. they only do anything in the person or now estate make a direct complaint.uk papers have always treated mj like crap regardless of it being a tabloid or broadsheet. a lesson to those who think these types of papers are different or try to defend them

Look what happened with the Stephen Gately article. If enough people complain to the PCC they have to take notice. This article is full of lies, bias and hate. Its worse than anything I've read from any tabloid.