WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - 11:00 am Los Angeles Time - calling all MJ fans!

I am praying and thinking of you all and of course thinking of our angel Michael.
Well, regardless of what she says, Murray gave an illegal drug. He did not have a valid Ca license to give drugs. He waited a long time to call 911, and he did CPR incorrectly. He's an illegal, incompetent Dr.
me and mommy joined hands and prayed together. I'll continue to do so later on today aswell!

Lord its in your hands. I pray what is done in the dark will come to light. In jesus sweet precious name AMEN!
Hopefully later this afternoon.

Grand Jury sessions are normally secret - so there is no coverage of the event, so we'll see what pops up.

AND THANK YOU ALL for joining in this prayer circle!

I don't think we'll know anything officially until there is an indictment. There could be "leaks," though, but it won't be easy to know if they are accurate. Grand jury testimonies are usually sealed, so we probably won't know what she, or anyone, said. The only way we'd know is if this goes to trial and if she's called as a witness?
I prayed a little too early I think but that doesn't matter my prayer felt good I got a little teary eyed too but it was worth it, please let the truth be told for the sake of justice for Michael :angel: