WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - 11:00 am Los Angeles Time - calling all MJ fans!

Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I will pray tonight and tomorrow and ask my mother (a minister) to pray aswell. The bible tell us to call on the elders of the church for special prayers :

14) Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
15) And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
16) Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:14-16
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

Keep the circle of positive prayer going!

Lord, surround your Angels of Justice, namely St. Michael Archangel, leader of all the angels of heaven, to surround Nicole Alvarez so that she may not be afraid to testify tomorrow. GIve her Your strength so she may tell the TRUTH regarding Dr. Conrad Murray and Michael Jackson's homicide.

In your name we pray, Lord, AMEN.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!


That is why I created this thread, because I know there are many that come here that are more connected with the Lord that way.

I will pray tonight and tomorrow and ask my mother (a minister) to pray aswell. The bible tell us to call on the elders of the church for special prayers :

14) Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
15) And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
16) Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:14-16
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!


That is why I created this thread, because I know there are many that come here that are more connected with the Lord that way.

Thank you for this thread...The Bible says..were 2 or more are gathered in my name it shall be done...Amen.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I have always prayed and fasted for Michael and his family, but lately I have been praying and fasting for JUSTICE. I will continue to pray and fast for JUSTICE until it is manifested and continue to pray and fast for Michael's legacy, family, etc.

Thank you for this thread.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

People? Don't worry so much about the exact timing of the prayers. Do it NOW, when you read this, and then again tomorrow. God (for those of us who believe. . .) probably doesn't wear a watch? (sorry for humor?) It's INTENTION that matters. Don't worry too much about the timing? It's the yearning for justice that matters, and the love for Michael.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I have sent my prayer to the Lord. What a postive thread.

Please Lord give us strength to endure what lies ahead.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!


I'm not a rich person, but I am rich in belief and in spirit.

I know I am not perfect, none of us are or ever will be, but I know God does answer prayers when done with a humble and honest heart.

Prince has a beautiful song that I LOVE, called simply "God" - and I'm listening to it right now.

Yes, MJ & Prince were admirers of each other's talents - and I'm moved by the music to call upon all of you to PRAY in unison!

After all, God created music & everything, right?

Thank you for this thread...The Bible says..were 2 or more are gathered in my name it shall be done...Amen.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

Wow - that is truly honorable, and God truly sees your sacrifice.

JUSTICE will prevail. Only God's Divine Justice will prevail - no matter how long it takes.

I'm in this for the long haul.

No one can take my childhood from me (who is Michael & his music) and not have to answer to God first.

I have always prayed and fasted for Michael and his family, but lately I have been praying and fasting for JUSTICE. I will continue to pray and fast for JUSTICE until it is manifested and continue to pray and fast for Michael's legacy, family, etc.

Thank you for this thread.
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Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

People? Don't worry so much about the exact timing of the prayers. Do it NOW, when you read this, and then again tomorrow. God (for those of us who believe. . .) probably doesn't wear a watch? (sorry for humor?) I


The voice of reason (and humor) speaks again!

Yeah, so what is everybody waiting for?

Get some :angel::angel::angel: in your life!
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!


The voice of reason (and humor) speaks again!

Yeah, so what is everybody waiting for?

Get some :angel::angel::angel: in your life!

Well, yes? Thanks. I think the point is, that this is a very "unifying" thread, for all religions, cultures, and world-views. Yes? There is no possible harm in wishing justice for Michael? There is nothing to lose, really, and everything to gain. The power of love is absolutely enormous. So, as I often say?

Carry on,

Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

Well, yes? Thanks. I think the point is, that this is a very "unifying" thread, for all religions, cultures, and world-views. Yes? There is no possible harm in wishing justice for Michael? There is nothing to lose, really, and everything to gain. The power of love is absolutely enormous. So, as I often say?

Carry on,


Thank you, oh gracious Victoria from the majestic mountains!

Like Michael said - it's all about the love, L.O.V.E.!!!

Children of the world - all nations & creeds - all genders - every being - joining in prayer and positive thoughts.


C'mon Nicole Alvarez, think!

Girl, you are a baby caught up with a very bad man, think about your child, think about what is RIGHT.

Nicole Alvarez, sólo tu sabes la verdad, por favor, ¡diga la verdad mañana a las 11:00am! Por el amor de Dios y todos sus angeles, hazlo por la justicia divina y por tu bebe.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I will pray that God Who knows all things compels those who know to tell the TRUTH
(not your or my opinion of it) and that Justice prevails for those involved and our
beloved Michael. Prayer and love is very powerful.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!


If Nicole Alvarez pleads the 5th (i.e. deciding to not say what she knows if it incriminates her), it's still a VICTORY.

Because if Nicole pleads the 5th, it will implicate her regardless.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!


If Nicole Alvarez pleads the 5th (i.e. deciding to not say what she knows if it incriminates her), it's still a VICTORY.

Because if Nicole pleads the 5th, it will implicate her regardless.

For one thing, she cannot decline to comment because of testifying against a spouse. They were not married.

For her to plead the "fifth," means she was implicated.

Jesus, take the WHEEL, now.

carry on,

Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

im in.
i hope justice will be served.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I will be joining with you all for the pray. Lets do whatever we can to help Michael.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I`ll pray with you today!
Please post here any news as soon as possible.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

Wow im gettin so many shivers down my spine.I'll be praying
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I'll definitley join you with this. :)
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I'm so in! It's exciting news that something is happening. I checked the exact time too but I'm already sending up prayers. Justice. :praying Please. :praying Thank you! :praying Amen! :praying
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

I will be joining you all. Justice for Michael!
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

Thank you for this thread. I probably wouldn't have known this was happening tomorrow.... well.. in the next 5 hours. I'll be praying.
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

yes im in .
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

Count me in.
I'll be definitely sending lots of positive thoughts for the truth to prevail!
Re: WORLDWIDE PRAYER for 09-23-09 - calling all MJ fans!

Hi. The time in England will be 7pm.

Everyone please imagine us all holding hands in one big circle of love and hope in prayer for Michael, if we are all united and our minds are strong and connected to each other our prayers will answered.

My love and thoughts go out to you all, l know it seems like nothing is happening right now with regards to justice and making the people concerned answerable for their actions, but lm sure that if we,re patient and keep sending our thoughts and love for Michael and his family and fans eventually the truth will prevail. Keep strong everyone.