World Exclusive Photograph: The Sphinx - update: Picture Now posted

You guys are doing my head in. Really. I think it's the very same people that make such a big deal out of comments like "this person looks asian".... that are making it IMPOSSIBLE to rid this world of racism. You create it, even when it's not there or not intended. if I say:


"Gee, Madonna looks like an Asian woman here"

How is that offensive? It's the same thing.

No, it's not. :lol: Madonna is intentionally trying to look like someone else! That's compared to the role charachter.. Just like Lady Gaga is trying to look like someone (or something) else it doesn't matter what you think or say about her look..
You yourself should check that word. It's sad on these boards there's day after day less and less uneduacted people. Racism is prejudice and if you say someone looks like something even if he/she clearly doesn't that's prejudice and racism. Genetics is only one small part of racism. And this has nothing to do with religions or anything, I don't understand why you brought that up...

I know what the word means. No need for you to direct that at me. It is absolutely not racist and I have already warned you to let the topic drop and agree to disagree. Do not bring it up again. Do you understand this? DO NOT continue on with this topic. That's enough!

That goes for everyone. Drop this angle of conversation. Please stick to the Sphinx picture.
No, it's not. :lol: Madonna is intentionally trying to look like someone else! That's compared to the role charachter.. Just like Lady Gaga is trying to look like someone (or something) else it doesn't matter what you think or say about her look..
Ah, they are trying to look like someone else! Forgive me, I had forgotten that Michael went out everyday with that gold thing around his shoulders, being himself totally..
It's not a judgement, it's an observation...To quote what you said....'you judge one's look then.' simple as that, eh? ok, so if I 'JUDGE' someone's look by saying they're beautiful, or they LOOK beautiful, does that mean I'm racist??

I didn't think so......

I don't see any evidence of racism in this entire thread, but what I do see is a lot of ignorance...

How on earth calling someone beautiful can be JUDGING because it can be taken positively only? :lol: Judging has a negative aspect!
No, it's not. :lol: Madonna is intentionally trying to look like someone else! That's compared to the role charachter.. Just like Lady Gaga is trying to look like someone (or something) else it doesn't matter what you think or say about her look..

No comment that I have seen here are racist, I suggest that if you don't like the way this thread is going you leave it, dragging this on will not lead anywhere. The comment was made, you are the only one putting a racist tag on it, get the hint?
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Ah, they are trying to look like someone else! Forgive me, I had forgotten that Michael went out everyday with that gold thing around his shoulders, being himself totally..

This conversation we are having isn't about the Sphinx pic but the other pretty normal pic someone posted in this thread... I think you can say anything about that Sphinx pic.
I don't get why we are even talking about this because the thread is about the Sphinx pic.. Now let's talk about that.

I cared about Michael almost like someone living with him. And in some cases (probably the most) you can say anything about him because of his public status. But let's say he is walking around privately in pajamas and you judge him because of that it crosses the line.. You don't probably understand my 'comparisons' but it's ok...
I don't get why we are even talking about this because the thread is about the Sphinx pic.. Now let's talk about that.

We WERE talking about the sphinx pic, people were only making comparisons & no one said that Michael DID look like an asian woman they said he COULD look like an asian woman, just like with enough makeup I am sure me or you could. Its all in the eye of the beholder. No one here was making an racist remarks! And like you said above "I don't get why we are even talking about this " was because you turned an innocent comment into a big deal. I think you could look at the way you perceive people opinions and don't always pick the worst case scenario. Rascism is very serious on MJJC as it should be everywhere else, trust me if someone made an unjust racial remark 6 hours ago, they wouldn't be here now.
Thanks, Birchey. I have seen not ONE particle of racism or sexism in this thread. NOBODY has gone that route, whatsoever. What is nearly as bad as racism, is falsely accusing people of racism! False accusations are painful, right? On a Michael Jackson board, I'd really expect better than that. He taught multicultural understanding, and KINDNESS.

And yeah, the photo looks like an Asian woman to me. I am neither prejudiced against Asians (or anyone), or against women. That is a legitimate, value-neutral observation. For God's SAKE, be kinder to each other?

About the photo? Too heavily photo-shopped to be of interest, to me.
Asedora;3012942 said:
I like the idea of Mike being "Sphinx" for Invincible too. :lol: For the most of fans I see this picture is shocking because of "bad photoshop", "bad taste", "does not look like Mike" etc., you name it.
This picture shows a specific character and this is what important. This is the whole point and the idea imo. Fans used to see Michael as such a sweet person, smiling, giving hugs etc. This is absolutely different concept.
Art sometimes has to be shocking for general public. I do not mean “bad taste “ art. This picture does not fit “bad taste” category in my opinion.
Like I said before . Some artists put butterflies on their album covers. So what?


Just thinking and we will never know for sure,but... I wonder what Michael himself would think of all his fans comments on this thus far...
karen's twitter regarding the photos
@mirror_stage SONY did not like them either. MJ showed me the original un retouched contact sheets. MJ requested MLB&I to be @ the shoot. 11 minutes ago via Twitterrific in reply to mirror_stage

Michael didn't like the photos, that is why he never released them. Now you will understand why. It was not how he envisioned himself. about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific As an art piece, it is cool. Michael would appreciate the "artwork" also. BUT as a true photograph, not so much. Do you understand? about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific I do find this sad. Because this image will be taken incorrectly by many. about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific @DonnaMB73 I am SURE Michael would not have appreciated this remodeling of his image.The photog wished to see him feminized & fantasized. about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific in reply to DonnaMB73 @DonnaMB73 TOLD YOU they were photoshopped to death!!!! about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific in reply to DonnaMB73
IMO, Karen hit the nail on the head about the purpose behind the release of this picture. I always thought it was strange that a gossip site was involved with the pictures "debut". News must have been slow...

-_- They'll never change.
It doesn't mean the pic is bad if Michael or Sony did not like it...
It doesn't mean the pic is bad if Michael or Sony did not like it...

Well for me personally I don't take Karen Faye as 'The Source' For me The Source is Michael. If you read those tweets it says

"As an art piece, it is cool. Michael would appreciate the "artwork" also. BUT as a true photograph, not so much. Do you understand?" about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

"I do find this sad. Because this image will be taken incorrectly by many". about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific @DonnaMB73

Karen Faye dosen't know it all.
It doesn't mean the pic is bad if Michael or Sony did not like it...

Michael didnt like it, Sony didnt like it, practically every person who has posted in this thread doesnt like it. Come on, its not a good picture at all.
Michael didnt like it, Sony didnt like it, practically every person who has posted in this thread doesnt like it. Come on, its not a good picture at all.

Agree. Michael didn't like it. Sony didn't like it. It didn't get used, and now it's being peddled. Whether it's a "bad" or "good" photograph is really a matter of individual taste.
Re: World Exclusive Photograph: The Sphinx


Just thinking and we will never know for sure,but... I wonder what Michael himself would think of all his fans comments on this thus far...

This is why he probably did not want to release it when he was alive in order to avoid some harsh comments from the media and from his fans as well. Now it does not really matter even if they will use it for next album cover. The fans will buy this album no matter what.:)
Agree. Michael didn't like it. Sony didn't like it. It didn't get used, and now it's being peddled. Whether it's a "bad" or "good" photograph is really a matter of individual taste.

Who told you that Michael did not like it? Karen told you? She changes he mind all the time.

One day she says one thing and another day she said this: As an art piece, it is cool. Michael would appreciate the "artwork" also. BUT as a true photograph, not so much. Do you understand?"

And if he DID like it why would it matter?
Who told you that Michael did not like it? Karen told you? She changes he mind all the time.

One day she says one thing and another day she said this: As an art piece, it is cool. Michael would appreciate the "artwork" also. BUT as a true photograph, not so much. Do you understand?"

Uhm, because he didn't select it? And he could have? (I have no interest in what Karen Faye has to say, one way or another. Seriously. . . )
I love the pic, as an piece of art, not a a cool MJJ pic. I do understand it, MJ as a surreal being, magical hard to get, not from this world... totally love it. But I guess people don't understand this, it's just to weird. But stil, I love it. hehe.
Michael didnt like it, Sony didnt like it, practically every person who has posted in this thread doesnt like it. Come on, its not a good picture at all.

I find it good but knowing Michael it was of course 'not good enough' and knowing Sony they don't have so much taste so I'm not actually suprised it was rejected.
I finally get a chance to agree with Karen. She says the photog tried to "feminize and fantasize" him.....and it just went too far.

And I'm gonna go w/ the fact that Michael didn't like them because they weren't chosen for the Invincible like it was supposed to be.
Michael didnt like it, Sony didnt like it, practically every person who has posted in this thread doesnt like it. Come on, its not a good picture at all.

Well for me personally I don't take Karen Faye as 'The Source' For me The Source is Michael. If you read those tweets it says

"As an art piece, it is cool. Michael would appreciate the "artwork" also. BUT as a true photograph, not so much. Do you understand?" about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

"I do find this sad. Because this image will be taken incorrectly by many". about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific @DonnaMB73

Karen Faye dosen't know it all.

Only Michael knows it all. :) But I don't know how any pic could be 'taken incorrectly'. It's clearly an art pic and you just can't 'take' art somehow incorrectly. You can only not understand it. Let's say Michael would have been dressed like some kind of a woman in an art pic. Only ignorant or completely stupid people would think that Michael want live his life or dress everyday like that. :lol:
The picture is photoshopped, which is BS to me. I want the "real" picture. I think it might look good.