World Exclusive Photograph: The Sphinx - update: Picture Now posted

Re: World Exclusive Photograph: The Sphinx

Wow, very interesting. So that's really Michael?
how stupid is that...
It should absolutely be used for the new album and not wasted like that.

That's a good idea, if he really wanted it for Invincible.
That picture we see SHOULD NOT be used for the new album. People would laugh, that might sound harsh but people would rip it apart.

Unless there is an original version that looks like Michael, it shouldnt be used.
It's not and you can please stop with this discussion now. It is not racist to say this. Please look up what racist means before you start throwing words around that have a lot associated with it.
I can see where Pentum is coming from with that pic. I may not agree totally, but I can understand. Simply because you cannot, does not mean that someone suddenly becomes the Anti_Christ.
You all can agree to disagree.

You yourself should check that word. It's sad on these boards there's day after day less and less uneduacted people. Racism is prejudice and if you say someone looks like something even if he/she clearly doesn't that's prejudice and racism. Genetics is only one small part of racism. And this has nothing to do with religions or anything, I don't understand why you brought that up...

Not mentioning a huge skin color and 'coat' difference.... If both pictures are original and edited by same people, they should match more... :scratch:

Lieutenant Commander Spock, it's so nice to finally meet you. :yes:

Most MJ fans have more professionally looking photoshops in their signatures. :cheeky:

I totally am getting the intention, but whoever did to this photo should be punished for bad photoshop skills- and calling it professional. Yikes.
I don't have issues with the general idea or gist of this, I love the idea- but that looks like a conspiracy photoshop gone wrong. :D You know, like photoshopped stuff that's being passed around as real.

Maybe ask Gella D to add a companion there underneath the blanket? That has potential.
honestly my first thought was that he looked slightly asian too. and it's definitely not racist that's for sure. to me the photo doesnt look like michael at all...
You yourself should check that word. It's sad on these boards there's day after day less and less uneduacted people. Racism is prejudice and if you say someone looks like something even if he/she clearly doesn't that's prejudice and racism. Genetics is only one small part of racism. And this has nothing to do with religions or anything, I don't understand why you brought that up...

Prejudice and racism would be to say someone acts a certain away or does something just because of how they look or there background.

To say someone looks a certain way is not prejudice, because you arent judging them as a person. You are just saying they look a certain way.

Its sad that there are people like you in the world that are petty and blow things out of proportion. If you think this is racist then I would hate to see how you would react when encountered with REAL racism.

I'll say it as well. In that picture, he looks like an Asian woman. If you think thats racist then sue me, because if thats what people consider racism then ill gladly go to jail to get away from the petty people in the world.
You think it's not disrespecting to say Michael looks like an Asian female, from the person (=a fan) who knows he isn't either one..?! It's an insult for the Asians too. I understand if someone who has never seen Michael doesn't know his genetics but from a fan it's disrespecting. It's the same than I would say someone on this board she looks too fat even thou that would be only my opinion.. It's racist.


You do talk nonsense....
What would be racist is if someone said 'He looks Asian, and Asians are all stupid. So Michael must be stupid'

If you are judging someone as a person based on how they look. That is prejudice.

Saying someone looks a certain way isnt PRE-judging someone. You've just judged how they look.......

I've been told I look Swedish. Do you think I take that personally or think its racist? No, because im not that petty.
What would be racist is if someone said 'He looks Asian, and Asians are all stupid. So Michael must be stupid'

If you are judging someone as a person based on how they look. That is prejudice.

Saying someone looks a certain way isnt PRE-judging someone. You've just judged how they look.......

I've been told I look Swedish. Do you think I take that personally or think its racist? No, because im not that petty.

LTD, if I were you I wouldn't even bother. You can't reason with somebody like that. Some people just love running their mouths off and acting offended at the slightest thing. It's political-correctness gone mad! I wouldn't even justify it with a response...
LTD, if I were you I wouldn't even bother. You can't reason with somebody like that. Some people just love running their mouths off and acting offended at the slightest thing. It's political-correctness gone mad! I wouldn't even justify it with a response...

Yeah your right. This sort of thing just really gets to me though. Branding every little thing as racism. . . . . it detracts attention away from the real racism for one thing and is just overall stupid.
L.T.D, you see, I got really pissed when this person came to me saying that I was a racist. Glad people agree with me.

We should forget this though. I guess people are VERy different.
Wow, that picture sucks. I couldn't decide what it was. At first I thought he looks like Prince, then I thought he looked like an asian woman, then I read everyone elses posts and seems like we're 'in the same boat.
Well I guess this is the way they can sell something saying it's MJ even if it isn't :lol:
Courtney;3012772 said:
Wow, very interesting. So that's really Michael?

That's a good idea, if he really wanted it for Invincible.

I like the idea of Mike being "Sphinx" for Invincible too. :lol: For the most of fans I see this picture is shocking because of "bad photoshop", "bad taste", "does not look like Mike" etc., you name it.
This picture shows a specific character and this is what important. This is the whole point and the idea imo. Fans used to see Michael as such a sweet person, smiling, giving hugs etc. This is absolutely different concept.
Art sometimes has to be shocking for general public. I do not mean “bad taste “ art. This picture does not fit “bad taste” category in my opinion.
Like I said before . Some artists put butterflies on their album covers. So what?
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You think it's not disrespecting to say Michael looks like an Asian female, from the person (=a fan) who knows he isn't either one..?! It's an insult for the Asians too. I understand if someone who has never seen Michael doesn't know his genetics but from a fan it's disrespecting. It's the same than I would say someone on this board she looks too fat even thou that would be only my opinion.. It's racist.

How is it disrespecting to say someone looks like an Asian (female)? I wouldn't mind looking like an Asian because I happen to think they are beautiful.

And how is it an insult for Asian people if Michael would look like one of 'them'? And sorry, but I can not understand your comparison to calling someone 'too fat'. :scratch:
Why are they releasing all these pictures suddenly? Do they want it to be used as the new album cover?
How is it disrespecting to say someone looks like an Asian (female)? I wouldn't mind looking like an Asian because I happen to think they are beautiful.

Yeah, isnt it disrespectful to Asian women to say its disrespectful to Michael to say he looks like one?

Thats probably the worst thing said in the thread. How ironic.
Yeah, isnt it disrespectful to Asian women to say its disrespectful to Michael to say he looks like one?

Thats probably the worst thing said in the thread. How ironic.
Exactly. Are we dealing with an ignorant person or simply a troll, btw?
May be an ignorant person considering the amount of posts. Trolls rarely have that many posts because they get banned quickly.
I'm sure every MJ fan has heard variations of the following awful 'joke': "Michael Jackson is the only person to be born a poor black boy, to grow up looking like a rich white woman."

Saying he looks like an Asian woman isn't much better. Also, Asian women come in a variety of skin colours and features. There's North Asians, East Asians, Southeast Asians, South Asians, Central Asians and Western Asians. Filipino people look very different from Chinese individuals, Koreans look very different from Iranian peoples, etc.. There is no one singular Asian "look" for a person to "look Asian".

You're not just putting down Michael when say things like that, but entire groups of people. And this is a multicultural board. There's been a lot of hurt when it comes to people with heritage from the continent of Asia being told they "all look alike". I'm not stifling discussion on this image, but do it with knowledge and be respectful of what you say and how you say it.
Oh, for God's sake, not another one who think the world ends because I said Michael looked a bit like an asian woman in this picture:

Would you please stop freakn talking about it? It was my freakn opinion. Now freakn off, lol. Oh, I'd love to swear.
I agree that he does look a bit Asian in the picture....I don't think it's insulting to say that...How is that being offensive? It's a LOOK, simple as that....It's how the picture, makeup, photoshop makes him LOOK....People need to stop taking things to the extreme...I really don't understand the racist issue here....

Example: my sister was born with baby blonde hair, and a light complexion, and striking blue eyes...As she got older, her skin turned more of a very light olive tone, and she's had her hair dyed almost black...This LOOK makes her look Mediterranean to me...and A LOT of people have told her that...Not once did she take offence to that, or consider it racist...Now, maybe some of you may think that, but it's just an OPINION in that sense, not a clear cut DEFINITION of racism.. So, stop using it as a FACT.
How is it disrespecting to say someone looks like an Asian (female)? I wouldn't mind looking like an Asian because I happen to think they are beautiful.

And how is it an insult for Asian people if Michael would look like one of 'them'? And sorry, but I can not understand your comparison to calling someone 'too fat'. :scratch:

It's not about wanting to look like someone. And many people want to be someone else because they don't like themselves. But that's childish because we should be proud of what we are. I mean because Michael is not here to tell you what he would think about your comments (and I doubt he would like to look like an Asian woman in that pic), you shouldn't say those kind of comments about his picture.. You can say you don't like the photo session but if you say he looks like an Asian woman that's prejudiced and ignorant.. Before that you should try to understand the art of the photo.
You can say you don't like the photo session but if you say he looks like an Asian woman that's prejudiced and ignorant.. Before that you should try to understand the art of the photo.

but he DOES look like an Asian me and a lot of people...Just because you don't agree doesn't mean it's prejudiced and ignorant...And art is a very SUBJECTIVE thing, it's in the eye of the beholder, which means, ANYONE can understand art....Now, how about before you throw around a serious accusation such as racism, maybe YOU should understand what it really means first...
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It's not about wanting to look like someone. And many people want to be someone else because they don't like themselves. But that's childish because we should be proud of what we are. I mean because Michael is not here to tell you what he would think about your comments (and I doubt he would like to look like an Asian woman in that pic), you shouldn't say those kind of comments about his picture.. You can say you don't like the photo session but if you say he looks like an Asian woman that's prejudiced and ignorant.. Before that you should try to understand the art of the photo.

I'm sure every MJ fan has heard variations of the following awful 'joke': "Michael Jackson is the only person to be born a poor black boy, to grow up looking like a rich white woman."

Saying he looks like an Asian woman isn't much better. Also, Asian women come in a variety of skin colours and features. There's North Asians, East Asians, Southeast Asians, South Asians, Central Asians and Western Asians. Filipino people look very different from Chinese individuals, Koreans look very different from Iranian peoples, etc.. There is no one singular Asian "look" for a person to "look Asian".

You're not just putting down Michael when say things like that, but entire groups of people. And this is a multicultural board. There's been a lot of hurt when it comes to people with heritage from the continent of Asia being told they "all look alike". I'm not stifling discussion on this image, but do it with knowledge and be respectful of what you say and how you say it.

You guys are doing my head in. Really. I think it's the very same people that make such a big deal out of comments like "this person looks asian".... that are making it IMPOSSIBLE to rid this world of racism. You create it, even when it's not there or not intended.

...So if I say:


"Gee, Madonna looks like an Asian woman here"

How is that offensive? It's the same thing.
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To say someone looks a certain way is not prejudice, because you arent judging them as a person. You are just saying they look a certain way.

Of course it is prejudice. You judge one's look then. You can judge someone's look, language, weight, age, whatever... Let's say I tell you look like a horse sometimes.. Would you be happy? Well, if you don't mind, that's you but everyone isn't like that. Now let's end this stupid discussion.
Of course it is prejudice. You judge one's look then. You can judge someone's look, language, weight, age, whatever... Let's say I tell you look like a horse sometimes.. Would you be happy? Well, if you don't mind, that's you but everyone isn't like that. Now let's end this stupid discussion.

It's not a judgement, it's an observation...To quote what you said....'you judge one's look then.' simple as that, eh? ok, so if I 'JUDGE' someone's look by saying they're beautiful, or they LOOK beautiful, does that mean I'm racist??

I didn't think so......

I don't see any evidence of racism in this entire thread, but what I do see is a lot of ignorance...