Will Michael Jackson's Real Manager Please Stand Up

Yeah Ive watched the PC a few times and have seen plenty of stills and still havent seen Franky boy there anywhere. Does anyone have any screenshots or photos to show him there please?
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Yall are gonna have to ask SoSo. I'm just going by what she said. I didn't see the man there either, but that doesn't mean he wasn't there.

I would rather see DiLeo with Michael than Rowe, that's for sure. Rowe has way too much baggage. Seems to be the type that only looks out for himself. Michael doesn't need that.
I would rather see DiLeo with Michael than Rowe, that's for sure. Rowe has way too much baggage. Seems to be the type that only looks out for himself. Michael doesn't need that.

Oh, I agree. That's why I asked about Frank. I would love for him to be part of MJ's team again.
he was in front of mj. near the lights. i was watching a french news show that mentioned mj...they were making fun of his fist pumps and all...

frank is facing mj and on mj's left. hard to miss his ass. but it's a panned away shot.

u can't see him from the actual pc footage, it was a far away shot that showed the whole stage lights and all.
I would rather see DiLeo with Michael than Rowe, that's for sure. Rowe has way too much baggage. Seems to be the type that only looks out for himself. Michael doesn't need that.

With all that I've heard, I agree here. I still hope Joe isn't trying to talk Michael into hiring Rowe again. But I can't help wondering what's going on anyway.
I would rather see DiLeo with Michael than Rowe, that's for sure. Rowe has way too much baggage. Seems to be the type that only looks out for himself. Michael doesn't need that.

I hope Michael does use Frank Dileo as his manager again, he's the best manager Michael ever had and along with the late Bill Bray the most loyal to Michael.
It's like this.....not that AEG needs for Michael to have a manager with huge responsibilities....I think they are the runs that will be managing mostly everything that has to do with this tour. But I think that if Di Leo came on board, he would probably be more of a personnel manager for Michael. Maybe managing the affairs of the dancers/musicians/etc AND looking out for Michael's personal needs. Something like that.

I really think that the FINANCIAL part of this tour is gonna be handled by AEG and Michael....that's it. And this is why I don't think Rowe is a good pick....he seems to have no problem keeping his hands in the pockets of his clients. And after what happened with R Kelly, he obviously doesn't have a problem suing his clients. Last thing Michael needs is another Avrams-like episode.

This tour needs to be clean, organized and stress free so that Michael can do his thing and enjoy his fans with as littlie negativity as possible.
I don't think Rowe is in. I think Rowe is trying to get in via Joe Jackson. And I think Joe Jackson wants him to get in so that he can latch on to some of this money Michael is about to bring in. I hate to say it, but it's true. Joe has been doing this for years. Nothing new here.

I don't think that Joe Jackson will ever get over his sons and Michael as a solo artist ousting him as their manager.
It's not that he wants a crook. Rowe is using Joe to gain access to Michael and/or to get Joe to talk him up to Michael. I don't think Joe wants to hurt his son. This Rowe guy is probably playing on Joe's weakness and telling him that Michael needs him to manage him. And Joe is already sensitive to the whole "manager" thingy because he never got over being ousted himself years ago. Joe is probably expecting this guy to cut him in on some money if he gets him in with Michael. Now I can easily see Joe doing something like this. But I don't think he wants to intentionally hurt his son. He usually ends up hurting his son indirectly, though.
It's not that he wants a crook. Rowe is using Joe to gain access to Michael and/or to get Joe to talk him up to Michael. I don't think Joe wants to hurt his son. This Rowe guy is probably playing on Joe's weakness and telling him that Michael needs him to manage him. And Joe is already sensitive to the whole "manager" thingy because he never got over being ousted himself years ago. Joe is probably expecting this guy to cut him in on some money if he gets him in with Michael. Now I can easily see Joe doing something like this. But I don't think he wants to intentionally hurt his son. He usually ends up hurting his son indirectly, though.

But shouldn't he know better? If this was someone on top of their game, I could get how they could dupe Joe, but Rowe ain't all that right now. I'm just not getting why he would want that guy around his son? If this was someone major like Benny Medina trying to get in with MJ, then yeah I could understand Joe trying to get him in in MJ's camp, but Rowe?
Angie, I feel ya. I am asking myself the same question. I just don't think that Joe intends to hurt Michael. I think Joe wishes he was even back in his sons affairs as well.

if a crook is the way to be back w/ his son businesswise then that's the way to go about it. he knows about the man's past and he's still pushing. actions speak louder than words.

and if the choice is rowe or dileo, it's like the lesser of two evils. u don'treally win in that situation.

mj doesn't need a manager to deal w/ london. y pay someone to do what aeg is already doing?
I wasn't sure what to think when I saw the title but I think this article belongs HERE....


From The TimesApril 21, 2009

Your show will be bad, ***** - you know it
High wire stunts by David Copperfield and a warm-up routine from Shane Richie?Sathnam Sanghera
You may have heard at the weekend that Wolverhampton Wanderers have been promoted from the Coca-Cola Championship to the Barclays Premier League. I'm not a devoted fan - I follow them from a distance, in the same way that I keep up with developments in Afghanistan - but I am into music, and it has struck me from listening to Wolves supporters that football fandom and pop fandom have a great deal in common.

The willingness, for instance, to spend ridiculous amounts of money to see the objects of your affection perform live. The belief, despite all evidence to the contrary, that those performing are geniuses. And, most, profoundly, the inability to alter how you feel. You can change your spouse, your nationality, your religion, even develop taste and sophistication, but you are stuck with your favourite artists in the way you are stuck with your team. And this painful truth is perhaps most dramatically demonstrated with Michael Jackson.

No artist in history has so tested the nerve of his fans, what with the reports of sleeping in oxygen tanks, the hanging of babies over hotel balconies, and the rumours of MRSA, painkiller addiction, extensive plastic surgery, stage fright, skin whitening, paranoia, and sleeping with children. If he were a football team, he'd be one that defeated Real Madrid in the Champions League, but then crashed down into Sunday League oblivion. And yet more than a million of us have bought tickets to see him play live.

My brother and I are among them. We've seen him play before, but the man's a legend, with a back catalogue second only to the Beatles', 750 million record sales, 13 Grammys and at least four noses. Not going would be like not going to see Elvis play for the last time. But with the first date now a matter of weeks away, it strikes me that there's another way in which football and pop fandom are alike: the anxiety far outweighs the excitement.

Wolves have had an amazing season, but their fans have watched their team in the way in which many of us followed President Obama's inauguration: through our fingers, unable to enjoy the moment because we thought he was going to get shot dead. Listening to them before, during and after games, you would have thought they were heading for demotion.

And it's the same with *****'s concerts, something that his people clearly understand, which is why they have gone out of their way to allay concerns, choosing the best music venue in the world for his return (the Chuckle Brothers could play the O2 and you'd want to go), confirming “he will sing” (and not lipsynch), and as you would find with any star striker, providing endless assurances about his health. We have been told that ***** “was put through a whole battery of tests; stress, treadmill, electrocardiogram, blood work and he passed them all”, with the promoter even adding: “The flesh-eating disease (is) simply not true.”

But this still leaves a great deal to fret about. Leaving aside the shambolic announcement of the live dates, which mainly consisted of ***** flicking a few V for victory signs, and repeating “This is it” while punching the air, and the fact that at his last public performance at the 2006 World Music Awards he struggled to get out a few bars of We Are The World, almost every detail that has so far been published about the format of the concerts has been discouraging.

The Daily Mirror, for instance, has reported that “Michael Jackson will be taken to his shows at the O2 Arena by boat”, because he has a fear of being driven “in public places”. Which raises the question: what on earth is a man with a fear of public places doing agreeing to perform in front of a million people?

We have also been informed by an English-language paper in Asia that “for his upcoming series of concerts in London this summer, the 50-year-old plans to rent a country house... in the Southeast London suburbs that is close to a cluster of haunted ancient caves.” Surely one of *****'s problems is his tenuous grasp of reality, and putting him up near a 35km maze of haunted passageways in Bromley isn't the best thing for his mental state?

And then there is his warm-up act. Now, you'd think that the King of Pop would have his pick of performers. The Killers, maybe? Coldplay if they're free. But according to the Sunday Express, the act being lined up is no less than the comedian and former EastEnder Shane Richie. Apparently, Richie, “who played loveable rogue Alfie Moon in EastEnders and is currently playing Archie Daley, the nephew of Arthur, in the revamped Minder series on Channel Five”, is working on “a new-style act to get the crowds in the mood for Jackson's stage performance”. Unless this new act involves transforming himself into U2, I can't help but worry. I pray that the story is just wishful thinking on behalf of Richie's agent.

Even more distressing are reports that ***** “wants to use some technical effects that have never been seen before”, and that the magician David Copperfield will be masterminding a series of onstage stunts, “including high wire routines and a levitation trick” - titbits of information that raise the possibility that ***** might try to conceal a weak performance behind a barrage of special effects.

We don't want to see Disney on Ice. Frankly, we don't even care if ***** doesn't dance. He can just sit on stage in a chair and sing, if that's all he can manage. After all, it has worked for Van Morrison for decades. We just want to hear him sing Billie Jean one last time.

And it turns out that I'm not the only one who feels this way. According to reports, Lionel Richie has advised ***** “to concentrate on his vocals - because fans are more interested in hearing his hits than seeing him moonwalk.” And here's another way in which pop and football fandom are the same: everyone thinks that they'd make a better manager.


Pretty clever hey? I know there are some cheeky statements and we can all pick out the 'errors', but I think as far as humor about Michael goes, this peice is fun.
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I don't like the article at all. It is condescending and it also reveals the kind of ridicule we will see levied towards Michael from now until July 8th.

What the UK and USA media is trying to do is poo poo on Michael before he hits the stage. If 1 mil + tickets sold has shown them anything, it has shown them that no matter how much trash they spew at Michael....no matter how many false child molestation victims come forward....no matter how many lawsuits....no matter how many noses they claim he has stashed away somewheres....no matter how weird they continue to claim he is....his fans still love him....haters still can't stop talking about him.....and the new generation want to experience him. And nothing will ever change that. So all they have left to do is try and convince people that Michael doesn't have it anymore. But we all know that Michael will prove them wrong....But no matter how good he is...the media will still claim that he wasn't as good as he was in the past. As if he is supposed to be that good. People know better.

This year is gonna be a really good year for Michael. Michael is gonna break records with this tour....and nobody is gonna be able to stop that.
mike showed everyone he could sell out crowds so the only way to maddog his ass now is to say he wont' show up or he'll fail. once he proves that wrong, they'll go back to how he looks etc....lol it's a revolving door
I don't like the article at all. It is condescending and it also reveals the kind of ridicule we will see levied towards Michael from now until July 8th.

What the UK and USA media is trying to do is poo poo on Michael before he hits the stage. If 1 mil + tickets sold has shown them anything, it has shown them that no matter how much trash they spew at Michael....no matter how many false child molestation victims come forward....no matter how many lawsuits....no matter how many noses they claim he has stashed away somewheres....no matter how weird they continue to claim he is....his fans still love him....haters still can't stop talking about him.....and the new generation want to experience him. And nothing will ever change that. So all they have left to do is try and convince people that Michael doesn't have it anymore. But we all know that Michael will prove them wrong....But no matter how good he is...the media will still claim that he wasn't as good as he was in the past. As if he is supposed to be that good. People know better.

This year is gonna be a really good year for Michael. Michael is gonna break records with this tour....and nobody is gonna be able to stop that.

I agree that it will be a good year for Michael. I am not offended by the article because I feel the author is laughing at himself and his concerns (as well as what others have said) rather than at Michael. I don't think his comments are really about Michael as much as they are about human nature. I think what he says about watching someone through your fingers is true. I feel sure Michael will be fine but considering all the negative hype I am sure that people who have not been following this as closely as us and don't have a fanboard that corrects the tabloid articles even as they are rooting for him will be worried. Haven't you ever done that with an unknown?

And the things he brings up are the crazy things from the tabloids. He is being very tongue in cheek, laughing at the things that have been said. In the end he laughs at all of those who are concerned (including himself) as thinking they would be a better manager for Michael.

I can be a little aloof because I have said from the beginning that I am open to whatever Michael does. I am ready to be surprised and delighted with whatever he does. He is the creative talent. He does not need me to tell him what to do.

I think that the light humor and doubt being thrown around at this point will only be a plus for Michael when he hits the stage. He has some of his most ardent fans attending the first night and after that we will all know he is fine and the naysayers were wrong.
missing a couple of bits here...1 week on do we know now who is the manager?...or it will be only revealed in July :)
its murdochs tabloid disguised as a broadsheet. they have always talked crap about mj
Just the kind of rubbish, condecsending article they'd have to write now that the man has sold a million tickets in record breaking time. How many insults did they hurl at him already...lets see, he can't dance, failing health because he wore a surgical mask recently, he wants a jungle theme with live animals and thats cruelty to animals, he won't show up, he'll get nervous as he has low self confidence ad nauseum...yada yada. I'd ignore crap like that.
AND You know WHAT. I bet the mofo that wrote it was up at 6.45 am trying to buy tickets for the shows...he should have just got lost -- so mnay MJ fans went without any.
(Hi elusive-- long time no see)
the last line of that article is ironic, and makes me wonder if the writer is serious, trying to send a message... but i ain't givin benefit of doubt to that writer.
October 28, 2008



dr.Tohme has been Michael's manager along time ago