Will Michael Jackson's Real Manager Please Stand Up

Well I do not know where Frank Dileo came from, I did not think they were business partners in any capacity since the early 90's. But if he is back in the picture or not, I just hope that the right manager is currently on the payroll
I think we need a manager to manage the managers....

Ya' know, this has been my thought about the situation practically all afternoon. I didn't really think along these thoughts earlier but I remembered how someone said in another thread( i think), that perhaps Michael has hired more than one manager to manage different aspects of his career. That would make sense only for a Major Star like Michael, who is about to Embark on such a huge Gig. Afterall the whole world will be watching.

Your post makes perfect sense and my instincts tell me you could be right on point with this one.
ugh raymone bain...someone had to bring that name up. grace is the innocent party in that couplet u mentioned, rasta love! lol not rb
And there's a million of us just like me
who cuss like me; who just don't give a fuck like me
who dress like me; walk, talk and act like me
and just might be the next best thing but not quite me!

.......that's all thats going through my head while I read these posts.
it needs to be like congress....or whatever. no branch can move w/o the agreeance of the other two. constant checks and balances
my thoughts on this are simple.

watch the pc again from london. frank was there...frank's been around here and there, he planted the seed at the trial....it worked, mj was acquitted and he was the only one who showed up to 'support' him.

dom, raymone?! cheeky today? lol

the thing is, randy at aeg seems to be the only one looking out for mj's best interest cuz....it affects him wholeheartedly and if it gets mucked up, he loses whereas a manager can walk away from a mess and still make money.

so don't celebrate in the streets again so soon. just my two cents tho

Girl, you got good eyesight!

But I have to agree with ya. I thought it was very telling that Frank DiLeo stood by Michael's side during that horrible trial. Not just by phone or tv, but in person. This guy knows Michael....and unlike some other people who know him as well, he came out of is comfort zone and stood by his friend even when it wasn't popular. I respect him for that. I think that over the years, Frank grew to really care about Michael and I believe that he would be delighted to be working with his friend again. If he was there at the Press Conference, then he probably is on board.
can u upload the pic of Frank in the press plz????
it wasn't really telling to me ATLF it was a gamble. go and if mj was acquitted bonus u got his faith cuz u showed. if not, u still went and no harm done. let's wait and c before we celebrate him, too
Anyone got any pics of Frank Dileo at the PC in London please?
the man was in teh pc across from mj..mj's facing him so he would've been on mj's left....when mj walked away from the stage and started doing the fist thing, they did a wide pan (some french show) and i saw frank's little ass.
it wasn't really telling to me ATLF it was a gamble. go and if mj was acquitted bonus u got his faith cuz u showed. if not, u still went and no harm done. let's wait and c before we celebrate him, too

Well, when I think about the small roster of people in Michael's world that can be called trustworthy, I think this man is good for him right now. He is someone who has been there for him no matter what. Their relationship almost reminds me of that between a boxer and his manager. The understand each other.

I would rather see him as manager than that other guy, Rowe, that's for sure.
nah in the small amount of people mj can trust, the lint on the table, IMO, would come before tookie. the man sat in court, he didn't do anything else. he fell asleep, he smiled, he sat w/ katherine. shall we give him a medal and throw out the red carpet?

he did something that didn't require any effort but to just sit there. and look how it's paid off, he's now the 'loyal' fmr manager of the kop and now the 'manager' it seems...all for sitting there. wooooooooow