Will Michael Jackson's Real Manager Please Stand Up

I personally like everyone else here am hoping for the best for Mike. With that said i hope that Tookie being there will turn out to be a good thing and that Mike will on the whole benefit from the relationship. I don't know a whole lot about why the two called in quits in the past, something to do with Tookie being to controlling is what I think I've heard before, but nonetheless on the whole Tookie doesn't give me the creeps, and that's a good thing.

Look, most people use other people, its not something that is a Michael Jackson probelm, and using people is not necesarily a bad thing so long as there are mutual gains and benefits. Hopefully that's what's going on.

Here is where I see SoSo def's point. I would agree that there is potential that in the end Mike could lose and I think we should consider that and not just be all cheery and optimistic about everything. And SoSo def I would like to say that I appreciate your posts as they are a healthy dose of skepticism that, at least for me, make me rethink what's going on from a different perspective. So, thank you for sharing your opinion; its much appreciated.
ahhhh that's just my spidey senses talking!

note that mj needs someone who cares for him and can be a manager and a friend and see things from more than just a business aspec.t sure they're there to make money too but it shant be off thebacks of the star. he's a father, he's got priorities and things can't always go the way people want them to go.

a manager tries their best to acknowledge that and do what's best for the client. so many of his people have done what's best for them.

im just saying, remember everyone celebrating 'tohme leaving' but failed to see what was allegedly creeping in the meantime.....everything isnt always as kosher at it comes off
Well, at least he SAT THERE. I can think of a whole lot of people who didn't even bother to show up. Now that list is big. I say good for him.
well i don't throw crumbs at those who just sit. cuz look at what just sitting has given him now....the appearance of someone who cares when all along, his ass was falling asleep in court just like the lot of us!
ahhhh that's just my spidey senses talking!

note that mj needs someone who cares for him and can be a manager and a friend and see things from more than just a business aspec.t sure they're there to make money too but it shant be off thebacks of the star. he's a father, he's got priorities and things can't always go the way people want them to go.

a manager tries their best to acknowledge that and do what's best for the client. so many of his people have done what's best for them.

im just saying, remember everyone celebrating 'tohme leaving' but failed to see what was allegedly creeping in the meantime.....everything isnt always as kosher at it comes off

I agree with all of this.
I think all the recent pics with Tohme still around dispels the rumours that Leonard Rowe is MJs new manager. Thats a bold a stupid lie. Why did he make such a statement when it would obviously come out that he isnt?
I don't know what's going on but Leonard Rowe visited Michael with Joseph on Paris' birthday.
Thanx for that link!

So is Joe trying to interfere in Mikes business again with the auction and maybe the manager?
So is Leonard Rowe the man with the dark blue shirt/white stripe across it and carrying a large tote bag? I don't know what he looks like. But the other guy with Joe is Majestic (sp) for sure.

Yes- the guy with the tote bag is Leonard Rowe:mello:
Just because Leonard Rowe is there with Joe Jackson doesn't mean that he is on board with Michael's tour. Maybe Rowe is trying to get close to Michael to make a pitch for tour manager and Joe Jackson was the closest he could get. Using Joe to get to Michael. And we all know that Joe has no problem making "MJ Deals" on the side without his son's approval.

How much you wanna bet, Leonard Rowe was not allowed in the house?
I just would like to know which manager cracked the deal on the auction..please stand up you deserve a handshake..Thank You!
rowe couldn't get in w/o joe. this just shows that they'll stop to nothing to ruin this deal. sorry but aeg doesn't need nor want mj to have a tour manager. if that happens, prepare for a helluva showdown.
I just would like to know which manager cracked the deal on the auction..please stand up you deserve a handshake..Thank You!

What if it wasn't a manager at all? And no, I don't know but what I do know is; something for whatever the reason still seems fishy. (imo).
its fishy cuz u got someone proclaiming they're a manager and his old manager was fired, then u got one who says he's the manager yet u don't see him anywhere, and now u got a statement about the auction from the 'fired' manager....so yeah, rainbow trout for sure
What if it wasn't a manager at all? And no, I don't know but what I do know is; something for whatever the reason still seems fishy. (imo).

OK I know what you mean....

OK then whoever has cracked the deal with the auction house and now turns the stuff into a museum please stand up and ask for your complimentary handshake from me :):punk:
i don't know if the museum thing will happen right away. looks like something towards the end of his career that he might do.
OK I know what you mean....

OK then whoever has cracked the deal with the auction house and now turns the stuff into a museum please stand up and ask for your complimentary handshake from me :):punk:

LOL, vargak, you are making me laugh. Lemme get in line behind you to shake their hand.
its fishy cuz u got someone proclaiming they're a manager and his old manager was fired, then u got one who says he's the manager yet u don't see him anywhere, and now u got a statement about the auction from the 'fired' manager....so yeah, rainbow trout for sure

Exactly Right! You hit the nail on the head with this one.
Thanx for that link!

So is Joe trying to interfere in Mikes business again with the auction and maybe the manager?

Exactly. I wonder what it is about Joe that he can't just let his son go and stay out of his business. It really looks suspect that he shows up trying to run things whenever Michael is about to bring in a lot of dough. What is amazing about this is that I never see Joe Jackson trying to "manage" Janet or Tito. He only does this with Michael.

rowe couldn't get in w/o joe. this just shows that they'll stop to nothing to ruin this deal. sorry but aeg doesn't need nor want mj to have a tour manager. if that happens, prepare for a helluva showdown.

I think so too. I mean AEG are tour promoters/managers in their own right. They don't need any fringe people running anything. I think that if anyone from Michael's past is even remotely involved, it will probably be DiLeo in some compacity. I mean he wasn't standing behind MJ at the conference for nothing.
You are probably right. I'm just glad that is gonna be a museum and that this stuff is gonna be in it.
i believe the best person for this is aeg b/cif it doesn't work, they lose too. a manager stands to make money no matter how bad the deal is for the client or if the deal will fall through. they walk away w/ cash. in this deal, both mj and aeg are workign together and if one fails they both fail. that's thebest partnership imo