Will Michael Jackson Appear at the American Idol Finale?

I dont think Michael has time to
rehearse with the Idol contestants
to make an appearance
he is to busy working on the
I'm sure MJ would sell-out cities like New York, Los Angels, Huston, Chicago, and Miami.

But I'm not too sure about anything else.

I don't think at this point he could go to the places he did on the U.S. led of the Bad tour.

I totally disagree. If frickin New Kids On the Block can successfully tour, obviously MJ can. It's laughable to even question if he could.
Interesting! We will see soon.. my mom watches American Idol everytime its on. :lol:
Adam is A-MAzing!! Love that jacket he's wearing. Michael should borrow it for the tour. :wild:
Is it so wrong that I actually liked that Steve Martin song? :fear: I thought it was him in the background but didn't believe my eyes. :lol:
They've had some really good ppl on tonight. Rocker night mostly. Kiss, Rod Stewart and now we have Queen. Pretty entertaining.
No MJ but Chris won. :boohoo: ADAM was ROBBED! ROBBED, I tell ya. :no: