Will Michael Jackson Appear at the American Idol Finale?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Every year since the dawn of American Idol, rumors have surfaced about the possibility of Michael Jackson appearing on the show during the finale. So far, despite plenty of build up by media outlets and the show's own stars, the rumors have been just that. However, this year the ongoing speculation may have more credence than ever before--though that's not to say it will really happen!

You may recall that the Top 13 special this season centered around the music of Michael Jackson. Likewise, in a recent poll on AmericanIdol.com the Michael Jackson theme was one of the three listed choices in a 'favorites' poll (Michael Jackson night ended up winning with approximately 100,000 votes placed). Speaking to EXTRA back in March, Simon Cowell was asked, "There's a chance you may actually get [Michael Jackson] on the show?" To which Simon replied, "Yeah. The best platform you could have in America right now is American Idol..." One year ago, Cowell told BBC 2 that every year the possibility comes up and that "you just say 'yes' and hope one year he will [appear on the show]."

While an official list of confirmed performers for Wednesday night's finale has been released, the crew at American Idol made it known that there are going to be additional performers not yet announced. Each year, there is at least one surprise performance or duet, although the surprise performer's involvement occasionally leaks before the show actually begins. Last night, Ryan Seacrest said that the "grand finale is packed with such great stuff that we're scheduled to go a little bit long, so I'm warning you now...set your DVR appropriately." Last week, former contestant Scott MacIntyre mentioned on his Twitter page: "Rehearsing music for the Finale..across the hall from Michael Jackson's band :)" Several independent sources also reported that Michael Jackson was at Nokia Theater today, perhaps to rehearse for the rumored performance at the finale, or perhaps just rehearsing for his own London shows! Of the possibility, an American Idol spokesperson said very little, other than that they are "just rumors." Either way, there appears to be enough speculation on the table at this point to tune in and find out (just don't be disappointed if all of this speculation again amounts to absolutely nothing)!

I think a performance would be good, just to show everyone he is ready for this tour, and to create even more buzz.
Hopefully this is not a rumor...I wont get my hopes up...but when Michael is in the Mix, Everything is Bigger! I've never seen AI extedning their time in any of the seasons. But I'm gonna be hopeful and say...Go with God Mike...WE Love you...!!!

But the speculation does get me excited...lolz:D
I REALLY dont see Michael performing anywhere before his concerts
He wants to suprise everyone at the 02 :D
Not the American Idol rumor - AGAIN. LOL!

But seriously, I don't see it happening because there has been no announcement. I just can't see American Idol not making an announcement if MJ were going to appear. That's just too huge, for it to not be announced before hand.

I mean, wouldn't they want the entire world to know before hand, so that they can garner a high as possible rating?
Not the American Idol rumor - AGAIN. LOL!

But seriously, I don't see it happening because there has been no announcement. I just can't see American Idol not making an announcement if MJ were going to appear. That's just too huge, for it to not be announced before hand.

I mean, wouldn't they want the entire world to know before hand, so that they can garner a high as possible rating?

true true.
It would be sheer pandimonium if ever MJ were to appear and perform tonight. The crowd would go in a frenzy. Of course, odds are extremely slim of this happening, but if ever there was a year this would happen, it would be now. Don't forget, Prince surprised performed a few years back. You would have to expect that if MJ was to actually perform tonight, the info would leak beforehand. Stay tuned but don't get too worked up...Like I said though, if there ever was a year for this, *this is it*.
American Idol do this every year, they say there is somebody who's going to be absolutely huge on the show for the finale and drop little suggestions that it could be Michael but it never is. It's a way of them drawing viewers into their show and it works because just MJ's name has that pulling power. In all honesty I don't think he will be there, I think Michael wants to leave the big surprises for us until the concerts.
Well we know he is in L.A. where the show is taking place. We know he's in shape right now to perform. They did Michael Jackson week this year. He does have a relationship with Simon Cowell. I don't know. Probably not going to happen but there is reason to watch just in case.
:mello: hmmmm, they aren't gonna trick me this year!!!!

But man, I would LOVE to hear MJ's band rehearsing :yes:
i'll be watching at 8, just becuase i've been watching the whole season. maybe he'll sit in the audience, lol....or not!
You know what would be the best? If Adam Lambert did an encore of his now-famous rendition of "Black or White" ... and guess who pops up on stage for a duet? :D
I can't see Michael taking to the stage before the 02 concerts. This rumour happens every season.

I agree.

i hope he will make an appearance, but will not perform…

That would work, too, I think...but then you have to wonder in what context would he make this appearance if he isn't performing?

Not the American Idol rumor - AGAIN. LOL!

But seriously, I don't see it happening because there has been no announcement. I just can't see American Idol not making an announcement if MJ were going to appear. That's just too huge, for it to not be announced before hand.

I mean, wouldn't they want the entire world to know before hand, so that they can garner a high as possible rating?

Very good point, Big Apple. Then I remember when Prince appeared, they didn't announce it beforehand either...not saying Prince can generate the same hype as MJ (Prince fiends please do not hate or jump on me lol)..just saying. That was a nice surprise no one expected.

I think there IS the possibility that IF or when MJ ever did appear on a show like this, they "might" drop hints just to generate enuf speculation to get ppl to watch in droves YET not cause a security problem at the theater. This show is LIVE and when MJ shows up somewhere and ppl KNOW he's coming, things get iffy. At the 2006 WMAs there seemed to be as much madness outside that theater from ppl who couldn't get in as there was INSIDE. So, I'm not 100% sure if they actually did get MJ to appear, they'd announce it beforehand...altho it would make the best sense to send the ratings thru the roof.

It would be sheer pandimonium if ever MJ were to appear and perform tonight. The crowd would go in a frenzy. Of course, odds are extremely slim of this happening, but if ever there was a year this would happen, it would be now. Don't forget, Prince surprised performed a few years back. You would have to expect that if MJ was to actually perform tonight, the info would leak beforehand. Stay tuned but don't get too worked up...Like I said though, if there ever was a year for this, *this is it*.

Best summation, I think ^^.

Also, Idol HAS overhyped up other artists where you think no one else fits the bill but MJ...and then it turns out to be someone else, so Imma keep my DVR on idle, juuust in case, cuz I had planned to watch it anyway. GO ADAM!!! :D
I'm not gonna believe it. Reminds me of last year when they said a special guest was gonna be on there, and Paula was like 'it might be mj'. And it turned out to be George Michael instead :lol: So umm nice try but nooo...
Anything's possible at this point in time when you look at all the other things happening with Michael. About the only scenario I could actually see happening would be a quick walk-on appearance after the winner is announced to congratulate the winner and runnerup. Otherwise, the whole spotlight would be all about Michael and not the final two left standing and announcement of the winner. Michael being in L.A. does make it a little more feasible, and in the whole scheme of things could be viewed as one way to build up the hype even more before his shows in London.

Who knows, though, we've been seeing a lot of surprises from Michael lately, but not going to hold my breath on this one. Although, of all rumored possibilities of him appearing on past shows, this time I could see it as more of a likelihood than any of the other past times where people thought he would appear.

Because I think Adam does have the "it" factor, I'll be watching the show irregardless.
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I doubt it will happen but I can't help but to wish and hope that it does!! The A.I. finale is seen by at least 30 million people. This would be a great venue for MJ to comeback to the stage and perform a new song. I mean he probably is going to release a new song before the O2 stuff so why not take this opportunity to debut a new record. O2 is after all less than 2 months away. This would be great for us fans, great for A.I. and most importantly great for MJ!

But I won't hold my breathe about it actually happening lol.
MJ and co. has been practicing at the Nokia theater from a while back, no? Actually he did the auditions at Nokia, my bad.lol. He and his co. rehearses at Center Staging. I can't see MJ coming to perform on AI and the producers of the show not using that star power to create a huge ratings haul.
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