Will.I.Am said Mike Wanted Autotune!!

Auto-tune is NOT the "T-Pain Effect". Auto-tune simply means adjusting the vocals if they're out of line. It doesn't have a psuedo-voice-box/talk box effect like T-Pain, with the voice wavering in and out.
I thought auto tune was for people who don't always sing on tune, and it makes people sound like the are in tune :( Basically, it changes ppls voice if they aren't in tune?????
Why would Michael need that??? :(

edit: from wikipedia(ok, crappy source, but whatev.)
"Auto-Tune is a proprietary audio processor created by Antares Audio Technologies which uses a phase vocoder to correct pitch in vocal and instrumental performances. It is used to disguise inaccuracies and mistakes, and – due to its increasing use in modern music – has allowed many artists to produce more precisely tuned recordings. While Auto-Tune is only one out of many commercial pitch correction packages, auto-tune is frequently used in the media as a blanket term to describe any audio processing with a similar effect, perhaps because it was the first product allowing pitch correction in real time.[1]"


Oh please, you guys are so naive lol. You HONESTLY believe that Michael (like every other artist) has never slipped up in his pitch, or that it sounded slightly rough on one particular part, and that his producer(s) didn't edit it with some sort of music software to change it to the right pitch/note or smoothen it out?


:lol: :lol: :lol:
i really hope not, i thought i heard a hint of it on hold my hand :(

Also myspace.com/peterpanpyt has a sample of autotune on one of mj's old tracks "we;ve had enough"
Someone mentioned T-Pain is trying to do what Teddy and Roger did with their music, be he "failed" miserably, well you're not really correct with that statement. Some people here fly off the rails with comments without knowing what they're talking about. If you took some time in finding out what Auto-Tune does, then i'm sure the comments wouldn't be as harsh.

Auto-Tune is almost standard in every recording these days, be it for vocals or instruments. This does not equate to T-Pain sounding vocals, or underwater instrument sounds. All it does is help smooth vocals and adjust the pitch, and i'm sure Michael has used it many times before, as well as other highly respected artists. T-Pain, Snoop Dogg and Cher used Auto-Tune as well, but purposefully cranking it up so much to get the robotic effect. They aren't using it "wrong" as someone has said, they are just taking advantage of some of the unique (well, not so unique anymore) sounds they can get out of it.

Teddy and Roger used a TALK BOX, which is very different to Auto-Tune. A talk-box (which I have) is like a guitar pedal which you can plug into a guitar/keyboard, which then has a tube which goes into your mouth. The sounds played with the guitar or keyboard are played into the mouth, which can then be released as if you are singing to make the desired lyrics. You need a microphone and an amp to get the best results, and they're very easy to make at home. Auto-Tune is generally software based (a plugin).

Just as a note, in Snoop Dogg's Sexual Eruption videoclip, he uses a Talk Box, however the actual song is done with the help of Auto-Tune. The Talk Box makes a different sound and he only used it for the retro look the clip was going after.
Oh please, you guys are so naive lol. You HONESTLY believe that Michael (like every other artist) has never slipped up in his pitch, or that it sounded slightly rough on one particular part, and that his producer(s) didn't edit it with some sort of music software to change it to the right pitch/note or smoothen it out?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

ummmmmmmmm....I'm not naive. And I'm not dumb, lol. I know that all the notes that come out of his mouth aren't perfect.....I just figured that if you are in the studio and something comes out that is out of tune or wrong, then you just sing it over....not correct it with auto tune.

So auto tune is not the thing t-pain uses??? Maybe you can use it for different things.

Like I said before, I thought auto tune was the thing that people use to make their voice in tune, like if they don't sound good, just use auto tune and you sound good!

can you use auto tune at concerts????? If not, then how does MJ sound the same on stage than he does on cd. It doesn't seem like something MJ would have used. I'm speaking about in the past, I don't know about now. He has a beauiful voice, and I doubt his pride would have let him use it

If will.i.am said that MJ wanted to use it, doesn't that mean he hasn't used it before?????
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Michael will use it as an effect, not to correct his voice. You have understood wrong.
MJsPYT1... read my post above yours. Auto-Tune is a program you can use to correct pitch inconsistencies. Think of it as a slider or scale from 1 to 10.

You can use it however you desire. If you purposefully go for the robotic sound, then you can do that by maxing out the settings. If you want to use it to correct a few small sections in your song, that can be done, and can be done without being noticed.

It cuts production time down BECAUSE you dont necessarily have to go back and re-record small sections to get the perfect sound.

1 - Hardly noticable, which you wouldn't be able to pick up in a song. It would be used to correct a few hiccups in a song.

e.g. Most modern day artists would use it in a few places. No song can be used as an example because you cannot tell really.

5 - Used often, but not on every sung word. Chris Brown uses it with this effect. Only SOME words will use it to the point where you can actually HEAR it being used.

e.g. Forever - Chris Brown

10 - Pretty much how T-Pain uses it. It's practically maxed out, meaning you can basically hear the effect working overtime with every sung word, especially those with drawn out long notes.

e.g Most T-Pain songs, Believe - Cher, Sexual Eruption - Snoop Dogg.
bring back the days of raw vocals and real instruments......that's the way to make timeless music.

okay, i can maybe tolerate a little...but i'm SOOO glad autotune didn't work out. Autotune is for the commercial industry to sell artists that actually can't sing..... which is why most artists these days sound AWFUL live.

Mike if you're going to use it, make sure you found an innovative way to use it, for example, manipulating akon's vocals so it sounds more tolerable.
Oh please, you guys are so naive lol. You HONESTLY believe that Michael (like every other artist) has never slipped up in his pitch, or that it sounded slightly rough on one particular part, and that his producer(s) didn't edit it with some sort of music software to change it to the right pitch/note or smoothen it out?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

well the records before autotune existed sound perfectly fine to me.there are other ways to correct mistakes.
MJsPYT1... read my post above yours. Auto-Tune is a program you can use to correct pitch inconsistencies. Think of it as a slider or scale from 1 to 10.

You can use it however you desire. If you purposefully go for the robotic sound, then you can do that by maxing out the settings. If you want to use it to correct a few small sections in your song, that can be done, and can be done without being noticed.

It cuts production time down BECAUSE you dont necessarily have to go back and re-record small sections to get the perfect sound.

Oh, ok.....But I don't think MJ would use it to make his vocals sound better. I think he would rather go back and fix any problems :yes:
Now, if he is using it as a vocal effect, where you are suppodes to know for sure that it is an effect, then that's different.
But I still feel like people would turn it into something bad, trying to say that he used it on all of his songs and he can't sing anymore :(

bring back the days of raw vocals and real instruments......that's the way to make timeless music.
well the records before autotune existed sound perfectly fine to me.there are other ways to correct mistakes.

THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping:
I feel like nobody is listening to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MJandRFfan said:
well the records before autotune existed sound perfectly fine to me.there are other ways to correct mistakes
THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping:
I feel like nobody is listening to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, one would just do another take of the vocal in question...just punch in and out right where the pitch problem was to correct it. Not difficult at all. The old-fashion way works fine. *laughs*
I just hope he doesnt need to use so often..his voice is perfect to me! :)
Let's just see what happens, shall we? I'm sure we all will like it, no matter what he does.

Think of it this way, this is just more confirmation that Michael is working tirelessly to create a great album for all of us to listen too.

I don't want to act like I'm trying to bring out the peace pipe, but some of you all seem like you could use a hit.
If Michael were to use it, he'd probably do something no one else has ever done anyways. That's Michael's style. He'll push technology to do whatever he wants it to do.

Teddy and Roger used a TALK BOX, which is very different to Auto-Tune. A talk-box (which I have) is like a guitar pedal which you can plug into a guitar/keyboard, which then has a tube which goes into your mouth. The sounds played with the guitar or keyboard are played into the mouth, which can then be released as if you are singing to make the desired lyrics.

Isn't that what Daft Punk uses?
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If Michael were to use it, he'd probably do something no one else has ever done anyways. That's Michael's style. He'll push technology to do whatever he wants it to do.

Isn't that what Daft Punk uses?

I don't know. I think they use a vocoder or something. I think that's what Cher used to, I don't know. I didn't say Teddy and Roger used autotune (they obviously didn't) but I think T-Pain wanted to sound like them and failed at it. That's all I'm saying.
Remember, all he wants to do is put sounds under the microscope.:)

He been doing that. I just had to find out if he was gonna lead or follow. I now don't think he'll go the T-Pain route. But you know it'll be bad-ass if he did have a song where he sung through a vocoder/talkbox though!
Some of ya'll are freaking, lol. Michael doesn't need this, obviously. He's like, the best singer in the world. Someone like Chris Brown needs it. If Michael's gonna use it, it's just to play around, nothing more, nothing less. Michael could go in to a studio with a live band and turn out a totally live vocal on the spot and it would sound as good as anything. It would sound perfect to most of us. But he's a perfectionist to an extreme degree and he just wants to make sure everything sounds perfect. But he's got more then enough talent as a vocalist to go in to the studio and lay down a vocal, live, with a band or orchastra and have it sound mind-blowing. Remember he recoreded "Billie Jean" in one take.
A.Sizzla, good job in getting the word out to Will.I.Am:) I hope Mike wouldn't use autotune to the level of T-Pain and I doubt he would. Even if he'd use it like that, it'd still sound much better than most of T-Pain songs, tho.
If MJ uses that technology on his new album I wouldn't be surprised. If T-Pain can make his voice sound interesting than imagine what MJ's could sound like? And also i'm not suprised Mj's tried it or has already used it b/c it's a new music technology and i'm guessing he got his hands on it quickly to see whathe could do with his voice and possibly make a new sound. We know he's very meticulous and curious when it comes to new sounds, and manipulating material so for him to want to try this, if that's the case, i'm not surprised.
Some of ya'll are freaking, lol. Michael doesn't need this, obviously. He's like, the best singer in the world. Someone like Chris Brown needs it. If Michael's gonna use it, it's just to play around, nothing more, nothing less. Michael could go in to a studio with a live band and turn out a totally live vocal on the spot and it would sound as good as anything. It would sound perfect to most of us. But he's a perfectionist to an extreme degree and he just wants to make sure everything sounds perfect. But he's got more then enough talent as a vocalist to go in to the studio and lay down a vocal, live, with a band or orchastra and have it sound mind-blowing. Remember he recoreded "Billie Jean" in one take.

He recorded Billie Jean in one sitting? Then what was the demo recording on the Thriller Special Edition. And MJ's too complex of a person musically now, I can't see him ever appreciating or wanting to put out a live album or acoustic album. Even though everyone around he apparently would like that very much. In yea him being a perfectionist to the 100th degree has had it's positives and negatives. If he didn't put so much of what he's done under a microscope multiple times, then we'd probably have his new album already released and probably another album some where years ago. But ofcourse it's good to examine everything until it's 100% perfect in your eyes, b/c I guess that's how many ppl view MJ as a genius now musically.
I hope Michael doesn't use Autotune. For one, he doesn't need it, and second, it'll cheapen his music. MJ never used Autotune in the 80s on those classic albums, and he doesn't need to use it now.
The final take on the "Thriller" album was done in one take. The demo rarely counts as an actual recording considered for the album. The demo of "Billie Jean" is just that, a demo to give others an idea of what he wanted. But the take you hear on the album, that was Michael's first and only take.

Michael's in a position where he has to get what he's hearing in his head out to musicians and producers, etc... He doesn't write or read music and even though he can play instruments, he doesn't generally do so on his albums, he uses his voice to convey the different parts of a song to those people. That's really why I think that's a big part of why he takes so long. He has to get what what he hears in his mind in to reality, in to something tangable.
The final take on the "Thriller" album was done in one take. The demo rarely counts as an actual recording considered for the album. The demo of "Billie Jean" is just that, a demo to give others an idea of what he wanted. But the take you hear on the album, that was Michael's first and only take.

Michael's in a position where he has to get what he's hearing in his head out to musicians and producers, etc... He doesn't write or read music and even though he can play instruments, he doesn't generally do so on his albums, he uses his voice to convey the different parts of a song to those people. That's really why I think that's a big part of why he takes so long. He has to get what what he hears in his mind in to reality, in to something tangable.

Yeah it's much like what "Sexual Healing" was. A one-take recording of it but there is a demo of it that's on the "Sexual Healing Sessions" album and one verse near the end was taken out of the final released product. Though the songs are definitely not similar, both that and "Billie Jean" were one-take recordings and were initially longer songs than what they were intending to be. "Billie Jean" was so great because MJ took his vocals to higher and lower levels of the song. It took the message home to people.