Why Are You Still A Michael Fan In 2008?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Just wondering because i've been on several MJ fan sites and have noticed that many fans are not happy about the state of MJ's career (which is understandable) and there just seems to be a lot of complaining and negativity coming from people about Michael's career. Some fans don't even think Michael will be coming out with a new album so my question is why are you still a fan? Are you just satisfied with his older recordings and don't care if he never sings another note or do you truly believe that Michael can make a comeback and that's why you're sticking around? I'm just curious to know why some remain fans after all the years of bad publicity, more allegations, endless lawsuits and waiting for what seems like an eternity for the new album to come out, what is it that keeps you supporting Michael?
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^ ignore those sites.. They leak so much negitivity..

We are Michael Jackson fans for the same reason we were fans back then..

We never get an album every year, it's a part of the game.. He's working on an album and we are looking forward to it. There is nothing wrong with where he's at in his career..

Invincible took 4 years to make... He's worked on this album for 2 years.. People are just complainers and make themselves angry and depressed, then take there fustration ON Michael..
because its not my career for me to be dissappointed or satisfied with. I like MJ as an artist and a person and as a fan, i'm along for the ride...not steering the wheel and not being a backseat driver lol

I'm happy with whatever decision MJ makes with his life...it's his, not mine.

And i think it's silly at this point to think that there's no album coming. Personally lol.
For me, it's more so the fact that his previous recordings sound better than anything I've heard. I'd rather listen to Michael's "Off The Wall" album than anything that's out today. I guess that's what keeps me appreciating Michael's work the more and more I hear it. Although I would love a new album, I can honestly say it wouldn't bother me if he decides to never release any new music. I'm more than satisfied just listening to previous songs/albums. Sometimes I just listen to the music and it seems like one Michael Jackson song has more quality than some artists' entire album.
I'm just satisfied with his older recordings and don't care if he never sings another note, I just want him happy and in peace enough is enough! But at the same time I believe that Michael can make a comeback if he wanted to and satify the fans and critics who are complaining like there's no tomorrow. Whatever he decides to do I will still be there as a fan of his music and the person he is!

I am a fan of Michael's art, it doesn't matter if there is a new album or if others people think he is popular or what his record sales are. I am a fan of his music, of his voice, of his amazing performing abilities. I think once you truly admire someone in that way, you always will no mater what. That IS being a fan, it doesn't matter what year it is.:yes:
I'm still here because I have been a fan for my entire life. No sense in running now. I also want to see Michael happy and well. So I keep looking to make sure that is happening. And while I'm looking, I am also hoping and praying for a new album and new dance moves and a tour. So there you have it.
For me the answer is simple: Because I love Him
and wish MJ all the happines in the world. :sun:
I don't see michael as Michael Jackson who has been very popular in the 80s. I see a wonderful man with a great voice and the ability to help people. I think the music that Michael makes is for eternity and that's one of the reasons I can wait for a new Michael Jackson album.
cuz MJ is the King! period...His music is still good today, even if u play it on the radio it still has replay value..
I've been a fan for 3 years now and I think that all the bad press, lawsuits, the fact that you get mocked and criticised just for being an MJ fan only makes your fandom grow stronger and you grow wiser. Yes I admit there were times when I just felt like throwing my hands up in the air and thinking "What am I doing? Why am I bothering about this? Why am I sacrificing my social life and school grades over a pop star that doesn't even know or care that I exist? This is just not worth it".....But yet I keep coming back. Maybe it's because I feel lucky and blessed to have discovered this man's music, got to see who he is as a person, the complete opposite of how the media portray him. I've seen him get hurt by some of his so-called good friends, watched him suffer while his enemies laughed, mocked and prayed for his defeat. I also have alot of admiration for him, his strenght and how he ignores his critics and treats them with the contempt they deserve, so that he followed his heart and his ideals, no matter how big the price he had to pay. Never have I cared deeply for any of my favourite singers as I do with Michael Jackson. As much as I would love to hear new music from him, more than anything I just want him to have a happy and peaceful life; he deserves it after all the crap he's been through after all. Although being an MJ fan can sometimes be difficult, stressful and frustrating, it can also be very fulfilling and gives you that warm, special, wonderful feeling inside; and I don't want my fandom to end anytime soon!
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you dont just stop likeing his music u eitehr like it or u dont. so it makes no diffeence interms of what has happened to him. personally im a supporter of the person so what happens musically makes no difference
He has entertained us, and he continues to entertain us.. That's why we are FANS..

Now many of us feel a connection to him that serpasses his talent through music, dance, performance, and video.. He's a hero to many, a person of strength and love.. The same reason why people would love Nelson Mendela and other great people. I'm not comparing the two, they are very different. But in the terms of strong people that never give up, he's a great insperation.. Many of us also love his mind and how he thinks..

People consider him strange, but that is what sets him apart from all the dumb @$$ people in the world that fallow the norms.. He is true to himself, have it be what society says is normal or not.. He is TRUE.. most people front and try to fit in. A normal person will never be a revolutionary in anything..

Great people have always were thought of as rebelious/crazy, from the greatest person that has ever lived JESUS, to every great artist that has ever lived there life through there art.. Jesus was hated so much he was crucified...
Always have been always will... I am not a fan because of what he might create in the future. I am a fan because of the art that he has created so far. Which is the best by far by any other artist IMO
I echo the sentiments of those who have posted before me.

Michael has not disappointed me. He has shared his amazing gift with the world and I as a fan continue to enjoy the music, dance and videos he has contributed. through the years I have also grown to admire Michael as a person, so it doesn't make any difference to me about when, what and how he releases more music or albums. I take pride in the fact that he has overcome many of the obstancles life has thrown at him and hope he is at peace with himself and content in life.

I'm a supporter not a beneficiery for Michael music. If, he produces more music I would be equally happy.
you dont just stop likeing his music u eitehr like it or u dont. so it makes no diffeence interms of what has happened to him. personally im a supporter of the person so what happens musically makes no difference
Yes, I'm supporter of the person too. I supported him before I even knew his music. I would support him even if there was no music to listen to. I support justice and freedom and truth.

I think that MJ is in a unique situation from other popstars that are still on stage. He owns the damn songs they sing. Quite frankly, he gets payed more than they do everytime they go on stage and sing their songs. He now pays the piper and calls the tune.
Just like Barry Manilow sings;'I write the songs that makes the whole world sing" You could say that MJ owns the songs that make the whole word sing.

Berry Gordy did not go on stage and perform. Smokey Robinson did very little performing at all. They had no need to cause they were the boss.

MJ is the boss now. he has no need to song anymore. If he does write an album and if he does soing again, he does it because he wants to, not because he needs to. Don't allow the press to influence yolour thinking.

When Berry gordy owned Motown catalogue, he was very rich. MJ owns a catalogue several times larger than Motown, yet people want t write that he is poor. Well how do you work that out.
Frankly Mj doesn't need to perform again and I think this is why he hasn't hurried back on stage.:yes:
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Michael's music is timeless...therefore I will never stop listening to it and will always be a fan

Though a new album would be amazing!!!! I am praying for it... :D
For me the answer is simple: Because I love Him
and wish MJ all the happines in the world. :sun:

Well said. THAT is the ultimate answer of your question: because we LOVE him.
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I'm still an MJ fan in 2008 cause I'm an MJ fan period.

And Michael's legacy is safe/in place, so whatever he does now will just be a... I dunno, an add-on.
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Why are people still fans of James Brown, Elvis, Chuck Berry, and other artists no longer living??? Because they are fans of there WORK..

Michael is a LIVING artist, with great work, and is STILL working.. What is there NOT to be a fan about?
well said kopv. if u go by that every artist who is dead should have no fans anymore after all theres nothing to look forward to.. makes no differece that the music is still there to listen to
because Michael Jackson is my passion ... and because Michael Jackson is The King Of Music !
I'm still a fan of his work and keep on looking to see what he gonna do. I do back off from him a little but every now and then when I do play him, you can't do nothing but dig him.

Maybe that doesn't answer your question well but oh well...
I don't know what it is about the relationship between Michael and his fans. Never mind anything else, that relationship in itself is just unbelievable. And i love being part of his fanbase.

Theres like being a fan of Michael Jackson the person and then being a fan of his music which i love being a part of both.

Theres like Michael's genuine love that hes shown for people around the world for decades. I think the fans are so dedicated in like protecting him and they get so hurt when the media portray him like they do is because there isnt really another person on Earth that has shown the love that he has shown. I love defending him because i genuinely believe in his innocence n just think hes the greatest lol.

Then theres like the music which is such a massive attraction coz like he has covered so many genres and like Off the Wall songs are all known today by everyone because they get played in clubs etc His music cant be beaten for quality.

Its just amazing being a fan and I will be a fan til the day i die.

Oh and being part of something new Michael has done or what hes going to do is just an adrenaline rush.

Everyone needs to experience MichaelMania.
Because he is a wonderful human being, wonderful artist - the best out there, and because I LOVE HIM.
He has been making music and entertaining this world all his life, now it's not a priority anymore, his children are. He doesn't owe us anything, and whatever he decides I will accept it and respect his decision.
I've been a Michael Jackson fan for over 25yrs, and I will be one forever. Michael is such a genius, and he's done so many amazing things during his career as both a member of the Jackson 5/Jacksons and mostly as a solo artist. Plus I admire Michael as a person, because he'sa unique individual and a strong man who stands up for what he believes in.

I hope Michael does release new music in the near future. But if he never does I'm still a huge fan and admirer of Michael Jackson. I'm just happy he's living a relaxing private life with children (and any secret girlfriend).
I became a fan of MJ in 2001......prob not the best time to become one. But I am only 20 so it's not lik i've had a real chance to whitness him in all his glory, let alone remember him farther back from there.

To make it simple, MJ's on hiatus so my fandom is on hiatus. I still listen to his music, and check this forum once a week if less. He's been MIA, so there's not much to get excited about. I'm just tired of not hearing jack squat about him, i'm ready for some singing, dancing, and a brand new album.

Unfortunately MJ's whole life has consisted of singing and dancing. And the worst part is those days seem to be numbered. It's good for him to live his life finally, but for fans.... it sux!!!! So I guess i'm still a fan b/c im waiting him to release a new album in the worst way.
I suppose I'm still a fan largely because noone has ever impressed me as much as Michael since I became a fan 20 years ago. Noone's beaten him so to speak. I'm guessing like a lot of fans, I'm a fan of Michael Jackson and that's pretty much it. I listen to lots of other music but I wouldn't consider myself a big fan of anyone else, well not in the same league as Mike.

True I'm largely disappointed the way his career has been going for a long time, the last 15 years seem have been largely wasted despite all the 'the best is yet to come' talk. Which is so frustrating because a man like Michael should be on top of the world, not hated by everyone. Things could be so different and at the end of the day I have to blame Michael, not the tabloids. If the ship sinks, blame the sailor not the sea as they say. But there's always the chance he can pull something brilliant out of the bag.