Who's left? Now that Michael is Gone!

If your talking who is there left thats changed things for the better that has a vision for a better world and is all love someone who can with a minds eye that can write truth without effort then it would have to be Stevie Wonder...he still rocks and was at the O2 recently.

If it wern't for him then there would not be a national Holiday for the late great MLK.

If your asking is it possible for anybody new to carry the torch for what Michael stood for and seriously make a change, sadly I would say no, those doors long closed there is too much joy in hate and ridicule embedded in our society now for anyone to be raised so high.

With the exeption of Paris and Blanket, Paris looks like a very switched on little girl and Blancket even as small as he is has got that presence of MJ,
its in the eyes.
Bon Jovi and Jon Bon Jovi. He has actually done quite alot of charity work aswell as supported alot of charities.. such as building 26 homes for Habitat For Humanity, recorded a song for Iran, built Health Clinics, donated alot of money to charities etc. Nothing as close to Michael has but hes done alot that many people are unaware of.
The OP is NOT asking you to compare anyone to Michael or ask who you think can replace him. Listen. They are asking who left has had an impact in music.

Madonna - as much as I don't like some of the things she has done, she did a lot to liberate women singers and has influenced a lot of artists. She has had a big affect on music and she is still going strong.

''It’s worth noting that before Madonna, most music mega-stars were guy rockers; after her, almost all would be female singers. ''

There IS no one left. Well actually the last of the original greats is probably Paul McCartney.
I wish Janet was making good music again like during the 80's and early 90's. Her Velvet Rope album / tour was awesome. She could have been bigger than Madonna if she'd kept to churning out the chooons. These days I don't like her music that much, it's all a bit wishy washy. Still think she's a cutie though.
I really can't think any singer who's lasted for over 30 years with so much success that's still left.

Nobody can replace MJ.

Most R&B and Pop singers today only look up to MJ and seem to swear a lot. MJ looked at James Brown but also at classical music. I'm from Taiwan and I look at a mandarin-speaking singer named Jay Chou. He's somewhat MJ influenced but rather creative too because he listens to classical music. The other singer that I admire is Vitas, the Russian singer with a very high voice and sings so consistently well people accuse him of lip-syncing.

But nothing will replace MJ...
madonna, tina turner, bono

Thank God somebody mentioned Tina Turner; I was getting scared for a moment. Def. Tina! I've loved her just as long as I've loved Michael. :)

Other than that, everytime I think of someone I realize they've already passed away.

Possibly Paul McCartney and Prince? Just guessing. Not really fond of either, but they've made an impact and have a LOT of loyal fans. David Bowie as well. Stevie Wonder.

Bob Dylan isn't dead?? I thought he went belly-up like 2-3 years ago. *embarrassed*
Michael was the last of great untouables. This was often talked about. And now, he is gone and did not have to go.
Man there was no one like Michael Jackson he was untouchable the no.1 musical artist for so many years and he deserved all the praise he got and more, talent-wise no one even came CLOSE! :((( i miss him
I don't think there's anyone that could ever compare to him.
There are still plenty of great artists in the world, there are loads of great bands and singers but as for there being someone who is able to have an impact on the whole entire planet and whose level of fame is so great that they are one of the most recognisable people on the planet then there is no one left :(

To put it in a shorter way michael was the last of the true legends.

Sorry if i depressed anyone there, cause that really depressed me :(
Has anyone said Diana Ross? Bob Dylan? I know this might sound strange but I wonder if the world would suddenly become very sorry if Britney Spears DID finally crack and kill herself.
No one.
Michael was the last of his kind. I'll still buy cd's and listen to other artist's, but for me, music died on June 25th.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
ok maybe I should say who had music with substance and united ppl together and when they pass the world globally will mourn? Again I would say stevie wonder (music of substance) but I don't think the world will mourn stevie and im just being honest. on the real I don't think the world or even a fourth of it will mourn for any other artist. so there is no one. But there are a few legends left with good music.
Has anyone said Diana Ross? Bob Dylan? I know this might sound strange but I wonder if the world would suddenly become very sorry if Britney Spears DID finally crack and kill herself.
I highly doubt folks other then her fans will miss her. What has she done for music? She can't even sing to save her life. Britney has always been a complete joke and everything that has annoyed me about nowaday music.
For me, there is Bon Jovi. Like Michael, Jon Bon Jovi has also had a huge impact on my life and I love him beyond words. So, now that Michael is gone, Bon Jovi is it for me.

He has been one of the few strengths that has helped me deal with Michael's death. :(
i was passing by our staff room today and somebody was watching a music video on TV by some artist. i stopped and looked. it wasnt even funny. he seemed just an amateur as if there was a boy that decided to film himself and put it on youtube and for some reason it ended on a musical channel. and he is a famous one... :( i dont care though
The children are close to him...
Michael affects my life;music;society
and many memoriesfor us...
umm I listen a lot of artists,but no one comes close to Michael
he was and will be the best 4ever
Pink Floyd is the only artist that means nearly as much to me... but Bob Dylan would perfectly answer the question.