Who is left of male artists

Actually I heard that from numerous Janet fans over the YEARS and who I like or don't like is none of your business. Furthermore why do you care how I perceive someone? I haven't been buying Janet's music since 1993 and won't buy anything further that's my choice :punk:

Riiiight. :rolleyes2:

Did I ask who you liked or didn't like? I don't think I did. Nor do I care. Again, you let pplz opinions of someone determine whether if you like the artist? LOL.....ever since Mike passed, a lot of you on here have been acting like he's the greatest artist to ever walk the earth when indeed he is not. And yet my opinion(s) of him are just the same now as they were before he passed. I don't let other pplz opinions influence my opinions. Maybe you should follow suit. ;)
There are many artists out there that I enjoy listening to, but noone like Michael, he will always hold a special place in my heart forever as a magical entertainer and person.