Which hairstyle do you prefer?

What hairstyle fits MJ the best?

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BWAAHAHAHAHAHAA!! I literally laughed out loud at that one! That made my morning! :rofl:

:rofl: :toofunny: oh how i concur....

I definitely prefer the curls, the short do from the Thriller era and the long curls in and out of the ponytail from the Dangerous era. The straight hair was too severe for Mike's face, it didn't suit him at all, but he still looked gorgeous with any hairstyle.
I like his hair long period straight or curls, Michael to me was looking the best he has ever looked this year, i still stare at his pictures and see just how beautiful, handsome, sincere and full of Love he really was, even his thin body fitted him perfectly, Michael was really coming into his own beauty this year, why did this have to happen now.
Voted 4 the last one. All hair styles look good on him.

But I LOVE the long curl.


long weavy like on the Oprah interview. He looked AMAZING on that.


Ohh and I LOVE the hair on the Dian Sawyer interview with Lisa Marie

The straight hair

and OFCOURSE the thriller era hair style

You know what?,I'm sorry but i really cant pick anymore...I love all the styles!
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I lurve Michael with long curl hair! But I really love his long straight hair too. He looks so imposing with long straight hair.
I love curly Michael, light curls like in RTT or like he had in June 2009 :(
Long dangerous era curls like in Give into Me or Black or White
Short curls like in Bad era
Short curly hair like in 1995 MTV awards or the wavy kind in the Diane Sawyer interview.

not a fan of the severe straight hair though. The curls or waves compliment his features better.
i voted for long curls but I love his short curls also, i don't like straight hair on michael.
long curls!
can anyone tell me where is the last pic from the first post from???? are there any more from the same day????
Long curls, obviously!! The tours long curls because it represents his Bad era up to HIStory, which was the era where the greatest pop star of his time became a legend! He built that legend then, through imagery and the curls are part of it. The regular, short haired Michael looks like a regular guy, while, the curly one obviously is MICHAEL JACKSON.