When do you think Michael and Lisa last spoke?

When do you think they last spoke to each other?

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IMO she should have never talked shit about MJ. She could have done that in private! I think that was a childish move!

Excatly! which why i wrote what i did b4. Maybe michael might talked bout lisa in private with close friends , but never to the world. Which im so happy he didnt. Their marriage really should have been between them & no one else..isnt that what marriage is bout?
Excatly! which why i wrote what i did b4. Maybe michael might talked bout lisa in private with close friends , but never to the world. Which im so happy he didnt. Their marriage really should have been between them & no one else..isnt that what marriage is bout?

Most definately!
Hey Sumadiner,

Just want to say thanks for gathering a bunch of those quotes from other people of MJ and LM together. I hadn't seen some of them. I loved that first quote of Janet!
hmm..IMHO I think that Michael and Lisa were perfect together...I think they completed each other. I agree with those of you that has stated that ....Its to bad they divorced because if they would still of been married them Michael would still be here. Lisa would not of let Michael get duped by Murray.
you welcome

you can vist this site where i got if rom to find out more thing lisa and michael related


Thanks for that link. Clicked on the gallery link and the person who created this website is hilarious!

This is what was written:

If either Michael or Lisa happens to be unfortunate enough to stumble across this page, a few words of advice. Get back together, remove your clothes, have some serious sex and send me the tape. I promise I won't distribute it, but will instead use it for educational and entertainment purposes within the home. Honest.
I've been lurking here...

I personally think while Michael and Lisa may have been a "good match", they had a lot of problems (that I feel go deeper than any of us really know about) and weren't eachother's "ONE" or however you want to say it. I think their relationship was more of a teaching/learning/growing tool - like many relationships are...but not meant for the longterm sense. I don't think they ever could have had a genuinely fulfilling, healthy relationship. I do think they loved eachother very much - couldn't fully step away from eachother - always had heartstrings there...because they had more lessons to learn and more growing to do.

I've gone through this myself, and seen others go through it too. I was in a "dysfunctional" relationship that I couldn't step away from. It felt like we were such a good match but it never quite worked. We would break up for long periods of time, but still always have each other in the back of our minds... we kept coming back together...could never really say goodbye... It was a long drawn out thing, with lots of love yet lots of heartache. The deep "attachment" we had didn't neccesarily mean we were right for each other. It wasn't until we finally separated ways for good, that I could see how every time we came back together/interacted...I learned something...and walked away stronger. It only really ended when the learning was done.

I think Michael and Lisa had the same thing going. Sadly, Michael died so Lisa will probably carry around a feeling of "unfinished business" atop of regret and guilt for awhile...possibly until she meets him on the other side. So often the story of life, I'm afraid.

enlightenu said:
a woman marrying a man who makes it no secret that he wants to have a family---and decides she doesn't want to have his children, how do you think that makes a man feel?

Yeah...sounds like a classic "bait and switch", which is so NOT COOL. But, you gotta take into account to that people often think they want something, then realize later they don't want it...or that maybe they can't handle it. Situations change...people change. Still sad the way it happened.

*~Tink~* said:
I saw her with that snake Diane Sawyer who was making fun of her for being with Michael. I SO dislike Diane Sawyer. I thought Lisa Marie could have been more supportive of Michael in this interview. Yeah, she sort of defends him, but not really.

I would have said, "Yeah, Diane, I found him attractive, find him attractive, what of it? Why do you NOT find him attractive, Diane? What's wrong with YOU?"

Damn straight! I felt the SAME way after seeing that interview, I woulda said the SAME thing. I wanted to smack Lisa...lol. I thought she was a strong woman, but it was almost like she was caving under Diane's projection of Michael...as if she should be embarrassed for liking him or thinking he's hot. Who cares what other people think, who cares how many times she's been asked... lay down the line on Diane's ass! Michael was a motherf*ckin' SEXY man with the biggest heart out there - anyone else who thinks he was some kinda "freak" needs to put into their place... especially by those who "loved" him.

Ernestine said:
No one can be child-like and not immature.

Completely DISAGREE. Those are two very different things. You CAN have one without the other.
Who cares what other people think, who cares how many times she's been asked... lay down the line on Diane's ass! Michael was a motherf*ckin' SEXY man with the biggest heart out there - anyone else who thinks he was some kinda "freak" needs to put into their place... especially by those who "loved' him

exactly my thoughts
lisa kids live with her and they are loads of pictures of lisa i , the kids and michael together;f you search them
Lisa and the kids are both said michael was a good stepdad, so he wasvery involved in their lifes in a fatherly way, i dont know where you get the idea that to them he was just their mother's friend.

hmm are you implying that lisa lives with many male friends, and flys her children on hoildays to various places with this male friends? i think the kids would know he was no ordinary friend of their mother.

You have to be kidding. Riley was 5 years old and ben was barely 2 when Michael and Lisa-Marie got married. Lisa stayed at her house in Beverly Hills while Michael stayed at Neverland. I would love to see pictures of them as a happy family. The pictures don't exist. One of the reasons Lisa divorced Michael was that he was absent for almost 4 months. She had no idea where he was.

He was at Neveland and she was in L.A. with her kids.

When she got a divorce in August of 2006 from Michael, Riley was 7, and Ben was 3. I doubt either one of them really remember him. However, the fact the Riley went to his funeral, maybe she does. But I am sure Ben doesn't.
yay! re-opened! Finally, a thread where we can discuss about Lisa and Michael and it doesn't get removed or locked. Ok, Riley and Ben DO remember Michael. How can they not, I mean michael was in their lives from 1994-1999 around there. That is 5 years, how can a kid NOT remember 5 years of their life? And as playful as Michael is with kids and stuff you think he wouldnt had love the kids too? Especially for riley, she probably remembers him perfectly, kids don't have bad memories. And i'm pretty sure she cared enough to the extend where she went ALONE to the memorial. and i doubt Lisa would just leave her kids, it was said that Danny was a great father and stuff but never does it say that Lisa totally abandoned her kids with Danny.

On a second note, i've never heard about this but if Lisa was taking birth control then that is really wrong and painful to someone. But at the sametime, so was his "i have a women who likes me and will have a kid for me". And well, I know michael wasn't a drugie or anything, but drugie's do have a tendency to disappear for weeks and months. Lisa hadn't seen Michael in weeks and all of a sudden he was in the hospital, ofcourse she probably thought there was something else going on. Especially since she had seen this type of behavior in her dad. I do know though that Lisa left the first day mad and they had "ended" things, but that the next day she wanted to talk to Michael to try to talk things out and fix things, but she wasn't allowed. Maybe if they would have talked that day then things could have been better now. At least maybe they would have had a more civil divorce. And Lisa never stated clearly what was the exact problem in her blog, she just stated that sometimes he had a destructive behavior. and she never said she left so her kids wouldn't be near a drug addict, she said that she left because in trying to help Michael she lost herself and that she wasn't being a good parent to her kids because she was concentrating to much on Michael and honestly, that is totally understandable. And i do believe there is more that happened that we don't know because that's their business.

I do blame Lisa for not trying hard enough to make the relationship work. I mean, it was obvious she loved him. No women will travel half way around the world with her two kids to visit an EX husband while he is married (and supposedly she traveled with the kids WITHOUT danny and pricilla knowing...again rebelling against everyone for Michael). She could have worked things out there, or should have tried. Michael had never really witnessed a functional marriage and probably thought it was normal to not call his wife for a long time etc. Joe did it with Katherine, but still, Lisa could have tried a bit more. And i also blame Michael for not trying hard enough and not going after her (she was deeply in love, she would have gotten back with him ASAP), or for not being in contact with his wife while his disappearances. No women in the right mind can take that.

and here is a pic of Lisa and her kids (older) with Michael

oh and Lisa stated in an interview that she HAD seen Prince Michael when he was a baby. This had to have been somewhere private or something (maybe neverland) because i don't think Michael traveled anywhere with prince when he was a baby. idk, maybe i'm wrong, but still, she SAW the kid and said he was "adorable"
Well, theirs was a case where love just wasn't enough. It was definitely the influence of OTHER PEOPLE that broke them apart. Lisa definitely alludes to that in some of her songs. She had an entourage, he had an entourage. It was never just about them. Well, maybe in the beginning when they first started to date and fall in love. But once everything went public, everyone had to butt in and give their 2 cents.

IMO, the self-destructive behavior that Lisa was talking about WAS NOT drug abuse. You have to remember that Michael had just gone to rehab a year or two before. Michael had to take a lot of prescription medication because of his ailments, but never to get high or 'to make things go away'. Maybe he didn't tell Lisa that he had lupus or the reasons why he was taking certain medications and all she saw was pill bottles everywhere.

Anyways, I agree with whoever said it was lack of communication was the driving factor to their break-up. I also think that there was a severe lack of trust towards the end. For Michael, it was probably finding out that Lisa was preventing herself from getting pregnant. For Lisa, it was Michael disappearing for long periods of time and not being able to get a hold of him.

With no trust and communication, a relationship cannot survive. . . no matter how much love is between them.

Oh and I've also read that while married they primarily lived in Lisa's home in LA and not Neverland so much when in California. I speculate they did this because Neverland was 2-3 hrs away from LA and perhaps Michael was needing to be in LA for work since he was doing his album. I also have a feeling that Danny didn't want to be so far from his kids, so maybe this living arrangement was a compromise. That's just speculation by me though.
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I believe that they truly loved each other. It would have been amazing to have seen them stay together. I can understand her pain at his funeral -- I'm pretty sure she still loved him and probably had regrets, like everyone does. Michael and Lisa are one of my favorite couples!
Not sure when they last talked, though.
Whenever I hear/read about Lisa, only thing come to my mind, her interview with Diane Sawyer. Diane asked Lisa 'what you were thinking (marrying to Mike)?' Lisa 'I don't know what I was thinking'....
My question is 'marrying Michael was a sin or crime' ...
I never liked Lisa....
Whenever I hear/read about Lisa, only thing come to my mind, her interview with Diane Sawyer. Diane asked Lisa 'what you were thinking (marrying to Mike)?' Lisa 'I don't know what I was thinking'....
My question is 'marrying Michael was a sin or crime' ...
I never liked Lisa....

I believe she was pressured into saying things to satisfy the media. I know, she shouldn't have, but the media is sooo stupid nowadays.
Whenever I hear/read about Lisa, only thing come to my mind, her interview with Diane Sawyer. Diane asked Lisa 'what you were thinking (marrying to Mike)?' Lisa 'I don't know what I was thinking'....
My question is 'marrying Michael was a sin or crime' ...
I never liked Lisa....

But the same time she defended him saying that she truly loved him and that it wasn't anything bogus with that.
Diane Sawyer kind of forced her to give an uncomfortable answer when she asked "What were you thinking when you married him?!"

I still truly believe that Lisa Marie was one of, if not the best thing that came Michael's way... and Michael fucked it up. He wasn't more than human, and made mistakes. And she had enough to bare with her children.
Until I hear Lisa Marie go all Bashir on Michael I really don't find a reason to hate on her.

Still I truly can understand why some of you guys are upset with her, but for me she hasn't done enough wrong for me to feel like "I don't like this chick".
I believe she was pressured into saying things to satisfy the media. I know, she shouldn't have, but the media is sooo stupid nowadays.
media presurred her...that's a lame excuse...she was ex-wife for God's sake. That marriage lasted for 2 years, she should've given some respect for her ex-husband and her marriage...
What Lisa done was laughing along with DS.
oh and Lisa stated in an interview that she HAD seen Prince Michael when he was a baby. This had to have been somewhere private or something (maybe neverland) because i don't think Michael traveled anywhere with prince when he was a baby. idk, maybe i'm wrong, but still, she SAW the kid and said he was "adorable"

Wow I didnt know that thank you.

yay! re-opened! Finally, a thread where we can discuss about Lisa and Michael and it doesn't get removed or locked.
Touche! ;)
Lisa is holding Omar's hand!

I will re-open the thread but am going to move it to michaelmania section.
Thank you very much Shannon. Fans obviously have a want to discuss the only time Michael was in love while married.:cheers:
Danny Keough, while being a serious butt wad was still a parent to Riley, and Ben, who were just toddlers when Lisa-Marie met Michael.

Riley and Ben never really knew Michael Jackson, other than he was mom's friend. They lived in L.A. at times, and in Memphis with their grandmother. Michael wasn't really part of their life.

Their mom was an aberant parent.

Just wanted to clarify a couple of things...having been an Elvis fan for most of my life (I'm 42) and having followed news of him and his family for all of my adult life. Actually, Benjamin was a toddler (2) when Michael and Lisa married. Danielle Riley turned 5 (not technically a toddler) a few days after Lisa and Michael wed. The kids never lived in Memphis with their grandmother. Priscilla did not live in Memphis at that time and hadn't for many years. She lived in California.

And the kids did know Michael. There are pictures of them with Michael, even after Lisa and Michael divorced. You can find them at MJJPictures.com...and you'll see Michael and Lisa and the kids, with Michael even holding Danielle Riley's hand in many of the shots. So they did know him and spend time with him.
Where did you guys read that the Jackson family let Lisa see Michael before the actual funeral????
Where did you guys read that the Jackson family let Lisa see Michael before the actual funeral????

I read it here on MJJC but I cant remember which thread sorry. So much has happened over the past few days. Plus I have a terrible memory.
media presurred her...that's a lame excuse...she was ex-wife for God's sake. That marriage lasted for 2 years, she should've given some respect for her ex-husband and her marriage...
What Lisa done was laughing along with DS.

no no.. i disagree with this. Lisa gave a bad response because she was given an uncomfortable question. And to me it didn't seem like she said anything how he embarrasses her or anything. Her response was more like "fuck man, i have to say this shit again, ugh stupid lady, i hoped she didn't go there" kind of response.

But the same time she defended him saying that she truly loved him and that it wasn't anything bogus with that.
Diane Sawyer kind of forced her to give an uncomfortable answer when she asked "What were you thinking when you married him?!"

I still truly believe that Lisa Marie was one of, if not the best thing that came Michael's way... and Michael fucked it up. He wasn't more than human, and made mistakes. And she had enough to bare with her children.
Until I hear Lisa Marie go all Bashir on Michael I really don't find a reason to hate on her.

Still I truly can understand why some of you guys are upset with her, but for me she hasn't done enough wrong for me to feel like "I don't like this chick".

I TOTALLY AGREE! Lisa and Michael had marital problems. Michael didn't know how to really handle a marriage, but Lisa should have had more patience with him. But never has lisa said anything about Michael that has been totally wrong. What has she said? That the marriage was crazy? yea well, she could have been talking about the press, her mom, her ex, the not seeing him in weeks etc. That she regrets it? Yea, but from the looks of it she was deeply hurt when she said some negative things. But never once did she say "michael is a child molester", or that michael was a bad husband. that he didn't love her? well, thats how she felt, she wasn't lying there either. She never said the didn't love him, nor that they weren't having sex. Besides their bad divorce, Lisa always said Michael was funny, and that if people would have known him they would have realized why she loved him. That he was romantic and very very romantic. That he had something about him, that he was smart. She said he was good with her kids, and never have i heard her say anything about him disrespecting her. And never ONCE did she deny their marriage wasn't real, nor that she had completely fallen for him. And all this was AFTER the divorce.

I also have no reason to hate or dislike Lisa. She spoke what she felt truly and meant every word of it. and i do believe it was one of the best things, besides his kids that has ever gone his way. Lisa went against EVERYONE, her mom, ex, press, and the world to be with Michael. another thing, I just think Lisa loved him so much she wanted to always be there or have him too. She said once that while they were dating they were always together. But while they were married he started touring and thats around the time she stopped seeing him often, and that was the turn around point. I think that with all of Michael's defects (everyone has defects), if he would have NOT been traveling, lmp would have not divorced him. IMO
I personally don't have any issues with LMP. Who am I to judge her? I don't understand why so many find that so easy to do, and yet in the same turn, get pissed at people who judge Michael. Why is one OK and not the other? As if everything between the two of them was entirely Lisa's fault. I highly doubt that! I'm not gonna bash Michael or point any fingers, because honestly, I don't know the facts--anymore than anyone else does. But what I will say is that a marriage takes two people to work. It's give and take and compromise, and it's lots of freaking hard work (and I've been married for 25 years, so I know a little bit about it!). Just loving each other is not enough to make a marriage work, even for the most average of couples---of which Lisa and Michael were not. They had all sorts of other factors in their lives that most of us have never had to deal with.

I do believe that Lisa loved Michael. I also believe that Michael loved Lisa. That is my personal belief and nothing more. Was she the love of his life? Was everything her fault? Did Michael use her? Did she use him? Did they resolve their differences before he died? Was he a perfect husband? Was she a perfect wife? I don't know. And neither does anyone else except for Lisa and Michael.

No matter what happened, Lisa was an invited guest at Michael's funeral, and she attended to pay her respects and say her goodbyes. Obviously Michael's family thought enough of her and their relationship to make her a part of that very personal occasion.
Wow I didnt know that thank you.

Touche! ;)

Lisa is holding Omar's hand!


Yes, Lisa said this in an interview with either Jay leno or Larry king. Its an interview in where she is wearing a scarf and they ask her if she had seen the kid.

and on the same trip to africa michael took them to a beach and he went parasailing with Omar. There is a picture where Lisa's kids want to go and they are trying to convince Lisa to let them parasail. Michael is laughing and ben is tugging on his arm. Riley is giving her mom a sad face and Lisa is giving Riley a hard mom says no face. lol i'll try to look for it.
No matter what happened, Lisa was an invited guest at Michael's funeral, and she attended to pay her respects and say her goodbyes. Obviously Michael's family thought enough of her and their relationship to make her a part of that very personal occasion.

IMO, out of everyone besides his children and family, I'm sure Michael would have wanted Lisa Marie to be there. Elizabeth Taylor and Diana Ross, too. These are the most important women of his life who really meant the world to him, aside from his mother and sisters.
here is a video of Lisa with her kids , omar and Michael in africa. There are scenes with Michael carrying Ben on his lap, and holding Riley's hand. There is no way those kids disliked Michael, or didn't know him.

Coincidently, after reading this thread, I then watched a new animated comedy series show that is playing on the Nickelodian channel called:
Glenn Martin, DDS

This particular episode I watched originally aired in August 2009 and again recently and I recorded it. As I watched this last night, I could not get my eyes off the magazine he was holding called

I took snapshots of the video and put them together and posted it here:


The writers of this show sure got the date wrong (it was a 2003 magazine found in his dentist office), and obviously they wrote/produced this show long before Michael passed away.