What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

Open presents! :wild:

What's your favorite Christmas present you ever received?
honestly, i don't know :mello: my gosh. weird. i cannot think at all.

I remember when I was 7 I got a Belle from Beauty and the Beast dress. And when I saw that, well, I was the happiest kid alive! so maybe that.

Who is your fav reality tv contestant on like x factor, american idol etc, past or present?
Chris Daughtry on American Idol, love his voice

What is your favorite horror movie
Staying inside and away from the bees. I am deathly afraid of bees, hornets, yellow jackets, and wasps. And it is because of them is why I hate Summer and Spring so much. And just love Fall and Winter. This world will be a much happier place if there was a world wide mass extinction of bees, hornets, yellow jackets, and wasps. That way I can finally go outside and actually enjoy and love the Spring and Summer seasons.

What is one of your favorite things to do during Winter?
If it snows...play in the snow.

What's your favourite celebration of the year?
Christmas cookies, I like the snowball ones :p

What is your favorite holiday of the year?
^ MMMMMM, CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP!!! Omg, my stomach's rumbling now :lol:

Sandwich, hmm..... boiled egg with mayonnaise :wub:

What is your favourite Kanye West song?
Gotta be Love after all it's what makes the world go round :p

what is you fave side dish?
Normal tea? :unsure: :lol: Once tried Jasmine tea once and omg :puke: lol

what is your fave way to travel?
Normal tea? :unsure: :lol: Once tried Jasmine tea once and omg :puke: lol
you didn't? my god, that's a first one.I love it.

Who's your favourite fashion designer? (or a shop if you don't have one)
^oh mannn...too many
lemme see...
Moonwalker, Moulin Rouge, Casanova, Saawariya, Ghajini, Live Free Or Die Hard, Ghosts...

lol yes yes...there are LOADS

who is ur fave person in general?
There's a few people not just one

What is your favorite type of muffin?