What/Who etc is your favorite.........?


Where is your favorite place to relax?(besides home)
Hmmm...I think night time....I'm a "night owl". Never was a morning person...not even as a kid.

What is your favorite candy?
ice cream

what is your favorite place to be taken on a date
Anywhere really, It would be the company that I was with that mattered the most not really where they took me :)

What is you fave piece of art work?
Sandals, but in winter, boots

Who is your favorite cartoon villian
Jasmine from Aladdin:yes:

Who is your favorite childhood cartoon character?
I have no idea, I've never read any of them

Who is your favorite historical figure
can i say J.M Barrie?!

what is ur fav KISS?!

What is your favorite thing to say to someone that gets on your nerves?
I don't curse :innocent:.......shit or damn it

Who is your favorite female actress
Julia Roberts

what is your fave sleeping position?
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Night time...I'm a night owl...been that way since I was a kid....

What is your favorite flower?
Double Indemnity OMG is that a good movie. That is probably one of the most greatest movies ever made from the 1940s. Barbara Stanwyck played the part of a cold blooded murderer perfectly.

What is your favorite old movie?