What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

I don't have a fave, I love all of my family equally :)

what is your fave all time film?
um....when I was a cheerleader for 8 years as a little kid:wub: I loved those days:yes:

What would be your perfect dinner meal?
eggs, french toast and orange juice:wub:

What's your favorite book?
If someone I am with/dating is calling me a nickname then I like to be called baby :blush:

what is your fave tv theme song?
sandals or flip flops, but I wear sneakers and boots too :)

What are some favorite characteristics you look for in a significant other
I don't have a favorite brand, I wear whatever is cute and looks good on me :)

what is your favorite soda?

What is your favorite Christmas Carole?
I don't have a favorite right now

what is your favorite place to visit, snow, ocean, mountains, desert etc.....