What Is Mj's Most Inspirational Song



    Votes: 127 54.0%

    Votes: 58 24.7%

    Votes: 73 31.1%

    Votes: 39 16.6%

    Votes: 57 24.3%

    Votes: 18 7.7%

    Votes: 25 10.6%
  • CRY

    Votes: 16 6.8%
  • WBSS

    Votes: 19 8.1%

    Votes: 14 6.0%

  • Total voters
Man In The Mirror and Will You Be There.. I LOVE Will You Be There because it speaks of that longing for unconditional love and trust. It is so beautiful, it makes you want to be a better person and friend.
I chose Man In The Mirror and Heal The World.

They both lend insight into each individual's life to do better for yourself and for the world around you.

The inspiration is being your best (or at least being what you can be) and giving your time and love to others.
Man In The Mirror is inpirational but I'd prefer to vote for one he wrote himself.

I went for WBSS, are there any more inspiration lyrics than:

Lift Your Head Up High
And Scream Out To The World
I Know I Am Someone
And Let The Truth Unfurl
No One Can Hurt You Now
Because You Know What's True
Yes, I Believe In Me
So You Believe In You
I cant choose between Man in the mirror, Earth song and Heal the world they are all very inspirational actually put keep the faith on that list too.... I can't choose lol
Billie Jean meant everything to Michael Jackson, Quincy never saw Mike that much involved ever. But I should say Man in the mirror on second choice
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Man in the Mirror. Cry is just a wannabe Man in the Mirror, I never liked that song. I think Keep the faith is very underrated, Smile is a remake so I don't think it really counts, Heal The World is, well I must admit, kind of annoying :lol:
I lOVe how songs like OTW, WBSS, and DSTYGE have really good messages in them! *sigh* I love it!

I can't even choose with songs like MITM, WYBT, Earth Song, etc....
Man in the mirror, on the line, keep the faith, cry,

why is WBSS on there lmao
Its gotta be Man in the Mirror for me!
the way he preforms MITM live is amazing (eventhough only the 2nd half is "live"),such a great way to close a concert.
it's definitely "MAN IN THE MIRROR"
that's my all time favorite song
especially when Michael performed live on stage
like on Grammy '88, Bad and Dangerous tour
so powerful and inspired
I voted for 'Heal the World' but my favourite song of all time is 'We Are the World'. It's my favourite not only because it's got a great message and an array of great voices but also because I look a bit like MJ did in the video for it (that's also the reason I choose my avatar!)
The inspirational songs I love are:

1. "Man In The Mirror"
2. "Heal The World"
3. "Keep The Faith"
4. "Cry"
5. "Smile"

I could never get enough of these such songs and they sound gospal to me.
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1. Man In The Mirror
2. Keep The Faith
3. Earth Song

This is it for me. :happy:
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Has to be "Man In The Mirror", but I also like "Will You Be There" and "Earth Song". I get chills when I watch the "Earth Song video.
I was thinking about 'Man in the mirror', 'Heal the world' & 'Earth Song' but at the end I chose 'Man in the mirror' cuz there is one sentence which I remember very clearly (If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change)
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What about "What More Can I Give"????????????

"We Are The World"????????????????????????
For me though I've always loved all his music,the one that means most to me "Keep The Faith!!" When I was 21 I attempted suicide,I took an overdose of sleeping pills the minute I took them I was sorry for what I was trying to do!! I didn't want to die I just wanted what I was going through to stop stressing me out so much and for the hurt and pain to stop!! I didn't want to go to the hospital I know they would pump my stomach and I'd have to be hospitalized!! I was ashamed of what I attempted to do to myself also,so I didn't want to tell my parents what I'd done either!! So I went to bed and didn't tell anyone what I did,but I was too scared to close my eyes and go to sleep,I knew if I did I probably wouldn't wake up again!! I had just bought "Dangerous" only a few days before this happened!! I had headphones for my stereo so I could listen to it without anyone knowing it!! This night I had a Spiritual Awakening,I had layed there for hours fighting the pills and the hallucinations I saw from the overdose were hellish,I got really scared the pills were gonna win and I've always been told commiting suicide theres no guarantee I was going to go to heaven not when I was trying to play God with my own life!!So I started praying for God to help me,I was sorry for what I'd done!! All of a sudden outside my window I saw a light like a star and it became brighter and brighter the more I looked at it,brighter than the sun even,but I could look at it!! At first I had thought maybe its just an airplane we lived near an airport and always had planes flying over head!! But as I said it was too bright to be a plane plus it was only one light!! It was like being in between awake and sleep,real and unreal,like a dream but very real!! A voice that seemed both faraway and close by seemed to come from this light telling me to "Go to sleep Elizabeth!! Everything will be ok!!" Then as I finally closed my eyes it dissapeared and I slept through most of next day but I did wake up still in this earth and in my bed!! When I had slept I didn't dream or stress over anything it was one of the most peaceful sleeps I'd ever had!! I hadn't even realized I still had my headphones on,I know I never touched the stereo to put it on pause either,but I saw the CD player was still running the "Dangerous" CD,I'd left in it!! I pushed play and "Keep The Faith!!" came out!! I swear it felt like a direct message to me from God and Michael too,to never give up and always "Keep Your Faith in God!!" Michael knows my story about what took place!! When he heard it he cried,he is a very spiritual person!! Michael has told me from now on that song is dedicated to me,it is my song from now on!! My nickname from Michael is infact "Faith!" for the reason above!!I used to use "Keep The Faith1" in past websites such as MJIFC and Sony chat also is why he also calls me his "Faith!!" I love Michael dearly he is a beautiful man and a dear friend!! God and this mans music have helped me through alot in my life,and I'm eternally grateful for all his music,but "Keep The Faith!!" for me is VERY Special!! Thankyou,God Bless You!! Keep The Faith!!!!!
Off The Wall- Cause its gets any wall flower"off the wall" cause they can do what they want to do cause there aint no rules its ......(Keeps singing)

Man in The Mirror- Great message
I can't answer this question!!! I love Earth Song, because that is the song that got me into environmental issues and basically changed my life. But I also love MITM, because it makes me cry every time I hear it. But then I also have to say Keep the Faith, because I listen to it when I'm going through a hard time and it always manages to lift my spirits. I honestly can't chose between the three, lol.
HMM all his songs are inspirational, and all of them are equally great. If I had to pick one it would be "Keep the Faith." Mainly because the song just speaks to me to never give up to keep going, and to not let anything get me down.
It's Earth Song for me, because I'm really into environmental issues and have been ever since I was a kid and read all those articles about animals dying and global warming.

So anything that extols the danger of the Earth dying, I'd support.
Will You Be There is the song I listen to when I feel like there's no point in anything.