What if the doctor never gets arrested?

I think its important to take a big step 'back' and look at the whole picture here.

There is speculation all over the place as to what this doctor did and did not do; who hired him and how MJ got into this situation.

We fans are extremely upset that MJ is gone and of course we want answers and we want wrongs made right and we want justice. We really don't know the whole story and to start saying that we will 'get' this doctor, one way or another is wrong on so many levels. That is being a vigilante gang and thats not right either.

In any case, none of it will bring MJ back. The hard part of losing someone through death is that it is final and we need to work through grief. It hurts and makes you angry but causing more hurt to someone else won't make your own grief better. It really won't.

I want to see justice done here, but in my opinion (my personal feelings) the people who destroyed his life and worked hardest against him were his accusors and the press who hounded him.

uuhhmmm......angry isn't the word for what I am feeling...I have been a fan for 30 some years...I feel like a part of my insides has been ripped out and thrown away.....so if fans want to say they will take care of Murray in their own way then they should be allowed to state this....I know you are trying to be a voice of reason in a tragic situation however some folks are not ready to listen to reason yet....Murray killed Michael and that is what we see.....the accusers and the media played a roll on Michael mentally...however ...Murray is the one who put the IV in his veins and administered the lethal dose of propofol.
all the torture they put him through, all the pain they caused to him and to us, and now it all ends with this...of course we're angry!
I feel like a part of me has been ripped out too I'll never get over it, I still have days when I wake up confused thinking it was all a dream
uuhhmmm......angry isn't the word for what I am feeling...I have been a fan for 30 some years...I feel like a part of my insides has been ripped out and thrown away.....so if fans want to say they will take care of Murray in their own way then they should be allowed to state this....I know you are trying to be a voice of reason in a tragic situation however some folks are not ready to listen to reason yet....Murray killed Michael and that is what we see.....the accusers and the media played a roll on Michael mentally...however ...Murray is the one who put the IV in his veins and administered the lethal dose of propofol.

I am the same age as Michael and have been a fan since he first started singing, so I do understand. I AM angry but I am not just angry at Murray. That is all I am saying. Nothing will ever happen to the accusers and it all falls on Murray. This is not to say he didn't do anything wrong; but to me going after Murray is but a tip of the iceberg here.

I also feel after reading what the nurse stated that he was asking for this drug and this could have happened whether or not Murray was involved. It was a symptom of a larger problem.

Of course people can state this, but is it really a good thing to have a vigilante group going after someone even if it is only venting? Is this was Michael would have wanted?

Anyway....carry on. Don't mind the pesky little voice of reason.
If hes not then one of the fans will hunt him down and exact justice. I know I would be prepared to do it.

The investigators better get this right and the prosecutors better get convictions because if they don't, I really believe that some one will kill Murray. THere isn't anywhere on earth he could go to hide.
What if the doctor never go to jail or gets arrested? Just gets a slap on the hand? How would you feel?

Well seeing as you have asked me how I would feel if Murray is not sent to jail I will be honest with you, I am confused at the moment and angry as hell that he has not been arrested yet ( and yes I understand things take time but this is how I feel, angry) and if there is never an arrest or any justice for Michael at all I will be furious. Murray gave Michael that crap, regardless as to whether Michael asked for it or not, he should not have given it to him. I hope he goes to jail I need to believe that Michael will finally have some justice because I am sick to death of all those people who have hurt Michael in the past with their filthy lies getting away with it. It is driving me crazy.

Well seeing as you have asked me how I would feel if Murray is not sent to jail I will be honest with you, I am confused at the moment and angry as hell that he has not been arrested yet ( and yes I understand things take time but this is how I feel, angry) and if there is never an arrest or any justice for Michael at all I will be furious. Murray gave Michael that crap, regardless as to whether Michael asked for it or not, he should not have given it to him. I hope he goes to jail I need to believe that Michael will finally have some justice because I am sick to death of all those people who have hurt Michael in the past with their filthy lies getting away with it. It is driving me crazy.

I agree with you, it's the only thing that has been bothering me more than anything else.
What if the doctor never go to jail or gets arrested? Just gets a slap on the hand? How would you feel?

I have really taken a while before giving my comment here. As I read this question, the first thing that came to my mind was: "Whatever... with or without this man in jail, I will feel the same pain".

Then I thought no, that is wrong, I must have a clearer idea about this. So I decided to wait.

... but no matter how long I wait, the feeling remains. I do hope justice will be served, but our justice (human justice) is not good enough. Maybe it can bring some sense of justice, but even if this man is to spend some time in jail.... how long would that be? And if so... how good would that be to us? To me.... I thought I would feel relieved... but now I know I will not. It's been almost 5 months now, and I still can't believe this has happened. I went to see TII tonight again and I was really and truly enjoying the movie, every detail, every song, every move... and then, the image came to my mind: he is dead. He IS no longer here. This is not true, this is not him.. he is not here... he is gone.

I hope we would see some clear actions done soon. Because they must be doing something, I know that... but if this man is never to go to jail, of even worst: if he is just to pay some money to stay out of jail....it will be like a slap on my face. And unfortunately, this would not be the first one we receive :-(

but even if he spends 10 years in prision.... I would feel the same pain....
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I read somewhere that the investigation is still ongoing and that things have gotten "more complicated" and that arrests will try to be before the new years, if not soon after. But then again, they say it's from a source, but not which source exactly.

But IF everything has gotten more complicated that means they realize, just like us, that their was more to everything that meets the eye, regarding that morning.

Or maybe they can't find any evidence....

what do you guys think?

I believe it is the first theory. I have a feeling that it is. Because none of the information that has been revealed by the media is officially and 100% correct. The ONLY people who has REAL tox reports, deeply gathered info, and other evidence is those investigating. And they have not nearly a word so far.

Besides all that, I do have one very important question. I remember reading on CNN

'L.A. Coroner calls MJ a drug addict'

Was that information really correct? Even right now, I still cannot concieve that.
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If he does not get arrested, I will keep on praying for after-life justice. He, the Arvizos, the Chandlers, Tom Sneddon, and all others who put Michael through a living hell should rot in hell. Karma is a bitch. They better be ready for what's coming to them.
Sorry, what does this mean.

"Know who did it, have proof, but no corroboration"

Sorry I have not been online for a few days to answer what I mean by corroboration. This is the literal meaning of what corroboration is-

"Evidence complementary to evidence already given and tending to strengthen or confirm it; additional evidence of a different character on the same point"

So if corroboration is needed as knowing who did it and proof then that could explain the delay too. Corrboration could be anything from testimony from people that work for Murray, from paper trails (hence the raid on Murray's offices), to even workers at Michael's house.

It looked like they took a lot of paper work too from Murray's offices and that does take time to go through and find what they need. It's not like Law and Order where they solve the whole thing in one episode too.

Trust me, and everyone else that is saying this, that the longer they take on this the better it will be that they are going to have a great case against Murray. It's not as cut and dry as he was the Dr there when he died. If they rushed into an arrest and case I guarantee he would be found innocent. Guarantee it.

Also I bet they are really looking into seeing who else was involved in all of this too. And that too takes time. Wouldn't everyone want everyone involved in his death brought to justice? I do. And maybe in this case, you need to bring everyone to trial to convict. I really think we don't know the half of what really happened. But we will. We just need to be patient. It will come. As I said, not just his fans, but the whole world is watching to see what comes of this. They really are. The police department has to do this one right. For a lot of reasons.