What if the doctor never gets arrested?

Murder: Second degree
Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion" or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life.
I think the fact that he is going to be known as the man who killed Michael Jackson is a prison sentence within itself. he will always have to look over his back.

Totally agree.!!
Although, of course, we all want some formal justice.
i fear that regardless of what happens, his life is in danger no matter what. he could serve 20 yrs and still, he'd be at risk b/c unlike the allegations and fan's animosity towards the families that hurt mike, this man killed him so his life is for sure an issue for some.
i feel like that at the min aswell.nothing will bring mj back and thats all the matters. i have more hate towards those that caused us to get where we are. if they hadnt done what they did murray would be irrelvent
i feel the same elusive,the haters ,aeg,the tabloids ,the arvizo,s the chandlers,all these people i have so much hate for aswell as murray.
I think the fact that he is going to be known as the man who killed Michael Jackson is a prison sentence within itself. he will always have to look over his back.

I know what you mean. But every time I think or read he is still out of jail and spoil, while Michael has gone forever, I just can't help but anger. So unfair!

Totally agree.!!
Although, of course, we all want some formal justice.

Yep, that's what I want to say.
originally posted by terrel,,
I think the fact that he is going to be known as the man who killed Michael Jackson is a prison sentence within itself. he will always have to look over his back.
so true!...
,,five words (MAY HE BURN IN HELL!!)
I am sure the investigation is leading towards the arrest and I am also sure they want to have their 'ducks in a row' before they do this. It is a very hard type of case to investigate and prove.

What disturbs me is why they did not seal off the house as a crime scene. LaToya was seen driving in and out. This contaminates the crime scene and makes anything found AFTER someone was in and out of the room unreliable as evidence. Once that happens it is easy for Murrays attorney to say it was planted there. I think this was a big mistake on the part of the police. The family should never have been allowed in there until after an investigation was done, or anyone else for that matter.
Jail sentence or not......he'll still go to hell when he dies!!!
Jail sentence or not......he'll still go to hell when he dies!!!

I agree.

I think the reason there have not been charges yet, is because no DA wants to take on a case until it's a slam dunk. Maybe they still have to connect a few dots. Even though we know what happened (I think) there has to be enough evidence to convict and enough so that the jury cannot have a 'reasonable' doubt of what the DA says happened.

It does seem like forever though................
i feel there will be an arrest but when?....
also if Murray gets sent down i feel his life will be in danger from his fellow inmates, even the hardest of people loved Michael. He won't be safe in there.
Murray will never rest or have a peaceful night again after what he did. In jail or out of jail, the rest of his life will be a fearful one for him. Not that I even give a damn about him. I'm still waiting on the serving of justice, for Michael, his family, us. You cant just take a life and move on. trying to have faith that there will be justice but its hard at times, when we're nearing the end of 2009 with no progression in the investigation, but still painfully, even now, no Michael.
Since it's already almost 5 months I doubt this bastard is going to get arrested, he'll probably continue to father babies and abandon them, in between he'll kill someone else.
no one will do anything to Murray if he escaped jail , jordan , evan , sneddon and gavin are examples that whatever you do to mj you are gonna walk with zero damage and alot of money from selling stories at least if nothing else.
To me real justice is anyways only following after this life or never.

Human justice to me too often is looking very helpless, imperfect, standing in it's own way... so not intelligent. I know there's no perfect justice system and I've lost faith in many.

Know what I mean? We will never know the whole truth probably... but there's no real justice for what the three kids must feel. there's no real justice drying the tears of Katherine... These beautiful kids will have to grow up without their Dad now.
Dame Elizabeth in her age and disease without her supporting friend now.
All of us fans without Michael who was our heart, our hold, our sense...

I'm sorry... :no:

... sometimes I'm like a bit scared about my own feelings... and honestly I do not think and feel not even death penalty (which is probably far of everything possible) of Murray or whomever is really responsible would never be real justice for that. It simply looks so 'not enough' to me. I feel very strong and intense about this and I put my faith in God here. I have trust. I don't even need to know what will happen to those responsible. But I know it will happen.

.......No need to be sorry hun,its exactly how I feel:yes:
Although in my opinion those responsible need to punised the right way and as soon as possible:yes:

To me Michael always be my heart,my deepest soul......:D:yes::wub:
this is now a murder investigation.

so I assume their is going to be some arrests.

like someone said, maybe after this is it is done airing.
His death was ruled a homicide. How can there be no arrest or anything? I just have a hard time accepting that.
If hes not then one of the fans will hunt him down and exact justice. I know I would be prepared to do it.
I think its important to take a big step 'back' and look at the whole picture here.

There is speculation all over the place as to what this doctor did and did not do; who hired him and how MJ got into this situation.

We fans are extremely upset that MJ is gone and of course we want answers and we want wrongs made right and we want justice. We really don't know the whole story and to start saying that we will 'get' this doctor, one way or another is wrong on so many levels. That is being a vigilante gang and thats not right either.

In any case, none of it will bring MJ back. The hard part of losing someone through death is that it is final and we need to work through grief. It hurts and makes you angry but causing more hurt to someone else won't make your own grief better. It really won't.

I want to see justice done here, but in my opinion (my personal feelings) the people who destroyed his life and worked hardest against him were his accusors and the press who hounded him.
The only way I would ever feel any kind of closure. Is to see that murdering bastard either locked up for good. Or better yet seeing him laying dead some where. And is buring in hell where he forever belongs. True it won't bring Michael back nothing will ever bring Michael back. But it is the only way I will ever begin to heal.
Sometimes there is no answer and no closure. Thats just something you will have to learn to deal with in life. There is not always a good answer for losing someone we love and there are many people out there in this world who have had people gone 'missing' for years and nothing ever came of it.

(By the way, I am in no way saying this man should be allowed to run free....its just a fact of life)
I feel the same. Although I hate Murray for what he has done and I do hope he does spend time in jail, I wish no ill will towards him.

Wishing bad on someone only really hurts yourself and only makes you bitter. Murray will have to live with his mistake for the rest of his life and that is fine with me.

What God plan to do with him when he dies is up to him. Although, I personally do not believe in hell, I do not wish such a fate on no one if it does exist.
His death was ruled a homicide. How can there be no arrest or anything? I just have a hard time accepting that.

Go back and read my reply in this thread to see how there can't be an arrest when a case is ruled a homicide.

Just because you know how someone died does not mean you-

1. Know who did it

2. Do know who did it but don't have the proof

3. Know who did it, have proof, but no corroboration

That is what is taking so long. And like I said, I'd rather the Police take their time and do it all right, then rush and mess things up.

And I am in no way saying this to you. I am more posting this as a general reason why any death that is ruled a homicide does not have an arrest soon after, or at all......

I truly hope there is an arrest though....

Keep in mind once Murray is arrested he will more than likely have a top notch lawyer just like Michael did to defend him against the charges. And that is what the police, and the prosecutors have to be prepared for. While I am so thankful Michael had the best defense lawyer ever, and in times like that when a man is innocent of a crime it's so good that awesome lawyers like that are out there, at the same time when you have a case when someone is guilty of a horrendous crime such as Michael's death, it sucks that there are awesome defense lawyers out there like that.
Go back and read my reply in this thread to see how there can't be an arrest when a case is ruled a homicide.

Just because you know how someone died does not mean you-

1. Know who did it

2. Do know who did it but don't have the proof

3. Know who did it, have proof, but no corroboration

That is what is taking so long. And like I said, I'd rather the Police take their time and do it all right, then rush and mess things up.

And I am in no way saying this to you. I am more posting this as a general reason why any death that is ruled a homicide does not have an arrest soon after, or at all......

I truly hope there is an arrest though....

Sorry, what does this mean.

"Know who did it, have proof, but no corroboration"