What if the doctor never gets arrested?

Even if he does get arrested, and does go to prison, it will still amount to a slap on the wrist compared to the life he took... He faces what, a maximum of four years in prison for murdering someone? Then the state of California pays for his stay... Nothing can bring Michael back, and as such there is nothing that can compensate for such a loss :(
i wonder why no fans have done something with him yet. really. seriously, i mean that.
and i think he will never go to jail.

I would imagine that he has stayed in relative seclusion since June.

I would be very surprised if nothing comes out of this. The LAPD ruled the case a homicide. They've got to be bound by law to follow this through. I just hope that the silence means that they are taking their time to build a super-airtight case against him and anyone else involved.

And, at the very least, he shouldn't be allowed to practice medicine anymore.
I would imagine that he has stayed in relative seclusion since June.

I would be very surprised if nothing comes out of this. The LAPD ruled the case a homicide. They've got to be bound by law to follow this through. I just hope that the silence means that they are taking their time to build a super-airtight case against him and anyone else involved.

And, at the very least, he shouldn't be allowed to practice medicine anymore.

In an investigation such as thing, silences is usually a good thing. It is when it leaks like a falter pipe that we should be worry. Also, it was the corona that ruled it a homicide, not the LAPD. The ruling also does not bound anything. It just makes it easier for the LAPD to make charges.

There really is no need for them to rush. Murray will not be going anywhere, because they are keeping a close eye on him. To make any 'good' case takes time and I want them to take all the time they need.

In either case, Murray will be going to jail. There is too much evident against him. The only real question is what the charges are going to be and if he will plea-bargain. I highly doubt this will go to court unless Murray can think of one hell of an excuse other than, "he was an addict."
If he won't arrested, he will be dead. So its technically "his choice" what's better for him.

I am pretty sure he will be jailed (the USA system cant suck so much), but it might take year or two because there are other people involved. I am not sure if he will get arrested however because he is not considered dangerous like a murderer or something.
i would be surprised if he gets arrested

as for the justice... i second what Mechi said...
and also... ok you get him arrested, you get him in jail... you get everybody responsible in jail... well. it will not bring Michael back. it will not unmake suicides. it will not heal the deep deep wound in the hearts of Michael's children and family. it will not undo our tears and mend our broken hearts. Murray & Co didnt kill just Michael alone. they did it to many many people who lost half of their heart and suffering now. What human punishment will undo all this suffering?
What divine punishment will undo all this suffering?

im not even agnry at them. i just cannot stand them. it's a punishment for me to look at murray's photos because he is the ugliest thing for me. i dont wanna think about him and know about him.

im only waiting for the divine healing for all of us, including Michael
i would be surprised if he gets arrested

as for the justice... i second what Mechi said...
and also... ok you get him arrested, you get him in jail... you get everybody responsible in jail... well. it will not bring Michael back. it will not unmake suicides. it will not heal the deep deep wound in the hearts of Michael's children and family. it will not undo our tears and mend our broken hearts. Murray & Co didnt kill just Michael alone. they did it to many many people who lost half of their heart and suffering now. What human punishment will undo all this suffering?
What divine punishment will undo all this suffering?

im not even agnry at them. i just cannot stand them. it's a punishment for me to look at murray's photos because he is the ugliest thing for me. i dont wanna think about him and know about him.

im only waiting for the divine healing for all of us, including Michael

I keep hearing, but who are these other people? Seriously, who else are you blaming here? I do not see why it is so hard to believe that Murray was alone. The guy was too stupid to be a hire gun.

If you are talking about negligence, lets get real, no one will be arrested for that.
Michael got some CRAZY crazy CRAZY CRAZZYYYY fans out there, I don't think Murry Will EVER be able to go out in public without getting hurt or possibly killed.
I keep hearing, but who are these other people? Seriously, who else are you blaming here? I do not see why it is so hard to believe that Murray was alone. The guy was too stupid to be a hire gun.

If you are talking about negligence, lets get real, no one will be arrested for that.

Ramona please, I respect your opinion but please let others believe and think different.

Actually Catherine is not 'blaming' anyone because she is not saying names. If she would as you're asking for, she would blame as you're asking her not to.

Now as Catherine and I obviously do agree I'll try to put it as clear as possible:
If there are more ppl then they will know about their responsibility and that's enough... cuz if there are more ppl involved responsibility wise Catherine and me obviously do believe they will get what they deserve one day for sure. We believe they can't escape it.
If there are more ppl then they will know about their responsibility and that's enough... cuz if there are more ppl involved responsibility wise Catherine and me obviously do believe they will get what they deserve one day for sure. We believe they can't escape it.

thank you Mechi. that's exactly what i mean.
no one will do anything to Murray if he escaped jail , jordan , evan , sneddon and gavin are examples that whatever you do to mj you are gonna walk with zero damage and alot of money from selling stories at least if nothing else.
no one will do anything to Murray if he escaped jail , jordan , evan , sneddon and gavin are examples that whatever you do to mj you are gonna walk with zero damage and alot of money from selling stories at least if nothing else.

That's true...I mean all of them for sure got their share of death threats but nothing came of it...but then again they weren't responsible for taking his life like Murray..who knows :(
First off I do think that Murray will be arrested, because of how closely monitored Michael's death has been. And if anything, I would rather investigators take their time and make sure they cross all their T's and dot all their I's before arresting Murray so the charges will stick. I would rather them take their time and do a good job then rush in and mess it all up.....

But let me tell all of you a little story too. When I was 16 years old I had a friend who was murdered. He was only 22 when he died. Eight people where there when he was shot in the back and left to die. And yes all eight of these people saw the person who did it and knew who he was.

So now you ask how many years did this "you know what" get who killed your friend? Well 18 years later and this person has never spent a day of life in jail for the murder of my friend, was never charged for the murder, and really probably never ever will.

Why? People where I am from don't talk to the Police. And it's not just a don't snitch mentality. It's also a fear. There was one person that saw it all happen when my friend died that was going to tell the cops, the person who killed my friend found out, climbed into his bedroom one night and this person who was going to testify woke up to the murder over him while he lay in bed with a gun to his head. And he told him that if he ever talked the next time he came to his house it would be for his family not just him....

Needless to say he never testified.

I, along with my friends have had to live the last almost 20 years seeing this person walking the streets of where I grew up while my friend lie in a cemetery. And come to the realization over the years that this person will never spend a day of his life away in jail for the murder of my friend. That was hard pill to swallow, but when I did finally let it go and realized it, my life just got better again it really did.

My friend would not have wanted me to stress, worry and be sad over this person never getting charged. He really would not have wanted me to waste my time even giving this piece of you know what a second thought. And he certainly would not have wanted me, or any of my other friends to avenge it and ruin our lives as well.

It would not bring my friend back, and really it would not change my feelings of missing him.

Even if this person was in jail, you know what, every time I reach a milestone in my life, such as getting married, I am still gonna miss my friend just as much.

And why do I actually know this. Well this person who killed my friend, well he is away probably for the rest of his life in jail. No not for murder, but he has been arrested many times for other crimes he got caught red handed for and he committed a crime a few years ago and the judge threw the book at him.

While I am so glad he is off the streets not causing heartache for anyone else (my friend was not the first nor the last person he murdered), it did not take away the pain. It really really didn't. And I know in my heart, that even if someone did come forward now and tell what they saw, and he was charged and convicted for it, nothing would change for me.

For my friend I live life. I live it to the fullest every day, as he would have done so if he were still here with me. I don't try and think of his killer at all. He is not worth the space in my brain to waste.

All of this I just said, all of it-apply to Murray with Michael. Whether they charge him or not. Whether he goes to jail or not. Whether he gets a lousy sentence or not. Apply all I just said.

Nothing is going to bring Michael back. No amount of charges and years in jail for Murray is going to give you closure. It just isn't. "Closure" is a nice bow on top of a present that is supposed to make you feel better when you loose someone. It just doesn't stick.

Do what I do for my friend for Michael. Live each day like it's your last. Enjoy each day. And even talk to Michael at night sometimes and tell him about a great day you had. I do that with my friend sometimes even to this day. I know he's there listening to me. Just like Michael will be.

I truly feel that if I wasted time being mad my friend's killer was not brought to justice or even avenged the killing myself my friend would be so mad and disappointed in me. I have to say I think Michael would be of any of us doing the same too..

You never ever get over it, you just get on with it....

No go on for Michael and get on with it
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Whether or not Murray is arrested or jailed, he will face his judgment when his time comes. He won't escape from that no matter what he does.
I dont reckon he's going to get arrested. Surely they have enough by now to do so, and nothing has been done. I think this is just going to fade away, like elvis dr.... and i cant stand that thought.....

The fans will get him... im sure of it.
Ramona please, I respect your opinion but please let others believe and think different.

Actually Catherine is not 'blaming' anyone because she is not saying names. If she would as you're asking for, she would blame as you're asking her not to.

Now as Catherine and I obviously do agree I'll try to put it as clear as possible:
If there are more ppl then they will know about their responsibility and that's enough... cuz if there are more ppl involved responsibility wise Catherine and me obviously do believe they will get what they deserve one day for sure. We believe they can't escape it.

I did not meant it to be rude, I just kept hearing 'they', so I wanted to know who 'they was and why was it a 'they'. I know there was no name dropping, but I just wanted to know why people keep thinking there was more involve. You do not have to bit my head off for asking. But, I won't ask again.

Anyway williamorange1, I think those are not very good comparison. Bearing false witness is not the same as killing person, unintentional or not. As I have said before, Murray's life is all but over, since his lively hood is gone. He will lose his license and would most likely never be able to practice medicine again. He will also live the rest of his life as with the stigma of 'Michael Jackson's' killer, which is about as bad if that guy who murder Lennon gets out of prison now.

In that respect, that is far worst a punishment than anything the justice system can do to him. Also, I think Sneddon and Gavin were punish in there own way. Sneddon retired in disgrace and he is now a joke and will remain such for the rest of his life and Gavin will forever be known as Michael's whore. It may not be the kind of justice you want, but I take it how it comes. Sometimes, just living can be the best revenge.

On another note, Elvis' doctor is nowhere near the same as Michael's. Think what you will about Elvis' doctors, he had more than one enabler, Elvis was the one who took all those drugs himself and did not tell other doctors what he was taking. So, he does bear reasonability for himself. Michael on the other hand did not inject himself with those drugs and he had a doctor in the room watching him. If that doctor did his job or at least call 911 right away, Michael might still be alive. So, the two are nothing alike. They just happen to both die of drugs.
no one will do anything to Murray if he escaped jail , jordan , evan , sneddon and gavin are examples that whatever you do to mj you are gonna walk with zero damage and alot of money from selling stories at least if nothing else.

I agree that noone will do anything to Murray. The most he will likely get is 4 years & be out in 1-1/2 to 2 years. Not much justice. I guess he would lose his ability to practice medicine although he could go to a foreign country. And there will be lots of people making money & selling stories - I am sure one of the first will be Klein.
I agree that noone will do anything to Murray. The most he will likely get is 4 years & be out in 1-1/2 to 2 years. Not much justice. I guess he would lose his ability to practice medicine although he could go to a foreign country. And there will be lots of people making money & selling stories - I am sure one of the first will be Klein.

He could go to a foreign country but one reccommendation for him-don't enter into mine. He'll have thousands of people to 'greet him' upon his arrival at Heathrow. Realistically though he'll end going back to his home country-what other country would allow 'Michael Jackson's killer' to live there?
If he won't arrested, he will be dead. So its technically "his choice" what's better for him.

I am pretty sure he will be jailed (the USA system cant suck so much), but it might take year or two because there are other people involved. I am not sure if he will get arrested however because he is not considered dangerous like a murderer or something.

Well he IS a murderer in my opinion. A very negligent one.:cry:

Illuminati? Maybe..who knows? Ya never know...

I think there are possibly more involved..(docs etc)... That Klien guy seems creepy and untrustworthy. But Murray was the idiot that gave Michael that horrid mix of drugs..and not knowing proper cpr..the long wait before he called 911.. Michael had lividity in his body for crying out loud! Do you know how long you have to be dead to have lividity?! 2-3 HOURS! the more I talk about this the more it angers me!:mat: Michael could have been saved you guys!

Thank God I don't live in California anymore because I would probably be one of those "crazy fans" people keep mentioning. I will be moving back there in two years..and if this isn't cleared up by then so God help me. I need to breathe.

Sorry guys, I am so upset.:cry:.................:boohoo I have to go to work now.
I agree that noone will do anything to Murray. The most he will likely get is 4 years & be out in 1-1/2 to 2 years. Not much justice. I guess he would lose his ability to practice medicine although he could go to a foreign country. And there will be lots of people making money & selling stories - I am sure one of the first will be Klein.

Michael Jackson was known worldwide, even in the Middle East. Where would Murray go that he would not be recognize or to be crazy enough to give him a medical license? Killing a patient follows you no matter where you go in the world. Even if he changed his name, people would still know him. His picture has been all over the world news. I doubt that guy could go to Africa and practice in a village who would love a doctor. Given the Michael was a king in parts of Africa and he cannot go nowhere near South Africa.

Also, him selling stories who be met with as much welcome as OJ's book. Klien is a different story all together. However, as it has been said before, books about Michael generally do not sell, good or bad. The only book about Michael that has ever sold well was Moonwalk. Tabloid is just junk and the general audience, especially worldwide, do not believe most of those stories. So, I do not find this to be a really big deal.
he does not need to go to Africa or any where else , America will welcome him no matter what . and murray will help the media in portraying mj as an addict so he will always be welcomed on any channel to trash him for whatever amount of money .
he does not need to go to Africa or any where else , America will welcome him no matter what . and murray will help the media in portraying mj as an addict so he will always be welcomed on any channel to trash him for whatever amount of money .

America may be bad, but it is not that bad. Bearing false witness is not the same as murder. He can cry addict until the cows come home, it still does not change the facts. Any new channel who welcome this guy will get more than their fair share of backlash, because Americans do not support murders. Even Elvis' doctor, who has less to feel guilty about than Murray, stood mostly on the down low until his death.

Although the media may not like Michael, the general public always has love him and no person would stand Murray opening his mouth. Do not confuse the media with the American people. Beside, Murray is too much of a coward to talk about anything. He made his statement on a Youtube video, which tells you want kind of person he is. If he does get out of this, he would most likely crawl into a hole somewhere and disappear like Jordon and the others.

Also, being a drug addict in America is not of big deal as the media is trying to make it. People still worship Elvis and the Beetles and they both did drugs. Heck, half of all the great artists in the world did drugs, so Michael would be in good company. The truth usually shrines through in the end anyway, despite all the BS.
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agreed. america is the safest place for murray, the media would defend him and welcome him. us media may also encourage him to publish the book and talked "bad" about michael.
and so far many Americans didn't know Mj's death is the "homicide", they just thought he was drug addict and killed himself, just exactly what the media portrayed.

I am not sure what Americans you are talking to, but that is simply not the case. People who have seen TII all came to the conclusion that the doctor mess up, putting it nicely. I does not matter if it was ruled a homicide or not. The people who already didn't like Michael are the only ones screaming 'addict', so their vote does not really count.

Also, it does not matter if he writes a book. Books about Michael does not sell, pure and simple. Also, courts are not a popular opinion contest, Murray majority screwed up and his butt is going to jail. He also will not be a doctor anymore. So all this and that really does not make a different in the end.

Btw williamorange1, polls are not truthful. I can make a poll and if I ask the right people I can make it tell me anything I want. They had a poll that said that Palin was really popular and you know how that story ended. Yes we voted for Bush twice, but you forget that we had a major election in 2006, which got rid of alot of Republicans who supported Bush. Also, who we chose as President hold no bearings on our court system or Michael. I can name some countries with questionable leaders who actually won elections, so this is not a good comparison anyway.

Most people do not even know of Klien here, so your point is moot. Most people here do know or care where Gavin, Jordon, or Sneddon here. Quite frankly, only fans keep up with these people, ironically enough. I wouldn't even know what Klien said if the link was not put on these boards. Also, most people before his death didn't even know who Klien was, so he was not the devil who change Michael's skin. In fact, I never heard of most of the negative things that was said about Michael, until I came here because you people dig it up. You are given these people their power, not the mainstream media.

You are on the outside making judgments, which is not fair. You would not want us to base other counties on their leaders and media, so do not do the same for ours. Yes, they are assholes here who will say Michael was a junkie, but they didn't like Michael anyway, so they will find an excuse to dog him anyway.
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Please ppl get a bit back on topic and try to refrain from generalizations.
If it does something with your point, in case you want to have one, then it does only weaken your point. And american members who love Michael just as much as everybody here will might get hurt.

See I know noone means it bad and I know if it's said the general american public etc you guys probably don't mean the fan community... then again, did one of you a relaible study of statistics about the american general public... if you didn't you're very close to prejudicing... something Michael hated right?

The topic starter asked how you feel if the Dr. will not get arrested. Maybe try to turn back to that. She/he doesn't ask for prophecies how the american public or media will might respond. Please get a bit back on topic and we're not in the danger to get into a fight here or might hurt someone.
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I have a strong feeling that Murray won't go to jail or just be out in 2 years. And I also believe there are many other influential ppl should be responsible for Michael's sudden death, like AEG, sony. The truth will be covered up forever.
Now I only hope life treats Michael's lovely children kind. Sure, I belive Michael's legend will never die. His songs reached the whole planet.
RIP Michael.
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Involuntary Manslaughter

The taking of someone else's life unintentionally (without malice) through an act of negligence or recklessness, or as a result of an act that is itself a misdemeanor or minor felony, is called involuntary manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide. It is a lesser crime than murder and is often used in exchange for a guilty plea, or when the unintentional nature of the death is patently obvious. On the other hand, the charge of manslaughter carries culpability for the death, even if it was unintentional. If you rob a store and someone has a heart attack and dies out of fright, you could guilty of involuntary manslaughter, since your robbery likely caused their death. Or, if you drive drunk and accidentally kill somebody, you are also guilty of a form of involuntary manslaughter often called vehicular manslaughter, since you did not set out to kill, but did so out of negligence.

If the conviction for involuntary manslaughter did not occur in a federal, but in a state court, the federal sentencing guidelines don't apply. State sentencing varies considerably, but the general elements are the same as in the federal courts, though usually a bit more severe. Some states, such as California, use discriminate sentencing, which means sentences are mandated for low, middle, and high severity. The judge only has discretion to choose which level, and must order the sentence proscribed for that level. Involuntary manslaughter carries a sentence of either 24, 36, or 48 months in California, depending on the judge's determination of the severity. New York uses an indiscriminate approach that take into consideration the severity of the crime and prior convictions. Negligent homicide is a Class E felony, but involuntary manslaughter due to recklessness is a Class C felony. Depending on your criminal record, you can get 1.4 to 4 years for the Class E crime, or 0 to 15 years for the Class C.

Criminally negligent manslaughter

Criminally negligent manslaughter is variously referred to as criminally negligent homicide in the United States, gross negligence manslaughter in England and Wales or culpable homicide in Scotland.
It occurs where death results from serious negligence, or, in some jurisdictions, serious recklessness. A high degree of negligence is required to warrant criminal liability. A related concept is that of wilful blindness, which is where a defendant intentionally puts himself in a position where he will be unaware of facts which would render him liable.
Criminally negligent manslaughter occurs where there is an omission to act when there is a duty to do so, or a failure to perform a duty owed, which leads to a death. The existence of the duty is essential because the law does not impose criminal liability for a failure to act unless a specific duty is owed to the victim. It is most common in the case of professionals who are grossly negligent in the course of their employment. An example is where a doctor fails to notice a patient's oxygen supply has disconnected and the patient dies (R v Adomako).
[edit]United States Law
In jurisdictions such as Pennsylvania, if a person is so reckless as to "manifest extreme indifference to human life", the defendant may be guilty of aggravated assault as well as of involuntary manslaughter.[17]
In many jurisdictions such as California, malice may be found if gross negligence amounts to wilful or depraved indifference to human life. In such a case, the wrongdoer may be guilty of second degree murder.

How many years in prison for Criminally Negligent Homicide?

1 to 20 years, depending on the facts.
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I think the fact that he is going to be known as the man who killed Michael Jackson is a prison sentence within itself. he will always have to look over his back.
If Murray isn't arrested I am sure that he will get the outcome that frightens him the most....