What if the doctor never gets arrested?

What if the doctor never go to jail or gets arrested? Just gets a slap on the hand? How would you feel?

That's when the fans go on a mission... and arrest him ourselves.-_-

I wouldn't feel closure. Even if or when he gets arrested, I don't think I'll ever get full closure..:( I'll never heal.
whatever happens aint gonna bring mj back anyway.
The only way I see that happening, is when he dies before getting arrested or going to jail. He is toast! There is gross negligence, trying to cover up, not performing CPR properly, not calling 911 immediately, refusal to take MJ to the hospital immediately and parademics said that there was lividity already if I'm not mistaken.

He will get charged and he will go to jail and he will never practice medicine again.
If he never gets arrested,he will be punished anyway.
Who wants a heart doctor who can´t do cpr in a proper way ,mixes medicines in a strange way, gives a drug you shouldn´t give outside hospital, and don´t care for his patient.
He will never feel safe because he doesn´t know what the fans are going to do.
I don't want to think about it. His life is pretty crap at the moment as he had to close down his medical practice as no one in their right mind would go to him anymore and has to stay hidden in his house, which he's about to lose. The thing that worrys me the most though is not whether he will be arrested, as I believe he will, but whether he makes it to trial. I have a horrible feeling he'll kill himself so he doesn't have to go to trial.
It's that we fans are waiting to see him in cuffs.. But if jan 1 comes.. And he not in cuff by then...then I will give them more time..like jun 20,2010..if nothing by then.. I will say ooh well.
oh he'll be arrested. what happens after that is what worries me.

exactly, so he gets arrested. doesnt mean we will get justice. all it takes is one hater to say mj was at fault aswell.
To me real justice is anyways only following after this life or never.

Human justice to me too often is looking very helpless, imperfect, standing in it's own way... so not intelligent. I know there's no perfect justice system and I've lost faith in many.

Know what I mean? We will never know the whole truth probably... but there's no real justice for what the three kids must feel. there's no real justice drying the tears of Katherine... These beautiful kids will have to grow up without their Dad now.
Dame Elizabeth in her age and disease without her supporting friend now.
All of us fans without Michael who was our heart, our hold, our sense...

I'm sorry... :no:

... sometimes I'm like a bit scared about my own feelings... and honestly I do not think and feel not even death penalty (which is probably far of everything possible) of Murray or whomever is really responsible would never be real justice for that. It simply looks so 'not enough' to me. I feel very strong and intense about this and I put my faith in God here. I have trust. I don't even need to know what will happen to those responsible. But I know it will happen.
That's when the fans go on a mission... and arrest him ourselves.-_-

I wouldn't feel closure. Even if or when he gets arrested, I don't think I'll ever get full closure..:( I'll never heal.

Me too l dont think l will ever recover.:no:
even if he never gets arrested hell be known as the guy who likely killed michael jackson and given the stain mj had to deal with even after being aquited 30 years of that might jjust do it however hes likely going to jail for being a deadbeat dad which while not good enough makes me feel good
I think Ive stopped caring whether he gets arrested or not. It wont give me more closure and I feel like it wont make any of a difference. Its been months. Nothing has happened. Whats going on? I dont know and I feel like I dont even care about Murray anymore. Either there is an ongoing investigation on or not. It wont make any difference for me.. Sad to say... I have no anger for this man anymore.. Im not even bitter.. I cant place my energy on him anymore.

He will be arrested... what his charge(s) will be.. that's what kind of worries me
This is a huge case and one that besides Anna Nicole), is nothing out there like this..
I think Ive stopped caring whether he gets arrested or not. It wont give me more closure and I feel like it wont make any of a difference. Its been months. Nothing has happened. Whats going on? I dont know and I feel like I dont even care about Murray anymore. Either there is an ongoing investigation on or not. It wont make any difference for me.. Sad to say... I have no anger for this man anymore.. Im not even bitter.. I cant place my energy on him anymore.

i feel like that at the min aswell.nothing will bring mj back and thats all the matters. i have more hate towards those that caused us to get where we are. if they hadnt done what they did murray would be irrelvent
Like Michael said, let's


and hope that he will be.
If he is not arrested then I will be upset. He was completely negligent and didn't know what he was doing. He can't just get away with that. Michael died. He should not have died and he should still be here. It won't bring him back or take away the sadness but Michael was treated so badly when he was alive that it would be good to see some justice for him for once. Something at least if that make sense.
Even if he doesn't get PHYSICALLY arrested.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that he is EMOTIONALLY arrested and his 'legacy' / reputation is FOREVER tarnished.

Perhaps to never even practise again.

That to me is a 24/7 arrest.
This is just not right... Its been months and stilll nothing changes!
i wonder why no fans have done something with him yet. really. seriously, i mean that.
and i think he will never go to jail.
We have to try and be patient. It's hard right now. Didn't it take a while with the whole 2nd case?