What does MJ mean to you (Oprah asks)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I know a lot of us think Oprah is being arrogant (including me) for not releasing a statement but I came to visit Oprah's website to see if there was anything about MJ and I found this (not what I have hoped but okay).

It's our chance to share what he means to us in support of Michael.

What does Michael Jackson mean to you?

Michael Jackson: controversy, kids, costs? We've heard the media, the Republican congressman, now it's your turn. What does Michael Jackson mean or not mean to you? Too much media coverage, too much money spent or just the best way to say good-bye to an icon! Let's hear from you. We may contact you for a future show on Oprah Radio.

Why must WE share our love for Michael on HER tv-show when she is just gonna bash us and make us feel like idiots? I'd rather hear what SHE has to say about HIM. Because I have a feeling she is just doing the show to make us look like fools so she can critisize us.
She wants to know so that she can gage the public's perspective of him and do a show that panders to the majority. And why only 'controversy, kids, costs'? Does his music, showmanship, humanitarianism, inspiration not come into it? :brow: This question is so slanted towards negative already that it's obvious that that is the response they are hoping for.
Exactly, she is just doing that show so she can show the world once more how much she dislikes and disagrees with the fans opinions. Everytime she has a discussion either about addictions or Michael Jackson she never seems to understand SHIT what people go through.

And its so aggravating how she has written: ''Michael Jackson: kids, money, costs?'' as if thats whats most important to talk about after his death... Have some respect!!!!! Talk about his charity work, his genious, his music, his legacy, his family.. Why discuss his money??? Its so irrelevant at this point...
Poor Oprah. She never was as big as Michael... and she'll never be. :)
Oprah is too arrogant and ignorant to do a show that honours and celebrates the life of Michael Jackson, she has to do a show anyhow to keep her audience watching so she chose the subject of Michael Jackson, but with a twist... Not to celebrate his genious and talent and his personality... But to discuss the controversy, the trials and the money.

Oprah can go f*ck herself, I already know what kind of show this will be.
I'm EXTREMELY upset with Oprah. She should at the very least replay her interview with him. Ugh.
you know you guys don't like it when people pick on MJ, maybe you should show Oprah the same respect huh? You guys are acting like she's a bad person or something, when she really couldn't be farther from it.
I don't feel like watching Oprah any more for a long time. She thinks she knows it all.

I don't know if I will reply to her. Maybe we should get out our true feelings about her and our fear of turning everything negatively. Yes I will do that.
i guess i always wondered why we are so in need of wanting the approval of those who clearly don't want it. they're not better than us. it just seems to me, that Oprah has more power for hating on MJ, than she would have if she loved him. i don't think she matters.
you know you guys don't like it when people pick on MJ, maybe you should show Oprah the same respect huh? You guys are acting like she's a bad person or something, when she really couldn't be farther from it.

I'll stop when she takes her head out her ass...
I'm not really following Oprah, but when did she say anything negative about MJ?? as I remember it she was always supportive of him, did that suddenly change??
I don't watch Oprah's shows... so can anybody explain why people are so negative? XD I've only heard good things about her :S
Oprah is too arrogant and ignorant to do a show that honours and celebrates the life of Michael Jackson, she has to do a show anyhow to keep her audience watching so she chose the subject of Michael Jackson, but with a twist... Not to celebrate his genious and talent and his personality... But to discuss the controversy, the trials and the money.

Oprah can go f*ck herself, I already know what kind of show this will be.

Please tell me she didn't do this after his death.
Ignore her, she was a fairweather friend. We know what she thought when the chips were down, now she has seen and heard yesterday's memorial, she is not sure which way to go, she wants us to tell her.

She can go to hell.
I filled out the form:
What Michael Jackson means to me is to remain private. It is not something to be used for a sound bite or a clip on you tube. My emotions will not be used to garner more viewers. I do not need fifteen minutes of fame thank you. Why do my feelings count now? I have too much respect for Mr. Jackson, his children, his family and his fans, than to have my ego stroked.