What do you think of Randy Taraborelli?

@SmoothGangsta, @Moonstreet: Unlike you, I am not a member of that Michael Jackson online fan forum where members there create threads in order to bad-mouth @MJJCommunity and its owner @Gaz.

@Mister_Jay_Tee, that is very hypocritical on your part, considering that there are quotes from you where you speak badly of @MJJCommunity and its staff.

Show me specifically these parts that you find them "hateful rhetoric" towards Michael Jackson.
Bringing up years old drama that you weren't even involved in randomly is very normal lol.
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@Mister_Jay_Tee, that is very hypocritical on your part, considering that there are quotes from you where you speak badly of @MJJCommunity and its staff.
Notice how that has nothing to do with Michael Jackson, which is still who you're accused of slandering lol. Though in print it's libel.
@Gaz, please delete my last (and off-topic) post in this thread (post #88).

It is pointless to argue with these people about these things.

Depends on his source really. The stories he heard directly from the family back when he interviewed them are reliable. The ones he heard from unnamed sources are not always reliable. He also often makes up dialogues (he obviously was not in the room, so he could not possibly know what was said in such details).
yeah, he makes up a lot of dialogues đź«  it is weird